Thanks, Carson Palmer

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Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
whiteathlete33 said:
Don, do you still believe Bigunreal doesn't have a legit point? I rarely agree with him but this is an exception.

I believe Chad Johnson was the main promoter of the signing among Bengals players; Palmer was used as a tool byJohnson, Owens and his PR machine, and the media. And Mike Brown obviously wanted it too or it wouldn't have happened. So I would point to Brown and Marvin Lewis, and then well below that, Johnson and Palmer, asinfluencing factors. But even if Palmer was the instigator and main promoter, it's still focusing too much on effect and not cause, e.g., Palmer's behavior was predictable given the dynamics of the NFL, and to single him out (again) without knowing what he believes or what he thinks about the NFL and its racial policiesisn't something I agree with. Our fire should be aimed at the causes and enablers of the Caste System.

To me it matters little whether Palmer is throwing to Chad Johnson and Antonio Bryant, or Chad Johnson and Terrell Owens (or all three). All three of them are representative of what's wrong with the NFL. I think he's always been fair to his White teammates, and has shown about as much disgust as a White football player can regarding the thuggish makeup of his team without getting in trouble.There's absolutely nothing about him, going back to his days at USC and then with the Bengals, thatcrys out "wigger" to me. I think he's a class act.

Sure, I would have preferred that he hadn't lent his name to the latest T.O. circus, but it doesn't change my opinion of him. He's a tremendous talent and I'd like to see him have a nice comeback year after a couple of subpar, injury-marred seasons and put up huge numbers and further solidify the White hold on the extremely key position of quarterback.


Hall of Famer
Mar 18, 2007
New Jersey
This signing also hurts Shipley. Antonio Bryant will play in the slot when he's healthy. If not for TO Shipley would have that role.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Antonio Bryant, slot receiver? I highly doubt it. Owens was signed to replace Bryant and his perpetual bad knee.Shipley was so good at Texas he mayget to shine as a rookie out ofsheer necessity.

The Bengals continue to be one of the most interesting teams to follow. Shipley, Brian Leonard, Matt Jones, Chase Coffman. . . and of course Carson Palmer, the for some reason "controverisal" Cincy QB.


Hall of Famer
Mar 18, 2007
New Jersey
I can't remember where I read that but Bryant was supposedly supposed to be a slot receiver with the signing of Owens. As far as Coffman goes he should be a starter. Does anyone remember who started last year at TE for the Bengals? Was it Daniel Coats?
Edited by: whiteathlete33

Jack Lambert

Hall of Famer
Jan 3, 2009
If I remember right, Marvin Lewis likes Shipley, and said he'll probably be in the slot in three WR sets.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
whiteathlete33 said:
I can't remember where I read that but Bryant was supposedly supposed to be a slot receiver with the signing of Owens.

I've read that too, but just don't see it happening. Owens looks to have been signed to take Bryant's place. I think even the Bengals realize how good Shipley can be in the slot, though he could play outside just as effectively but won't be allowed to. There was lots of praise when Cincy signed Laveranues Coles last offseason and thatended up beinga disaster as Coles was washed up. The Bryant signing could end up the same way because of his bad knee. For all the hype Andre Caldwell gets, he was pretty bad in the slot last year, especially the last part of the season. Shipley should be their slot guy by next season, maybe even this year as he's way better than Caldwell.Edited by: Don Wassall


Nov 25, 2004
According to the fantasy football sites TE and new 1st round draft pick Jermaine Gersham will be starting at TE - not Chase Coffman.


Hall of Famer
Jan 9, 2005
The Deep South
Whew, what a thread. I just now took a look through it. Matt Jones' chances don't look very good at all now. I agree with JCs assessment of Matt as a player and athlete. He has to be at the very top of the list when it comes to White NFL players who have been screwed the most by the Caste System. It saddens me to know that the NFL desperately needs players like him but won't use him simply because he's White.

