South Africa World Cup 2010

"Also, I think I saw a post up there where someone questioned the fact that there are 3 Germans of Polish descent on the German team. I think it would be simply insane to even bring this up."

The reason is that these same Polish players could have easily decided to play for Poland if they wanted. If they weren't good enough for Germany , they probably would have. They have to only make people eligible for 1 team, period. Some people can pick and choose between 3 or 4 countries. It doesn't take sense. Spain wanted Messi to play for them. He chose ARgentina because he could start on the team, but if he coudn't , he may have chosen Spain. Plus,you get all these Africans who go back and play for their African homeland of their parents when they can't make the European team. Algeria is a perfect example.
Europe said:
Kaptain Poop said:
Watching the nation anthems in Argentina vs. Mexico, I noticed that most of the players appeared to have a high percentage of European blood. I bet if DNA tests were done that both teams would have a higher percentage than England or even the U.S. team. Interesting how African blood was practically non-existant in the two teams. I guess in Mexico they don't care about diversity quite as much. Neither does Ghana, South Africa, Korea, Japan, or any majority non-white nation.

I didn't see to many pure whites on the Mexican team.

"higher percentage" is what I said. Spanish European blood making up a large percentage in the mix of many individuals.
I have been to Argentina. Trust me, it is an overwhelmingly White descent country...easily over 85%, mostly Spanish, Italian and German.
Besides this, Argentinians are commonly known as one of the most ethnically conscious/nationalist people you will find.

Some of you guys are fighting phantoms here. Argentina views themselves as a White nation and commonly have some of the more 'white friendly' chants and slogans.
Yes, some mestizos but few, if any blacks. Argentina is WHITE.

The match up with Germany will be a good one. Germany looks like they are hitting stride and will almost never beat themselves with stupid mistakes and lazy bones attitude (unlike say England - LOL!).

As for Caste perspectives, you have to support Argentina because this is the most multi-culti friendly German national squad ever. A win will reinforce the need to have darkies, mixed breeds and mercenaries on the team.
We don't need that. Remember how fickle and dumb the masses are and how easy marks they are of the typical PC marxist press.
Germany winning the cup will only promote the recent trend of "de-nationalizing" the National team.

Yes, Germany is still better then nearly half black England and Senegal North (France) and perhaps only slightly on par with Netherlands.
Yet, please recall that Germany's only true nonwhite players before were David Odunkur (speedy winger in '06) and black as coal Nigerian mercenary Gerald Asomoah (overrated oaf who did very little).
They had half Turkish Mehmet Scholl as a good contributor in the late 90s and early 2000s. Yet, Scholl would have been considered a regular white guy by nearly everyone else in the world.

Yes, Germany's backbone is still 100% White German, yet the trends can take root quickly. Then, it's a step or 2 away from black worshiping France.
Now, having said that, Ozil is a very solid player and will be in the team (likely fairly) for a long time to come.
Khedira (sp?) is a back up and doing satisfactory. Both are born and reared in Germany. Yes, it would be better from a Caste perspective to have true Germans in their place...yet, this is the expected result when you have nearly 3 generations of Turkish in Germany. Besides, in the the US, Turks are just another 'white bread' group according to castophiles in the media and black power circles. Watch the NBA.

The rest of the non-Germans are relatively useless.
And for the love of god, please stop with the Polish angle on Klose and Podolski. These are 100% White Men.

Both are still White teams, yet from the big future picture, I will back Argentina. And it really is for Germany's own long term home grown talent good.
BTW, you have to love the Argentinian coach Maradona. Love him or hate him, he's quite the character and doesn't take crap from anyone. Here's a good article:


When former Brazilian star Pele said Maradona was only coaching because he needed the money (which might be true since last year the Italian government claimed he still owed them $37 million euros in back taxes from his playing days there), Maradona couldn't remain silent. He declared Pele should "go back to the museum."Â￾

He got into a war of words with Union of European Football Associations president Michel Platini before dismissing Platini as arrogant â€" "That Platini, well, he's French, what do you expect?"Â￾

He later apologized by saying, "[Platini] says he has never said what you [reporters] told me he said, so through you I would like to apologize to Mr. Platini "¦ but not to Pele."Â￾

We need more people like Maradona who don't bow down to any sort of political correctness. Enough with the pandering already! Edited by: foobar75
Right, let's begin with England - Germany.

