Sumo Watch

Did that mean he cut back to 4 racks of ribs washed down with a diet grape cola........
white is right said:
Did that mean he cut back to 4 racks of ribs washed down with a diet grape cola........

Plus, he "downgraded" from Colt 45 to Schlitz "Lite!
DixieDestroyer said:
WA33, LOL!
Haynesworth needs to keep his @$$ around 290-305 (max).

It's still mind boggling to me what is happening in the NFL. How can these 350lb black guys be the best athletes for these positions?
Nothing exemplifies the power of the media more than the absolute refusal of most fans to even acknowledge all the disgraceful, out of shape tubs of lard they see jiggling across every football field now.

To use the term "athlete" to describe someone like Haynesworth is a slap in the face to those who train rigorously and turn their bodies into something the rest of us can admire and envy. It is doubtful if even a single NFL sumo could survive five minutes playing soccer, for instance. They are making a mockery of competitive sports (especially now that we see them entering the picture in basketball and baseball in increasing numbers).

We truly need some bold child to step forward and point out that this obese emperor is not wearing any clothes.
No matter how much "biggest bust" ribbing Tony Mandrich has taken, he was as anti-"sumo" as it gets...compared to "modern" OL/afflete...


Edited by: DixieDestroyer
Listed at 6-1 295 pounds, was Harry Galbreath one of the "pioneers" of what is now the sumo-era?

I understand why CFers don't want to see unhealthy/out of shape players. For one thing, they AREN'T athletes. In the picture provided at the following link, he's visibly out-of-shape. He just passed away, and I'm putting forth observations. Despite following football for many years, I was unfamiliar with this player.

Dolphins notebook: Former lineman Harry Galbreath dies at age 45

Many many sumos' really are on the shorter side. There's really a huge difference between being 6-1 295+ and 6-6 295 pounds.


Ravens second-rounder Cody fails conditioning test, held out;headlines

This comment was laughable:

Your response that Baltimore has more humidity being loocated directly on the water and having 4 straight days of 100 degree weather is irrelevant to the training conditions of NFL teams and their training camps. Every, and I mean every, NFL training camp is fast paced, hectic, torturous and for the most part brutal. Every training camp is hot, it is summer time in the Northern Hempisphere. Cody is more acclimated to a climate such as the one your describing, than most of the players coming into camp this summer. Cody is a large individual and his weight hinders him from performing the prescribed exercises that NFL training camps demand, not the heat or the humidity. By the way, come down to alabama for a summer, 4 days of those temperatures and humidity is the norm. You think training camp in Nashville, Miami, New Orleans or Atlanta isnt just as hot if not hotter?

Those "training camps" sure whip them into shape...
I bet'cha dollars to doughnuts ol' "Mount Bloaty" is holding a good 370-380+.
It seems like Harry Galbreath, William "Refrigerator" Perry, and some others were the "Original Sumos."

They were shortly followed by the nearly 400-pound Ted Washington, Willie "no neck" Roaf, Sam Adams, etc etc etc.

Willie Roaf:


I hadn't realized that he was the 8th Overall pick -- out of Louisiana Tech. Even if we were to conclude that he had a solid career, that high selection wreaks of the pandering that we see in today's Drafts.

"Refrigerator" Perry:

Ted Washington:

At 6"²5"³ and more than 350 pounds in his prime, he has been described as "the prototypical [3-4] nose tackle of this era."Â￾ His gargantuan frame earned him nicknames like "Mt. Washington" or "Washington Monument".[2] Also notable for his longevity, Washington was a starting nose tackleâ€"one of the most physically demanding positions in footballâ€"until the age of 39.[3]

Is there any doubt that he'll be put in the HOF? There's no doubt in my mind. His career numbers don't look very strong, but it won't matter. In the latter part of his career, he was SUPER-obese.

Sam Adams:

It's interesting, because it looks like some of the "old time" sumos were a bit more durable, but that doesn't seem to be the case now - with this "new breed" of sumo....
I wonder what the Bengals think now after drafting Andre Smith last year. Ok braintrust, here's a head case who's 100 pounds overweight, with no measureables to indicate he has any athleticism, and he'll likely hold out if we draft him. What's the consensus guys? Unanimous answer -- first round draft pick!!

Smith holds out, promptly breaks his foot in one of his first practices after signing, and according to this report is "still recovering" from it almost a year later. Not that this latest colossalbust is going to change the NFL's infatuation in the least when it comes to fat black offensive and defensive linemen:

Andre Smith was not dressed on Thursday, and Coach Marvin Lewis indicated that the right tackle will be out of action for the next 2-3 weeks. Smith is still recovering from a broken bone in his foot. He's done little to justify the Bengals' decision to reach on him with the #6 overall pick, and the immediate future seems bleak. Smith now seems unlikely to open the season as a starter.
The worst "measurable"Â￾ Smith was able the muster was on the bench press"¦where he managed an ultra-pedestrian 19 reps at 225.

