Sumo Watch

It will be interesting to see when the first jock sniffer slips up and mentions the blubbery appearance of one of the countless sumos now playing in the NFL. From preschoolers to allegedly mature middle-aged citizens, our society has long held a strong penchant for the derisive "fat" term. This penchant is particularly strong today (just listen to any talk radio show).

That being said, these same obnoxious folks also have developed a powerful aversion to offending black people. So, because almost all the sumos in the NFL are black, it is likely to be one of the handful of white sumos who becomes the target of some jock-sniffer's nasty comments.

It would seem to be inevitable; all public figures have their physical appearance scrutinized down to the smallest detail, by those who are paid to babble about such things. Considering how far from "athletic" these sumos appear, I suspect some jock-sniffer will inadvertently mention the lack of clothes on this jiggling, flabby emperor someday.

It really is incredible that any of them can keep a straight face when they call these giant tubs of lards "athletes." I honestly believe that most middle- aged executives are in better shape.
Well, I'm built like a OL at 6'8 (320 right now). However, I have a very large frame (18EEE shoes, size 17 ring). A few years ago, I measured my arm diameter (at the gym), I was holding 16" forearms & 20" arms (cold) wrist is pretty large too (I think it was 9-10"). My bf% is probably between 18-21% right now, whereas it was 12-15% when I played football & probably 12% during basketball season. I'm not "sumo" status, but not trim either!

Anyway, check out All-SEC Freshman teamer Ben Jones (OL, UGA). This is highlights of him dominating black 4-5 star DLs during summer camp (before coming to UGA)...

Ben Jones Dominates Scout Camp
6 of the top 9 QBs were black as of the last time I checked even though QB for the most part is still a white dominated position.

But Rivals bothers me far more: Since we are talking o-line I will tell you that 4 of's top 5 offensive tackles are black and 4 of the top 5 guards are black or mixed race. Rivals is even pushing to make Center a black position. 3 of the top 5 Rivals Centers appear to be black, mixed race or non-white this year.

The accomplishments of white o-lines in the NFL of late doesn't matter. (Dr. Z's all white NFL all-pro offensive line team means nothing to; the extinction of white scholarships means everything!)

These sites will continue to push for an even blacker NFL and for the extinction of white scholarships in football.

Edited by: ToughJ.Riggins
well, i just recenty started watching football again, the whole Aaron Brooks/Jake Delhomme fiasco in New Orleans had me turn off the tv for football for years until we got a new coach. I didn't realize there was a caste system until upon watching it after a while in 2008. The point being is, how long has this resurgence of Whites at the Oline position been happening? that guy Tom Lemming that commented on a few White runningbacks i read about was talking about how when something becomes popular at an NFL level, it takes about 5 years for the high schools to start cranking them out, ie small speedy receivers are popular in the nfl then it takes about 5 years to start seeing small speedy receivers at the lower levels. Then tall lanky receivers are popular then it takes about 5 years to start seeing that pop up at the high school level.

So, hopefully the White Olinemen thing is a trend that will start becoming more popular, along with White receivers, but that is just hope. As for right now that is just wishful thinking. When will they stop cranking out crappy black qb's when its no longer in trend? The only one that has put up any kind of success is Mcnabb and even that has been erratic.

I just don't get it though. you know that alot of White talent is there in high schools somewhere, they just aren't being recruited as heavily by the major colleges, I mean Jared Allen went to Idaho State which doesn't seem right. Kevin Curtis played at Utah State...Edited by: dwid
Just have a look at's highest rated OT's and OG's they have for the draft.
Michael OherSR  6-5/318 lbs.
Andre SmithJR  ; 6-4/348 lbs.
  Eugene MonroeSR&nbs p; 6-6/315 lbs.
Jason SmithSR  ; 6-5/270 lbs.
Eben BrittonJR&nb sp; 6-6/310 lbs. (white)
Phil LoadholtSR&n bsp; 6-8/350 lbs.
Duke RobinsonSR&n bsp; 6-5/330 lbs.
Herman JohnsonSR&nb sp; 6-7/386 lbs.

Trevor CanfieldSR&n bsp; 6-5/305 lbs. (white)
Andy LevitreSR&nb sp; 6-3/326 lbs. (white)
Kraig UrbikSR  ; 6-6/328 lbs. (white)

As you can see, the black sumos for outnumber the 4 white linemen on this list. The white linemen that are heavy however look to have almost no fat on them. It is shocking, but not surprising, that Michael Oher and Andre Smith could possibly go in the top 5.
Edited by: Jack Lambert
The NFL is waiting for a 95% black roster and a proportionately large number of black coaches, just how it was with the NBA in the mid-late '90s (before European and Asian players began coming in). That is the only way the schwartzes and their White and Jewish counterparts will shut their mouths.
It is sickening that whoever picks these guys, most likely Chiefs or Rams, will continue to be horrible for a while longer, when they waste these picks on those "explosive athletes" the media thinks are "game changers."
Those teams that end up with these two deserve to bottom feed for another couple years.

