Steroids and Black Athletes

I'm sorry but I just can't co-sign the bellyaching about drugs.

I too notice that times are decreasing but that seems to correlate with a lot sports IMO.

How many guys ran like Jordan Shipley a couple of decades ago.

How many college linebackers did you see that were 250lbs but still ran RB like speeds?

We got a 15 yr old kid out here in WA that is 6ft 7 300 lbs (after losing 30) and plays Offensive Tackle.He
is NFL size at 15!!

I think you have to look at diet.The last two to three decades have really changed food production and the outcome seems to be huge people.If you are athletic your body gets everything it needs to put on muscle if you're not're on your way to obesity.

Yes I think there is some foul stuff going on but I don't look at recent trends with suspicion simply because I see athletes at every level becoming bigger and faster.

Had Carl Lewis been born 20 yrs later I think his numbers would have been better.
Seahawker71 said:
I'm sorry but I just can't co-sign the bellyaching about drugs. I too notice that times are decreasing but that seems to correlate with a lot sports IMO.

First of all a lot of sports have steroids. Using steroids in a sport where strength and power and some other things (which are directly related to steroids) is much less ethical. Second of all the black WR continues to decrease, yet the white world record remains stagnant. So this trend of times decreasing is not the case for whites, and I doubt we were at our evolutionary/ population peak decades ago.

Seahawker71 said:
How many guys ran like Jordan Shipley a couple of decades ago.

Bobby Morrow, Allen Wells, John Riggins, and others that wre actually FASTER then than most whites are now (barring Lemaitre and Guliyev).

Seahawker71 said:
How many college linebackers did you see that were 250lbs but still ran RB like speeds?

Running fast has been done since the dawn of time, not to mention it is only one of many key assetts in football (another sport full of juicers by the way).

Seahawker71 said:
We got a 15 yr old kid out here in WA that is 6ft 7 300 lbs (after losing 30) and plays Offensive Tackle.He
is NFL size at 15!!


Seahawker71 said:
I think you have to look at diet.The last two to three decades have really changed food production and the outcome seems to be huge people.If you are athletic your body gets everything it needs to put on muscle if you're not're on your way to obesity.

Obesity. You mean like 1/3 of the NFL? Do you know what Usain Bolt ate before winning Beijing 100m? Chicken nuggets.

Seahawker71 said:
Yes I think there is some foul stuff going on but I don't look at recent trends with suspicion simply because I see athletes at every level becoming bigger and faster.

Except for the white ones, and that is called a trend, my friend.

Seahawker71 said:
Had Carl Lewis been born 20 yrs later I think his numbers would have been better.

I think if Carl Lewis was born 20 years later he would've found some better steroids. So would of the whole Santa Monica track club he ran with that tested positive for PEDs before Seoul, but got a pass for it.Edited by: StarWars
Glad this thread got a recent bump; it has a wealth of information from both posters and links. One thing though, why was"Latspread" banned. He seemed like a solid poster and even PMed me about competeing in amature track in NYC.
Another black afflete testing positive for PED's. Of course, just like another guy that we posted about earlier, he says it was to improve "sexual performance", which is just a bunch of "horse squeeze".

<H1>LaShawn Merritt positive </H1>
The Olympic champion in the 400 meters champion and world champion LaShawn Merritt was tested positive for DHEA, a steroid, three times between October and January. The substance was in a medication he took to improve his sexual performance.
as if there is a 22 year old that need help with sexual performance, give me a break!
The equivalent of Dr. Rosa passed away today. Francis brought the modern steroid program on to the niave Canadian track scene. The track world has never been the same since.....Ben Johnson's coach, Charlie Francis dies


Last Updated: May 12, 2010 3:20pm

Charlie Francis, the most successful and scandal-plagued coach in Canadian Olympic history, has died after a five-year battle with cancer.

Francis, who turned Ben Johnson into the world's fastest human, was 61.

Johnson, of course, was later disgraced when it was discovered his gold-medal victory in the 100 metres at the 1988 Seoul Olympics was fuelled by steroids.

