South Africa World Cup 2010

Edit... I meant the Dutch, sorry I got carried away.
As I haven't beenposting for a while, allow me to briefly turn back the clock to the Netherlands - Brazil quarterfinal...

This match was a primeillustration of the Brazilians' so-calledjogo bonito.AsI mentioned in an earlier post, whenever the Brazilians play a top drawteam, they try to unsettle the oppositionduring the opening minutes by resorting to openly dirty play. Being Brazil (oooooooohhhhh!!!!!!!!),the referee invariably fails to punish them by dishing out the requisite yellow cardsand the opposition begins to believe that, yet again,the Braziliansare going to get away with everything and this, quite naturally, puts them out of their stride.To top things off, the Brazilians rail against the referee and linesmen at every opportunity in an attempt to intimidate the officials. This was most often done by the unbelievably ugly Dani Alves and the equally ugly pop-eyed circus-freak Robinho, whose aggressively exophthalmic stares at the referee are reminiscent of those ofblack "Englishman" Paul "call me The Guv'nor" Ince.

Unfortunately, these exact tactics paid dividends as the frustrated Dutch played some very pedestrian football for the entire first half, the lowlight of which was the amateurish defending which led to Brazil's simplest of simple goals.

But once the Dutch applied some real pressure in the second half, culminating in their equaliser, another aspect of Brazil's jogo bonitowhenup against good opposition quickly surfaced - i.e., panic. Their egos, exemplified by Kaka's constant first-half smirk, were quickly punctured as they were dismantled by a team which was finally sheddingit's frustration and playing toit's potential. Once they went behind, the Brazilians, in true homage to their African roots,fell to pieces - their "divinely ordained" right to victory had been taken awayand they were helpless, resorting to the blatant thuggery which is their actual hallmark, as opposed to some kind of beautiful football that the media would wish everyone to believe. Nothing makes me happier than watching that filthy misbegotten concoction of black/mulatto/Amerindian/race-mixing white bastards get eliminated by a White / majority White team - nothing. I love seeing the Brazilian fans wrapped in that ridiculous green, yellow, and blue rag balling their bloody eyes out. I love seeing the twisted looks on the faces of those painted Brazilian whores ofevery shadewho cheer their perennially cheating "heroes". I lovelistening to the heartbroken commentators choking on their sorrow and struggling to findsynonyms for "tragedy" and "disbelief". Bloody love it. If those Braziliansadore "Braaassssiiilll" so much, they canshove their annoying samba drums up their arses sideways and head back to where they came from - and they can take all of their diving, dishonestplayersinfesting every corner of Europe (hell, every corner of the footballing world) with them, good riddance andpiss off!
Time obviously hasn't dimmed my emotion...

Anyway, I'm hoping that 100% White Spain shall lift the trophy. No blacks, no Muslims, no half-breeds, no bullsh*t.
during this in-weeklull, i was considering once again America's roster. more exactly, i was considering the incredibly poor forward play of "our" Yanks despite the "most affletic" batch of forwards ever assembled by the USA. not a single White forward made the roster for the World Cup, because as ESPN constantly assures us (all facts aside, of course)White men simply aren't good enough to be inserted for an explosivespeed position. blah blah blah.

well, the "phenomenal" affletes assembled at striker for Bradley's side were abysmally poor. as i was reflecting, the thought struck me thatthese "incredible talents"accounted for a Grand Total of ZERO goals in the USA's 4 games. the play of "golden boy" Jozy Altidore, America's "wunderkind" at forward, is a telling tale of just how dreadful the negro-filled roster really was.

the "amazingly gifted" Altidore once again lived up to my scouting report as the biggest choker on the US National Team, as he not only didn't score a single goal ... he only managed to get 3 shots on goal in 357 minutes of play. pathetic, indeed.

additionally, besides his complete ineptness as an offensive threat, Altidore committed a team-high 11 fouls, an outrageously ridiculousness number for a striker who plays virtually no defense. to put that number in perspective, Jay DeMerit (regarded as one of the most physical and aggressive defenders in the World Cup) only committed 8 fouls.

the "American" strikers were simply pathetic. there's no getting around it. it is so typical of affirmative-action America that such incompetence and inabilityis portrayed as the exact opposite. but despite ESPN's (and the rest of the US media's) best efforts to say otherwise, the results speak for themselves. african't-"americans" simply can't compete at this level.
Yes, I really never understood the preference for afflete forwards. It's almost as if the coaches and media assume that a fast and/or big afflete buck will be a great goal scorer.
Believe it or now, I think the American Caste system has played a part in this.
The English Premier League kind of started this trend in the late 90s. I recall the media pundits very excited at the likes of players such as Ian Wright and mulatoo freako Brazilian Ronaldo.
Meanwhile, guys such as Alan Shearer and Bergkamp were true finishers in the true sense.
My humble opinion only: the American anti-White Caste system was internalized by our European counterparts. They saw the adulation from the legions of DWFs and the media complex for all things black.
Look at the NFL, NBA, etc.

