Super Bowl 47

Pitta couldn't hold on to a 3rd down conversion. Ravens had to settle for 3. Now have to hold SF to nothing or field goal.
He has looked ok, not great. 10 games is too early to crown someone. I would say Wilson has more chance of long term success? The train was already rolling and Colin jumped on., they added some new wrinkles but now have had to go more traditional the past two games, looking average

I think Wilson will fall back to earth next year - he showed alot of tendencies - he rolled to one side of the field quite a bit and made alot of his plays that way.

I cannot bring myself to support or accept any black quarterback success.

Looks like the power outage is having its desired effect.
I think Wilson will fall back to earth next year - he showed alot of tendencies - he rolled to one side of the field quite a bit and made alot of his plays that way.

I cannot bring myself to support or accept any black quarterback success

Looks like the power outage is having its desired effect.
I think there has to be one mediocre black quarterback playing long term. There's not much for him to fall from, he is a game manager, he rolls out to find passing lanes because of his height. He will be like a david garrard but better arm.

Whats all this controversy about? Welker gets hheld like that all the time on 5 yards out, of course no calls when it's even longer
Was that Eric Smith making that big hit on Crabtree?
The Ravens have Sean Considine on their roster. It was probably him.
Flacco deserves to be the MVP for the game.

Update: Flacco named MVP.
Thank God the number of black quarterbacks to have won a super bowl remains at one.
The curse of Alex Smith! Take Krapernick's nog and shove it Harbaugh!

Flacco named MVP!
The "throwback" QB beats the "new prototype" QB.
Congrats to Flacco, Kruger, Pitta and the other Whites on the Ravens. I am satisified for what we had to go for. I am most happy that psycho had a near melt down on the sidelines. Man, that guy is a person at a good party you avoid like the pleague.
Much rather John H. win than psycho Jim. Much, much better that Flacco beats Kaepernick and has to be regarded now as an elite QB after the way he's played in the playoffs his entire career. Still just one black QB to win the big game, you know that gnaws big time at the Caste zealots and CMs.

Kaepernick will still get the star treatment, and he may well prove to be one. Hopefully Alex Smith starts somewhere else next season, though I'm not optimistic that he will (he may well be a backup the rest of his career).

Exciting game, a CM wet dream production from beginning to end featuring a majority black Amerika (and couldn't even manage to keep the lights on all game), next season the relatively White friendly teams will again be in the hunt, and we'll see a few more White rookies such as Werner, Hunt and others have immediate impacts.
I feel like we dodged a bullet here, that was close. The White QB wins the SB and MVP, I can live with this. The black quarterback movement will hopefully take a step back now.
We know that the CMs projected the Pan African bowl here and aboard, but at least Flacco will be the face post game show, that is until they push him outta the way and make way for the murder and affeletic leader of the team, Saint Ray Lewis. :frown:
Will there be a serious discussion on whether Harbough should have stayed with Smith??? no dwfs are too brain washed to think Smith could have won this.
Will there be a serious discussion on whether Harbough should have stayed with Smith??? no dwfs are too brain washed to think Smith could have won this.

Coach Cowher kept bringing up Alex Smith. Krapernick didn't do a very good job of pacing the offense. Alex Smith is a veteran and can manage the clock.
Flacco's a free agent now. Talk about perfect timing, he's gonna rake in some big-time coin for his great play.

Ray Lewis says God loves the Ravens. I guess that means He hates the 49ers. Can't blame Him if He feels that way about Jim Harbaugh.
I was correct. They gave Flacco a minute and 20 seconds to talk, then rushed him off the stage so they could attempt to put a rotten cherry on the top of their africanic game by having Saint Lewis utter ebonics and display his stadium brighten "teef".
Flacco's a free agent now. Talk about perfect timing, he's gonna rake in some big-time coin for his great play. Ray Lewis says God loves the Ravens. I guess that means He hates the 49ers. Can't blame Him if He feels that way about Jim Harbaugh.
I wouldn't be surprised if God really did hate the 49ers being that they play in San Fransodomy. lol
What I noticed this year, at least at the small gathering I went to, was that the Superbowl is more of an excuse to have a party than really people who give a damn about the game.

It was all like, wives in the kitchen talking about shopping or whatever, and the guys just watched the game passively if they watched it at all.

I spent most of the time drinking beer and the only real dog I had in this fight was the desire that a Black QB (one drop rule, anyone?) not get a ring.

It's pretty clear that when it comes to race in America, even "enlightened" liberals still have a racist view of what makes White White, and what makes anything else Black.

If you're a snowflake, you're White.

If you're even one billionth Black, like you've got 1%, then you're Black.

Which is why it's impressive that the NFL still contains somewhere in the neighborhood of 1/3rd "Whites".