Thanks, Carson Palmer

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Jimmy Chitwood

Hall of Famer
Aug 10, 2005
did i miss something? why is there all this certainty that Matt Jones won't make the cut? i mean, the NFL covets speed, upside, and raw talent more than anything, right? i mean, that is ALL that matters, or so we're told.

if the roster was actually determined by the aforementioned attributes (not to mention his incredible hands, tremendous leaping ability, and huge size), Matt Jones would be a sure thing. i can say without hyperbole,Jones is possibly the best athlete to ever play in the NFL. there has never been a player with his size/speed ratio in the history of the league. yet, "somehow" he is a marginal player ... i'm sure the fact that he is a White player has "nothing to do with his circumstances."

"weird," huh?


Oct 21, 2004
Kaptain Poop, I agree with you completely. If someone wrote a script about where T.O. would end up, could you find a more suitable WWE-type environment than the thug-infested Bengals, where he could line up alongside fellow drama queen Ocho Cinco?

More importantly, if Owens is still such a great player, why would the Rams not sign him? You mean to tell me that their management honestly believes future Hall of Famers Donnie Avery and Laurent Robinson give them a better chance of winning than T.O. does? No, instead, T.O. goes to a team that appears not to need another WR in the least. A team that just happens to have a rookie white WR that is headed for at minimum a lot of snaps in the acceptable "slot" position. Not to mention a 6'6, speedy white WR who should be just what they're looking for.

Just like the top white RBs always just seem to mysteriously gravitate to teams that will never use them (even though they don't mind wasting one of their supposedly precious high draft picks in the process), this kind of thing always just happens in the NFL. Top free agent white WR (probably the first and only time in modern history a white WR is the top guy on the market) Drew Bennett chooses to sign with the Rams, a few years ago, to be their THIRD WR. That has never happened to a top black free agent WR, and it will never happen to one. Why didn't receiver desperate teams like the Rams draft Shipley? Instead, the Bengals waste a third round pick on a top college player that will now be lucky to be the team's FOURTH WR. Take it to the bank- Shipley will never get a fair opportunity to start for the Bengals.

Okay- that's enough ranting.

Jack Lambert

Hall of Famer
Jan 3, 2009
bigunreal, I agree with your last post completely. Isn't it "weird" that the Vikings drafted Gerhart in the 2nd round when they have a Top 3 RB in the league. Sure, Toby will get plenty of work, but he won't be a starter unless Peterson gets injured or leaves. The Texans, who needed a back like Gerhart, chicken out and traded back.

The other two recent examples, Brian Leonard, who was drafted by the Rams, who already had a steady back in Steven Jackson. The Chargers drafted Jacob Hester after Tomlinson was coming off one of the best seasons of his career.

It is "mysterious" that the Bengals would sign a washed up WR when they already have a very deep recieving corps. But the Bengals just happened to have two white WRs who are more than capable of playing. TO could have gone to a few contenders with horrible recieving corps like San Francisco, New York Giants, or San Diego (especially if Jackson leaves).

Gentlemen, this is the Caste system is action.


Jul 21, 2005
New Jersey
I'm at a loss here to understand Carson Palmer's true motives. T.O. has been a cancer everywhere he has played and been the worst boil on his QB's butt. No QB has benefitted from T.O.'s presence for long. I don't really care about how this impacts Matt Jones. I am concerned that the worst cancer in football in the last 20 years is suddenly being recommended by the starting QB. I don't understand how any starting QB could recommend T.O. to join his team.

It is completely baffling to me why Palmer would suddenly show interest in T.O. No other QB has been stupid enough to say anything. Even on teams that need more help at WR than the Bengals.

For me, something is terribly amiss here. Either Palmer is a fool or he is being a good company man in supporting signing T.O. because the Bengals management wants to and feel his support will help calm the fans.

Whatever the reason, the Bengal's and Palmer will feel the negative effects of T.O. soon enough.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Owens' m.o. has been to not cause many problems his first year on a new team, then go into his act the second season. At his age this signing is an attempt by the Bengals to win it all this year. He most likely won't be on the team next year whether they win or lose in 2010.

It was Chad Johnson who was lobbying the hardest for Owens. Obviously, Mike Brown and Marvin Lewis were also interested. Although we will never know the exact chain of events, it's likely Palmer played the good soldier and went along with "Ocho Cinco," and also was likely genuinely impressed by Owens' ability. With a team that already has Johnson, Antonio Bryant and a bunch of felons and should-be felons, the addition of Owens for a season isn't that surprising.

In the '50s and '60s someone like Owens was unimaginable in the NFL. Neither management nor his own teammates would have let him get away with anything close to the behavior he has thrived on. But white football players are now a small minority in the league in addition to being psychologically conditioned by 40-plus years of the Permanent Cultural Marxist Revolution.


Jul 29, 2008
My problem with Carson Palmer is that based on the facts available to us, he is one of the handful of people who has given his stamp of approval for this signing. He certainly did not make the ultimate decision, but it does appear he was consulted and he endorsed the move.