There is no doubt that Germany played the better football throughout most of the match, but any reasonable observer would admit that Frank Lampard's disallowed goalprovidedthe pivotal moment - after going two goals down, England were finally applying some concerted pressure, Matthew Upson had pulled one back within five minutes of Lukas Podolski's strike and Germany did not look comfortable at all. Please note that I am NOT claiming that England would have won the match, simply that the course of the contest would have been very different had the 100% legitimate goal stood. As things went, Germany were let off due to an unbelievable stroke of fortune and went into the break still holding the lead, while England had suffered a hefty psychological blow which only added to the pressure they were under.

Truth be told, England placed all of the pressure on themselves by conceding that ridiculously embarrassingfirst goal, from a simple belt upfield by the German goalkeeper. I couldn't believe my eyes as John Terry wassomehow too far forwardand Matthew Upsonwas unable todeal with such a simple situation- to top things off, David James should have been further up in the first place (given that his opposite number had just smashed a long ball) and his subsequent hesitation prior to coming out allowed Klose to get to the ball and stick it in. Basic stuff, but there it is.

Yet again, for large portions of the match England wereoverly flat-footed with minimal movement off the ball. This allowed Germany tohave markers on whichever English front / midfieldplayers received passes, thus reducing space and leaving England with few options. Speaking of passes, Englandplayed far too many of the simple square variety which, allied with the abovementioned lack of movement, meant that they didn't exactly possessmuch threat at all.One doesn't win World Cups (or anything, for that matter) playingthis way.The only time thatEnglandlooked like a class team was in the period immediatelyfollowing the second German goal. If Lampard's goal had been allowed, well, England may have capitalised on the momentum that such a quick recovery would have given them against a relatively inexperienced side but thattype of speculation is immaterial as, overall, Germany deserved the win.

Now that David Beckham, Paul Scholes and Gary Neville are gone, the combination of the sheer number of foreigners swamping the Premier League and League Championship and the obsessive promotion of "English" blacks at all levelsof the domestic game has finally come home to roost...

The officialscommitted two egregious errors in last night's matches - that of Lampard's disallowed goal and Carlos Tevez'sblatantly offside opener against Mexico - which have once again detracted from the competition. I don't claim that these incidentswere part of any conspiracies against the aggrieved teams,just that the officiating leaves a great deal to be desired and something has to be done in order to restore the game's sense of "fairness" (if such a thing ever existed - I don't have the time to relate the history ofthe bribery allegations surrounding Internazionale and Juventus in the European Cups of the 1960s and 1970s, but if You wish to getan ideaof these things, check out the following link: Some Polish playersstill say that the Italians were offering them bribes on the field during their final first round match in the 1974 World Cup, which Poland won 2-1 thus eliminating Italy.

foobar75 said:
Speaking of those 5 goals given up, that's primarily because the US defense is not up to par at this world class level...

...This brings us to the strikers, I guess in some ways, the glamour position for most teams. The caste clowns will point out that this position requires speed and athleticism, so there's the obvious preference for blacks here. But Altidore and Findley pretty much sucked against Ghana and wasted some good chances. The problem is, their speed is useless. They do not have the required skills to convert those precious opportunities to goals.

Good, honestassessment, mate
. The United States' black forwards are useless. This Jozy Altidore is a right laugh - any idiotcan see that he is patently no good yet, from what all of YouAmerican lads have been saying, Your commentators (with no-skill leftist Alexi Lalas to the fore) are telling everyone that he is some sort of star player.

The problem with the American approach to sports is that:

(a) the image of the "soopeer'iah blackaff'leet" is religiously ingrained in everyone's thinking, and,

(b) all "caste issues" aside, there is a surprisingly naive assumption that speed alone makes an efficient sportsman.

The two are inextricably linked, as the black is viewed as naturally possessing the greatest speed which, by default, makes him the best sportsman. I've always been amazed at the kindergarten simplicity of this kind of thinking, which I've encounteredin the majority of Americans I have met (yet again, permit me tohighlight that I'm not engaging in anti-Americanism
). Funnily enough, I remember a Chinese geezer seeking me out for a discussion on football back when I was at university. I almost killed myself laughing when he stated, in awed tones, that the United States would eventually be unbeatable once the American team consisted of"eleven black guys, the ultimate athletes". Strange, isn't it, how propaganda can spread to all corners of the world?

