Super Bowl L

The game sucked so I find it appropriate to make fun of the Marxist half time show.

That Coldplay flamer really gave 100% in terms of perfecting the monkey man crip walk. He must have practiced that shucking and jiving for weeks.

In the video part I'd completely forgotten about how prevalent it was for Michael Jackson to grab his twig and berries during dancing. Same goes for Madonna and many others of the late 80's, let's see if the Zionist can bring this trend back?

Beyoncé's handlers went all out by having her participate in a black panther party. Totally organic for sure nothing says main stream like appealing to a militant African group. She is starting to look more and more like a Williams sister with each passing year.

As for commercials there was , bestiality, cross dressing, super bowl sex babies, white male losers, hero worship race mixing, and a whole bunch of other crap I missed.

Someone earlier stated that this was a "clean" year for commercials and halftime show. I completely agree but only in comparison to the extreme filth of the past. We are now accepting of moderate filth as due to deconditioning.

Cams meltdown and the DWF's attempt to justify it has made my day.
Cold Play looked ridiculous. Who dressed them? A ten year old girl? They're rock stars for crying out loud. That rainbow and unicorn outfit they were wearing was embarrassing. If they were going to do a gay look why not leather or something a little more manly? They looked like Bronies.

Contrast them with the Beyounce black Panthers. As stupid as that was at least it showed some racial solidarity. The police should have abandoned her motorcade after that performance.
Professor Carroll has spoken :D

He did two videos titled "Why Black QBs can't win the Super Bowl" before the game. It rustled some jimmies as you can imagine. Here he is gloating :D
Professor Carroll has spoken :D

He did two videos titled "Why Black QBs can't win the Super Bowl" before the game. It rustled some jimmies as you can imagine. Here he is gloating :D

Almost like he's been reading the Caste Football site. His premise is similar to what many that post here regularly have stated.
Yesterday on the ESPN show "Pardon the Interruption," black co-host, Michael Wilbon (usually a Professional Negro Apologist and hardcore "anti-racist") really took Cam Newton to task for his Superbowl antics. He talked about Cam's incessant celebrating, pre-cooriographed dance moves, and sideline picture-taking when he's winning and contrasted that behavior with Cam's demeanor after losing SB 50...

Prior to the game, I wasn't quite sure what team I wanted to win (though I favored Manning to get his 2nd title), as the Panthers have Olsen, Kuechley, Allen, Klien, Jones, and a few white OL. Aside from Manning doing very little during the contest, the way everything turned out was perfect. Hopefully this loss (and criticism) erodes Cam's confidence for the remainder of his career.
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Yesterday on the ESPN show "Pardon the Interruption," black co-host, Michael Wilbon (usually a Professional Negro Apologist and hardcore "anti-racist") really took Cam Newton to task for his Superbowl antics. He talked about Cam's incessant celebrating, pre-cooriographed dance moves, and sideline picture-taking when he's winning and contrasted that behavior with Cam after losing SB 50...

Prior to the game, I wasn't quite sure what team I wanted to win (though I favored Manning to get his 2nd title), as the Panthers have Olsen, Kuechley, Allen, Klien, Jones, and a few white OL. Aside from Manning doing very little during the contest, the way everything turned out was perfect. Hopefully this loss (and criticism) erodes Cam's confidence for the remainder of his career.

Note this: there is a very good reason why the best QBs act as "dull" on the sidelines as the best coaches: they are thinking about their job and not about making a show for the cameras. If guys like Newton are busy thinking of what gestures or skits they can do for the camera, there minds aren't into studying their opponents and will not be collecting mental detail to improve their results. Newton is not going to suddenly change, so he'll never learn.
Great article Don and great post as usual Thrashen. I did not honestly foresee this outcome of the Panthers lost the Super Bowl. It's great to see scam self destruct and cause a media storm.
I hope that rally is well attended, hell I'd like to go if I was closer. There needs to be some pushback.
The "Beyonce Black Panther" story has actually received a fair amount of media attention over the past 24 hours. A couple of my politically-apathetic co-workers who don't watch football (or the Superbowl) even mentioned it to me. Of course, racially conscious people such as CF members aren't surprised, but "Joe Six Pack" seems shocked/appalled/angry that such a prominent celebrity would support a Black Nationalist political position during a game being televised worldwide...