The BlingOlds' main starter at TE in '09 was Daniel "Fat Boy" Coats (11 out of 16 games). They used him as a blocker mostly, which is great because he's not a good pass catcher at all. The emerging screwjob of Chase Coffman also ticks me off. Take a look at his profile page here. See what it says at the bottom? "Finished his Missouri career as all-time NCAA receptions leader (247)
among tight ends, but had the ‘project' tag as a rookie because he saw
only limited work in college as a blocker."

Compare that to the description of Gresham found here. Somehow, Coffman is not built as "lean" as Gresham despite being an inch taller and 10 pounds lighter?
What a lie! Gresham might be a better blocker than Coffman, but I doubt he will ever be a better pass catcher. This reminds me of what happened to the smaller but immensely talented record breaking Tulsa TE, Garrett Mills.

As to the QB situation, this is one reason why I'm not a huge fan of most NFL QBs. I want to see them do well/do their part to weaken the Caste System and resist the black quarterback trend, but I don't usually follow them to the same extent that I follow White DBs/WRs/RBs/etc. Their role as leaders of 70% non-white teams puts them under steady pressure to go along with the current NFL culture and climate, and as a result, they sometimes say or do things that are counter productive to our cause/to the cause of other White athletes we root for. I don't really expect them to say or do much to buck the trends, as I know they are mostly concerned about keeping their jobs and income. I don't like this, but that seems to be the way it is. Its not that other White players never do this, but I believe QBs are the ones who most often do it. Selfishness and the love of money (or whatever you want to call it) certainly complicate matters when it comes to fighting the Caste System.


Hall of Famer
Mar 18, 2007
New Jersey
snow said:
Filed to ESPN: Carson Palmer will demand a trade from Bengals; willing to play retirement card, if necessary.
<div>I guess hes tired of his teammates. Serves him right.</div>

Palmer isn't very good anymore. He was a top tier quarterback a few years ago but his arm strength is mediocre now.


Oct 7, 2009
On the far Right
The DWFs have been in near riot mode ever since Mike Brown and Marvin Lewis (aka "Giggles" to some of the fans) conducted their very poorly received press conference to announce that Marvin would remain the coach. At the very least the DWFs wanted to hear that Bratkowski would be replaced and more than a few didn't want Marvin back either. That episode of tone deaf PR came off as arrogant and out of touch as Brown and Lewis refused to specify any changes to be made after going 4-12 and even refused to announce the length Marvin's new contract. Honestly the tone of that press conference seemed as if Brown was taking perverse delight in refusing to disclose anything to the press or fans. Based on Brown's horrid reputation, everyone assumes that means that no changes will be made. A prominent theory swirling around is that inside information about these non-changes has trickled down to Carson and he has decided that enough is enough and wants out. My guess is that he either knows or believes that the Bengals will keep Chad Johnson and Bob Bratkowski.


Dec 13, 2009
Carson should have just had the Tommy John surgery done that he needed. Not having it done has clearly effected his velocity.


Oct 7, 2009
On the far Right
Vince Young seems to be the leading candidate to replace Carson among the Cincinnati DWFs. Vince "All He Does Is Quit Games" Young is incompetent and mentally handicapped. Nevertheless, the Cincy DWFs still buy into the myth that he is a winner. One DWF even referred to Young as a leader. Among the various types of DWFs, the species in Cincinnati is generally clueless about anything that transpires outside of Cincinnati.


Hall of Famer
Sep 23, 2008
So Cal
Wait! this guy Carson who played major college ball, then the NFL, and advocated the signing of Terrel "I'm scared to go over the middle" Owens and helped in burying Matt Jones, now wants to be traded from a team he helped create?

F him, never liked this affoolet enabler. I put him along with Rex Ryan as White America traitors.


