The Confederate Flag

TNB. Pullin a piece is 2nd nature to these mugs (as is violence towards females).
Edited by: DixieDestroyer
The Confederate flag, a symbol of a people, a nation that of the Southern (Confederate) White people.The blacks and others are not angry at the piece of cloth but at the people who it represents. Hate of the Confederate Flag(s) is hate of the Confederate people.

But if as some say "hate" is "fear" why do the blacks and others fear the Confederate people? Could it be that they fear losing their comfortable lifestyle? With welfare, Affirmative action, lawsuit lottery, only slaps on the wrist for serious crime much of the time and lots of other privileges,nonwhites are a very privilege class in the White lands.

The Confederate nation represents a threat to the nonwhites cushy lifestyle. The Confederacy has been occupied since the 1860's and the blacks have been a large part of the occupation even when Whites were able to impose some restrictions on blacks, after first reconstruction, to make life a little saver for Whites, they still had to expend resources to support and control them, giving them a much better life than they would have had in Africa, and with the coming of second reconstruction a.k.a. The "Civil Rights" movement, the black have come to enjoy a very cozy lifestyle on the back of oppressed Whites.

Also, note how often blacks try to use the present of a Confederate flag to justify their crimes against White people. What would happen if a White person tried to claim a black nation's flag cause them to attack a black. Won't that be called a "hate" crime? But when blacks attack Whites and claim it was over a White nation's flag it considered a defense?

The symbols of the Confederacy are a reminder that the blacks are not citizens of the Confederacy but part of the U.S. occupational force and 14th Amendment U.S. Citizens.When the Confederate nation rises again, the nonwhites will find themselves illegal aliens in the CSA.

Talk about "slavery," "racism," "oppression" are words use to try to justify, the unjustifiably oppression of the Confederate people.
Michael said:
The Confederate flag, a symbol of a people, a nation that of the Southern (Confederate) White people.The blacks and others are not angry at the piece of cloth but at the people who it represents. Hate of the Confederate Flag(s) is hate of the Confederate people.

But if as some say "hate" is "fear" why do the blacks and others fear the Confederate people? Could it be that they fear losing their comfortable lifestyle? With welfare, Affirmative action, lawsuit lottery, only slaps on the wrist for serious crime much of the time and lots of other privileges,nonwhites are a very privilege class in the White lands.

The Confederate nation represents a threat to the nonwhites cushy lifestyle. The Confederacy has been occupied since the 1860's and the blacks have been a large part of the occupation even when Whites were able to impose some restrictions on blacks, after first reconstruction, to make life a little saver for Whites, they still had to expend resources to support and control them, giving them a much better life than they would have had in Africa, and with the coming of second reconstruction a.k.a. The "Civil Rights" movement, the black have come to enjoy a very cozy lifestyle on the back of oppressed Whites.

Also, note how often blacks try to use the present of a Confederate flag to justify their crimes against White people. What would happen if a White person tried to claim a black nation's flag cause them to attack a black. Won't that be called a "hate" crime? But when blacks attack Whites and claim it was over a White nation's flag it considered a defense?

The symbols of the Confederacy are a reminder that the blacks are not citizens of the Confederacy but part of the U.S. occupational force and 14th Amendment U.S. Citizens.When the Confederate nation rises again, the nonwhites will find themselves illegal aliens in the CSA.

Talk about "slavery," "racism," "oppression" are words use to try to justify, the unjustifiably oppression of the Confederate people.

I'm one of the younger members on this site(29 years old) but I find it impossible to believe all this crap about slavery and oppression. It's got to be bull. I find it hard to believe that blacks had it sohard in this "racist" country. Are we really to believe that these blacks would have it better living in their own country starving to death? These days I haven't witnessed whites do a single thing to blacks. I've seen black on white crime that would make your blood boil.Sure there was segragation but that was to keep whites save from the violent negroes. These days whites are the biggest losers and using the Confederate Flag to try and Justify crimes is ridiculous.Edited by: whiteathlete33
An article entitled "NASCAR insults southern base."

NASCAR spit on it’s southern fan base by declaring that the Confederate flag is offensive. NASCAR reneged on a promise to allow PGA star Bubba Watson drive an original General Lee from the Duke of Hazard tv show as a pace car at the Phoenix International Raceway.

Despite being most popular among white southerners, NASCAR has a history of insulting this very group. Son of Confederate Veterans is also banned from being an advertiser.