This is a colossal fantasy…but imagine if the effeminate, chicken-necked white ******* in the band “Coldplay” had openly championed any of the “racist white boogeyman” regimes of the past (Confederacy, KKK, Nazi Germany, Apartheid South Africa, etc). Their names would be dragged through the mud in the court of public opinion, they'd be skewered by both the corporate media and all the little cretins on social media, their careers would be over, they’d be sued for libel, and they’d be forced into a weepy apology before being tortured and burned at the stake on live television. White Privilege, indeed.
Another liberal rag defending scam while trying to tear down Peyton. It's laughable seeing these idiots come out to defend scam because he is an oppressed black quarterback.

In all of these articles where the self-righteous author whines about the plight of black quarterbacks I have yet to come across one that mentions the institutional discrimination and prejudice experienced by white players. Typical "journalism" of today - totally biased and spewing out left wing vitriol.
The halftime show sucked even by SB standards. Now I think Beyoncé's performance has an artistic flair, but to put it on the SB is a disaster which I hope they double down on next year.

Also I noticed that I think the NFL has all but given up on an international marketing push, years ago they would tell a large portion of the planet watched, now they brag about less than half of America watches this game for one reason or another. I've said it before but I think the NFL like the American Empire is toast and everyone in the elite is not out to build but to loot before the loot is gone.
I stopped watching the halftime show a long time ago. I don't even remember actually paying attention to any of them. I usually get up and make something to eat. Or back when I was a drinker I would just get more drunk lol
Detroit Police Sergeant Under Investigation After Comparing Beyonce’s Super Bowl Performance To KKK

A Detroit police sergeant who allegedly criticized Beyonce’s Super Bowl halftime show by posting a reference to the Ku Klux Klan is being investigated.

The sergeant, who was unnamed but is reportedly a 17-year veteran of the department, apparently didn’t like the halftime performance — particularly Beyonce’s dancers, who were sporting afros, berets and dressed in an all-black style similar to the Black Panther party. At one point in the performance, the dancers raised their fists to the sky and made a formation on the field in the shape of an X that, according to the sergeant, was attributed to black activist Malcolm X.


Beyonce performs during the Pepsi Super Bowl 50 Halftime Show at Levi’s Stadium on February 7, 2016 in Santa Clara, California. (Photo by Harry How/Getty Images)

The sergeant was so displeased with the performance that he took his option to his personal Facebook page, saying next year’s halftime show should include the KKK. The post included a photo of Beyonce’s dancers above a group wearing white Ku Klux Klan robes, according to a report byWJBK. It included the text: “So if the dance troupe at the top is ok for this years’ halftime show, then the one at the bottom should be ok for next years’, right?”

His post drew complaints from many of his co-workers, who reported it to Police Chief James Craig.

Craig said the sergeant’s views are not representative of the department or any other officer. The sergeant has since removed his post and replaced it with a message offering an apology.

The sergeant remains on the job although the incident is under investigation.

I'm not certain what "being investigated" means in this matter but the man, who sometimes acts as a sergeant, makes a reasonable comparison. I believe the NFL story designers know this to be true and that was one of the purposes not an ironic effect. There is a difference.
Breaking news: Detroit Sgt. Being investigated for telling the truth. Thought police !!
The End of the Game

America’s annual celebration of rampant consumerism and self-indulgence has passed us by once again. It’s the Super Bowl, of course. Its very name conjures up images of excess paired with coliseums and panem et circenses that would have made even Juvenal blush.

It’s fitting that this year’s “game” takes place so near to the beginning of the Christian lenten calendar. Though, the myths and rituals enacted during “the game” ask of us a far different repentance. Looking behind the crass commercialism anddiversionary tribalism of the NFL, we can glimpse into what is filling the void of our“hollow empire”.

Lady Gaga belting America’s national anthem was the first sign of what was to come. “Gaga”, dressed in what seems to be a bedazzled homage to Hillary Clinton, invoked the national spirit. “Gaga”, or Stefani Germanotta as she was born, jets throughout the world defending LGBTQRSTUV+ rights, and taking the most predictable stances on any issue imaginable. In short, she is the perfect “muse” for Weimerica.

