Steroids and Black Athletes

many HGHs and that Deer Antler steroid is out of the bloodstream in hours making it nearly impossible to detect...:icon_mad:

HGH is never tested, you can't test it
to test it, you need to put the athlete 24 hours in an hospital, in a bed
so it's impossible
hgh is never tested

it' because of the pattern of natural production of HGH: HGH production is 0 most of the day and night, and then there are big peaks that appear randomly
so it can't be tested
HGH is never tested, you can't test it
to test it, you need to put the athlete 24 hours in an hospital, in a bed
so it's impossible
hgh is never tested

it' because of the pattern of natural production of HGH: HGH production is 0 most of the day and night, and then there are big peaks that appear randomly
so it can't be tested

Very interesting. Can you develop more? I tried to find some informations about HGH and whether it can be detected or not.
According to WADA website, HGH tests are reliable.

Is the hGH test reliable?
The current test, based on immunoassays, is robust and reliable.
Another blood test, in its final development stage, will be combined with the current test to further enhance the detection window for hGH abuse. This test, the development of which has been partly funded by WADA, is based on biomarkers.
The concepts and development of both hGH tests have been systematically reviewed by international independent experts in such fields as hGH, endocrinology, immunoassay, analytical chemistry, pharmacology, laboratory work, anti-doping, etc, and published in international scientific journals.
Research was initiated by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and the European Union, and then taken over by WADA – created in late 1999 – when it launched its scientific research program in 2001.

Very interesting. Can you develop more? I tried to find some informations about HGH and whether it can be detected or not.
According to WADA website, HGH tests are reliable.

athletes take HGH, that is to say that it's the same hormone that we have naturally in our body (if it is legit HGH)

they are really easy to get

since it's real HGH, you can detect it, but not prove it wasn't your naturally produced HGH

every lawyer will say (and he will be right) that a single measure of HGH means nothing

to really know if the person has abnormal level of HGH you have to do it in an hospital, during 24 hours, the patient being in a bed
because HGH secretion is around 0 most of the day, with small peaks that appears randomly, and then the biggest peaks are at night, 1h30 after we fall asleep
this is an example of HGH secretion during a day
if you measure during a peak, the test will be positive, and if you measure outside a peak, the test will be negative
so a single measure means nothing

then, a lot of factors can create a peak of GH, like glycemy
so you have to do test to see how the body responds to the variations of glycemy
ect ect

an athlete can say for example that he had hyperglycemy, so it's logical that he had a peak of HGH at the moment of the dosage of HGH

HGH dosage is very complicated, very hard to do, and a single measurement means nothing

WADA tries to tell you the sport is clean , so they tell you the test works
yes, it works, but it means nothing, and every lawyer will tell it
when you will hear about a positive control to HGH, that will mean that the athlete tested positive, and that he admitted using HGH, or that they found proof that he bought HGH

other axample of HGH measurement:

(the graph on the left)

from wikipedia:
" A single value of the growth hormone (GH) is not useful in view of its pulsatality (levels in the blood vary greatly even in healthy individuals)"
"Frequent blood sampling with serum GH measurement shows that in normal subjects (left panel) GH can fluctuate between undetectable levels (most of the time) and peaks of up to 30 μg/l (90 mIU/l), owing to the episodic nature of GH secretion"
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Steroids - Yam will take the blame

Mark my word, in a few years the French will have to answer some question's about their athlete's.
In doping news, Walter Dix has decided that he needs a little of that somethin' somethin' that turned a so-so young Carmalita Jeter into the unstoppable thirty-something Pharmalita Cheater. He's changing to Pharmalita's coach, John Thompson.

This is followed by news from Jamaica, that high profile (as yet unnamed) members of the MVP track club (possibly Nesta Carter, Michael Frater, etc) all of whom bombed at the World's, probably because their coach was too nervous to allow doping while at their Italian camp before the Worlds, are planning to switch to Blake and Bolt's group, which juiced to the gills and ran amazing times to finish the season.
Mark my word, in a few years the French will have to answer some question's about their athlete's.

why because they got a few good athletes and 1 or 2 stars? I can't get over the amount of people who think LeMaitre is dirty, but think there is nothing wrong with guys like Bolt & Blake. Coach you need to pull your head out of your ass and then think. if your not blind you can just look at LeMaitre and see he is built like a 800m runner. yeah, skinny white boy always shouts out juiced to the gills for me;) idiot!
In doping news, Walter Dix has decided that he needs a little of that somethin' somethin' that turned a so-so young Carmalita Jeter into the unstoppable thirty-something Pharmalita Cheater. He's changing to Pharmalita's coach, John Thompson.