The CSA flag represents freedom and the fight against tyranny which is why Yankees, scalawags and other occupiers fear it.
NASCAR is a giant corporate joke compared to its former glorious self from the 60s and before. Much as any real dissent is being purged from our society, so are its symbols, chief among them the "ANV" Confederate battle flag.
NASCAR sold out to the cultmarx agenda years ago, and have (as such) given the collective middle finger to their base (which gave them decades of loyalty).
Recently a man in Virginia began flying a large Confederate Battle flag on his private property.. the rub being that his land is alongside I-95 (outside Richmond).

A carpetbagging dunce running for governor in VA (McAuliffe) has come out and publicly denounced the flag-flier.. I had the displeasure of meeting McAuliffe about 10 years ago when he was the head of the Democratic National Committee. He's a native of upstate NY, who basically pointed @ a state on the map, and decided to run for Gov. somewhere (somewhere being Virginia).

The truth is, McAuliffe has no spiritual connection to Virginia, to speak on it's values, etc.. and I watched the flag-raising on Youtube.. The flag is obscured by the row of trees lining 95. I mean, a man flying a Confederate flag on his private property, in a Southern state, so what.
AA, that spineless carpetbaggin' cultmarxist "McG@yliffe" is garbage. He has absolutely no right to dictate what kind of flag a taxpaing citizen flies on their own private property.
A group of students who chose to attend Washington and Lee (university) in Lexington, Virginia.. are calling for the removal of Confederate flags, symbols & celebration at their school. The school was posthumously named for Robert E Lee after he served there as president. The Black law students chose Washington and Lee, and now want Lee's legacy erased from the school's memory.. :help:
A group of students who chose to attend Washington and Lee (university) in Lexington, Virginia.. are calling for the removal of Confederate flags, symbols & celebration at their school. The school was posthumously named for Robert E Lee after he served there as president. The Black law students chose Washington and Lee, and now want Lee's legacy erased from the school's memory.. :help:

Those weak minded, cultmarx warped, slackjawed pantywaists can go pound sand. General Lee had more class, honor & warrior spirit than the entire (current) student populace combined.
Two students at a Catholic school in Long Island were initially expelled for the maximum ten days for bringing a Confederate flag to an after-school sporting event. The school is 86% white and only 6% black.

Now principal Gary Cregan, who is a Catholic monk, has increased the penalty to expulsion. The extremely effeminate principal publicly told the media that the school's black students showed "heroic restraint" for not attacking the two white.

Principal Gary Cregan



Teens expelled from Long Island Catholic school for displaying Confederate flag, wearing blackface

A 'tense mood' has descended on St. Anthony's High School in South Huntington, NY. Two senior boys were expelled for bringing the Confederate flag to a school sports game and in a separate incident, two sophomore girls were punished for posting racially inflammatory images and comments on social media.
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Two students at a Catholic school in Long Island were initially expelled for the maximum ten days for bringing a Confederate flag to an after-school sporting event. The school is 86% white and only 6% black.

Now principal Gary Cregan, who is a Catholic monk, has increased the penalty to expulsion. The extremely effeminate principal publicly told the media that the school's black students showed "heroic restraint" for not attacking the two white.

Principal Gary Cregan



Teens expelled from Long Island Catholic school for displaying Confederate flag, wearing blackface
Just being what started in 1968. Esmaculate homosexuals pretending to be priests. Question? how in the f**K did this get to the media? Amerika....2014. Down the shi**er.
General Lee had more class, honor & warrior spirit than the entire (current) student populace combined.

Not only did Lee possess a great warrior spirit, but he served Washington & Lee honorably as well. If nothing else, you'd think the law students would have some respect for Lee's service to their school (Lee created the law dept. there),..

Ps- has anybody told the activists (& other assorted cretins) that the Washington in Washington & Lee.. was also a slave-owner.. who waged a revolution against a government he perceived as tyrannical. There's a simple-minded hatred/fixation with Confederate history and idealogy; even tho' it's consistent & within the stream of traditional American history & philosophy. Founding Fathers wanted Americans to fight against & defend themselves against Federal tyranny.
I wonder how many of these brilliant students also realize that had Virginia stayed in the Union, which it did until the fighting started after Fort Sumter, Lee would have served in the Union army. Lee basically said he would follow his state, either in the union or out of it.
I wonder how many of these brilliant students also realize that..Lee would have served in the Union army..

Amen../ or realize that Lee did serve honorably in the US Army. Many of the Confederates were well respected military men & Mexican War vets & heroes..

