Steroids and Black Athletes

white lightning said:
I probably read it wrong bro. I know TJR swears that Gay is clean. That is his opinion. I respect TJR but I disagree with him on this. It is still far too easy to beat the system. Even in the US. While it has gotten tougher, the athletes, trainers, and coaches are almost always at least 1 step ahead!

Tyson Gay was an average high school sprinter like so many others. Then one day he magically starts running times out of this world. Gatlin swore he was clean. Gay says the same. I highly, sincrerely doubt it! I would bet that he is as guilty as Barry Bonds!

Yea, there is no way in hell Gay is clean (Pilot Program might as well be called Patriot Act because it does not do what it says it does). He was capable of running in the 9.6's last year. He only ran 10.6 in highschool!!! Come on I've raced a kid who has ran 10.4 and he'll probably never get to the Olympics. Pickering was 10.2ish at 18 years old, and because he does it clean he doesn't get a gold.

Thompson and Bolt have found this newer tyype of steroid that allows you to be lean. If IAFF ever catches any of these cheats it will be against their own will.
white lightning said:
The new commercial. Steroids, the breakfast of champions! Maybe the breakfast of cheaters who win medals that they don't deserve. I would rather finish last or never medal than to shoot needles into my ass. What a joke sports has become these days.

W.A.D.A. needs to do a better job of catching the cheats faster. It may be difficult, but it is not impossible. Let's clean up the sport please. Is that asking too much? We need to clean up all sports for the kids sake. What kind of message are we sending to the children of the world. I HATE CHEATERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

the problem with the pilot program, is they can only screen for the drugs they know about. that and there is testosterone level ratios, but that could be altered by another drug. so if its some new drug they don't know about, they can't test for it. hence, marion jones. its only when someone spills the beans, like the needle sent to WADA do people start to get caught. so the pilot program means dick. sorry TJR!
The one thing that makes the Pilot program better than other programs is that they save refrigerated viles of the athletes blood (I think urine too). Hence, if new information becomes available to detect a formerly masked steroid drug they can back-check the viles. This puts more scare into the athletes, for fear of getting caught. Old personal records/ medals can be taken away- if they were dirty at the time (if I'm not mistaken.)

I never said that Gay is definitely clean of roids WL. I think there is a decent chance- maybe almost 50-50. Gay ran his 9.69 (or whatever it was) with a tailwind WAY over the limit and underperformed at the Olympics (although it may have been his injury). I don't think he was always clean, but he may be turning over a new leaf with many other U.S track stars who feel lucky they've never been caught.

I am very confident Spearmon is clean. He's a good guy and a health freak. I also am maybe 70-80% confident that Dix is clean- at least of steroids. Dix PB is 9.91 right now (if I'm not mistaken). It is certainly possible, IMO, for a freak athlete to run that- chasing that Bolt of Lightning AT THE OLYMPICS in a good lane without steroids.

Lots of these guys (not Spearmon IMO) may be using HGH though b/c of how short it's detectable life is. I think that drug should be legalized b/c it is so hard to catch sprinters for it.
One of the first big meets of the year. Vlassic won the womens high jump again with a 2.05! This is her 36th time jumping that high. What a talent and boy is she beautiful.

Simone Williamson must have pulled out at the last minute.

Simone Collion ran a 10.30 to make the finals and followed that up with a 10.24 for 5th place. Both times were wind legal. Not bad for early May! I can't wait to see when Cerruti will start his outdoor season!

Here is the link to the race results.

[url] de=100/result.html#M100[/url]
Mother of God...That is such good news for Collio! By far the best form he's ever been, and to be honest he is now officially in the running for the first white man to break ten seconds. It makes you wonder what Cerutti can do.

So far Collio and Lemaitre are in fantastic form! Hopefully Pickering, Cerutti, Di Gregorio, Unger, Schwabb, and Blum can start off equally well. If so, I can see at least one of these guys making the final in Berlin, several below 10.1, and maybe a few to break 10!
Is it true that HGH use can be seen in growth of the jaw? If so, then I can think of a mega-doper out there. The courts haven't caught him, so I won't point a finger at a name, but I'm surprised no one else has mentioned it. On his USATF photo from his freshman year in college he is a good-looking 19 year old black kid. Flash forward a few years to the 2008 Olympics he is sporting this massively wide lower jaw. Really ruined his looks. Massive teeth also, which maybe makes me think that the jaw size is natural, not drugged. But in that earlier photo his jaw on the lower portion looks like its almost an inch narrower. Maybe it's just the photo angle, I don't know. Maybe his parents looked the same way when they got to be past their teen years.

