South Africa World Cup 2010

An interesting article.

Germany's two-goal hero Thomas Mueller believes the "alpha-male" culture in the England team will hinder their chances of becoming successful.

Mueller scored twice for Germany in their 4-1 win over England on Sunday in the last-16 stage of the World Cup.

"It is difficult to have so many 'alpha males' and have them row in the same direction," said the 20-year-old.

"You don't only need chiefs, you also need a few Indians. You need people who are willing to do the hard work."

He added: "It may be a problem with England that players are simply not mentally prepared to go that extra mile for their team-mates."

Meanwhile, Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger said that England were "killed by their own impatience" during their defeat to Germany.

The Frenchman believes England should have used their experience to stop Germany's counter-attacking threat.

England pulled the score back to 2-1 and had a goal disallowed but were hit on the break when chasing an equaliser.

"England had taken over the game and I think they were killed by their impatience," Wenger told Arsenal's website.

"They came back in the second half to 2-1 and they controlled the game.

"What made me sad was that, with the experience they had, they were caught. It was free-kick for England, goal for Germany.

"You do what they did with five minutes to go OK but not with 25 minutes left."

The Germans play a style of physical, go-forward football that we can relate to but they also have midfield players capable of holding on to the ball

England's disappointing performances in the tournament in South Africa has led to criticism of manager Fabio Capello, the players, the structure of the Premier League as well as increasing calls for a winter break.

However, Wenger believes the levels of expectation weighed heavily on the England camp.

"Many teams start slow in the group stage," he said.

"I remember in 2006, France were horrible in the group stage but they found momentum in the quarter-final and semi-final because they had no pressure any more.

"England suffered under pressure. They did not look sharp.

"Also England did not seem to be at the level to use their main strength - the huge pace they put in the game.

"Was that physical fatigue or a mental reason? I do not know but you never found the sense of English football in there."

ToughJ.Riggins said:
I should add: the guys third most left at top, third most left at bottom and 4th most left at bottom "might" be more Amero-Indian than white, but it's hard to know for sure from a distance. The rest of them (probably even the guy at our bottom left) look to be majority Caucasian.

I agree with that analysis. Its somewhat surpising though as Paraguay does remain a majority (90%) mestizo country. Perhaps some of these players have just 10% Indian in them or something like that.
Yeah, you need to start respecting the rules of the board alot more. I agree with Westside, I think there's a lot of DWFs out there who can be swayed by this site. But when they come on and see posts like Alln, they are going to get turned off by the site fast.
Jack Lambert said:
Yeah, you need to start respecting the rules of the board alot more. I agree with Westside, I think there's a lot of DWFs out there who can be swayed by this site. But when they come on and see posts like Alln, they are going to get turned off by the site fast.

I deleted his posts and the responses because this is, as Thrashen mentioned and I agree wholeheartedly, an excellent thread. Plus I don't given any troll or anonymous "internet tough guy," especially one who was already banned, the satisfaction of having his posts remain on here. If this guy isn't a troll he's an excellent example of the kind of irascible, my-way-or-no-waycranks that have prevented pro-White people and groups from gaining unity and traction.
"Mestizos are good people (and usually Catholic like myself) and are underrated/underrespected as athletes just like whites are anyway "

You can have them in Canada then. They come here illegally,change our culture,get free health care,overcrowd our schools,force Spanish on us,have many kids out of wedlock,go on welfare,steal jobs from Americans and commit many crimes.
I don't want Mexico imported to this country.
Yes, the U.S needs to stop illegal immigration by building more stretches of walls and putting more national guard at the border. The ones that have come to the U.S illegally should get to the back of the line to begin the process to get citizenship and if it is realistic they could be deported, but there are over 10 million of them. Certainly illegals who have committed felonies should be immediately sent back to Mexico or wherever they come from.

I know that America has had some problems with Mexican gangs in places like Newark and Los Angeles. Many of the murders that happen are retaliation gang war murders, but of course there are some simply over money due to all the drug and other illegal money infesting the gangs. The Mexicans I met where I lived in Jersey and in the greater Toronto area seem like earthly, hard working, family oriented Catholics. I simply don't like to "stereotype" them as a race and simply go from experience.