This is why to this day teams (incorrectly) at the youth level, take some fast twitch afflete and automatically install him as forward.

Jozy Altidore as a prime example. Altidore is overrated and has done relatively little so far.
Bottom line: the caste system promotes blacks at the marquee position for social, political and economic reasons.
You can say in a way, it is part of our 'system': anti-White.
Jimmy Chitwood said:
during this in-week lull, i was considering once again America's roster. more exactly, i was considering the incredibly poor forward play of "our" Yanks despite the "most affletic" batch of forwards ever assembled by the USA. not a single White forward made the roster for the World Cup, because as ESPN constantly assures us (all facts aside, of course) White men simply aren't good enough to be inserted for an explosive speed position. blah blah blah.
<div> </div>
<div>well, the "phenomenal" affletes assembled at striker for Bradley's side were abysmally poor. as i was reflecting, the thought struck me that these "incredible talents" accounted for a Grand Total of ZERO goals in the USA's 4 games. the play of "golden boy" Jozy Altidore, America's "wunderkind" at forward, is a telling tale of just how dreadful the negro-filled roster really was.</div>
<div> </div>
<div>the "amazingly gifted" Altidore once again lived up to my scouting report as the biggest choker on the US National Team, as he not only didn't score a single goal ... he only managed to get 3 shots on goal in 357 minutes of play. pathetic, indeed.</div>
<div> </div>
<div>additionally, besides his complete ineptness as an offensive threat, Altidore committed a team-high 11 fouls, an outrageously ridiculousness number for a striker who plays virtually no defense. to put that number in perspective, Jay DeMerit (regarded as one of the most physical and aggressive defenders in the World Cup) only committed 8 fouls. </div>
<div> </div>
<div>the "American" strikers were simply pathetic. there's no getting around it. it is so typical of affirmative-action America that such incompetence and inability is portrayed as the exact opposite. but despite ESPN's (and the rest of the US media's) best efforts to say otherwise, the results speak for themselves. african't-"americans" simply can't compete at this level.</div>

Why is a guy like Eddie Johnson allowed to take up space in the Prem. He is on Fulham,but was put out on loan to Cardiff City in the 2nd division and scored 2 goals in 30 games. Guys like this are screwing over real English players and should not be allowed to play outside of the US.
Rebajlo said:
As I haven't been posting for a while, allow me to briefly turn back the clock to the Netherlands - Brazil quarterfinal...
<div> </div>
<div>This match was a prime illustration of the Brazilians' so-called jogo bonito. As I mentioned in an earlier post, whenever the Brazilians play a top draw team, they try to unsettle the opposition during the opening minutes by resorting to openly dirty play. Being Brazil (oooooooohhhhh!!!!!!!!), the referee invariably fails to punish them by dishing out the requisite yellow cards and the opposition begins to believe that, yet again, the Brazilians are going to get away with everything and this, quite naturally, puts them out of their stride. To top things off, the Brazilians rail against the referee and linesmen at every opportunity in an attempt to intimidate the officials. This was most often done by the unbelievably ugly Dani Alves and the equally ugly pop-eyed circus-freak Robinho, whose aggressively exophthalmic stares at the referee are reminiscent of those of black "Englishman" Paul "call me The Guv'nor" Ince.</div>
<div> </div>
<div>Unfortunately, these exact tactics paid dividends as the frustrated Dutch played some very pedestrian football for the entire first half, the lowlight of which was the amateurish defending which led to Brazil's simplest of simple goals. </div>
<div> </div>
<div>But once the Dutch applied some real pressure in the second half, culminating in their equaliser, another aspect of Brazil's jogo bonito when up against good opposition quickly surfaced - i.e., panic. Their egos, exemplified by Kaka's constant first-half smirk, were quickly punctured as they were dismantled by a team which was finally shedding it's frustration and playing to it's potential. Once they went behind, the Brazilians, in true homage to their African roots, fell to pieces - their "divinely ordained" right to victory had been taken away and they were helpless, resorting to the blatant thuggery which is their actual hallmark, as opposed to some kind of beautiful football that the media would wish everyone to believe. Nothing makes me happier than watching that filthy misbegotten concoction of black/mulatto/Amerindian/race-mixing white bastards get eliminated by a White / majority White team - nothing. I love seeing the Brazilian fans wrapped in that ridiculous green, yellow, and blue rag balling their bloody eyes out. I love seeing the twisted looks on the faces of those painted Brazilian whores of every shade who cheer their perennially cheating "heroes". I love listening to the heartbroken commentators choking on their sorrow and struggling to find synonyms for "tragedy" and "disbelief". Bloody love it. If those Brazilians adore "Braaassssiiilll" so much, they can shove their annoying samba drums up their arses sideways and head back to where they came from - and they can take all of their diving, dishonest players infesting every corner of Europe (hell, every corner of the footballing world) with them, good riddance and piss off!  
 Time obviously hasn't dimmed my emotion...
<div> </div>
<div>Anyway, I'm hoping that 100% White Spain shall lift the trophy. No blacks, no Muslims, no half-breeds, no bullsh*t.</div>
<div> </div>