Johnson forfeited his medal and world records while Francis was banned from coaching after admitting to Canada's Dubin Inquiry that he had introduced his sprinter to performance enhancing drugs.

It was Francis' belief that many of Johnson's rivals were also taking steroids.

Francis, who was married to former Olympic hurdler Angela Coon, coached a number of Canadian Olympic track stars, including Desai Williams, Mark McKoy and Angella Issajenko.

He wrote two books on sprinting and, though tainted by the Johnson scandal, Francis was still considered one of the world's leading experts on running.

Francis passed away Wednesday at Sunnybrook Hospital.

Funeral arrangements will be handled by the Humphrey Funeral Home â€" A.W. Miles Chapel in Toronto. Details will be announced later.
Another Jamaican got busted recently. Sheri Ann Brookes was caught. It seems like they catch a few of the smaller names and like the US protect their superstars. The likelyhood of Bolt or Powell testing positive is remote as they are guarded. Even if there was a positive test, it would most likely be hidden like Carl Lewis and so many others have throughout the years.
That's right. Marion Jones passed hundreds of tests. The only real way we have of determining who's dirty or clean now is to look at their physiques. The eyes don't lie.
trackster said:
That's right.  Marion Jones passed hundreds of tests.  The only real way we have of determining who's dirty or clean now is to look at their physiques.  The eyes don't lie.

Unfortunately the only way of going about it is assuming all black sprinters take shortcuts. With their high theft and crime rate, morally I doubt they see a difference.

I could brag by going back and quoting myself (from quotes on here) about Brooks and Jamaicans or LaShawn Merritt (actually he was exposed after Beijing by a black hurdler and I think Bolt was too, or at least alluded to), but the banal task of being right about this type of stuff is the reason I started this thread. Black athletes usually take steroids, or benefit from high altitude training. It's becoming too repetitive to even give them any credit anymore. Edited by: StarWars
i literally know nothing about athletics. So perhaps you could help me out.

Marrion jones and alot of black atheletes pass drug tests, then later on are found positive. IS it that there are drugs that beat the system, or is it that they protect them, until they have won aload of golds then disgrace them.

Or is it a bit of both?
It is a case of both. For one thing, alot of the newer type performance enchancing drugs are virtually undetectable. There are pharmacists in labs always coming up with new drugs for everyone from football players to weight lifters to sprinters. These people make alot of money. WADA is the drug testing agency and they are basically outmanned and will never have the resources to keep up. There are probably hundreds if not thousands of variations of these peds. Over the last decade or so, athletes are injecting human growth hormone(HGH) as well. There really isn't a reliable test yet to catch athletes. The newest thing is cell manipulation and such. The athletes will always be a few steps ahead of the testers. On top of that, many nations will always protect their athletes. Too much money involved not too. Imagine how much money guys like Usain Bolt and Asafa Powell bring to Jamaica. Jamaica has always been a poor country but they now are dominating the sprints. I could compare what they are doing overthere with East Germany and the United States just to name a few. Anything to win. Win at all costs.
Tyson Gay just won a straight away 200 meter. The article is front page yahoo news. Wasn't this guy caught at some point?

On a more postive note, it was nice to see Paul Hession, the Irish sprinter, in the mix.
the above-mentioned 200 by Gay was run in a phenomenal 19.41 seconds. it seems whatever stuff that the Jamaicans are on has been discovered and utilized by Gay ...

oh, by the way, Bolt just dropped a 9.86 in mid-May to begin the year.

yeah, there's nothing suspicious about these guys at all.
Jimmy Chitwood said:
the above-mentioned 200 by Gay was run in a phenomenal 19.41 seconds. it seems whatever stuff that the Jamaicans are on has been discovered and utilized by Gay ...
Perhaps this is so, but Gay has gone beyond the call-of-duty in regard to testing, to my knowledge.
Another week and another Jamaican gets busted. This is the 7th jamaican athlete. It still seems to me though that they punish a few small names to protect the big men and women that bring in the money. I just find it impossible to believe the performances of many if not most of the Jamaican Sprinters. I'm hoping in time, that justice will prevail. The only downside is what it would do for the credibility of track. Here is the article.

