Steroids and Black Athletes

And by the way Wariner breaking 43.5 with is 43.45 in Osaka is more impressive than Usain Bolt running 9.69 anyday. Wariner alone could beat most 4x100 teams! That is speed to an extreme! He runs under 11 seconds for 4 100 meters in a row.
Jamaicans tested positive

Another Article on Them

Notice how the Jamaican athletes were not caught by being tested, but financial records. Just like baseball, the drug testing is just a stupid act. Many of the black athletes in the Olympics never tested positive, but are on steroids. I would say the majority of juicers do not get caught because the testosterone wears away quickly and the drugs are advanced. Simeon Williamson and the Olympic high jump silver medalist wanted in on these drugs and lack of real testing when they went to train in Jamaica with cheaters like Bolt and Campbell-Brown.Edited by: StarWars
If there is anybody here who has dark skin (to blend in in Jamaica), a lot of money, spare time, and is retired: can yo go take some snapshots of Bolt juicing? That would be a big help.
StarWars said:
Jamaicans tested positive

Another Article on Them

Notice how the Jamaican athletes were not caught by being tested, but financial records. Just like baseball, the drug testing is just a stupid act. Many of the black athletes in the Olympics never tested positive, but are on steroids. I would say the majority of juicers do not get caught because the testosterone wears away quickly and the drugs are advanced. Simeon Williamson and the Olympic high jump silver medalist wanted in on these drugs and lack of real testing when they went to train in Jamaica with cheaters like Bolt and Campbell-Brown.
The Frenchies should handle the anti-doping thing. They after all, are always suspicious of Lance Armstrong. They might do a better job on the likes of Bolt and Campbell-Brown.
All I know is some times it takes a cheat to catch a cheat. Too many coaches, trainers and sprinters or former sprinters swear the Jamaican Teams are juiced to the gills. Victor Conte has been saying it for years. They have an attitude over there where they look the other way. Kind of like the US has had for so many years. The only good thing about Jamaica is that the US is finally getting a taste of their own medicine!

I feel so bad for the sprinters that consistantly lose out to the cheaters. Dwain Chambers won the Euro Indoors. He shouldn't have even been allowed to compete there. That tells others cheats it's ok to cheat and you can still win medals. I would say that two of the only black sprinters of the last 10 years that I would swear were natural were Kim Collins and Jason Gardner. They did it the right way like our guys do. That is why they struggle to run even in the low 10 second range.

Sprinters cannot and will probably never run 40,50 and even 60 sub 10's without massive steroid use. That is a fact. Everyone from Charlie Francis to Victor Conte will tell you that. I don't need anyone to tell me. The eyes tell the truth. These guys are built like they are from another planet. It's so fake! Here is to them cleaning up sprinting in the future!Edited by: white lightning
Latspread said:
I get really sick of people saying that blacks have higher testosterone levels than whites. I've seen no legitimate study that even suggests this and can basically guarantee it isn't true. Further, if you're going to talk about something like that you would have to compare one ethnic group to another not take a sample of one very specific kind of white and use that as your sample for the entire white race...same with black sampling.

Irrespective of the average testosterone levels of whites as a whole, I can assure you that there are White men with testosterone levels as high (and almost certainly higher) than anyone. Thus, there are White athletes who will respond to steroids as well or better than anyone.

Same goes for the supposed black advantage in hamstring and glute strength and size. Even if whites were at a disadvantage on average (I'm skeptical of even this) there is certainly enough genetic diversity within the White race that white athletes can be the best at anything and everything. I know for a fact there are white men with asses and hamstrings as strong, huge, and muscular as any you'll find (probably more so), complete with high cut calves and all the trappings of a natural speed athlete.

yeah we have strong least white girls.a month or so ago I looked up who have more hip circumference white or black women.this is after I hear white girls have no butt blah blah blah.what i already thought was true .in the sample of very overweight women black had more hip circumferencve and for women in shape (average bodyfat sub 25%)white women had more booty which i like lol 39 versus 37 inches hip circumference on average .dutch women oh yeah for not overweight women this is bullsh*t like white men have small you know what on average is very untrue.
Another big myth. White girls have no butt. I personally enjoy a very nice butt and very rarely am attracted to black chicks. Skinny white girls have better butts, and I don't like fat chicks anyway. Look at all the black guys going for big white chicks, they just like them big and fat like the black butts.

The only skinny white chicks with bad butts are the stupid ones that think jogging will make them look hot. Get on the squats! That is what makes a nice backend.
StarWars said:
If there is anybody here who has dark skin (to blend in in Jamaica), a lot of money, spare time, and is retired: can yo go take some snapshots of Bolt juicing? That would be a big help.
This had me thinking of Dan Akroyd in black face with his cheesy Jamaican accent in Trading Places..
Nobody will ever admit it, but White girls are always, and still the most beautiful creatures on the face the planet. Asian girls (East Asian, and Southeast Asian) are a close 2nd, and Blacks girls are the least of the least (with a very few exceptions).