I detest the Brazilians also.They infect just about every team in Europe. It is sick what these clubs are doing. Also, the Africans are infecting every league and most teams also. I almost cannot watch this garbage anymore.
Rebajlo--a very funny and brutally honest post about the Brazilians.

the night before their game with netherlands--I watched the daily show (john stewart's show). the guests were landon donovan and coach bradley of the american team. when asked which team would win the cup--they both said brazil, and in tones of "of course, if you know soccer, you know that brazil is the best"

great to see the brazilian balloon punctured and all it represents.
Solomon Kane - Thanks, mate.Brazil are the ultimate con foisted upon White football fans and thegeneral public. Consequently, I've built up a lifetime of rabid hatredfor Brazilians(who, incidentally, we are seeing more and more of here in Australia...) which I unleash at every opportunity, especially for the purpose of gloatingevery time the supposedly "true champions" are eliminated from the World Cup.I know that this sounds particularly harsh, given that just under half of Brazilians are actually White, but White Brazilian players have almost always appeared just as devious, dirty, dishonest and conceited as their black, mulatto and mestizocounterparts. The White Brazilian fans don't have any qualms about religiously supporting the dirtiest team on the planet and venerating the likes of that odious braggart Pele, let alone ridiculously gyrating like blacks to all of that African samba garbage, so I humbly stand by myjudgements. Brazilian "syncretic culture" isn't exactly a laudable thing...

Jimmy Chitwood said:
well, the "phenomenal" affletes assembled at striker for Bradley's side were abysmally poor. as i was reflecting, the thought struck me thatthese "incredible talents"accounted for a Grand Total of ZERO goals in the USA's 4 games. the play of "golden boy" Jozy Altidore, America's "wunderkind" at forward, is a telling tale of just how dreadful the negro-filled roster really was...

...the "American" strikers were simply pathetic. there's no getting around it. it is so typical of affirmative-action America that such incompetence and inabilityis portrayed as the exact opposite. but despite ESPN's (and the rest of the US media's) best efforts to say otherwise, the results speak for themselves. african't-"americans" simply can't compete at this level.

You're not wrong, mate. I found the textbook heading technique of Edson Buddle just as comical as his name - he always seemed to mistime his jumps and the ball smacked him in the face acouple oftimes, spreading his dopey black mug around like meat paste
. It's amazing that a so-called elitestriker is unable to head the ball properly. Hang about, I forgot: it must be the White man's fault! How ignorant of me...

Borussia said:
Yes, I really never understood the preference for afflete forwards. It's almost as if the coaches and media assume that a fast and/or big afflete buck will be a great goal scorer.
Believe it or now, I think the American Caste system has played a part in this.
The English Premier League kind of started this trend in the late 90s...

...My humble opinion only: the American anti-White Caste system was internalized by our European counterparts. They saw the adulation from the legions of DWFs and the media complex for all things black.
Look at the NFL, NBA, etc...

...Bottom line: the caste system promotes blacks at the marquee position for social, political and economic reasons.