The QB is the most important player on an NFL team. When that QB happens to be a veteran with a solid track record, he's the unquestioned leader and has the respect of all the players. When you are in a position where you are the alpha dog in the locker room, that gives you the ability to be more vocal about certain matters.

Therefore, I think Palmer should not have been afraid to speak out against this move when asked about it. This is assuming, of course, that he was just being a company man instead of growing a backbone and not wanting to cause any controversy.

On the other hand, if he truly believes that TO can help this team and he's supporting him based on that alone, then he's dumber than I thought. TO is a washed up locker-room cancer who is not even half the player he once was, and there's a reason not one team in the NFL wanted him onboard.

I will be rooting for Leonard, Shipley and Matt Jones (if he makes the team), but not Palmer, and certainly not the Bengals. I hope they have a dismal season and implode, with TO/Johnson leading the way.
Edited by: foobar75


Hall of Famer
Aug 2, 2007
North Carolina
Dec 18, 2004
Don Wassall said:
Owens' m.o. has been to not cause many problems his first year on a new team, then go into his act the second season.  At his age this signing is an attempt by the Bengals to win it all this year.  He most likely won't be on the team next year whether they win or lose in 2010. 
<div> </div>
<div>It was Chad Johnson who was lobbying the hardest for Owens.  Obviously, Mike Brown and Marvin Lewis were also interested.  Although we will never know the exact chain of events, it's likely Palmer played the good soldier and went along with "Ocho Cinco," and also was likely genuinely impressed by Owens' ability.  With a team that already has Johnson, Antonio Bryant and a bunch of felons and should-be felons, the addition of Owens for a season isn't that surprising.  </div>
<div> </div>
<div>In the '50s and '60s someone like Owens was unimaginable in the NFL.  Neither management nor his own teammates would have let him get away with anything close to the behavior he has thrived on.  But white football players are now a small minority in the league in addition to being psychologically conditioned by 40-plus years of the Permanent Cultural Marxist Revolution.  </div>

A good point. The late Paul Brown used to claim that he wanted good citizens with character, especially in his Cleveland days. PB only drafted one Tennessee player with the Browns (Mike Lucci) after 2 years with Doug Atkins, whom he unloaded to the Bears, where Atkins was a legendary DE. Atkins made him afraid of Tennessee players, center Bob Johnson in 1968 was one of the very few Paul Brown ever drafted.

I read a piece about Carroll Rosenbloom and his son Steve said something interesting. Rosenbloom, on his Colt and Ram teams wanted "intelligent players with good character."

Does anyone in NFL management these days say with a straight face, "I want intelligent players with good character."

In the '70s you started getting the Owens type.


Hall of Famer
Mar 18, 2007
New Jersey
Owens was a very good receiver. The key word here is was. He's not nearly as good now because of age and in a fair league Jones would be a third or fourth wide receiver on this team at worst.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
sport historian said:
Does anyone in NFL management these days say with a straight face, "I want intelligent players with good character."

What are you talking about? They say it all the time. I can think of a bunch of times coaches and GM's have said something like that. The difference is they don't mean it.
Dec 18, 2004
jaxvid said:
sport historian said:
Does anyone in NFL management these days say with a straight face, "I want intelligent players with good character."

What are you talking about? They say it all the time. I can think of a bunch of times coaches and GM's have said something like that. The difference is they don't mean it.

They are only paying it lip service. When do they act on it?

white wr

Jul 27, 2010
well looks like im not watching the bengals this year after they signed terrel owens. Matt jones almost surely will be cut now


Dec 13, 2009
Hopefully Jones gets a chance to shine in the preseason so that another NFL team will sign him. I know there were a couple of other teams interested in Jones besides the Bungles.


Hall of Famer
Oct 19, 2009
Somewhere near Kansas City, MO
white wr said:
sport historian said:
white wr said:
hey i know this may be off topic but ive been to manning passing academy and its roughly 80 percent white so u should research a little more

This must mean it's 20 percent black.
well yes lol
....And yet, these "80%" white receivers, in spite of dazzling high school performances, outstanding measurables, and having attended the "Manning passing academy" are snubbed by virtually all FBS schools. Coming soon to an NAIA school near you!!

white wr

Jul 27, 2010
FootballDad said:
white wr said:
sport historian said:
white wr said:
hey i know this may be off topic but ive been to manning passing academy and its roughly 80 percent white so u should research a little more

This must mean it's 20 percent black.
well yes lol
....And yet, these "80%" white receivers, in spite of dazzling high school performances, outstanding measurables, and having attended the "Manning passing academy" are snubbed by virtually all FBS schools. Coming soon to an NAIA school near you!!
I know it really is ashame


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
FootballDad said:
white wr said:
sport historian said:
white wr said:
hey i know this may be off topic but ive been to manning passing academy and its roughly 80 percent white so u should research a little more
This must mean it's 20 percent black.
<div></div>well yes lol
<div></div>....And yet, these "80%" white receivers, in spite of dazzling high school performances, outstanding measurables, and having attended the "Manning passing academy" are snubbed by virtually all FBS schools.  Coming soon to an NAIA school near you!!