Again doping affair in the Jamaican team
The seventh case of doping in the team of Jamaican sprint star Usain Bolt, within twelve months: Christopher Williams, 2001 runner-up was about 200 meters, athletics IAAF for two years locked out loud. The now 38-year-old, in the semifinals in Beijing failed in 2008, has been meeting in Spain in July 2009 on a positive amphetamines test in. Christopher Williams stated that he had previously used a sleeping pill and inhaled on the way to the meeting.

Once again, a Jamaican sprinter tested positive (Photo: Chai)

Only last week it was revealed that was the Jamaican sprinter Bobby-Gaye Wilkins in the World Indoor Championships in March in Doha (Qatar) tested positive. Should the B sample confirm this, Jamaica will lose the bronze medal in the 4x400 meters.

Previously had already been caught Yohan Blake, Marvin Anderson, Lance Ford Spence, Allodin Sheri-Ann Brooks and Fothergill.

Usain Bolt is true for the International Olympic Committee (IOC) as suspicious. Its medical and doping chief Arne Ljungqvist described the achievements of the 23-year-old several times as it considers credible and clean.
Edited by: white lightning
David Howman, the World Anti-Doping Agency's director-general, last night spoke out in defence of Jamaica's drugs-testing regime after Shelly-Ann Fraser became the eighth athlete from the island to fall foul of doping regulations in 12 months. I find it funny that this guy is trying to defend this island. Anyone can see what is going on. They have dominated the sprints for sevaral years now. They have always had some talent there but all of a sudden had nothing but world and olympic champs. The improvements are like night and day. It's only obvious that they have gotten as good at cheating as the U.S.

Think about it. 8 track athletes busted in 12 months but off course most of the big names are protected. What a joke.

[url] jamaica-anti-doping[/url]
To the guy who posted in the wrong thread

<div>"There are 6 Americans currently at 10.06 and under for the year,
and only 3 Jamaicans.. Bolt, Powell, and Blake.. "
<div>There are 4 Americans at 10 flat and under.. 3 Jamaicans. No
offense, bro, but I think you might need to do YOUR homework. "

USA population: <em style="font-size: medium;">307,006,550
Jamaica population : [/i]<em style="font-size: medium;">2,687,200

[/i]even if you take 13 percent of the population to only include blacks, its still close to like 40,000,000

so based on that, shouldn't the black americans have a bigger number of guys going sub 10 compared to a tiny island of 2.6 million? or could it be that there is more use of peds in Jamaica because not as strict of testing?

There are still a few ped users in american sprinting, it is just much harder to get around it, therefore probably a very small number compared to Jamaica.
<em style="font-size: medium;">
Edited by: snow
There's no doubt Jamaica has always been pretty good at sprinting, but the numbers corresponded to the population. Why are they suddenly dominating? Is their coaching and training that great, all of a sudden? What's the explanation?

There are more individuals of West African descent in the United States than in Jamaica.

Ben Johnson is from Jamaica. He was a 10.4 sprinter without the juice.
Come on albinosprint. They would never cheat. Blacks don't need drugs to beat the slow unathletic whites of the world.
Where you can see the cheating is in the relay teams. A small country like Jamaica could have the best sprinter or even an extremely rare case of the two best sprinters. But their relays would be weak at the 3rd and 4th runner level. Now they are like the US with 1/20th the population of West Africans. Trinidad is now a poor mans version of Jamaica they have half the people of Jamaica and half the people are Indian(as far as I know they hasn't been a world class ethnic Indian since the 60's).
They are programs on TV like "Caribbean Cops" -- and I think there's something a bit informative about what one is seeing.

From what I can tell, they are mostly covering negro cops in Trinidad and other places. No surprise... the cops are usually fat.

More importantly, though, is seeing hordes of incredibly short, often frail in appearance, blacks that are walking along the streets! The idea that Trinidad, Barbadoes, Jamaica, Bahamas, Cuba (etc) are filled with "ebony titans" is one of the biggest jokes of all-time.