Blacks were always initially filtered into the sport in Europe, especially in England,primarily as forwards. I wrote a bit of a dissertation on this point in my third or fourth post in Caste Football - in fact, it's still lurking about on the homepage in the form ofthe article entitled "The Death of English Football", so I won't repeat myself here and bore the tripe out of everyone

The leftists' long-term "black footballing supremacy"objective resulting from the deliberately systematic funnelling of black players into European football was essentially a type of manufactured self-fulfilling prophecy. The American-derivedpropaganda stated that blacks are the ultimate sportsmen, so the first step was to force blacks into teams to establish a supposedly "inevitable" black presence through the usual Jewish-induced, white-guilt fuelled "social outreach" approach. Thedevelopment programs of clubs were then increasingly stacked full of blacks under the guise of"disadvantaged urban youth who are given a chance at life through sport". Sounds familiar?

As the youth schemes were now carefully monitored to include the "correct" ratio of black participants (which increased year by year), the standard of players emerging into senior football was naturally lowered, as ability was no longer the sole criterion of a player'sadvancement.The more artificially promoted blacks, the lower the standard of actual football, but the media paints a different picture with the story that the standards are getting higher, as blacks are bringing "flair", "excitement". "speed", and "sheer athleticism" into the game. Again - sounds familiar? The American model is used to mould the American-style deluded White European fan. The said deluded fan doesn't realise that the reason for the explosion in black numbers in the sport is strictly contrived, but simply believeswhat the media tells him - i.e., blacks are increasingly "dominating" due to their inherently superior ability.

Forget the fact that the football on offer is nowhere near as good as it was prior to the great influx of blacks in the second half of the 1990s - oh, no, the merchandise-purchasing, cable-TV addicted knuckleheads are incapable of using their bloodshot eyes to analyse what's going on in front of their booze-swollen noses.Instead, they lap up the leftist pap spewed forth by carefully selected media mouthpieces, which tell them that any black fool who can onlybarely use one foot, has crap control, a predictably one-dimensional styleand a pathetically inaccurateshot is a modern great who, in this era of extra-professional football, is miles ahead of the "amateurish" (White) stars of "eras gone by" (guffaw, guffaw).
Loew is a complete moron. Klose isn't starting. Along with this, he all three blacks starting.
I wouldn't care watching this multi-cult team lose today.
Just hope germany get trashed. Damn Loew, looks like he is working for our enemies. Klose has great chance to become all-time goalscorer leader, instead of that mullatto ronaldo, and Loew pushes caca in. This is how he rewards all the effort Klose put in for germany? I will always hate Loew from now on.
Don't foget about Lahm and Podolski too. So, Germany has a total of 7 white starters today.

Just as I type this, Aogo, another mediocre black for Germany getting his first action tonight, just nearly picked up a red card. Cacau just got a handball, giving Uruguay another free kick.Edited by: Jack Lambert
Lahm and Podolski are not chasing the all time Goalscoring record. Its clear that unfortunately even germany is falling for the multiculturalism crap. Germany is controlled by the marxists, and they push these ungly negroes in our faces. Damn
alln2 said:
Lahm and Podolski are not chasing the all time Goalscoring record. Its clear that unfortunately even germany is falling for the multiculturalism crap. Germany is controlled by the marxists, and they push these ungly negroes in our faces. Damn

I know they're not, alln. I was mentioning they weren't starting.

So far, Germany's blacks have helped Uruguay far more than they've helped Germany.
Absolutely disgusting what Loew did to Klose. Its clear that the marxists do not want him to take the goalscorer record from the mullato, and Loew obeyed them. I thought that germany would play whole this meaningless game for Klose, and he doesnt even start.

F*** Loew and the german staff.
Plus, Klose is 32 years old. In all likelihood, this will be his last World Cup game. It's damn near criminal of Loew to do this. Shows you how easily willing he is to sell out one of his own.

I hope they get Whiter in the second half, otherwise it's better to root for Uruguay because Germany will think they've won it by playing non-Whites over Whites.

And, of course, within 6+ minutes of the game, two of the non-White "Germans" receive a Yellow Card and Agoa (or whatever the hell his name is) should've received a Red Card for deliberately spiking the Uruguayan player in the shin...could've broken his leg.

At least Mueller scored the goal for Germany. They would be probably be ahead right now if it wasn't for their Caste lineup.
alln2 said:
Absolutely disgusting what Loew did to Klose. Its clear that the marxists do not want him to take the goalscorer record from the mullato, and Loew obeyed them. I thought that germany would play whole this meaningless game for Klose, and he doesnt even start. F*** Loew and the german staff.