Personally, all the people who have really done things to hurt me in my life have been white, but that is mostly due to mostly associating with white people in the Toronto area and NJ. I did get in one scuffle with a black guy in college, but the "few" very malicious and manipulative people who took advantage of me and abused me over my disability were white. Oh yeah, the cop that wrongfully arrested me in Jersey in the police state down there (as I had mentioned once on this forum) was white as well. My cousin's dad is a lawyer and got one of his friends to get my name cleared and he admitted the cop was so unbelievably wrong that I could sue him for wrongful arrest and physical abuse, but he said it would be near impossible for me to win a case against a town police department b/c they'd keep appealing it. I wanted to move back to where I have people that love me and treat me with respect anyway (and that is Canada). The whole thing happened simply over being asleep in my car in the drivers seat in the evening in a parking lot after a rough day at work and a night that I got little sleep after my cousin argued late at night with my uncle. The cop thought I had been smoking weed and even lied on the police report. My drug test came back negative. He physically assaulted me when I had a panic attack because he thought my panic attack meant I was high and not willing to answer his repeated intense questions. It seems we have a lot nicer people here in Canada then in NJ. I only had one malicious person EVER REALLY hurt me in Canada, but it happened multiple times down south.
The "fight" with the black guy I had in college was simply because I confronted him and told him to leave my college apartment after he was drunk and belligerent (he was very nasty to a girl I knew). He shoved me hard and almost knocked me down. Then I came at him and got him in a headlock and he was then thrown out of the party by me and my friends. Other than that, I've never had someone harm me or attempt to harm me of another race. I guess our world is our experience.
Tough J, just wondering, were you 'casting' on your IPhone to CF when that NJ detained you? Lol
Tonight's matches are vital not only from a purely footballing perspective but, more importantly, from the way the results can influence the sporting worldview of Whites everywhere, especially the veryyoung kids whose early impressions tend to form lifelong patterns of thinking.

If, in a scenario straight from my nightmares,Brazil and Ghana reach the semifinals, an overwhelmingly (or potentially 100%) black team is guaranteed a place in the final, which is the most watched single sporting event on the planet. Another appearance in the final by Brazil would mean a continuation and reinforcement of the usual myth of that most racially mixed of nation's superhuman footballing prowess. That is sickening enough, but the alternativesare even worse...

Were Ghana to reach the final, all of the pitiful performances of the other African teams in this tournament would be forgotten (hell, they already are) and the one "memorable" aspect of this World Cup would be that an African nation has, at long last,progressed ("inevitably", of course) to the championship-deciding match (asevery White-hating piece of garbage, headed by Pele, has alwayspredicted...).

Were Ghana to win the final and be crowned world champions of the most popular sport on earth...well, that would potentially constitute one of the greatest anti-White sporting propaganda blows ever. Why? Because, taken in combination with past significantly black/mulatto Brazilian successes,it providesanother "concrete precedent", a point which can always be referred to by anti-White forces at any point in the future to "prove" thecarefully contrived"axiom" that blacks are physicallysuperior by looking back to a halcyon age of "truer" competition of "higher quality".This has already been the case for several decades, with the black Pele being constantly referred to as the all-time greatest footballer and the Brazilian team of 1970 being portrayed as the finest team ever. A 100% black African victory would, however,take this to an all new level (and doubtlessly precipitate an even greater number of African signings by European clubs). It would also "validate" that old chestnutof it being only a "matter of time" before blacks dominate any sport.

Look atboxing - once people were indoctrinated for so long that blacks were the best fighters, as blacks (cough, cough - boxing has never been "tampered with", unless it was to disadvantage blacks) continuously held the title,the current White dominancecaneasily be swatted aside by propagandists, who disparage the contemporary White champions by pointing to the black "greats" of the past. The figure of Muhammad Aliis forever used as a comparative paragon - if the "greatest" boxer of all time (the "Sportsman of the Century", no less) was active today, well, the Klitschko brothers obviously wouldn't stand a chance. The "beauty" is that it's "self-saucing" propaganda at it's best - Whites have been exposed to the "black boxer" meme for generations, so they now don't even have to be prompted to think that a White champion is somehow "suspiciously illegitimate" and "not right".It's the anti-White "unbeatable black bogeyman" methodthat is also evident in other sports which have that black "precedent" - only one is required, asin the example ofTiger Woods. It doesn't matter that blacks are nowhere to be seen in competitive golf because "Tiger's" achievements mean that, when all is said and done, blacks must make the better golfers (if they are given the chance).
Sounds ridiculous, but works perfectly on the mindless masses.

