Steroids and Black Athletes

Another Jamaican bites the dust (adding to the long list). I wonder if any of the naive types who come on here to declare how "clean" the Jamaicans/Bolt are will react to this. Anyway, no name yet, but the news has shown up in several articles, including:

Yet Another Jamaican Caught for Juicing

does anyone do that, especially after the Shelli Ann Fraser incident etc!
People may say wait and see till they're found out we have and he was LOL!
He's been done before but you'd think he'd learn in 7 years
I cant find where I wrote this but I knew Mullings was Juicing. His best time last year was 10.03 and hes getting older. He has run 3 sub 9.91s this year granted two were at maximum wind. Its unreal. Expect Yohan Blake , Carter and maybe even Asafa Powell to get caught soon as well. If these other guys are juicing they are going to be running slower in Daegu and who knows Lemaitre may even medal. I also predicted Lemaitre to run a 9.92 this year but also pedicted Pascal Mancini would run a 10.1 too. Nobodies perfect.
Another nice thing about the Mullings affair: Mullings is best friends--going back for years--with Tyson Gay. They train together, too. For some inexplicable reason, I have seen fans, definitely on the Let's Run message boards but here, too, I believe, single out Gay (often along with Bolt) for being "clean." I have always felt that was rubbish. Gay couldn't touch his times without juice. Remember, little Casey Combest beat Gay in high school! Gay only became superhuman when he became a chemical runner!

On the friendship of Gay and Mullings
What's more, a guy who claims some inside information posted all this on Let's Run last night (I just spotted it), naming Mullings before it was publicly released. What makes his post interesting is that he says they found him by testing for a "new testing agent" that could "potentially bust dozens in the days ahead."

Potentially bust dozens!!!!! Please, let that happen! Eliminate steroids and Christophe wins the gold.
I have it on good word that at least one more major bust is to come. This one is not Jamaican - a fast athlete is all I can say right now.

Damn !!!!
Michael Frater is another guy who is the same age as Mullings that since 2003 has been floating right around the 10.1 to low 10.0 range and now suddenly he has a 9.85 and a 9.94 with enough wind variance to push him down to about a 9.79 at maximum wind. I wouldint be surprised if he fails in the near future as well.
I think it's so painfully obvious right now that multiple guys out of Jamaica are using. Frater is one, Carter is another. Powell - maybe, at least he has been consistently fast for a number of years. I do think Bolt may be clean right now, however I think he was totally using when he set the records in 2009. He hasn't been able to get anywhere close to those times again! Everyone has their opinions or speculations, but I myself think that a good majority of the top black sprinters over the past couple decades have been using. It's not what you know, it's what you can prove, and they know that! If you can take a masking agent that the athletic associations can't yet test for, then you can't get caught! It seems very obvious here. I hope a bunch of guys will get caught now and they will realize they aren't a step ahead anymore. There's also a guy out of Zimbabwe, Ngonidzashe Makusha that has run a 9.89 this year. I checked and it shows he ran a 10.52 back in 2007 and hasn't run again until this year. Seems kind of odd to me, however I don't know anything about him and haven't done research so I'll reserve judgement. On a side note, does anyone know if they will strip all of Mullings' times he ran this year, or just ones that fall into the time period in which he was busted?
Ngondishe also ran his 9.89 on a real wet track. The weather was horrible and he still put up that time. I wonder what he will produce in Daegu?
Guys, I hope these rumors end up being substantiated. I am LICKING MY CHOPS over seeing some of these cheating Jamaicans go down--and cheating Americans to, for that matter.

Can you believe that the masking agent was lasix? That's what they give thoroughbred horses!
I think it's so painfully obvious right now that multiple guys out of Jamaica are using. Frater is one, Carter is another. Powell - maybe, at least he has been consistently fast for a number of years. I do think Bolt may be clean right now, however I think he was totally using when he set the records in 2009. He hasn't been able to get anywhere close to those times again! Everyone has their opinions or speculations, but I myself think that a good majority of the top black sprinters over the past couple decades have been using. It's not what you know, it's what you can prove, and they know that! If you can take a masking agent that the athletic associations can't yet test for, then you can't get caught! It seems very obvious here. I hope a bunch of guys will get caught now and they will realize they aren't a step ahead anymore. There's also a guy out of Zimbabwe, Ngonidzashe Makusha that has run a 9.89 this year. I checked and it shows he ran a 10.52 back in 2007 and hasn't run again until this year. Seems kind of odd to me, however I don't know anything about him and haven't done research so I'll reserve judgement. On a side note, does anyone know if they will strip all of Mullings' times he ran this year, or just ones that fall into the time period in which he was busted?
Lasix is what they give horses legally in most states as it's used for bleeding. I think the NYRA bans the usage for the same reason that it is banned for humans as it is a masking agent for steroid usage. If you look at file photos of Mullings he isn't a particularly muscular athlete in fact for a roider he looks downright weak. So he was probably using roids for recovery as opposed to strength and power. Anyway Lasix has been around for more than 20 years. I wonder if he was given a tainted "supplement".
Michael Frater is another guy who is the same age as Mullings that since 2003 has been floating right around the 10.1 to low 10.0 range and now suddenly he has a 9.85 and a 9.94 with enough wind variance to push him down to about a 9.79 at maximum wind. I wouldint be surprised if he fails in the near future as well.
Yes for years Jamaican athletes were stuck around this range. Which is an excellent time for a clean athlete, but really nothing for a roider. People would be shocked how slow the times would be if athletes were forced to compete clean.
I have it on good word that at least one more major bust is to come. This one is not Jamaican - a fast athlete is all I can say right now.

Damn !!!!
Connect the dots his training partner is Tyson Gay. Clean and drug tainted athletes don't train together because of the training threshold of a clean athlete is so much less.
steroids give you so much strenght, it's incredible
and you don't need to look huge to increase your power on steroids

of course, mullings is also on hgh, like every serious athlete, but it can't be tested
so when you see this guy is using and still looks a lot less muscular than greene, bolt, the maths:wof:
It could be a legitimate excuse, but there are so many crazy stories you don't know what is the truth anymore. Personally I have never thought he was an obvious PED user, anyway he wasn't a true medal contender he was more of a dark horse type.
it's not the first time i hear about these energy drinks
i would like to know the name of the energy drink, and the name of the stimulant
it's like when they say that they used bodybuilding supplements containing banned product, it's a classical excuse for me
its called a masking agent;)
Here we go again: Mike Rodgers caught for a stimulant. Probably out of the WCs. This must be one of the busts known for several days because the first articles to break the news already have his pre-prepared alibi. (I must admit that there are no human beings on earth more creative than athletes--or their agents--trying to explain away a positive test).
LOL. How did they find that it was not a Redbull drink but an energy drink that had a stimulant in it? They went back to Italy and found the bottle in garbage?
Saidy Ndure Jaysuma from Norway and from african descent. He now train with john Smith. He finished 4th in 200m and said he will run 19.40 or 19.50 next year and will beat Bolt, because now he "knows what he has to do". He has a standard shape, and doesn't look on Roïd. Let's wait until next year to see his "transformation" with Smith and the time he'll run. Here is the VID.
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