I'm 6-4, 235, and 20 reps at 225 is my casual "warm-up"Â￾ set. I'd be willing to wager that most high school level offensive lineman (who life weights) can easily surpass Smith's bench press totals. Many at my high school did so with ease.

Weak, obese, dumb, lazy, slow, greedy, injury-prone"¦and let's not forget those fabulous c-cup breasts. This league is so disgracefully illegitimate.
Thrashen said:
Weak, obese, dumb, lazy, slow, greedy, injury-prone"¦and let's not forget those fabulous c-cup breasts.

LMAO! You forgot gluttonous gourmands (too).
If these obese specimens did anything at all-even stand around in pads in that tremendous summer heat-they'd lose weight. When you're that fat, just being out in the intense heat would cause a great deal of quick water weight loss.

The fact that these marvelous affletes somehow manage to defy human nature, and keep their jiggly, porky frames intact after weeks of supposedly extreme workouts in the grueling sun, should cause any intelligent spectator to question whether they are really even outside during training camp. It's obvious they aren't doing any exercises, let alone shuttle runs, suicide drills, up and downs, etc.

What will it take for some journalist, somewhere, to ask an NFL coach, "Uh, Coach, how does your offensive (or defensive) line look like that- what with all those ugly rolls of fat all over their bodies- after they've just finished training camp?"

This is now just another essential part of the Caste System.
Bigunreal, obviously they are doing some exercise. The fact remains that these sumos eat probably around 10,000 calories a day and I am not being sarcastic. Once they sign their contracts and take whiteys or a tribesman money they don't care anymore. It's off to the buffets and unhealthy lifestyle they have always lived. You can't change stupid.
whiteathlete33 said:
Bigunreal, obviously they are doing some exercise. The fact remains that these sumos eat probably around 10,000 calories a day and I am not being sarcastic. Once they sign their contracts and take whiteys or a tribesman money they don't care anymore. It's off to the buffets and unhealthy lifestyle they have always lived. You can't change stupid.
I have attended a few training camps in the NFL. Mainly saw the skill position players doing real exercise, thats about it. As for the linemen, they pretty much stood around. I just went for a day each time, maybe they were taking a break or the type of drills they were doing for that particular day, or maybe thats what they pretty much do they entire training camp. It was hot as hell, but you would think black people are better suited for that environment. I remember some of the white players talking about how they had to go to tanning beds before the training camp otherwise they would get extremely sun burnt.

They still do eat about 10,000 calories a day though. Who could forget Jonathan Sullivan, top 10 1st round pick for the Saints (I think they gave up 2 1st round picks to get him). On one game day, right before the game was about to start he was missing. They found him in the building, in a buffet line.
Edited by: snow
If the likes ofCody and Haynesworth & Co.have trouble passing the easiest (most pussified) "conditioning" tests imaginable, it's obvious that NFLcoaching staffs don't (aren't "allowed") to pushsumos very hard. "Perennial Pro Bowler" Casey Hampton used to be held out of all training camp practices by the Steelers because he was in such poor shape.

Watching Mike Shanahan dissemble about Haynesworth, or to read the quotes by Jim Harbaugh about Cody is just another illustration ofwhat a farce extreme affirmative action and its accompanying pandering has turned football into. Edited by: Don Wassall
Don Wassall said:
Waaaaa, my foot hurts, pass me some pizzas

About 15 years ago, I was reading a column in The Sporting News by Dave Kindred. He was raving about black athletic superiority. Kindred said that if you go in a pro football locker room you see that blacks have much better looking bodies.
Deadlift said:
It seems like Harry Galbreath, William "Refrigerator" Perry, and some others were the "Original Sumos."

They were shortly followed by the nearly 400-pound Ted Washington, Willie "no neck" Roaf, Sam Adams, etc etc etc.

Willie Roaf:


I hadn't realized that he was the 8th Overall pick -- out of Louisiana Tech. Even if we were to conclude that he had a solid career, that high selection wreaks of the pandering that we see in today's Drafts.

"Refrigerator" Perry:

Ted Washington:

At 6"²5"³ and more than 350 pounds in his prime, he has been described as "the prototypical [3-4] nose tackle of this era."Â￾ His gargantuan frame earned him nicknames like "Mt. Washington" or "Washington Monument".[2] Also notable for his longevity, Washington was a starting nose tackleâ€"one of the most physically demanding positions in footballâ€"until the age of 39.[3]

Is there any doubt that he'll be put in the HOF? There's no doubt in my mind. His career numbers don't look very strong, but it won't matter. In the latter part of his career, he was SUPER-obese.