--To me, it just makes sense that even many of the supposed "Top Bell Curve" guys are juicing. I've never believed that "black bodies" are these futuristic "machines" that Whites can't physically compete with. Oh, but they do have Ronnie Coleman!!

Whites can eat big, train big, and look and perform like thoroughbreds. This has always been the case. Blacks will always try to juice, because, for many of them, ALL their "self-worth" is put into the athletic basket. That's shallow, and I think, in a way, the "black supremacist media" has almost trapped blacks into a field negro existence. I don't feel bad for blacks, no siree, never, but I can't help but notice all the blacks that get into legal trouble AFTER their playing days have reached it's inevitable conclusion. It's the - "I'm no longer a black stud" syndrome... Also, If they weren't obese during their playing careers, some will become obese shortly thereafter.
Deadlift said:
They are programs on TV like "Caribbean Cops" -- and I think there's something a bit informative about what one is seeing.

From what I can tell, they are mostly covering negro cops in Trinidad and other places. No surprise... the cops are usually fat.

More importantly, though, is seeing hordes of incredibly short, often frail in appearance, blacks that are walking along the streets! The idea that Trinidad, Barbadoes, Jamaica, Bahamas, Cuba (etc) are filled with "ebony titans" is one of the biggest jokes of all-time.

--To me, it just makes sense that even many of the supposed "Top Bell Curve" guys are juicing. I've never believed that "black bodies" are these futuristic "machines" that Whites can't physically compete with. Oh, but they do have Ronnie Coleman!!

Whites can eat big, train big, and look and perform like thoroughbreds. This has always been the case. Blacks will always try to juice, because, for many of them, ALL their "self-worth" is put into the athletic basket. That's shallow, and I think, in a way, the "black supremacist media" has almost trapped blacks into a field negro existence. I don't feel bad for blacks, no siree, never, but I can't help but notice all the blacks that get into legal trouble AFTER their playing days have reached it's inevitable conclusion. It's the - "I'm no longer a black stud" syndrome... Also, If they weren't obese during their playing careers, some will become obese shortly thereafter.
Being from Latin America/the Caribbean this myth of the "Super *******" is just that. Most Afro-Cubans are frail and whip like in build due to the rationing that the ruling junta forces all non connected people to endure. Trinidadian Blacks are generally built like this too. Trinidadian Blacks have significant East Indian and Spanish admixture neither of these ethnic groups are traditionally stout. The only Blacks that I have ever noticed that were buff were fisherman that had swim out to pull in their lines.Edited by: white is right
Deadlift said:
They are programs on TV like "Caribbean Cops" -- and I think there's something a bit informative about what one is seeing.

From what I can tell, they are mostly covering negro cops in Trinidad and other places. No surprise... the cops are usually fat.

More importantly, though, is seeing hordes of incredibly short, often frail in appearance, blacks that are walking along the streets! The idea that Trinidad, Barbadoes, Jamaica, Bahamas, Cuba (etc) are filled with "ebony titans" is one of the biggest jokes of all-time.

--To me, it just makes sense that even many of the supposed "Top Bell Curve" guys are juicing. I've never believed that "black bodies" are these futuristic "machines" that Whites can't physically compete with. Oh, but they do have Ronnie Coleman!!

Whites can eat big, train big, and look and perform like thoroughbreds. This has always been the case. Blacks will always try to juice, because, for many of them, ALL their "self-worth" is put into the athletic basket. That's shallow, and I think, in a way, the "black supremacist media" has almost trapped blacks into a field negro existence. I don't feel bad for blacks, no siree, never, but I can't help but notice all the blacks that get into legal trouble AFTER their playing days have reached it's inevitable conclusion. It's the - "I'm no longer a black stud" syndrome... Also, If they weren't obese during their playing careers, some will become obese shortly thereafter.
ever watch tv show's from the 60's and 70's?
most of the nergos had little arms, long necks, and legs.
now most blacks on tv look like they put about four hours in the gym a day.
just more media brainwashing.......
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