Super Bowl 47

A *******-esque mystery meat at QB, throwing to all-black receiving targets (aside from never-used fullback, Bruce Miller and WR Chad Hall, who was only added several weeks ago).

This is an interesting point. I've been thinking, and when you look at his nose, hair, and skin-tone, this Kaepernick seems to have a lot of North African features. He could easily pass as being from Egypt, Morocco, or Algeria. So, all in all, he may have very little black in him, but in the eyes of the CM media, he fits the bill to carry forward their agenda.

Another thing I noticed is how much TNB he has in him. Despite being raised by his White foster parents in a stable, middle class home (and having a White birth mother), his mannerisms, actions on the field, and the way he talks are completely opposite of his presumed upbringing. Whether that's the real him or more of an act to fit in at Massa Harbaugh's plantation, I'm not impressed. In comparison, I have found Russell Wilson to be far better behaved on/off the field.
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Kaepernick's biological parents are a black father and white mother, before being adopted by a White family, according to news articles. I agree there's something about him that doesn't sit right, a lot of anger just under the surface ready to explode possibly.

The jury is still out on Kaepernick, Wilson and Griffin, whereas Luck is almost a cinch to be great.
In other news fitting of this SB weekend, Sandra Bullock apparently joined Michael Oher's family along with her "adorable" son to watch the big game:

Bullocks seen better days. She really has no body and is a very average looking actor to go along with her average talent.
Remember when the hottest thing for these actresses was to walk around with their chihuahuas or mini poodles in their purses? Now the canines are being replaced by little congoloids. Welcome to the new fad in Hollywood.
Remember when the hottest thing for these actresses was to walk around with their chihuahuas or mini poodles in their purses? Now the canines are being replaced by little congoloids. Welcome to the new fad in Hollywood.

Eventually they're going to start adopting pygmies to fit into their purses.
Great comments, men.

I just can't wrap my head around the psyche of a former Heisman finalist, Big Ten player of the year, and NFL Pro Bowler who truly believes in a completely different ideal of athleticism. Maybe Harbaugh's ego is so grand that he thinks he succeeded, on the field and the sidelines, despite those niggling shackles of whiteness. There is just no other reason I can think of why he wouldn't fill out even only the bottom of his roster with better, cheaper, white cast-offs.
It confounds me too. I watched Stanford pretty religiously every time they played on TV under Harbaugh and he was so much more restrained, almost like a different person. And his statements that you highlighted in your post came from someone with a very cogent, aware, and disciplined mind.

Personally, I've kind of come to the conclusion after many years that there truly are dark forces that rule the upper echelons of our society and ultimately control our destiny. We can only go so far upwards in regards to fame, fortune, independence, etc. before you must sell your soul to them, go back to obscurity, or be killed off.

I believe Dave Chappelle is one example of someone that decided to go back to obscurity instead of joining them. Beyonce, Madonna and many others have decided to cash in and join them. Call it what you will, but I call it a Luciferian order that believes in a perverted moral order. Ten to twenty years ago, I would've scoffed at this concept, but my mind gradually changed through much research and just through my daily observations accumulated over many years. Those over 40 have seen drastic changes in the moral order of society. Not just the perversions of our morals, but of our food and water too, as well as the general nature of things. Personally, I don't believe it is by happenstance.

This isn't the thread to expound upon this subject, but I do believe the NFL and especially it's media handlers fall into this group. Just look at the last several half time shows and compare them to what you saw twenty to thirty years ago. They are putting it all out in the open now for all to see. They obviously are very confident at this point in being able to carry out their agenda. Harbaugh's seemingly possessed soul may be a product of his new environment and of having to sell out his previous belief system to accept the new order.
This isn't the thread to expound upon this subject, but I do believe the NFL and especially it's media handlers fall into this group. Just look at the last several half time shows and compare them to what you saw twenty to thirty years ago. They are putting it all out in the open now for all to see. They obviously are very confident at this point in being able to carry out their agenda. Harbaugh's seemingly possessed soul may be a product of his new environment and of having to sell out his previous belief system to accept the new order.
I agree with you and so do many others across the web. The Vigilant Citizen is a good site exposing Illuminati / Luciferian / secret society symbolism in the entertainment industry. Without getting too far off topic, here's his article about Madonna's performance at the Superbowl last year.

There isn't anything about this year's show yet but Beyonce clearly flashed the Illuminati sign (as Jaxvid already started a thread for).
I agree with you and so do many others across the web. The Vigilant Citizen is a good site exposing Illuminati / Luciferian / secret society symbolism in the entertainment industry. Without getting too far off topic, here's his article about Madonna's performance at the Superbowl last year.

