Super Bowl L

I live near Charlotte, NC and the 11 o'clock news was so depressing. The local sports reporter tried to talk to the team after the game but couldn't find anyone. The players ran to the tunnel with their tails between their legs and sulked. Everyone around here thought this would be a cakewalk.
The Hock what part of the country are you watching the game?

I'm watching the game from rice country up in Butte County, in northern California. Hence my avatar overlooking a flooded rice field from a duck blind.

Missed the second half of the game. Mr. Yakkity Yak Hippie Pony Tail San Francisco PC Clone took exception to an opinion I expressed (or was trying to express) on a touchy subject and wouldn't even let me finish my thought. Just basically shut me down and shouted me down like the F'n leftwing censorious jerk he is. Don't really know the guy but I know what he is. Things got tense and quiet for a while, then I said I was going to make sure my car was locked, went out got in it and left. The other people there were cool, but I couldn't stand being in the same room with this guy.

Hat's off to the Denver D. Great play on the forced fumble by Miller. This won't quiet the Yabbutts on Manning's legacy, but a win is a win is a win. Things worked out pretty damn good for Mr. Peyton considering his eroded skills. I just hope he doesn't stick around to try for to one-up Eli. Time to ride off into the sunset with that second ring.
Glad too for Gary Kubiak. He's always seemed like one of the relatively fairest coaches in the league and a decent man.
D-lineman Derek Wolfe showing some wheels at 6'-5" 285 chasing Newton... (now referred to as a poor-mans JJ Watt)
That gif will be the world's most popular gif ever. I pride myself on fairness so I find it hard to kick blacks even Scam when they're down, but for the white anti-whites and their precious narrative I would sell them to ISIS if I could and today is at least a down payment on that debt.
It was an enjoyable game from an anti-sCam Newton standpoint. His lack of maturity toward the end of the game was evident. Now, whether or not other teams can use the Denver "template" to stop the Carolina offense going forward remains to be seen. Denver played a straight base defense with their line and inside linebackers, while using Ware and Miller as wild cards. The defensive backfield played straight-up man-to-man. Most teams don't have the personnel to pull this off, and worse, most teams play zone with their defensive backs so that they can "look" toward the line of scrimmage in case Newton runs. This is what kills teams because unlike the vast majority of black QB's, Newton is not a dink-and-dunker. He's not David Gerrard 2.0, he actually throws the ball downfield. He had a terrible game, and unraveled towards the end, but unfortunately it's going to be tough for any team to replicate what Denver did. Here's to hoping that many make adjustments and can frustrate sCam, at that point he's his own worst enemy.
Bad game for the professional race baiters, who assumed Newton was going to win.

Winning a second Super Bowl was huge for Peyton's legacy. Only having one was always held against him by the haters, and now he joins select company with his second.

Peyton Manning's performance in this game will be forgotten. He'll be remembered for having two Super Bowl rings. And his overall great career.
In the past two years, the Superbowl game has seen Tom Brady defeat Russell Wilson and Peyton Manning defeat Cam Newton. Hard to complain about the two best QB’s of the last 20 years (Brady being the all-time greatest) defeating mobile “up-and-coming” black messiahs of the Caste System.

The game itself was truly the optimum cure for insomnia. Newton’s non-attempt to dive at a freshly-fumbled football was highly telling of his character, fortitude, and will. Any other QB, white or black, with attached testicles would’ve broken his neck to retrieve that ball, particularly with a Superbowl title hanging in the balance. If he never wins the Superbowl, his effeminate behavior in this clip should haunt Cam for the rest of his life…


Unlike Cam, the ultra-masculine so-called “singer,” Beyonce, was present for yet another putrid Superbowl Halftime performance. This time, “she” was allegedly paying homage to the “Black Panthers,” “Malcom X,” and the “Black Lives Matter” cretins. Like all “anti-racists,” this Negress troglodyte is fanatically anti-white (despite the fact that white fans are solely responsible for her fame/fortune) and is obsessed with all racial matters. Her backup dancers...