Oct 7, 2009
On the far Right
Westside said:
Wait! this guy Carson who played major college ball, then the NFL, and advocated the signing of Terrel "I'm scared to go over the middle" Owens and helped in burying Matt Jones, now wants to be traded from a team he helped create?

F him, never liked this affoolet enabler. I put him along with Rex Ryan as White America traitors.

To be fair Matt Jones was never going to make the team. The DWFs hated him and the Bengals simply would never keep two white WRs on the roster. The truth is that Caldwell and Simpson were locks simply because they were under contract.

Unfortunately Carson has that "company man" personality and publicly supports whatever management does. I guess he has had enough of that.


Hall of Famer
Sep 23, 2008
So Cal
Paleocon, like a I said he is an affoolet enabler. Too bad he waited too long to see the obvious, that is the train wreck Bungles.


Hall of Famer
Sep 23, 2008
So Cal
Furthermore, this placater should have known there was a problem when the Bungles brain trust signed that epic affelet Andre Smiff, all 350 lbs of him. He has been an absolute bust and is making unearned millions. This in of itself should set the 'red flag warning' to get out of there.


Oct 19, 2010
In Transit
The rumor going around seems to be his issue is with Marvin Lewis returning as head coach as well as Chad Johnsons option being picked up. That appears to be the proverbial straw. I won't pass judgment on him just yet as it is possible he has been lobbying for positive changes behind the scenes while towing the company line.

Paleo is correct, it seems those in the fan running for a replacement are Vince Young or Cam Newton. Knowing the owners affinity for affletic black quarterbacks and his attempts at signing Michael Vick as well as JaMarcus Russell they are probably not far off.


Nov 15, 2007
snow said:
johnnyboy said:
snow said:
 Filed to ESPN: Carson Palmer will demand a trade from Bengals; willing to play retirement card, if necessary.
<div> </div>
<div> </div>
<div>I guess hes tired of his teammates. Serves him right.</div>
what do you mean by "serves him right?"
<div>basically what Westside just said</div>

wow. you guys are pretty hard core. tell me, what did your boss say the first time you walked into his office and demanded that he not hire any black employees??...yup. i'm guessing you haven't gotten around to it right? but in your delusion, you expect Carson to tell his caste abiding GM/coaches not to hire "affoolets?" i don't know man. it seems incredibly hypocritical of you to come after Carson without cleaning house at your own job first.

Carson hasn't done anything to warrant this kind of hate/bitterness.

that's just my opinion. you are entitled to yours.

let me know how it goes with your boss.

cheers.Edited by: johnnyboy

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
johnnyboy said:
snow said:
johnnyboy said:
snow said:
Filed to ESPN: Carson Palmer will demand a trade from Bengals; willing to play retirement card, if necessary.

I guess hes tired of his teammates. Serves him right.
what do you mean by "serves him right?"

basically what Westside just said

wow. you guys are pretty hard core. tell me, what did your boss say the first time you walked into his office and demanded that he not hire any black employees??...yup. i'm guessing you haven't gotten around to it right? but in your delusion, you expect Carson to tell his caste abiding GM/coaches not to hire "affoolets?" i don't know man. it seems incredibly hypocritical of you to come after Carson without cleaning house at your own job first.

Carson hasn't done anything to warrant this kind of hate/bitterness.

that's just my opinion. you are entitled to yours.

let me know how it goes with your boss.


I agree. I've never understood the way Carson Palmer has been singled out by some here for not being a martyr on behalf of Caste Football. There's nothing about him that's the least bit wiggerish or anti-White. He's always been a class act, but apparently he's at fault because the Bengals are filled with thugs and prima donnas.


Hall of Famer
Sep 23, 2008
So Cal
Well, I will attempt to give a reason for anti-Carson 'flava' here at CF.

We all agree that Carson was once and maybe still an elite QB. Right?

It is also quite fair to say that he would be a GREAT evaluator of wide reliever talent. Right?

