Steroids and Black Athletes

Former Olympic champion Justin Gatlin is running decent times(exceptional times if he is clean). He might be in the mix for a spot on the 100 meter team for the US. He is in the mix for a relay spot at the least. I haven't seen any recent photos of him to see if he is as relatively fat as he was last season when he launched his comeback.
I don't know if this is the case of the pot calling the kettle black or what...
Some how I think Bolt is getting a little scared. It's ok because he will eat his super yams before August and everything will go back to normal. Haha.
white lightning said:
Some how I think Bolt is getting a little scared. It's ok because he will eat his super yams before August and everything will go back to normal. Haha.

I just watched 2 of the diamond league meets on TV and does anyone notice how big these guys are looking? Powell & Bolt make Lemaitre look like he is in grade school. 90% of the guys in the 100m make Ben Johnson at his most juiced look small. the Jamaican women look like freaking men for christ sakes. its out of control. god damn yams!
I dont know anything but back in the day Maurice Green and Ato Boldon were built like monsters. One sure way to see if guys are roiding is to look at their forearm veins. They are usually bulging. There was a good sprinter a few years ago named Shawn Crawford. He still runs but back when he was posting world record level times his forearms looked sickening. Those veins were bulging out so much. I know he was roiding but only Justin Gatlin got caught as they ran at the same time period.
do you remember when it came out in the Balco trail that Marurice Greene purchasing $25,000 worth of PEDS which he claimed was for his training partner? who did he train with again...oh yeah, Ato Bolden. look how long it took for Marion Jones to come clean. years and years of tests and never a positive. the sport is just to corrupt and its refreshing to see a young kid like Lemaitre comes on the scene. just compare him to Yohan Blake. they are the same age and Blake's forearms are bigger then Lemaitre's calves.
All you have to do is look at the build these guys had as junior and early senior runners to see if they are clean or not. Blake was only marginally bigger than Lemaitre. Now he makes him look like his kid brother. Powell was skinny too when he first made a splash as senior. Next up to grow like Bruce Banner is Dexter Lee....
mattharper said:
I dont know anything but back in the day Maurice Green and Ato Boldon were built like monsters. One sure way to see if guys are roiding is to look at their forearm veins. They are usually bulging. There was a good sprinter a few years ago named Shawn Crawford. He still runs but back when he was posting world record level times his forearms looked sickening. Those veins were bulging out so much. I know he was roiding but only Justin Gatlin got caught as they ran at the same time period.
Cheetah man was his training partner. There is no way a clean athlete can train in the manner that roider can. He will break down or not be able to keep up as a clean athlete needs much more rest for a full recovery. So make your own conclusions from that.
watching the diamond league meet in Oregon and the size of Frater & Mullings is ridicules. they have double in the past 2-3 years.
it's not only about size
especially for women
it is about the aspect of the muscle, if the muscle pops out or not, the bodyfat/muscle mass

also, steroids gets you more powerfull, but not always bigger, if you take steroids for a short time, you will notice your lifts will increase in the gym, even without adding new muscle
and HGH adds fullness, allows you to be leaner and still have full round muscles, that pop out
and HGH can't be tested, because natural production of HGH is very irregular

this is an example:

this is impossible to test: if you measure HGH at the time of the only peak, you would think the guy is positive, but he is not
in hospitals, to detect if kids have not enough HGH, they put them in a bed, and they measure HGH every our or so
it is impossible to do for an athlete
the only time your hear about a positive "test" to HGH from an athlete, it is because they caught him injecting his stuff, of they caught him buying it

Edited by: frederic38
"umm in my opinion, i prefer talk about athletics that about drugs.
me Bolt is clean(is a prodigy since 15 years, world champion junior),
the rest well im not sure 100% but until that somebody is banned i dont
go talk bad about him."

it is true that bolt has the world record on the 200 for the juniors: 19.93
but ramil guliev has the second junior time: 20.04
so if gulyev, in the next year, doesn't run in the low 19.30, we will know that bolt is juicing

marek niit is a world junior champion, so is lemaitre
and i don't thing they will ever run the 200 in less than 19.20
Darvis Parton ran a 20.25 in last US champs. the guy is 34 years old, and he runs his best time since 2003 !! Come on !