Trading Places was great movie, "this negro you say"?
Edited by: j41181
j41181 said:
Nobody will ever admit it, but White girls are always, and still the most beautiful creatures on the face the planet. Asian girls (East Asian, and Southeast Asian) are a close 2nd, and Blacks girls are the least of the least (with a very few exceptions).

Trading Places was great movie, "this negro you say"?

Asians are not hot. They have flat butts and faces. They can be though. I did see a very dark black chick that was hot in The Last King of Scotland (the one he has sex with; great butt), but that is rare. I'd say Asians are tied with blacks.
For me, white girls rule by far. After that it would be latin women and then asian women. I rarely ever even take a second look at a black woman. Some of the few rare exceptions always are a mostly white mix.
Allen Wells doubtful

What astounds Wells is the way runners now keep their form going throughout an entire summer. "I know the work I put into it and I know how hard it was psychologically," he said. "I was totally knackered at the end of the season - it was like a boxer, you're so focused and concentrated that you can only last so long. Now they break records at the end of the season. That's incredible."

Wells added that he is disillusioned with the ineffectiveness of dope testing. While the IAAF this week confirmed that none of the 127 tests at last month's World Indoor Championships had been positive, that is no cause for celebration because Marion Jones passed 160 tests, but is in jail after lying about her drugs use.

In other words ineffective dope testing is used to make the track and filed sport look more interesting, and black athletes are reaping the benefits. Because of the stereotype that they are faster they get the blind eye more often, and whites are watched more closely so nobody gets suspicious of why a white man like Kenteris is winning. Like Wells said, we need a more effective way to test for drugs, but the IAFF doesn't want to. Sometimes I doubt they will ever catch bolt for the blow the sport would take for it.

Simple solution: make track an amateur sport. That way blacks are uninterested, and nobody invests steroids into it.
My comment is not about track, but is on somewhat the same subject. Around 15-20 years ago, it was said that steriod use was a white-only problem. In 1991, long-time Oklahoma football coach Barry Switzer put out a book. Switzer had a chapter in which he told of black athletic superiority. He claimed that whites began weight training in the late 50's because they saw blacks coming into sports in large numbers. Switzer declared that whites used steriods to compete with blacks and wrote, "Blacks don't need them."
If blacks don't need steroids, how can one explain their super ripped-ness? There's no way blacks can be naturally muscular, and the superiority thing is just a proclamation. The real problem is, no DWF will listen to the truth, they only listen to results. Unless whites can level the playing field, and the anti-doping officials become fair in screening steroids users among whites and especially among blacks, that won't happen.
to be fair the rippedness of blacks is genetics I think.becuase blacks are 9/10 times very ripped when they do sports are in shape and eat the amount they nead from what i have seen(maybe not nfl or so).I mean in soccer I have seen like 90% of the blacks have that you can seee the abs very good and the muscles in the back.sometimes you see I white who can be extremely ripped but not much.I think It have climate reasons.with very ripped I mean like 3 or 4% bodyfat.
I always thought when I was young whohoho blacks are strong becuase and thought even when they were like 150 lbs that.not realising I outweight them more then 30 lbs and had only like 3%-5% higher bodyfat.

I also think this is why blacks are seen as strong because a lot of people look to the rippedness.
sport historian said:
My comment is not about track, but is on somewhat the same subject. Around 15-20 years ago, it was said that steriod use was a white-only problem. In 1991, long-time Oklahoma football coach Barry Switzer put out a book. Switzer had a chapter in which he told of black athletic superiority. He claimed that whites began weight training in the late 50's because they saw blacks coming into sports in large numbers. Switzer declared that whites used steriods to compete with blacks and wrote, "Blacks don't need them."

I remember that. Wonder what the a-hole has to say now about it? Did he also comment on why the black athletes that played for him were so criminally inclined?
jaxvid said:
sport historian said:
My comment is not about track, but is on somewhat the same subject. Around 15-20 years ago, it was said that steriod use was a white-only problem. In 1991, long-time Oklahoma football coach Barry Switzer put out a book. Switzer had a chapter in which he told of black athletic superiority. He claimed that whites began weight training in the late 50's because they saw blacks coming into sports in large numbers. Switzer declared that whites used steriods to compete with blacks and wrote, "Blacks don't need them."

I remember that. Wonder what the a-hole has to say now about it? Did he also comment on why the black athletes that played for him were so criminally inclined?

Switzer's book was titled, I think, "Bootlegger's Boy." You ought to get a hold of it. Switzer was forced out at Oklahoma mainly because his players were so "out of control." Regarding the charge that his players were criminally inclined, Switzer asserted that they were no worse than others, and that past players weren't that much better behaved.