Sam Adams:

It's interesting, because it looks like some of the "old time" sumos were a bit more durable, but that doesn't seem to be the case now - with this "new breed" of sumo....
I would probably say they weren't pushing the weight limit as much and they were probably monkeying around with their bodies less when it comes to PED usage and taking enezymes for eating. I remember in high school some of the O-line guys used hit up buffet restaurants together to pack on the pounds or to keep their weight up. Obviously these fools have taken it to a whole new level.
Don Wassall said:
Waaaaa, my foot hurts, pass me some pizzas

Smith throwing away millions of dollars in salary rather than giving up stuffing his face all day long:'s Pete Prisco passes along "word" that Bengals OT Andre Smith (foot) is weighing in at 370 pounds. This is hardly official, but it's worth noting because of the clauses the Bengals inserted into Smith's rookie contract. For any game that Smith reports heavier than 350 pounds, he is forced to give up half his game check. The Bengals can't be counting on an early-season contribution from Smith.

Don Wassall said:
<div>Smith throwing away millions of dollars in salary rather than giving up stuffing his face all day long:</div>
<div>'s Pete Prisco passes along "word" that Bengals OT Andre Smith (foot) is weighing in at 370 pounds. This is hardly official, but it's worth noting because of the clauses the Bengals inserted into Smith's rookie contract. For any game that Smith reports heavier than 350 pounds, he is forced to give up half his game check. The Bengals can't be counting on an early-season contribution from Smith.
Another side-effect of the NFL's aggressive and extreme affirmative action policy for blacks is that it now has to become its own version of a "Nanny State" to try to instill "personal responsibility" on a segment of the population that typically eschews it.

With very few Whites in the NFL for these affirmative action hires to compete against, there is very little to motivate them (hatred of Whites) to stay in shape. Their sense of privilege and entitlement to their positions is now ingrained. When you have real competition in the NFL, like their was in the 60's and 70's, and even the early 80's (when there were plenty of Whites in the NFL, thus supplying blacks motivation via hate), this was non-existent. The NFL has made their bed, now they'll have to sleep in it...until and unless the owners (or the fans) finally wake up from it.
Highlander said:
Another side-effect of the NFL's aggressive and extreme affirmative action policy for blacks is that it now has to become its own version of a "Nanny State" to try to instill "personal responsibility" on a segment of the population that typically eschews it.

With very few Whites in the NFL for these affirmative action hires to compete against, there is very little to motivate them (hatred of Whites) to stay in shape. Their sense of privilege and entitlement to their positions is now ingrained. When you have real competition in the NFL, like their was in the 60's and 70's, and even the early 80's (when there were plenty of Whites in the NFL, thus supplying blacks motivation via hate), this was non-existent. The NFL has made their bed, now they'll have to sleep in it...until and unless the owners (or the fans) finally wake up from it.

excellent analysis.
Although I already posted this on another thread that was dealing with the question of how it's possible for these fat sumos to maintain their incredible physiques, I thought it was an appropriate repost. Perhaps this can be made the "theme song" for the Sumo Watch thread, and every time you click on the thread the song is qued....
It looks like somebody's been reading CF! He even has a link to the Terrance Cody "topless"... nonetheless, there had to be a few "obligatory Whites" who are a bit heavy.;cover

I'm angry because this lack of discipline is offensive, and it goes beyond sports. Guys like this often -- not always, but often -- lack the discipline to live their life the right way. Haynesworth stomped on a player's unprotected head in 2006, opening a 30-stitch gash in Dallas Cowboys center Andre Gurode's face. After eating his way out of the NBA, Oliver Miller was kicked off the Harlem Globetrotters for having no discipline and then, earlier this year, was expelled from a minor-league basketball game after running into the stands to confront a fan. Nate Newton had no willpower as a 360-pound lineman with Dallas, then was caught with 175 pounds of marijuana in his car. And there's John Daly, who has diluted his world-class talent for golf with his no-class tendencies toward food, alcohol, cigarettes and women.

The obligatory White is present, of course, but this is pretty good writing here. Discipline is largely the product of mental prowess, so, if you lack discipline, it's likely the result of having a dull-mind.

If he were to add the "extreme AA" to this discussion, everything would have been tied in nicely. It's clear that most of the sumos' are blacks/Polys.

I think this was the most interesting thread, and it's the one with the most posts:;pageContainer

Yep, stamina is "important"... But, I wish people would have said that "bigger doesn't equal super-strong."

Edited by: Deadlift
American Freedom News