This is what kills me about the singular demonization of the Confederacy.. All their perceived sins seem to be okay when committed prior to the inception of the Confederacy (or within the slave-holding Union Border States). Americans owned slaves for hundreds of years prior to the CSA.. the Founding Fathers fought the gov't of their era, the abolition of slavery was a state right all thru the North when they abolished slavery at their state levels.. I don't see anything the Confederates did (or believed) that was different than the Founding Fathers, who are still revered (?) To me, Washington, and Lee, are virtually identical in thought & actions. But u don't hear nearly the same level of vitriol aimed at the generations leading up to the CSA. (no one boycotting/banning/protesting Betsy Ross flags, etc.)

I think culturalMarxists, militants, & indifferent students of history hope that if they dump all of America's racial sins on the CSA, like an Old Testament scapegoat, they can send it off into the woods & pretend the Confederacy was some kind of philosophic aberration.. But the Confederates were/still represent a deep American sentiment.
Amen../ or realize that Lee did serve honorably in the US Army. Many of the Confederates were well respected military men & Mexican War vets & heroes..

This is what kills me about the singular demonization of the Confederacy.. All their perceived sins seem to be okay when committed prior to the inception of the Confederacy (or within the slave-holding Union Border States). Americans owned slaves for hundreds of years prior to the CSA.. the Founding Fathers fought the gov't of their era, the abolition of slavery was a state right all thru the North when they abolished slavery at their state levels.. I don't see anything the Confederates did (or believed) that was different than the Founding Fathers, who are still revered (?) To me, Washington, and Lee, are virtually identical in thought & actions. But u don't hear nearly the same level of vitriol aimed at the generations leading up to the CSA. (no one boycotting/banning/protesting Betsy Ross flags, etc.)

I think culturalMarxists, militants, & indifferent students of history hope that if they dump all of America's racial sins on the CSA, like an Old Testament scapegoat, they can send it off into the woods & pretend the Confederacy was some kind of philosophic aberration.. But the Confederates were/still represent a deep American sentiment.

I certainly agree that the War on anything associated with the Confederacy is in full swing. But there are also many who fully condemn Washington, Jefferson, Madison, and others, for their slave holding, and are working to purge them from the new black-washed amerikan history.

Most of the people renaming schools and parks named after Washington and Jefferson, etal are based in black run cities so for the most part it is ignored by the MSM which is trying to piece together some narrative that will hold together the multi-cult empire. Thus Washington and Jefferson remain pillars of the holy ruling class in Wash DC. As amerika becomes less and less White it will be easier to rewrite history and revise those old dead white males from the narrative.

Those that live long enough will get to see the Washington monument renamed the George Washington Carver monument and the Jefferson memorial become the George Jefferson memorial. The Lincoln memorial will remain and the fourth of July will be replaced by Juneteenth celebrations of the "real" day of US independence, the Emancipation Proclamation.

The rep. from Compton, claims his bill was prompted after his mother :)violin:) saw replica Confederate money being peddled at the capitol & felt intimidated.. But I'm not sure what his mom saw that would lead to a ban on the battle flag (?) How many Confederate bills had a battle flag on it (?) That would be pretty obscure.. I think the $500 bill.. but it's flag is small & colorless. Any news outlet showing the scary money (?) It would be like picking the small vine-like leaves out on a current $1, and saying vines are intimidating cuz they could entangle ppl, or have been known to make ppl itchy.
Like Jax pointed out earlier in this thread.. it's about an eradication of all things Confederate, which is (& will, if undefended) snowball into eradicating & replacing all facets of White American history/legacy. Only one dissenting vote so far, and no one's even questioning the idiotic 'intimidated mom' fairy tale.
I've only seen one of these giant battle flags flying over the course of my travels, but it sure is a beautiful sight to behold! I do know where several smaller but still large (6'x10' through 10'x15') Confederate battle flags fly in high traffic areas and I get pumped up just knowing I'm going to get to see a nice sized one flying again!
Recently the Escambia County (FL) commission voted to remove their Confederate flag (and some additional European colonial flags with local history) from it's display in Pensacola. Their new policy is US flags only, even the Florida state flag is forbidden (unless grandfathered in @ some locations).. Guess even a state flag is now considered an offense to cultural Marxists' love of Federal hegemony (?)

The good news, a woman has taken up protesting the decision, and defending the honor of the Confederate flag. You can search her blog, facebook, etc- West Florida Flaggers. She was courageously out there protesting solo the other day, & trying to organize others.