There isn't anything about this year's show yet but Beyonce clearly flashed the Illuminati sign (as Jaxvid already started a thread for).

Good stuff fellas. Call it the Illuminati, Globalist Elite, NWO or PTB...marginally to no talent(ed) mugs like Lady Kahkah, BeYOunce, G@y-Z, and Mudonna have sold out to them. I'll do you one "better", I believe these folks have sold their souls to ol' Satan himself.
Excellent video dixiedestroyer. We will have to expand on this in another thread. I have know about these things for many years. If you talk about it to anyone, they think you are crazy so most people who are "awake" eventually just keep our thoughts to ourselves. What a day
and age we live in.
I didn't watch the end of the game but someone told me that the 49ers threw 4 times on 4th and goal.

The Niners had just had a huge run. The 49ers have a great run blocking offensive line, the best in football. If they had run the ball they likely would have scored.

I suspect the reason they called pass plays instead of runs is to showcase their black quarterback, make him the hero of the game. Instead he choked and they lost.

If they had put Alex Smith in the game to throw 4 passes on 4th and goal they likely would have won.

I think the decision to replace Alex Smith was a bad one and it cost the 49ers a championship.

They richly deserved to lose.
On Espn 72 percent of the public voted they wouldn't mind seeing next year halftime show canceled!
As the posts wind down on this thread I want to say how proud I am of all those who posted on this thread. The Ravens are the blackest team in the NFL. Not by numbers of players but by the presence of their team leaders. The black community was overwhelmingly in favor of a Ravens victory so Ray Lewis could ride into retirement a champion.

It would seem like the 49er's would be our choice to emerge victorious. But here at Castefootball the Ravens were also the team to root for.

It is clear to me that our support of Alex Smith and our anger at the black quarterbacks unjustified rise this year is more important to us than whatever undeserving glory Ray Lewis might get.

Congrats to all us Castefootballer's who put support of our own over our dislike of the criminal element in the NFL. :thumbup:
In my conversations with a variety of people over the last two days, a few things have stood out. These are people at work, at the gym, at the store, etc..., with whom I would have no reason to discuss anything pertaining to race. 1) Several commented about how seemingly every black pop star performed in some way at the Super Bowl, and that it was "black night". 2) NOBODY liked the halftime show. 3) Several people expressed distaste for the kids from Newtown, CT performing, as it seemed like CBS and the NFL were exploiting them, which they most certainly were. I am pleasantly surprised. I'm sure there are plenty of brain-dead buffoons who loved it all, but the anecdotal evidence is adding up that an awful lot of people didn't.
When I would go see the Pack play in Milwaukee the half time show was a frisbee dog, that would have been preferable to a no talent Beyonce who really only appeals to drunk white men or retarded white trash and black supremacists. She could have been scripted better but her Mandingo pelvic act and the rapid switch of songs basically stunk. Maybe the black eyed peas halftime show was worse in 2011, but this one was bad.

What we have to wrap our heads around is that we white men are not in charge any longer and we no longer need to be reactionary fuddies. We are the social critics now, you come to understand that your morale will improve.
...white men are not in charge any longer... We are the social critics now....

Excellent. I must use the concept in my discussions whenever possible.
I just took a quick break from working. Turned on the boob tube, which was last on ESPN and which was showing a college basketball game with 10 black players on the court. I watched one play, which caused the White announcer to giggle about one of the players' "athleticism," then quickly switched to the NFL Network. Saw the last second or so of a promo for what appeared to be an upcoming ten-part series on Doug Williams called Skin Deep (again this happened so fast that I might be wrong but that's what it seemed like). Then it was back to the studio, with the bombastic Andrew Siciliano (who looks like a Martin Short character) quoting some Green Bay writer to the effect that the recently retired Donald Driver "belongs on the Packers' Mt. Rushmore." Then Driver, wearing a spiffy suit, was introduced to be interviewed by Siciliano.

Off went the TV set. This all transpired in the course of 15 or so seconds. Since the theme of the Super Bowl was a Cultural Marxist wet dream of a 90% black America, I figured I'd add it to this thread. . .
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Off went the TV set. This all transpired in the course of 15 or so seconds. Since the theme of the Super Bowl was a Cultural Marxist wet dream of a 90% black America, I figured I'd add it to this thread. . .

I don’t think the contrived “anti-gay controversy†involving 49ers CB, Chris Culliver (who played awful in the Superbowl game), was mentioned here before, so I figured I’d quickly add it to this thread.