I haven't read of Switzer commenting on steriods lately. In 1991, he claimed that blacks are far better athletes and "don't need steriods."
StarWars said:
Allen Wells doubtful

What astounds Wells is the way runners now keep their form going throughout an entire summer. "I know the work I put into it and I know how hard it was psychologically," he said. "I was totally knackered at the end of the season - it was like a boxer, you're so focused and concentrated that you can only last so long. Now they break records at the end of the season. That's incredible."

Wells added that he is disillusioned with the ineffectiveness of dope testing. While the IAAF this week confirmed that none of the 127 tests at last month's World Indoor Championships had been positive, that is no cause for celebration because Marion Jones passed 160 tests, but is in jail after lying about her drugs use.

In other words ineffective dope testing is used to make the track and filed sport look more interesting, and black athletes are reaping the benefits. Because of the stereotype that they are faster they get the blind eye more often, and whites are watched more closely so nobody gets suspicious of why a white man like Kenteris is winning. Like Wells said, we need a more effective way to test for drugs, but the IAFF doesn't want to. Sometimes I doubt they will ever catch bolt for the blow the sport would take for it.

Simple solution: make track an amateur sport. That way blacks are uninterested, and nobody invests steroids into it.

Very good post...Yeah, that is very true that the fast white guy like Kenteris is immediately under scrutiny for steroids when he wins, but many DW track fans assume Bolt is clean. If you look back to before the 1988 Olympics when Ben Johnson got caught for cheating, 3 men had gone sub 10 and 6 out of the 8 sub 10 wind legal times at non-altitude, were by Carl Lewis and the record was only 9.93. Steve B posted about this and I was amazed by it. He also stated that from his research out of the sub 10.10 times prior to Ben Johnson's famous run, approximately 15% of them were from white men. The rest were black men I presume.

I watched the 100 meter final that Alan Wells won in Moscow on Youtube. The U.S pulled out of this Olympics, but there were 5 white men in the 100 meter final that year, 3 black. I would presume that from let's say 1972 up through 1988, that most 100 meter finals had maybe 2-6 white men in them. The moral of the story here is that steroids changed everything because people saw how much it helped Ben Johnson. Blacks still competed at a high rate back in that era from some Carribean nations, the U.S etc. (although Jamaica wasn't a track force yet) but you can see that whites were at least competitive.

I look to this era of integrated track where we saw Borzov, Mennea and Wells (and Woronin hit 10 flat- only .03 off Calvin Smith's non altitude record in Zurich from the same summer) do so well. To me this proves that whites should still be at least close to 15% of the sub 10.10 times. The weight training methods haven't changed much at all since the late 1970s. All that's changed is a total black supremacy myth and the black athlete's ability to take on Herculean workout regiments with the help of steroids to account for their lower aerobic recovery tendencies. With this they are able to bulk their hamstrings muscles to new found levels. We now have almost 70 sub 10 black men that fit the criteria mentioned, compared to just 3 BARLEY doing it just 21 years ago in 1988.

I for one believe that the U.S Pilot program is pretty solid and we are for the first time going to start to see the majority of U.S track stars go clean from steroids with this program. This is only after the sour taste of the Balco scandal/ Marion Jones arrest etc.
We are going to see an era of slower U.S times with only occasional cheats, but an era of Caribbean supremacy that will wake people up to the truth.

I hope this isn't just a dream and becomes reality. HGH is still going to be present though, because the Pilot program doesn't increase the risk of catching you for that chemical much (very short traceable life), but it is mostly steroids that is making blacks so dominant at 100 meters anyway. When the typical winning 100 meter times at the Olympics go back up at least to 9.9-10.05 then whites will have a chance to get at least an occasional medal again.

My best guess is that the best black time without roids for a freak like Bolt (even without roids, this guy would be the best ever) in my lifetime would be maybe high 9.7s and the best possible time for a white sprinter would be about 9.9. We need to cut this gap between white and black legit records at least in half to defeat the black supremacists.

After all, the only clear cut provable advantage that blacks have right now in athletics is from 25 meters-300 meters. I have looked at enough NFL combine times to see that the top white speed position players have a tendency to have slightly better 10 yard clips, virtually equal 20 yard clips, and fall off about .05 seconds by 40 yards.

BTW, Starwars I will read your article soon, and tell you my thoughts. I haven't had time yet to read it! Is it long?Edited by: ToughJ.Riggins
I am re-posting b/c I just found an article relating to the ACTN3 gene. I read only 10% of sub-Saharan blacks have the mutation of the ACTN3 gene that causes the effect of less fast twitch muscles and more endurance. East Asians have a higher rate of this mutation, causing them to be be less likely to be purely explosive athletes. The latest studies show the European rate of this mutation is only 18%. This means 82% of European peoples have the genetic phenotype for explosive athletics and Sprinting, compared to 90% if blacks. There are indeed tons of explosive white athletes out there! So basically this latest report I read proves the ACTN3 debate is moot.