So, either we, all here at CF have been RIGHT about Matt Jones abilities and spent untold hours here creating an epic thread about him and the injustices he has encountered as a NFL receiver or just wishful/delusional thinking justified by Carson not advocating his(Jones)place on the team. I am pretty sure if Carson championed Jones, he would have played all 16 games in 2010 if he had any kind of NFL ability to perform.

Or...maybe we don't know what we are talking about it, and maybe it was indeed only wishful thinking that Jones belonged on the team. After all, Carson didn't publicly state he wanted Jones a secured spot on the team. But he can go out on a loud speaker(ESPN and MSM) and advocate a roster spot for washed up TO to be the team! You kidding me!

Do any of you really think at this point that TO's better than Jones! No way. No, Carson, I'm afraid, is just part of the Caste problem, as many 'high profile' white players are, afraid to look out for their own, especially one with the talent that Jones has.

It is not like Carson was insisting that half of the team be white, just ONE good receiver to go along with the other talented token(sarcasm)players like Shipley or Leonard.

So to continue the anti-Carson vibe here.....F him with a capital letter and many times over!


Hall of Famer
Sep 23, 2008
So Cal
Also, BIG hat tip to bigunreal for beginning this thread. He knew the score at its infancy.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Westside said:
Well, I will attempt to give a reason for anti-Carson 'flava' here at CF.

We all agree that Carson was once and maybe still an elite QB. Right?

It is also quite fair to say that he would be a GREAT evaluator of wide reliever talent. Right?

So, either we, all here at CF have been RIGHT about Matt Jones abilities and spent untold hours here creating an epic thread about him and the injustices he has encountered as a NFL receiver or just wishful/delusional thinking justified by Carson not advocating his(Jones)place on the team. I am pretty sure if Carson championed Jones, he would have played all 16 games in 2010 if he had any kind of NFL ability to perform.

Or...maybe we don't know what we are talking about it, and maybe it was indeed only wishful thinking that Jones belonged on the team. After all, Carson didn't publicly state he wanted Jones a secured spot on the team. But he can go out on a loud speaker(ESPN and MSM) and advocate a roster spot for washed up TO to be the team! You kidding me!

Do any of you really think at this point that TO's better than Jones! No way. No, Carson, I'm afraid, is just part of the Caste problem, as many 'high profile' white players are, afraid to look out for their own, especially one with the talent that Jones has.

It is not like Carson was insisting that half of the team be white, just ONE good receiver to go along with the other talented token(sarcasm)players like Shipley or Leonard.

So to continue the anti-Carson vibe here.....F him with a capital letter and many times over!

First of all, Palmer is an employee, not the Cincinnati GM or head of personnel. I find the assumption that Carson Palmer could have dictated if Jones made the team or not and how much he would have played if he did astonishing. My understanding is that quarterbacks are paid to be the best quarterback they can be, not to oversee and veto the decisions of the executives of the organization they play for.

Second, Westside, do you have any evidence that Palmer did or didn't advocate on behalf of Matt Jones? To have any you would have to be privy to private conversations. You have absolutely no clue what went on, and again the assumption of the Palmer hatersis that White QBs are in charge of player personnel on NFL teams. Read through this thread and you'll see that Palmer was publicly complimentary toward Jones, and toward Brian Leonard. He threw to Jordan Shipley often during the season. But I guess to meet your qualifications, he has to ruin his career by publicly advocating that the Bengals draft and sign more White players.

Third, if Palmer is somehow "guilty" of being "afraid to look out forhis own," name a White NFL player who meets your qualifications. Name a White NFL player who publicly champions the cause of White football players.Why isn'tevery other White star in the NFL not equally as "guilty" as Palmerfor not lobbying their team to pick up and play Matt Jones during the 2010 season. And if you can't name any, then why "F" Carson Palmer and not every other White player in the NFL?

This thread started off with an irrational perspective(hardly a surprise given who started it) and unfortunately has been revived with more of it.
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