Anyway, I don't really want to play guess-the-doper from my chair, but my main question is about whether or not heavy does of HGH can make the lower jaw wider?
Yes it can. It can effect the entire skeletal system and make the internal organs grow. That's why it can be lethal. There are a bunch of black stars that are obvious druggies.
Just like with Barry Bonds. He had to keep buying bigger hat sizes as his head kept getting larger. I read that in the Sports Illustrated Article about his steroid and hgh use. Even in a grown man, hgh does crazy things to the body with heavy & long term use!

Collio looked good for being in the outside lane. Most people do not realize how hard it is to win a race if you are in lanes one or eight. These lanes make it almost impossible to judge where you are at. It is also very easy to step on the edge of the track. Lanes 1,2,7, and 8 all are disadvantage in sprinting. Especially lanes 1 and lane 8!

That is what makes Macrozonaris personal best 10.03 that much more impressive. He did it from lane 1 and beat the then juiced up 100 meter world record holder Tim Montgomery in the process! If he doesn't stumble towards the end and tighten up a little, the sub 10 would have been over. Macro also ran two sub 10's wind aided in the same day at the Can. Natl Champs. He will open up his season in two or three weeks.

Macrozonaris and Collio are in the now or never time. They are both around 30 so it's put up or shut up. Good luck to both to them as they are very classy guys.Edited by: white lightning
I hope Unger, Macrozonaris, and Collio all finish their careers very well. It would be great if one of them did something special this year, that would be a gift to the younger sprinters.
I would say Collio has the best chance out of these 3 sprinters. He has stayed injury free for the most part and he is consistantly performed at a descent level. Macro and Unger have both battled serious injuries. Wouldn't it be great if all 3 make their mark this year. Collio has the advantage of battling it out with his incredibly talented teammates. Can you imagine the wars in some of their training sessions? Cerutti, DeGregario, and Collio.

As far as I know, Unger will go back to mainly running the 200 this year. His life time best is a 20.20!

Macrozonaris may have something up his sleeve. His coach decided to totally change up his trainging routing and race schedule. This year was the first time in his career that he skipped the indoor season. They are focused on him getting stronger over 100 meters. I really think this could be a good idea. Maybe some of his injuries were also due to overracing.

I have talked to him on a few occasions and Nic is a great guy. He could shock some people this year. Let's hope so!

The one guy I really felt should have gave it one last run was Shirvington. He still has the talent in my opinion. I think the wife and kids thing however along with his celebrity status has caused him to give up his sprinting career. What a shame. His talent was immense. He just needed better coaching to work on his form and he would have been incredible. He was and still is one of my idols. If he never races again, thanks for the memories Shirvo!
When the sub-10 finally does happen for one of ours, what, exactly, will happen?

Will the media sort of just let it blow over without much mention, or will there be this big hoopla?

Would the media consider it racist to make a big deal of it?

Wouldn't most of black America and the White America that worships black America say, "so what, you got lucky?"
GiovaniMarcon said:
When the sub-10 finally does happen for one of ours, what, exactly, will happen?

Will the media sort of just let it blow over without much mention, or will there be this big hoopla?

Would the media consider it racist to make a big deal of it?

Wouldn't most of black America and the White America that worships black America say, "so what, you got lucky?"

The white guy that first breaks the sub-10 mark would be subject to lots of extra drug testing and media scrutiny similar to the type Lance Armstrong endures.
Who ever does it first will go down in history. He will be both loved and hated for doing it. Most pathetic dum fans in the US, Jamaica, Trinidad, and Africa will cry that he cheated, the wind was too strong, and the track was too short. Oh and the clock was faulty. It won't matter. They can cry all they want. IT WILL HAPPEN AND IT WILL HAPPEN SOON!

I'm sick of this sh**! It is going down this summer. I know it has happened in a practice clocking of a couple of different sprinters. Namely one from England who will remain nameless. This was back in 2007 but practice doesn't matter. You have to produce when the pressure is on.

I just want it to end. I want one guy to lead by busting the door down. Break through that stupid, psychological barrier. Then it will be easier for the next set of sprinters. We need multiple guys to do it. We need to get on the medal stands again. That is bigger and better than any time is.
After Allen Wells the Gold Medals go: Carl Lewis, Carl Lewis, Linford Christie, Donovan Bailey, Maurice Greene, Justin gatlin, and Usain Bolt. I have some free time so I will pick these cheaters apart one by one.

Carl Lewis: "It was revealed that Lewis tested positive three times before the 1988 Olympics for pseudoephedrine, ephedrine, and phenylpropanolamine, banned stimulants and bronchiodilators also found in cold medication, and had been banned from the Seoul Olympics and from competition for six months. The USOC accepted his claim of inadvertent use and overturned the decision. Fellow Santa Monica Track Club teammates Joe DeLoach and Floyd Heard were also found to have the same banned stimulants in their systems, and were cleared to compete for the same reason."