Just think, the white O-Linemen that go in the later rounds, will be better than these guys.
Even as the mania for black linemen gets noticeably worse to compensate for the white upsurge at QB, TE and a mini-surge at LB, white linemen are finally getting honors for the first time in years. A lot of the way over-rated black linemen who always made these teams are retired or perpetually injured. About the only one left is Walter Jones, who is regularly beat to the feigned astonishment of announcers.

AP's All-Pro team (best of both conferences) has all white tackles and guards on the first team -- Jordan Gross and Michael Roos at T, Steve Hutchinson and Chris Snee at G. The center is Kevin Mawae, who is Pacific Islander or some concoction.

The guards on the second team are both white, while there are three white and three black tackles, with Shaun O'Hara the center. -pro-roster.ap/index.htmlEdited by: Don Wassall
Rams release Orlando Pace yesterday, but they did sign a black center so this may be a wash in the St Louis sumo department.
Don Wassall said:
Even as the mania for black linemen gets noticeably worse to compensate for the white upsurge at QB, TE and a mini-surge at LB, white linemen are finally getting honors for the first time in years.  A lot of the way over-rated black linemen who always made these teams are retired or perpetually injured.  About the only one left is Walter Jones, who is regularly beat to the feigned astonishment of announcers.

AP's All-Pro team (best of both conferences) has all white tackles and guards on the first team -- Jordan Gross and Michael Roos at T, Steve Hutchinson and Chris Snee at G.  The center is Kevin Mawae, who is Pacific Islander or some concoction.

The guards on the second team are both white, while there are three white and three black tackles, with Shaun O'Hara the center. -pro-roster.ap/index.html

We need to tell that to the people who make mock drafts. They have a few sumos going in the first round. Jason Smith and Eugene Monroe are supposed to be the next generation of Jonathan Ogden or something. All this while the best offensive linemen in the game continue to be white.
This is beyond belief, even for the NFL. Read about Andre Smith's horrible workout day, on top of abruptly leaving the Combine, and this total turd "may" drop to the third round!

Alabama OT Smith bombs in pro day workout

Tackle Andre Smith might have cost himself millions of dollars Wednesday at his workout at the University of Alabama. In fact, it's hard to imagine him having a worse performance in front of the 50-plus NFL coaches, GMs and scouts.

Smith could have been the first or second overall pick had he taken the offseason program seriously. Now? He could well slide all the way to the third round.

Even before his pro day workout, Smith showed up at the NFL Scouting Combine out of shape, refused to work out and then left abruptly without informing league officials.

On Wednesday, Smith (6-4 1/4) weighed in at a slimmer 325 pounds but still looked soft. Scouts observed him "jiggling" when running the two 40-yard dashes in 5.30 seconds and 5.36 seconds. His lack of preparation showed the most in the 225-pound bench press -- he managed 19 repetitions but seemingly struggled to complete each one.

His other measureable drills were just as poor: 1.86 and 1.89 seconds in the 10-yard dash; 3.04 seconds and 3.08 seconds in the 20-yard dash; 25-inch vertical jump; 7-foot, 10-inch broad jump; 4.95 seconds in the 20-yard shuttle; and 8.08 seconds in the three-cone drill.

Smith did look more athletic in the positional drills, but it was clear he hadn't put in the necessary time to prepare for his pro day. It appears as if he is a player who will forever have to be pushed and prodded to work hard off the field. He was a dominant college player, but he doesn't understand the level of commitment the NFL game demands.

It seems unlikely that he'll be able to contribute as a rookie in 2009, and he might need a season or two to become NFL-ready, assuming he puts in the work.

Russ Lande founded GM Jr. Scouting LLC, a football scouting service that analyzes NFL draft prospects for Sporting News.
"His lack of preparation showed the most in the 225-pound bench press -- he managed 19 repetitions but seemingly struggled to complete each one."

19 reps!? For a 6-4, 320 lb sumo!? That's beyond piss poor. I can do that without warming up and I'm only 6-3 230! It's sad that probably 10 guys in my H.S. could out-bench this full-breasted woman.

More proof-positive evidenceof how lazy and pampered these women really are. Smith has not only proven to be a head-case (leaving his job interview, the combine), but also fat, lazy, weak, and probably dumb too (wonderlick pending). Judging from that pic that fightingtowin posted, he has no discreablemuscle. At least sumos like Larry Allen were strong, and looked somewhat muscular.

I have a sickening feeling that this hilarious saga will conclude with Smith being drafted in the late first reward his "prepartation" with a multi-million dollar contract. Only NFL GM's are dumb enough to draft this lazy slack-ass weakling. Well, in his defense, at least he's not a white, male athelete.Edited by: Thrashen
my dad is in his mid-50s. yesterday, he benched 300 pounds 20 times. then, he did 20 more. that's right, 300-pounds for two sets of 20.

now granted, my dad is one strong rascal, but still. for a so-called "elite afflete" o-lineman prospect to only do 225-pounds 19 times is beyond pathetic.

and that is picture Fightingtowin linked to is hilarious!
Good stuff fightingtowin.