Then there was the “halftime” show. In reality a ünter-Dionysian spectacle, set to jungle rythyms and gyrations, that laid open the beating heart of this strange country. Beyoncé, one of the performers, and her “dancers” walked out in an homage to the Black Panther Party, and later on made, what some are claiming is a reference to Malcolm X. Of course, this was all followed up with a tribute to Michael Jackson.

From the panthers to a pedophile in a few gyrations. What a tribute to black nationalism!

In reality, the Panthers, Malcolm X, and Michael Jackson have all entered the national consciousness. In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if many white American school children have more to say about those figures than the Minutemen, Jefferson, or Herman Melville. They’re probably more real to our own children than our ancestors and their own identities.

If any White American was put off by this display of Black pride he surely settled back into his seat by the end of the performance where we are told to “believe in love”. Togetherness (and equality) will save us. We have overcome, and all the related shibboleths. There was, of course, a certain irony in pairing “black power” and “LGBT equality” aesthetics.

“Gay marriage” is widely opposed by black voters whenever it is polled or comes to the ballot. The Coalition of the Fringes was on full display with all of its contradictions, and beamed into almost every television in America.

Of course, the Kosher cons over at places like National Review wonder why we just can’t get back to “the game” and the red-blooded commercialism represented by its advertisements (#SolidarityWithDoritos, take that NARAL!) But the truth is, for a long time life in America has been a game. Just one succession of comfortable lies after another designed to keep us trapped and deracinated. Who are we? And will our people survive? These will be the burning questions of the coming century.

But the liberal hegemony that shapes ads and ideas just want you to go back to sleep. Have another beer, eat some more Doritos. You deserve it, the game is on.

I’ll close with what I can only assume was to be the picture of some dystopian America presented to me during a commercial(how redundant) break. Seth Rogen and Amy Schumer addressing mixed mobs of Americans telling them the big lie. Crack that Bud Light, keep consuming, it’s the American way.

After all, it’s all only a game…
Excellent article and it is well stated. We are headed for mass destruction in the near future. Most will have no idea it's coming. We live in a nation of sheeple.
What should he say? (In case I should ever find myself in such circumstances).

They put these stories out so people will self-censor; its a scare tactic. Once in a while some one convicts himself and gets fined/jail for writing something. I'll give you guys a clue why you can't get convicted -unless you hold the conviction: who wrote this post you are reading now and can you prove it? Done.
Scam win's his way - notice he is positioned next to a picture for the template for the modern overrated black afflete - Muhammad Ali

Well Scam also loses his way - without any sort of humility which is an epidemic among a certain group of people. Him losing the superbowl is not getting old at all.
The halftime show sucked even by SB standards. Now I think Beyoncé's performance has an artistic flair, but to put it on the SB is a disaster which I hope they double down on next year.

Also I noticed that I think the NFL has all but given up on an international marketing push, years ago they would tell a large portion of the planet watched, now they brag about less than half of America watches this game for one reason or another. I've said it before but I think the NFL like the American Empire is toast and everyone in the elite is not out to build but to loot before the loot is gone.

I've noticed that too, but the media has now shifted that Big Lie to the NBA. Found this in an AP report today, which has to be one of the most brazen false assertions I've read of late: "About 750 million people around the globe are expected to follow Sunday's NBA All-Star game in one form or another."

Cue the riotous laugh track.

The article was mostly a worshipful puff piece about Kobe Bryant. It starts off: "Kobe Bryant answered questions in Spanish and Italian, raved about Canadian hospitality and showed off knowledge of Greek basketball and English soccer. He announced plans to go to the Philippines and Taiwan, thanked fans from Japan and even asked a reporter how to say a phrase in Mandarin. It all made perfect sense. The basketball world belongs to Bryant, at least for one more weekend."

Then the 750 million whopper follows. Will there be even 7.5 million people in the U.S., 1/100 of that number and about 2% of the American population, interested in the NBA All Star game? But 10% of the world's population will be following it. Sure they will. When the media can feed Americans such ridiculous bs, and 99% of them don't question it, it's not difficult to see how dumbed down the population is.
American Freedom News