Probably got a call from Angela Merkel to showcase more non-Whites.
Another beautifully athletic and acrobatic goal by Forlan of Uruguay to go up 2-1. He now has 5 goals for the tournament too. The entire German squad should look like this guy.

Wow, now Germany ties it by a goal from Jansen. Now, 2-2.

All four goals by Whites. Great game.
I did read that Klose was being held out due to an aching back, and Podolski and Lahm due to the flu. The fact that Kiessling replaced Cacau would be another indicator of this. Now, whether it was a real injury or not for Klose is another question.Edited by: referendum
Too bad Forlan just missed that free kick on the last play of the game...hitting the top crossbar. That would've put him in the lead for the "Golden Boot" award and extended the game. Chris(tie) Fowler of ESPN called the missed penalty kick "poetic justice" since that's how Ghana lost to Uruguay.
As it stands, 2nd place is the first loser, so I certainly didn't concern myself with this 3rd place game.
what an entertaining match today! while 3rd place certainly isn't as important, it was yet another chance for everyone to see world-class athletes on display ... all the best of which were White men.

Diego Forlan, what can i say about him?!?! he's terrific! playing on one leg, he brought his team back from the dead once in the game and hit the crossbar in added time in a last-chance bid to do so again. his 5 goals is currently tied for the most in the tournament (Mueller, Sneijder, Villa - who are all White, by the way). he has the heart of a champion, even if he didn't hoist the Trophy.

Germany's Bastian Schweinsteiger gets my vote for Player of the Tournament. he quite simply was the best player on the pitch in every game he played. he didn't score any goals, but he created most everything good that happened for the German side. completely poised, creative, and talented, he is a great player.

the young Thomas Mueller (20 years old) is clearly the best young player in the field for this World Cup. Mueller departs this FIFA World Cup scoring 5 goals on just 5 shots. in continuing his 100 per cent success rate, the German forward â€" the only 20-year-old to score at South Africa 2010 â€" became the second-youngest player to reach five FIFA World Cup goals. only Pele (17 years and 249 days old when he achieved this feat at Sweden 1958) was younger. Mueller, who now has five goalsin just eight international appearances, has been directly involved in eight goals at South Africa 2010 â€" more than any other player. if he wins the adidas Golden Boot, the German star will become the tournament's second-youngest top scorer.

as an aside, going into the Championship Game tomorrow, the top scorers in this World Cup all are knotted up at 5 goals apiece. compare that to the brilliance of Just Fontaine ... Fontaine holds the World Cup record of 13 goals in a single tournament (his only World Cup appearance). Just's single incredible tourney total is good enough to still be the 4th-highest number of total goals scored in combined World Cups by a single player. isn't it "weird"that his name is never mentioned by the American media, much less considered as one of the all-time greats?

not surprisingly, Just Fontaine is a White man.

What's truly sickening about this World Cup was ESPU's outright cheering for any African nation. Why should I give a bleep about any of those shtholes! When the World Cup was held in the USA do you really think the rest of the world was rooting for the USA? No....they were most likely disparaging our poor quality of play which is what the African nations displayed this year. They suck and I'm glad they lost! :)
Although I think white South Africans should try to return to the Netherlands or wherever their ancestors came from if they can- b/c South Africa is a bad place to live for whites (and there seems to be a new revenge apartheid against whites) I wouldn't call Africa as a whole a sh*t hole. I simply don't root for African athletes, because BSPN and white Rivals pushes any black team as athletically superior to those "stiff hipped" whites which has been proven false yet again in a good year for us CFers.

As an environmentalist and humanitarian type guy, I want to see the quality of life improve for the African people while at the same time using some of that money to preserve natural habitat by having a market for raw materials, irrigation and organic farming, tourist safaris etc. to protect that land. But I have nothing against you guys for not caring, considering how bad things have been deteriorating in the U.S lately. You have to build your own stable nation and stable life before you can worry about other nations. I was just giving my habitat/ land use rant- because my church up here in Ontario has been talking about running a trip to Swaziland to help World Vision with making some villages in Swaziland self sufficient. Almost a third of the people in Swaziland have HIV or AIDs...sad stuff. A lot of Swaziland is unsafe- in part because it is so stricken with poverty and disease. My wife originally mentioned the idea of going, but I immediately convinced her out of it- because I worry about the safety of the trip and we are trying to start a family.

Getting back to the World Cup, I'd like as many posters to list who they're rooting for and why. As I said- I'm pulling for the Dutch to be rewarded for fielding a whiter and more legitimately Dutch team.
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