So my other argument I got from a few reads I have done and just watching athletics is the only viable one. I believe that whites have an edge in quad strength and blacks in hamstring strength amongst the elites. Blacks having a tendency for longer limbs also helps with their stride at 100 meters. They have a higher rate of elite athletes with hamstring strength advantages, who also have longer legs to draw from in the population. And with steroids they can bulk up their hamstring muscles even more than before. This could increase their hamstring strength advantages more significantly.

Whites are the best at many track events, including the high jump which uses precise skill, quad and calf strength and a lower ratio of pure hamstring strength than the 100 meter and long jump (the hamstring is very important for getting great leg lift). Whites also prove to be the best all round athletes by winning the decathlon the most, and we are just as good (if not slightly better) football players.

There is the current trend of whites proving better than blacks as MMA fighters. We also have been dominating the heavier weight classes in boxing in recent years. We are now also becoming much more competitive in the long jump yet again! This is why it is important that we fix this steroid disaster and not discourage whites in this country from running the 100 meter, because the U.S media is obsessed with black speed and black supremacy.

We don't need to get the world record at 100 meters to prove we are an outstandingly athletic race we have already done this (We have world records in some track events and will be getting more. Hopefully the high jump and the 400 and 800 meters).

However, we need to at least become competitive and see whites making some 100 meter finals again! We can do this by encouraging our men and cleaning up the sport. In the current climate any fast white unfairly gets the steroid user label thanks to Jon Entine.

I'm willing to bet that whites would dominate if we ever organized a 20 meter event because of our powerful quads and burst ability, lol.
albinosprint said:
I hope this link works 500_149927_OBS_NO_SHOW_PUZZLE.asp

looks like Powell is not be pissing clean yet to actually run at meets. I remeber Gatlin pulling the same stuff right before getting caught.
Or maybe he was already caught in an out of contest test. Powell's brother was caught back in the 90's for a stimulant. It's rarely ever brought up. Edited by: white is right
if he got caught, this could be a real scare to Bolt and the rest of the Jamaicans. this could be the beginning of the end. as much as it would just crush the sport, it would be a much needed eye opener. as if the past 5 year weren't enough.
waterbed said:
to be fair the rippedness of blacks is genetics I think.becuase blacks are 9/10 times very ripped when they do sports are in shape and eat the amount they nead from what i have seen(maybe not nfl or so).I mean in soccer I have seen like 90% of the blacks have that you can seee the abs very good and the muscles in the back.sometimes you see I white who can be extremely ripped but not much.I think It have climate reasons.with very ripped I mean like 3 or 4% bodyfat.
I always thought when I was young whohoho blacks are strong becuase and thought even when they were like 150 lbs that.not realising I outweight them more then 30 lbs and had only like 3%-5% higher bodyfat.

I also think this is why blacks are seen as strong because a lot of people look to the rippedness.
blacks only look more ripped because of their genetics, they are more likely to store body fat around organs first. Whites are more likely to store it around the stomach area first. Id have to look up the study but thast what i remember reading several different times.

Basically a black guy that has 8 to 10 percent body fat is going to look more ripped than a White guy with 8 to 10 percent body fat.

3% body fat is pretty rare, i think mainly bodybuilders reach that and that is usually before a show after lots of weight cutting.

"The ideal weight and fat-lean ratio varies quite a bit for men and women and by age, but the very minimum percentage of body fat considered safe and healthy is 5 percent for men and 12 percent for women"

"Trained athletes tend to be at low end of the body fat scale due to the increased lean weight (muscle mass) of top athletes. While low levels of body fat seem to be related to improved performance, body composition alone can't guarantee sports success. For instance, a linebacker needs both lean and fat weight to generate a crushing tackle. Body fat among elite athletes varies, but there is little evidence of benefit when men drop under 8 percent and women drop under 14 percent."

So I guess being at 8 percent is an ideal percentage. (thats good to know because getting to 5 is very freaking hard, the lowest ive ever had was like 9 percent) even at that i didnt feel as comfortable as I did when i bulked up. I gained some more fat when i bulked up but i also gained alot more strength. I dont know where im at now, i dont work out as hard as i used to do because of a nagging back injury (i try to do the most i can on machines, but that doesnt really keep you as strong as you would be with free weights) and i no longer play in any organized sportsEdited by: dwid
that from 3-4 % bodyfat was a bit to low I just guessed that after I found out I had 8%.and I taked for that the stomach I didn't realise that is our fat store place

thanks for the info dwid
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