Ahh, but having militant Black Nationalist dancers giving the “black power” salute wasn’t enough, as we were then “treated” to a rainbow-swathed performance by the effete, pencil-necked little waif-boys in the band “Coldplay.” Here was the gaiety in all its “glory.” I found the homosexual references to be a perfect metaphor for the quality of play occurring during the “big game”…


Heterosexuals crusading for *** marriage is so 2015 and now it’s completely legal in all 50 states. What are they bitching about anyway? Perhaps that elusive and unquantifiable perception of “equality” between **** and normal people? I’m well versed as to the purpose of all Marxist “causes,” but this one seems very obsolete. At this juncture, the bones of the heavily-beaten “dead horse of gay marriage” require carbon dating.

Despite the political stuff, it was another failure overall for the Caste System. Their league MVP, Cam, had three costly turnovers (2 fumbles, 1 INT), his passing was inaccurate, his fortitude was questioned, his pouting and general juvenile behavior during the game was apparent, and him walking out of the press conference in a rage were all quite damning to the legend of “Supa Man.” Haha, another black QB loses the Suerpbowl. Oh well, the Little Black Crybaby will always have that imbecilic dance move to commemorate this heartbreaking failure of a season…


As for Manning, he played the role of a Plantation Boss Game Manager, but did enough to win. He's been the gold standard of professional athletes for nearly two decades and deserves much credit for his own lengthy list of QB'ing accomplishments as well as producing multiple white 1,000-yard WRs/TEs (Stokley, Clark, Decker) and throwing to countless others with Indy and Denver. Congrats to Manning on a great ending to his storied career!
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BSPN doing it's part to defend and rationalize Scam's childish behavior after the game:

I watched the NFL Network last night as Marshall Faulk, Deion Sanders and Michael Irvin were discussing it. Faulk excused Newton's behavior, saying he'll "learn" from it, while Sanders and Irvin were critical. Host Chris Rose, the token non-black, cowered in fear during the discussion, afraid to say anything bad about the overgrown child.

I'm not worried about Newton. He'll soon be 27, which means he'll start getting injured if he keeps running the way he does. When he has to become solely a pocket passer he's not going to be a great one. Plus, given the parity of the NFL the odds are pretty good he won't get back to the Super Bowl again.

All that media crap about the "new breed" of quarterback is the same propaganda line they were spewing 20 years ago (Randall Cunningham and Kordell Stewart) and 10 years ago (Daunte Culpepper) and 5 years ago (Josh Freeman and RGIII), and every year in between. The list of black failures at QB is long while the list of successful ones is comically short. Newton may be the rare one that actually does well for an extended period of time, but anyone who looks at it objectively realizes that Whites on average are significantly better at the position. The real issue is the way Whites are discounted and systematically discriminated against at every position other than kicker and long snapper.
It was an enjoyable game from an anti-sCam Newton standpoint. His lack of maturity toward the end of the game was evident. Now, whether or not other teams can use the Denver "template" to stop the Carolina offense going forward remains to be seen. Denver played a straight base defense with their line and inside linebackers, while using Ware and Miller as wild cards. The defensive backfield played straight-up man-to-man. Most teams don't have the personnel to pull this off, and worse, most teams play zone with their defensive backs so that they can "look" toward the line of scrimmage in case Newton runs. This is what kills teams because unlike the vast majority of black QB's, Newton is not a dink-and-dunker. He's not David Gerrard 2.0, he actually throws the ball downfield. He had a terrible game, and unraveled towards the end, but unfortunately it's going to be tough for any team to replicate what Denver did. Here's to hoping that many make adjustments and can frustrate sCam, at that point he's his own worst enemy.

Now matter black or white; running quarterback will never be as effective nor enduring as the thrower. Maybe next season, maybe season after, who knows when but Newton is going get crashed while running and getting injured. Its not if but when. Brady way incomparable.
In the past two years, the Superbowl game has seen Tom Brady defeat Russell Wilson and Peyton Manning defeat Cam Newton. Hard to complain about the two best QB’s of the last 20 years (Brady being the all-time greatest) defeating mobile “up-and-coming” black messiahs of the Caste System.

To be fair, the Superbowl right before that was Wilson defeating Manning.... on the strength of his team's elite defense.

I still think there's a chance Peyton gets healthy and comes back for one more year.
I watched the NFL Network last night as Marshall Faulk, Deion Sanders and Michael Irvin were discussing it. Faulk excused Newton's behavior, saying he'll "learn" from it, while Sanders and Irvin were critical. Host Chris Rose, the token non-black, cowered in fear during the discussion, afraid to say anything bad about the overgrown child.