2. Linford Christie: "Christie tested positive for the stimulant pseudoephedrine at the 1988 Seoul Olympics, but was cleared after the International Olympic Committee voted by a margin of 11 to 10 the substance could have come from the permitted substance ginseng. It was later reported that two of the judges were asleep when the vote was taken. Reference to this is made in a television advert Christie made for Egg online banking in Autumn 1998.

In a separate matter in 1999, Christie was found guilty of using the performance enhancing drug Nandrolone following a routine doping test after an indoor meet in Germany. By this time, Christie was in semi-retirement. He was found to have metabolites of nandrolone in his urine, which may have been accidentally introduced to his system by taking legal nutritional supplements."

3. Donovan Bailey: His body is similar to that of a juicer, however he has little evidence against him. He may be the only clean 100 meter Gold since Allan Wells. If Borzov ran on the tracks Bailey ran on, he would be in the mid to low 9.8's too, so his time is not unbelieveable.

4. Maurice Greene: "In April 2008, the New York Times reported that Greene had paid Mexican discus thrower Angel Guillermo Heredia $10,000, which Heredia claimed was in payment for performance enhancing drugs. Greene admitted meeting Heredia and making the payment, but claimed it was common for him to pay for "stuff" for other members of his training group, and reiterated that he had never used banned drugs."

5. Justin Gatlin: "On July 29, 2006 Justin Gatlin told the media that he had been informed by the USADA that he had given a positive doping test in April the same year. He did, however, claim his innocence in the matter: "I cannot account for these results, because I have never knowingly used any banned substance or authorized anyone to administer such a substance to me."

It is believed that the substance that Gatlin has tested positive for was "testosterone or its precursor". The failed test was revealed after a relay race on April 22, 2006 in Lawrence, Kansas, U.S.. The "B" sample was confirmed as positive in July.""

6. Usain Bolt: 2007 100 meter; 10.03, 2008 100 meter: 9.55. Not to mention he is Jamaican, 6'5" tall, and according to Tobias Unger didn't even bother warming up before running sub-10.

So all-in-all a very impressive group of people these last gold medallists have been. 5/6 guarenteed juicers and cheaters. A far cry from Hines, Owens, Hary, Borzov, Mennea, and Morrow.
Hey StarWars. Please empty out your inbox here at Caste. I can't even send you a message nor can anyone else. Your inbox is overloaded. I just tried to message you. Thanks. Talk to you soon.
white lightning said:
Hey StarWars. Please empty out your inbox here at Caste. I can't even send you a message nor can anyone else. Your inbox is overloaded. I just tried to message you. Thanks. Talk to you soon.

The deed is done.
Nigerian born hurdler Onyia of Spain test positive for Clenbuterol. claims its from tainted meat. does that mean her boyfriend was on PEDS?

get it? tainted meat

I can't wait for the JA-MAY-KINS to get caught eating tainted yams! how fast you going to run this year bolt 9.45?
Im' also starting to think Merritts on PEDS. he is looking more like a 100m runner these days.
albinosprint said:
Nigerian born hurdler Onyia of Spain test positive for Clenbuterol. claims its from tainted meat. does that mean her boyfriend was on PEDS?

get it? tainted meat

I can't wait for the JA-MAY-KINS to get caught eating tainted yams! how fast you going to run this year bolt 9.45?

After Allen Wells got the gold in the 100 meter, there have been 7 gold medals, and six gold medalists. Of those six black athletes, 3 have tested postive for steroids (Linford Christie, Tim Montgomery, Justin Gatlin), 1 has evidence of steroids (Maurice Greene), and two that were too fast to be clean and belong to countries with a history of cheating (Usain Bolt and Donovan Bailey). See the plot?

Ever since Wariner started tearing up the track in the 400 Lashawn Meriitt came along. I imagine this will follow the same trend as above. Let's hope steroids aren't enough to beat Wariner.

Ever since Pickering started running fast sprinters like M. Devonish and a younger sprinter who recently ran 10.15 have obiously started taking steroids.

Ever since Patrik Sjoberg had a world record high jump, Javier Sotomayor took nandralone to get his 2.45.

f**k this sh*t.
Good idea WL- the steroid talk is bringing too much negativity to Lemaitre's thread. We want to appreciate Lemaitre's greatness.
Tyson Gay's saving grace for me and the reason I am atleast giving him some reasonable doubt is his willingness to donate a vile of his blood for posterity.I mean for all anybody knows some cuttin-edge dna testing might be viable to detect any previous use. As best as my mind can work it's all a person could do to support his innocence.
Tyson Gay ran a max wind 9.69 in late September and Carmelita Jeter just ran a 10.63 which is pretty close to what should be the world record if you throw out the wind aided 10.49. Usually in late September athletes are peaked out and running early season times.
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