This is followed by news from Jamaica, that high profile (as yet unnamed) members of the MVP track club (possibly Nesta Carter, Michael Frater, etc) all of whom bombed at the World's, probably because their coach was too nervous to allow doping while at their Italian camp before the Worlds, are planning to switch to Blake and Bolt's group, which juiced to the gills and ran amazing times to finish the season.

spot on :amen:
I think that the guys jumping camp might be panicking because London is around the corner and their current camp doesn't have the latest designer PED's. Maybe their own in house testing had them testing positive with the new tests. As for Dix jumping ship it could be possible as he seemed really po'd when he was beaten by the obviously drug fueled Blake. I actually feel sad for clean athletes as they are forced to join the "dark side" to compete with drug fueled athletes once they have hit a training/performance ceiling. :thumbdown:
why because they got a few good athletes and 1 or 2 stars? I can't get over the amount of people who think LeMaitre is dirty, but think there is nothing wrong with guys like Bolt & Blake. Coach you need to pull your head out of your ass and then think. if your not blind you can just look at LeMaitre and see he is built like a 800m runner. yeah, skinny white boy always shouts out juiced to the gills for me;) idiot!
France doesn't have any sort of systemic dope usage. Yes a few athletes here and there are doing drugs. But the performance of French athletes are on a normal distribution curve. Unlike Jamaica and the US before Balco. I did notice that both the US and Jamaica underperformed in the short sprints. Normally people that come second in the US trails make the finals and are medal threats. This year they got knocked out the quarter finals or semi finals. It's probably a sign of competing clean.
Thanks frederic38 for those explanations.

If athletes can take HGH without risk, it's sure that there are many cheaters on track. So sad...
Yohan Blake is such an obvious drug cheat its disguting. Lemaitre is not the cleanest 100 meter sprinter out there but he is definitely in the top 5.
"Not the cleanest?" LeMaitre is 100% clean, which is very obvious from one glance at his physique. How on earth could anyone possibly be cleaner?
If CL went on the Jamaican Yam program he'd be a legit threat to win Gold at the 2012 Olympics. If CL times get drastically faster and he's built like a bodybuilder than we'd know he was doping, until then he's CLEAN!

Thanks frederic38 for those explanations.

If athletes can take HGH without risk, it's sure that there are many cheaters on track. So sad...
hgh will have side effekts later in life, it leads to multi organ problems, liver kidneys heartmuscle!!!! nb flojo and bears running back walter payton. i totally agree with white is right , being involved with athletics, people are now beginning to slowly feel that most if not all of the jamaicans both male and female are dirty!!!!!!!

hgh will have side effekts later in life, it leads to multi organ problems, liver kidneys heartmuscle!!!! nb flojo and bears running back walter payton. i totally agree with white is right , being involved with athletics, people are now beginning to slowly feel that most if not all of the jamaicans both male and female are dirty!!!!!!!
and lemaitre is gauranteed clean, the true special one:hail::hail::hail::hail::hail::hail::hail::hail::hail::hail:
regarding anti doping agencies:

i read today on a website dedicated to soccer that there will be less urine tests this year......and they said that they have a urine test to detect HGH!
even on the WADA website they say it's impossible to detect HGH in urine

"Is a urine test for hGH likely to be developed?
According to the majority of international experts, the blood matrix is the most suitable matrix for the detection of hGH.
hGH in urine is found in extremely small quantities (less than 1% than that found in blood)."

i checked on the official website of the french antidoping agency, and YES, they tell us they have a test for HGH in urine..........

"Les prélèvements urinaires:
La recherche de l’hormone de croissance : prévision de 700 analyses, en fonction de la
capacité annuelle du Département des analyses."

so when you hear something coming from the mouth of an official from antidoping agency, always remember this......the HGH test in urine...........
they have zero credibility
In the "La gazzetta dello sport", an italian sport newspape, three days ago appeared an interview to Victor Conte. I don't give you the original article because it's in italian (obviously). It's too long. And it's hard for me to translate all the article. (but if anyone will want it i post an image and the translation. But you don't want it, is it? :crazy:!
So i found the argument in another article in english. This is the link:
Mike Rodgers was given a 9 month ban that started when he tested positive for a banned stimulant, so he will be eligible for London. He also admitted that he took the stimulant on purpose and it wasn't an Italian version of Red Bull that caused the positive test(like anybody bought that explanation)....
Wallace Spearmon just ran a wind legal 19.95 200 meters 3 days ago. This time is just to good and to early to be legitimate. Yes he ran a 19.9x last year around mid April but this guy was a juicer and probably is again just like Gatlin.
SIMPLY put all the peds are coming out of all the biotech/pharmaceutical firms
in the states .
AND WHO is most likely to avail of their use but the top athletes in the americas .

HERE is something to think about who was one of first successful athletes to avail of the next generation
of sarms even before the jamaicans starting with powell.
definitely think it was and is a certain chinese 110 hurdler
and for that matter if think sally pearson is squeaky clean ,
you know rest .
I get excited as anyone when we see a white athlete make a dent in any sport. I'd love to see white athetes dominant. Thank you Jeremy Wariner for doing what he did. Thank you Wes Welker!


I don't wanna play this...blacks are all druggies that's why they run what they do, that's not right. Prior to 1960 there were tons of great black sprinters. I 'm black athletes. I'm lets go white ones.

Until an athlete actually gets busted for drugs they are clean as a whistle in my book. To....they are all druggies.... I can't play that.
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**** right off ya fannyballs .

boo hoo emerson
until you are busted as a troll , you are clean as a whistle!!

that you very much .
American Freedom News