I'm not worried about Newton. He'll soon be 27, which means he'll start getting injured if he keeps running the way he does. When he has to become solely a pocket passer he's not going to be a great one. Plus, given the parity of the NFL the odds are pretty good he won't get back to the Super Bowl again.

All that media crap about the "new breed" of quarterback is the same propaganda line they were spewing 20 years ago (Randall Cunningham and Kordell Stewart) and 10 years ago (Daunte Culpepper) and 5 years ago (Josh Freeman and RGIII), and every year in between. The list of black failures at QB is long while the list of successful ones is comically short. Newton may be the rare one that actually does well for an extended period of time, but anyone who looks at it objectively realizes that Whites on average are significantly better at the position. The real issue is the way Whites are discounted and systematically discriminated against at every position other than kicker and long snapper.

I could see Scam having a similar career to McNabb who was the poster boy for black QBs in the early to mid 2000s. As you said once Scam gets injured and his running ability is diminished he will be an average pocket passing QB. Krapernick will be 29 this year and there is no guarantee that Kelly wants him running his teams offense. I really don't see Griffin being anything more than a backup QB. It's interesting to me as to why teams seem to forget how to play running QBs. The template for success was laid out after the 2012 season and the Broncos followed it to a Super Bowl victory this year. You force the QBs to pass the ball and play disciplined against the run option. Scam was exposed last night as an inferior passing QB - missing on quite a few overthrows and putting maximum velocity on all his passes. It is laughable to think that he is what all future QBs are supposed to aspire to be.

I am enjoying this win almost as much as last year's Pats win over the blackhawks and wigger pete.
The Seattle template can work for a black qb, but the big thing is the QB cannot take the air out of the team especially on the cap side. I call it the Randy Moss effect, not that he was a qb but when he got his first huge contract with the Vikes he sucked the oxygen out of the room and I'll bet Scam will accomplish that easily enough.
Of course lost in all of this is the outstanding game by Luke Kuechly for the Panthers. He was credited with 10 tackles, 7 solo, and a sack. In addition, he was everywhere on the field, always around the ball. The only tackle that he missed turned into a 34 yard run.
I watched the NFL Network last night as Marshall Faulk, Deion Sanders and Michael Irvin were discussing it. Faulk excused Newton's behavior, saying he'll "learn" from it, while Sanders and Irvin were critical. Host Chris Rose, the token non-black, cowered in fear during the discussion, afraid to say anything bad about the overgrown child.

I'm not worried about Newton. He'll soon be 27, which means he'll start getting injured if he keeps running the way he does. When he has to become solely a pocket passer he's not going to be a great one. Plus, given the parity of the NFL the odds are pretty good he won't get back to the Super Bowl again.

All that media crap about the "new breed" of quarterback is the same propaganda line they were spewing 20 years ago (Randall Cunningham and Kordell Stewart) and 10 years ago (Daunte Culpepper) and 5 years ago (Josh Freeman and RGIII), and every year in between. The list of black failures at QB is long while the list of successful ones is comically short. Newton may be the rare one that actually does well for an extended period of time, but anyone who looks at it objectively realizes that Whites on average are significantly better at the position. The real issue is the way Whites are discounted and systematically discriminated against at every position other than kicker and long snapper.

Nice points, I hope you're right. Losing the Superbowl, particularly after a the great season that Carolina just had (15-1 with a dominant showing in the Divisional/NFC Championship games), is a defeat that few franchises can overcome. Like most blacks, Cam's psyche is fragile, so perhaps his funny/pathetic "Superbowl Tantrums" will carry over to 2016-2017...



Had Cam and the Panthers won, we'd surely have been treated to various idiotic celebrations such as Cam doing jumping jacks, Cam donning his golden "MVP" cleats (see photo below), players taking team photos with cell phones during the game..


CAPTION: Check out Greg Olsen in the Background


CAPTION: Supa Man During Pre-Game Warmups
What a great night. We saw one qb with class and the other was like a spoiled brat. Even the shoes make me want to vomit. Congrats to Denver on an amazing defensive performance. Manning can now retire with a smile on his face.
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