Smith's benching is a joke. I've heard that anyone in good shape, athlete or not, should be able to max out his own weight when benching. Smith obviously wouldn't be able to do that.

I'm only 6'-1" and 190 lbs and I can bench 225 at least 5 times. While that isn't super impressive, I have a full time job and only work out in my down time. If my "job" was playing football and working out, I'm damn sure even at my weight that I could reach 19 reps with ease.

The way black athletes are pampered nowadays, these guys don't even have to try. However, maybe this is a positive thing as the talent level of blacks will decline. Just look at all the poor 40 times this year for RB, WR, etc.
Justin Beaver at 5'8 195 lbs completed I think 24 reps at 225 and Danny Woodhead did 20 reps at 5'7.5 and 197 lbs. if I recall.

And the thing that is astonishing is this "Sumo" weakling seemingly struggled "to complete each one" of his benches. He has bad form, is very nonexplosive and ran away from working out at the combine showing he is immature and unready for the NFL. And in the "Black Power" NFL I'm predicting a sure fire 1st round draft selection.
Wow, Smith's c-cup breasts are even bigger than LenDale White's and Jamarcus Russell's.

Here is a video of Smith'snow infamous "Shirtless Pro-Day 40."

[url] 1/VIDEO/903112019&template=video&lineup=431782885 [/url]

How embarressing...even the marxist NFL network was poking fun at this lard ass. Before the combine, all of the anti-white draft guru turds had Smith going either #1 or #2 overall. If anybody drafts this clown early (and someloser franchiseobviously will) all this hilarity will be quickly forgotten....because after all, he is a black person in america, and thus spoon fed opportunities like the baby he is.
I am glad this turd fell that far.
Hopefully teams will notice his lack of work ethic and not pay this embarrasment to suit up for their team. Thrashen, I'll bet two of the teams that would like him would probably the uber-caste Cowboys, or Caste whores Kevin Colbert and Mike Tomlin. If it is the Steelers, I will be embarrassed to the fullest.
Hopefully, is right for once and the Steelers pick up a real lineman in Max Unger at the end of the 1st round.
Jack Lambert said:
I am glad this turd fell that far.
Hopefully teams will notice his lack of work ethic and not pay this embarrasment to suit up for their team.

Not a chance. This is the NFL we're talking about:
<H1>Forget the combine, scouts like Alabama's Smith</H1>

Although Alabama tackle Andre Smith was definitely getting "jiggly" with it when he ran his 40-yard dash shirtless in his pro day workout, the 49ers nevertheless came away with a positive opinion about this potential draft pick on April 25.

The word from San Francisco's scouting department on the 325-pound Smith? "Impressed."

full article: [url] SP2U16EAH4.DTL&amp;feed=rss.49ers [/url]
Who do the 49ers have in their scouting department, drunk white fans?
Anyhow,the scouts must've had about 10 beers each before they got to the workouts.

This is both laughable and revolting at the same time, how in the hell did he impress anyone? I wonder what goes through the minds of these scouts sometimes. How do they see Smith's jiggling man boobs, and horrrible workouts impressive?

Your right Don, this IS the NFL we're talking about. There is no chance this tub of lard will fall any lower than mid 2nd round at best, maybe to late 2nd round, but this is being optimistic.
Thrashen said:
Wow, Smith's c-cup breasts are even bigger than LenDale White's and Jamarcus Russell's. 

Here is a video of Smith's now infamous "Shirtless Pro-Day 40."

[url] 1/VIDEO/903112019&template=video&lineup=431782885 [/url]

How embarressing...even the marxist NFL network was poking fun at this lard ass.  Before the combine, all of the anti-white draft guru turds had Smith going either #1 or #2 overall.  If anybody drafts this clown early (and some loser franchise obviously will) all this hilarity will be quickly forgotten....because after all, he is a black person in america, and thus spoon fed opportunities like the baby he is.

That sumbeeyotch looks like a quarter ton of chewed bubble gum!
I mean, I'm holding 325-330 right now (at 6'8) but don't have near that much flab/BF%. I'm sure the DWF staff of some pro-caste team will still be drooling to get this Sumogroid!
The National Farce Leage. There is no truth to it. They aren't putting the best on the field they are putting the blacks they chose to fawn on it.

I think some of these NFL (quote un-quote) scouts are truly gay and must think of Andre Smith as a Chip and Dale Dancer on the field getting "jiggly" with it. I mean opposites attract right; so they must be "turned off" by white players.

Maybe they just hate white athletes b/c those whites show them how much they underachieved in sports they loved in H.S so they just became a scout (if I couldn't cut it; I'll be damned if those whites can cut it).

They might remind them of the jock, at their all white prep school, that locked them in the locker freshman year. But the black athlete looks like just a lovable guy with a "room brightening smile" to them.
Andre Smith reminds me of a failed Steeler #1 in the '90s named Jamain Stephens. A worthless fatass they picked because somebody stupidly thought he could be the next Larry Allen.

Anything to continue the fallacy that lardass blacks make better offensive linemen than whites.
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