What about Steeve Mullings running a 9.80 in 2011 (28 years old), smashing is PB of 0.21s.

and the new yong jamaican phenomenom Ashmeade Nickel: 3 year with run around 10.35 and in 2011, he ran 9.96 !

Edited by: LoLy
remember when greece had two sprinters of elite level? thanou and kenteris?
it was, together with other successes in other events, enough to know there was something going on

now, it is so obvious with jamaica, it's not even funny
I would advise fighting the caste system by challenging the commonly held beliefs that white people cannot run or jump at an elite level. The mere existence of Lemaitre, Guliyev, Connaughton, Di Gregorio, Cerutti, Pickering, Unger, Shirvington, Collio, Wariner, Rock, and countless others is proof enough that steroids or not, white people can not only be fast but run with the fastest blacks the earth has ever seen. The "all blacks take steroids" crowd has trouble seeing the big picture. The systematic overlooking of better white athletes in American sports, as well as the many myths about black athletic supremacy created by the media across the globe, is not anywhere near as connected to blacks doing well in shorter sprints as some people here might think. Although a self-fulfilling prophecy is created by many of these myths that discourages whites from maturing and competing in the sprints at an elite level, the fact that a sport exists for the primary purpose of simply running fast in a straigt line, in which whites are still competitive, is proof of the ludicracy of the caste system in American football and other sports. No other race comes close to the all-around athleticism of whites. It's simple. There's even a decathlon world record to prove it.
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If anybody has doubts about female drug cheats. Look at the Jamaicans from the 80's. They were quite slim, now they look like she-hulks. This lady had a receding hairline and guns that would make her wanted on the female muscle worshiping circuit.....:thumbdown:
Wow I'm shocked. Sports Illustrated did a great article and was honest. They have been getting better with their jounalism involving peds since the baseball scandall. I hope they keep it up. NO DOUBT that Jeter is doing something! Flinstones maybe? Lol.
I was thinking about Bolt.IF he doesnt run much faster this year I wouldn't expect him to run fast next year with the olympics. If he doesn't I think he is clean but if he runs 9.5 or faster I think he dopes and takes risks for the Olympics.But if he runs fast again he will porbably say I am now focusing, but I dont believe a little more training makes much benefit when you are already training a lot of hours a week for years.You often dont even see 0.3 differnce from spinters in april begin season after they have done mostly weights for some months to full season in JUly when they focus on sprint training... so If he runs 9.5 again next year I dont believe he is clean.
As much as I think a good number of the Jamaican sprinters are jacked up and roiding they have a under 18 sprinter named Jazeel Murphy who already has a 10.27 100 meter time into a head wind. Looking as this guy is disgusting. Hes not fat but he has these fat lifeless arms with virtually no muscle definition whatsoever. Ive never seen even less than average boy sprinters have such unathletic apendages. Either this guy is the antithesis of the roiding sprinter or he is roiding which gives him his speed to run such a fast time with such a schlub body.
I know his 9.58 was a year after Olympics but that was also I think when there was a lot of rumors about Jamaicans so maybe then he was scared and stopped doping.But he gots close to all tools with his high gravity point etc.
I think fastest ever black will be 9.26 whitey 9.65 and mongoloid 9.77 just and estimation.If its true that you get faster like 2.5 % from Hill training and they realise it that 1 time a week doesn't help for neurotrasnmitters in muscles and has to be done a lot of times a week and train after they don't imporve from horizontal anymore they have to do 1/3 horizontal plus matches with focusing on form in training 1/3 3 degree vertical and 1/3 3 degree dwonhill the fastest black could be even 9.03 white 9.39 etc.But i am not totally sure how much you can improve from it.
Bloody hell, that photo is disgusting. The bloke looks like a raging iron - the only things missing from the picture are a couple of greased up homos in the background stuffing themselves with Spanish fly and dusting off the trusty testicle clamps...
Another Jamaican bites the dust (adding to the long list). I wonder if any of the naive types who come on here to declare how "clean" the Jamaicans/Bolt are will react to this. Anyway, no name yet, but the news has shown up in several articles, including:

Yet Another Jamaican Caught for Juicing
American Freedom News