Thanks, Carson Palmer

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Don, it is just my opinion laced with conjecture. It is a major problem with fellow white players not having the courage to speak for fellow whites and the injustices against them. Somehow Hillis had the courage to state the racists taunts towards him this year.I guess the NFL and White men's "behavior / cowardice" is a microcosm of America. I don't have to tell you the forces against us, and how some white men look the other way or just keep quite.

Also, I think established QBs, such as Brady, Manning. Brees and Carson have a definite influence on who catches their respective thrown passes and consequently who lines up on Sundays.

Also, Brian Urlacer stood up for the Bears'QB a couple days ago, to my surprise. But there are alot of White players guilty of being quite, when they see the obvious injustices to their fellow man. Too much of going along to get along crap.

What I want to know is who is the better evaluator of talent? Members of CF or established NFL QBs. And if it is the Caste system leaning on a QB such as Carson, which influences corrupt decisions, I find him all the more loathsome.
This is a site devoted to supporting White athletes, not singling one out for abuse because he hasn't publicly aligned with the opinions of certain posters on Caste Football. The invective directed toward Carson Palmer is wrong and is counter-productive to the mission of Caste Football.

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