During the hyper-annoying “media week†leading up to the Superbowl, former Howard Stern comedian, Artie Lange, asked Chris Culliver if there were any gay players on the 49ers. Like any straight guy, Culliver replied with a disgusted look on his face, and stated that no gays are welcome on the team, and especially not in the locker room (say it aint so!).

I hadn’t heard about his “gay-bashing†remarks until the Monday after the Superbowl when I was watching “Pardon the Interruption†and the little rotund, black Marxist Maven, Michael Wilbon, emphatically stated how happy he was that a “stupid gay-bashing bigot†like Culliver played so poorly.

Some of my teammates in college used to listen to Howard Stern while we were working out in the weight room and I always remember Lange (a vile, anti-white Caste Maggot, hardcore drug addict and life long loser who attempted suicide several times) being the polar opposite of funny whenever opening his fat gob. Lange is such a depraved, paramecium-level reject that he used to frequently scream the hyper-annoying catch phrase: “The black man is a better athlete!†He yelled this, automatically, every single time, whenever sports were mentioned on the show. The photo below isn’t a homeless man down on his luck, but the sewer-level vermin known as Artie Lange…

CAPTION: If Only His Suicide Attempt Had Been Successful

Below is a loathsome video of Lange’s interview with Culliver before the Superbowl. Lange’s second question to Culliver was: “Over-under…how many white chicks are you gunna bang this week?â€


The Italians who post here should know that “he†(or “it,†I should say) represents himself as a “proud Italian†and is constantly discussing his heritage. Honestly, if I had my choice of who to mercilessly pummel between Lange and Culliver…it would surely be Lange.
I don’t think the contrived “anti-gay controversy†involving 49ers CB, Chris Culliver (who played awful in the Superbowl game), was mentioned here before, so I figured I’d quickly add it to this thread.

During the hyper-annoying “media week†leading up to the Superbowl, former Howard Stern comedian, Artie Lange, asked Chris Culliver if there were any gay players on the 49ers. Like any straight guy, Culliver replied with a disgusted look on his face, and stated that no gays are welcome on the team, and especially not in the locker room (say it aint so!).

I hadn’t heard about his “gay-bashing†remarks until the Monday after the Superbowl when I was watching “Pardon the Interruption†and the little rotund, black Marxist Maven, Michael Wilbon, emphatically stated how happy he was that a “stupid gay-bashing bigot†like Culliver played so poorly.

Some of my teammates in college used to listen to Howard Stern while we were working out in the weight room and I always remember Lange (a vile, anti-white Caste Maggot, hardcore drug addict and life long loser who attempted suicide several times) being the polar opposite of funny whenever opening his fat gob. Lange is such a depraved, paramecium-level reject that he used to frequently scream the hyper-annoying catch phrase: “The black man is a better athlete!†He yelled this, automatically, every single time, whenever sports were mentioned on the show. The photo below isn’t a homeless man down on his luck, but the sewer-level vermin known as Artie Lange…

CAPTION: If Only His Suicide Attempt Had Been Successful

Below is a loathsome video of Lange’s interview with Culliver before the Superbowl. Lange’s second question to Culliver was: “Over-under…how many white chicks are you gunna bang this week?â€


The Italians who post here should know that “he†(or “it,†I should say) represents himself as a “proud Italian†and is constantly discussing his heritage. Honestly, if I had my choice of who to mercilessly pummel between Lange and Culliver…it would surely be Lange.

One of the few funny things that Howard Stern did was sending out various underlings to ask embarrassing questions of celebrities. Stern had some guy who stuttered and he would always be able to ambush celebrities by asking some innocuous questions then hitting them with something outrageous. It was funny to me to see (or hear) them squirm when asked some politically incorrect thing.

I guess this Lange clown has picked up on the schtick for Stern. Lange is disgustingly depraved. His pathetic looks and personality are so revolting that he is used by Stern as a human gross-out, something Sterns' perpetually adolescent audience eats up. It's kinda sad how Stern exploits him for his sickness but the guy is a party to it so he deserves it.

Culliver's backpedaling on the gay issue, especially when there was a SF player actually pimping gay marriage was similar to the backpedaling he did during the game. Ineffective and too late.

I'm still amazed how the gay power structure (women and jews) have managed to harness their attack dogs--black athletes and celebrities. Blacks, the people who seem to apologize for nothing else, are constantly groveling before the homo agenda. Yet I still see a collision between these evil pillars of cultural marxism eventually. Neither group is smart enough to know their limits and both are drunk with power.

I'm looking forward to a day when a very popular black athlete/celebrity gives a big fat F-U to the gay community and then refuses to repent. That will be something to see.
At the end of the day we have another elite White QB, who plays the traditional style that wins......