Let's not forget your favorite JUCO, Community College & D3/bush league school.


Oct 21, 2004
For what it's worth, it's being reported now that Marvin Lewis was against the signing of Owens.


Hall of Famer
Jun 4, 2007
This thread is officially justified"¦

ESPN is now running 24-7, round-the-clock coverage of the "T.O. & Ochocinco Circle Jerk Burlesque Show."Â￾ I even saw a absurdly unnecessary "live feed"Â￾ of an empty Bengals practice field at dusk. How romantic. If the corporate media repeats that something is a "significant"Â￾ occurrence long enough"¦the hollow pod-people start to believe it to be true. Terrell Owens is a "has-been"Â￾"¦and Chad Johnson is a "never-was." Yes, what a compelling tale.

Chad Johnson (the imbecile, infantile, underachieving reality-show diva) has been the annoying poster-child / corporate spokesperson of NFL Network for the past 3-4 years.

Terrell Owens (the talented, yet always egomaniacal, loud-mouthed, reality-show queen and overdramatic media lovechild) has been ESPN's most discussed athlete after Tiger Woods and Lebron James.

Drew Rosenhaus, the agent for Owens said that "Carson Palmer had a lot to do with this deal."Â￾ I also heard Owens say something similar during one of his many contrived press-conferences. I guess throwing to Matt Jones and Jordan Shipley wasn't good enough for Palmer. He's admitted that he did indeed "recruit"Â￾ Owens, or at the very least "put in a good word"Â￾ with Bengal management. Sure, he may have done so because he "just wants to win"Â￾"¦but that just further proves what really "drives"Â￾ white men. White quarterbacks (especially "big name" QBs) are as much a part of the Caste System as the thoroughly racists coaches, owners, GMs, DWFs, etc.

The melting together of these two turd-boys should make for a particularly revolting vat of boiling feces. Hopefully all parties involved receive their just deserts.Edited by: Thrashen


Hall of Famer
Oct 3, 2008
Suffolk County, NY
So I was reading a fair synopsis of the disgusting Bengals franchise by a CBS sports writer. Other than the standard inclusion of Matt Jones with the rest of the criminals, the article poses a good question for Bengals fans. How can you support this team?

Let's see how a few of the drunks respond:

Here's a little snippet from Hutch9, "First off get off T.O.'s testies. Second I've been a Bengal all my life and I really dont give a %$#@ if are players aren't choir boys as long as they can play football. Third Chad Johnson is the best Bengal WR of all time and I love it. I like that he's a hot dog because he does it for me the fan, and I like the fact that he brings excitement to the team, and he is also a good person."

Some literary gold from another sh*tstain, Banditman, "Mr. Doyel, you just don't get it. Why do you love your idiot Dad or street walker of a Mom? Because they are "yours" and in spite of their flaws, you still love them. You don't have to like what they do, when they do it or how they do it, but you support them regardless." Wow, comparing afflete thugs to one's parents. hmmm, let's see what else he has to say, "As for what jersey I will wear? I will wear a different one each week as I always have." How nice. Another man-child proudly wearing his favorite negro criminals on his back. I wonder how much $ these losers waste on jerseys?

Ok, last DWF because my head is starting to hurt and I could continue quoting these sheep all day. cincybearcat says,"Instead keep beating an old drum about Cincinnati and arrests because no one in this city cares because the product on the field is entertaining and they are winning."

With the mindset of these fans, how are things in the NFL ever going to change for the better? Maybe the best thing would be the NFL going bankrupt...Edited by: Freethinker

Jack Lambert

Hall of Famer
Jan 3, 2009
Yeah Thrashen, I just heard Owens himself say Palmer spearheaded the effort to sign him.

As for the DWFs, I bet you anything that T.O. or Ochostinko could walk up to them, punch them out, and trash their "home" but said fans wouldn't want them arrested or charged because it might hurt "their" teams chances.Edited by: Jack Lambert


Oct 21, 2004
Great post, as always, Thrashen.

Jack Lambert- there was a film made a few years back, think it was called "The Fan." The plot concerned your typical DWF, who actually is physically assaulted by his favorite black NFL player. Very illuminating, with a script many of the posters here on Caste Football could have written.


Nov 25, 2004
How delussional is Chad Johnson? He actually truly believes that they now have the superbowl in the bag. After all, who could stop a team with both O'choke Cinco and Oldbloke Uno? Unstoppable! Lets see, since Owens left his previous teams with dissappointing performances they have struggled to replace his greatness. LOL. He's been replaced by DeSean Jackson and Austin Miles. There's a good chance the next superstar reciever will emerge from the Buffalo Bills this year.
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