Most of You American boys probably don't take an interest in cricket, but that is a sport in which the "unbeatable black bogeyman" is forever present in the form of the West Indies sides of the 1970s and 1980s. Despite Australia's general dominance over the last two decades, the old West Indiesteams are still mentionedas theparagonto which the Australian players of the last twenty years would surely lose, as those black players were "the greatest" (conveniently overlooking the crap West Indies sides of the present).It thoroughly disgusts me to hear Australians drag out the West Indies in order to belittle our own achievements - but, given the trans-generational indoctrination, it's hardly a surprise...

Anyway, I'm hoping that the Netherlands shall dispose of Brazil - if they don't, well it sadly looks like Brazil shall in all probability once again be in the final.

Just as an aside, I read a story in the Polish media that in the leadup to the quarterfinal match, the Brazilians are complaining about the "rough treatment" their players are receiving from the opposition, pointing to Elano's injury against the Ivory Coast as the most salient example. The Brazilians have claimed that opposing players are deliberately attempting to injure them, the intimation being that sheer brutal violence is the only way to beat Brazil, and that referees should protect their skillful players from such thuggery. Ironic, isn't it?Edited by: Rebajlo
Ghana wont make it to the final cause they would have to beat Germany or Argentina :)

..and Brazil probably wont make it to the final because to do so they would have to beat Spain ;)

Actually the Brazilian team of the 1970's was majority white:

and better news still is that the most highly appraised team ever (in the eyes of soccer experts) is not the 1970 Brazilian team, but the 1974 Dutch 'total football' team.

This is however a Pele/Maradonna situation: some people go for Pele and some go for Maradonna, in the same way that some prefer the 1970 Brazilian team and some the 1974 Dutch team.
i watched ESPN's pre-game coverage of the Brazil-Netherlands matchup ... and after doing so, i'm forced to conclude that the Dutch shouldn't even bother showing up. at least, that was the message for the better part of the last half hour. Brazil are soooooooooooo much more talented, how can the Netherlands even hope to make it competitive? bah!

good luck Orange! today, i'm all about going Dutch.
oh. my. god.

today is FIFA's official "anti-discrimination day." WTF?!?!?!
well, Brazil is up an early 1-0, after a beautiful pass straight down the center of the defense found a streaking Robinho who beat the Dutch offsides trap. the goal is a bummer for the Netherlands, but it was truly a beautiful pass.
Jimmy Chitwood said:
oh. my. god.
<div> </div>
<div>today is FIFA's official "anti-discrimination day." WTF?!?!?!

Just what I was thinking Jimmy. I changed the channel for that crap. I made sure the National Anthems were playing before I turned it back.

Brazil is the poster child for diversity, so it would be nice to see the nearly-all white Netherlands take them out.Edited by: Jack Lambert
there is so much diving going on in this game that it's hard to watch.
with all the "real" talent on Brazil's team, isn't it "weird" how their far-and-away best player is Kaka? he's White, so how can he be so good on a team with so many non-White players?

OOOOOOOHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT A GOAL BY THE DUTCH!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wesley Sneijder sent in a beautiful ball that everyone missed. the keeper couldn't reach it, nor could any defender's head. wow!
i think it was intended as a cross, but it was so on-target that it found the net without being re-directed. awesome!!!! it's all knotted up, 1-1.
now it's being called an own-goal. what the crap? replays appeared to show no one hit it. what a tough call, for both parties involved.
How can such an unathletic nation compete with the likes of Brazil?

A loss by the Brazilians would rip the hearts out of DWFs and "reporters" everywhere.

That sucks. An own goal, it looked like it was Sneijder's goal.Edited by: Jack Lambert
excellent point, Jack. it's so "strange" that a White athlete like Robben is running circles around his mo' affletic opposition.

while i don't like his frequent dives, Arjen Robben is clearly the swiftest player on the pitch.

edited to add: that isn't slight praise, either, as Robin Van Persie can really run. he's also a White man for the Netherlands.Edited by: Jimmy Chitwood
I'm not thrilled that the Dutch are playing two mulattoes who have done nothing this whole tournament. But this is still a caste matchup with the Dutch playing 9 whites and the Brazilians only 2 or 3 non-blacks (would be 4 if Elano were not injured).

Go Netherlands and Uruguay. Victories by these two will be a big blow to the ridiculous and raist notion of black supremacy in sports.
One of the useless Dutch blacks (De Jong) just got yellow carded and will miss the next match. He then picked his nose with the whole world watching.
Liverlips said:
He then picked his nose with the whole world watching.

Liverlips said:
One of the useless Dutch blacks (De Jong) just got yellow carded and will miss the next match. He then picked his nose with the whole world watching.

Definatly a clear example of black athletic superiority.
American Freedom News