Merrill Hoge, ESPN's 49 year old resident punk, opined last night that Flacco is now the best quarterback in the league. Trey Wingo and Eric Mangini both snickered at that assertion, but the point is that no longer will the CM media and DWFs be able to dis Joe after winning the Super Bowl, and becoming the first quarterback ever to lead his team to a playoff victory in each of his first five seasons in the league.

Hoge and Mangini both listed their top five QBs in the league right now, and refreshingly neither pandered and mentioned Griffin or Newton, all listed were White, as they should have been.
It was reported a day or two after the comments that Culliver would be attending some "sensitivity training" to atone for his "hurtful" remarks immediately following the SB. In today's Amerika, one must be extremely careful before opening his mouth because a trip to a re-education camp is a virtual certainty if your words are deemed to be politically incorrect in any shape or form.

This is especially true when it comes to the homosexual mafia and their ever-expanding agenda. They have clearly moved to the top of the heap and it's all happened in such a short period of time. The previously favorite victim group, blacks, find themselves in a somewhat unfamiliar position of having to take a back seat and as Jaxvid says, these folks will eventually take things one step too far and it'll be interesting to see whether they'll all crash and burn as a result.
I just took a quick break from working. Turned on the boob tube, which was last on ESPN and which was showing a college basketball game with 10 black players on the court. I watched one play, which caused the White announcer to giggle about one of the players' "athleticism," then quickly switched to the NFL Network. Saw the last second or so of a promo for what appeared to be an upcoming ten-part series on Doug Williams called Skin Deep (again this happened so fast that I might be wrong but that's what it seemed like). Then it was back to the studio, with the bombastic Andrew Siciliano (who looks like a Martin Short character) quoting some Green Bay writer to the effect that the recently retired Donald Driver "belongs on the Packers' Mt. Rushmore." Then Driver, wearing a spiffy suit, was introduced to be interviewed by Siciliano.

Off went the TV set. This all transpired in the course of 15 or so seconds. Since the theme of the Super Bowl was a Cultural Marxist wet dream of a 90% black America, I figured I'd add it to this thread. . .
Donald Driver probably isn't at the skill level of Boyd Dowler or accomplishments of Boyd Dowler. If any receiver besides Hutson is on the Packers Mt. Rushmore it's probably Sterling Sharpe. The only reason Driver is viewed so highly is because he played in a pass friendly era. Even Sterling Sharpe had tougher pass coverage to deal with as the safeties in his era could head hunt more and horse collar tackles were legal.
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I don’t think the contrived “anti-gay controversy†involving 49ers CB, Chris Culliver (who played awful in the Superbowl game), was mentioned here before, so I figured I’d quickly add it to this thread.

During the hyper-annoying “media week†leading up to the Superbowl, former Howard Stern comedian, Artie Lange, asked Chris Culliver if there were any gay players on the 49ers. Like any straight guy, Culliver replied with a disgusted look on his face, and stated that no gays are welcome on the team, and especially not in the locker room (say it aint so!).

I hadn’t heard about his “gay-bashing†remarks until the Monday after the Superbowl when I was watching “Pardon the Interruption†and the little rotund, black Marxist Maven, Michael Wilbon, emphatically stated how happy he was that a “stupid gay-bashing bigot†like Culliver played so poorly.

Some of my teammates in college used to listen to Howard Stern while we were working out in the weight room and I always remember Lange (a vile, anti-white Caste Maggot, hardcore drug addict and life long loser who attempted suicide several times) being the polar opposite of funny whenever opening his fat gob. Lange is such a depraved, paramecium-level reject that he used to frequently scream the hyper-annoying catch phrase: “The black man is a better athlete!†He yelled this, automatically, every single time, whenever sports were mentioned on the show. The photo below isn’t a homeless man down on his luck, but the sewer-level vermin known as Artie Lange…

CAPTION: If Only His Suicide Attempt Had Been Successful

Below is a loathsome video of Lange’s interview with Culliver before the Superbowl. Lange’s second question to Culliver was: “Over-under…how many white chicks are you gunna bang this week?â€


The Italians who post here should know that “he†(or “it,†I should say) represents himself as a “proud Italian†and is constantly discussing his heritage. Honestly, if I had my choice of who to mercilessly pummel between Lange and Culliver…it would surely be Lange.
Artie Lange is John Belushi if he lived into his 40's and had no ethnic pride beyond watching Sopranos episodes. He's such a waste of flesh and is one step away from going to Betty Ford (again) that even Howard Stern dropped him.
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