Anyone should naturally notice that speed alone means next to nothing in anything but a footrace. There's no point in having a football player who can run 100 metres in under 10 seconds if he possesses crap ball control andminimal awareness, or a rugby player of the same speed who has difficulty catching and holding the ball or withstanding repeated tackling. Yet the myth of the "fast / bigblack guy"dominating every sport "once he is given the chance" endures.

If somebody actually believes that a "top" basketball player or American football player (regardless of race) shall automatically be a top-class footballer or boxer, then they must have an arse-full of sh*t in their heads. Unfortunately, there must be plenty ofexcrement to go around, because this talk of LeBron James (thoseclownish names
) and other black heroes effortlessly transferring their "abilities" to other sports is seemingly omnipresent among American "experts". The worst of it is that they export this type ofobviously flawless "reasoning" to the rest of the world.

If I said that due to the fact that they are highly skilled footballers Lionel Messi or Cristiano Ronaldo would become champion boxers if they had chosen that particular discipline, I'd feel like a moron who knows nothing of the nature of the two sports. But a slack-jawed ESPN "expert" would probably say that the footwork displayed by these players in dribbling, passingand shooting would make them odds-on prime boxers (if they weren't White, that is...).
Argentina is very white, with very little mixing between natives. In the north of the country near to the Bolivian border there is a high native population, but the rest of the country is all white making it the second biggest nearly all white nation after Russia.

The German team is mostly white and personally a Turk or two doesnt bother me (Germany is full of Turks and like it or not its only natural that one or two would eventually make it into the team). Certainly, in castefootball terms, its ridiculous to get worked up about the Poles. Perhaps you could get upset about this in an immigration thread, but not in a soccer thread!

As a whole, these 2 teams are a fantastic demonstration of the footballing abilities of Northern European white and Southern European white players.
A word about Ghana - if they beat Uruguay, in castefootball terms it will be an absolute disaster.

This would mean that an African nation has made it to the world cup semi-finals for the first time, and we wont stop hearing about it for a LONG time. The abject failure of all the other African teams will become irrelvant; as this will become a great world cup for African football.
Europe said:
"Also, I think I saw a post up there where someone questioned the fact that there are 3 Germans of Polish descent on the German team. I think it would be simply insane to even bring this up."

The reason is that these same Polish players could have easily decided to play for Poland if they wanted. If they weren't good enough for Germany , they probably would have. They have to only make people eligible for 1 team, period. Some people can pick and choose between 3 or 4 countries. It doesn't take sense. Spain wanted Messi to play for them. He chose ARgentina because he could start on the team, but if he coudn't , he may have chosen Spain. Plus,you get all these Africans who go back and play for their African homeland of their parents when they can't make the European team. Algeria is a perfect example.

According to Wikpedia Miroslav Klose's father is ethnically German. I've met a couple of these ethnic Germans from Poland. Usually they don't speak German but don't feel completely Polish. Remember Silesia, where he was born, used to be part of Germany. Podolski got to move to Germany at age 2 thanks to his paternal grandparents being German citizens prior to WW2. I don't know if he's ethnically German but there are close enough ties to Germany for both of them to represent that country. Historically Germany has defined citizenship ethnically, unlike the stupid Anglo-Saxon countries and France where 'citizenism' reigns.

Had I been a talented footballer I'd have been eligible to play for 4 countries - Northern Ireland, Rep of Ireland, New Zealand, and Canada - and depending on the details of the so-called gentlemen's agreement between the 4 British 'home nations' possibly Scotland and England too.
Edited by: Matra1
Losing to Ghana was the worst thing that could've happened.This is the secound time the Americans have lost to the Ghanians and it will be looked at as a black team beating a mostly White team.And how do you combat that?Well you fill your roster with black supermen of course.Same thing with England since they're considered slow up front.I think you're looking at a much darker outlook for these two countries come 2014.
Well, Holland is a team to cheer for though I was disappointed they started 2 blacks today (usually they only start 1). Hopefully, they will go back to 10 whites for the game against Brazil.
The Chilean team is not as white as Argentina or Uruguay but they are hanging on versus heavily black Brazil (8 blacks, 3 whites today though when Elano returns it will be up to 4 of our people). It is unlikely but it would be very sweet if they could beat the typically overhyped Brazilian squad.
Oh well, Brazil up 2-0. Hopefully the Netherlands stops them. The more I see of the Brazilian team the more I despise them. The fact that everyone fawns over them (no similar fawning for Germany, Argentina or Italy) makes them my most hated team. I am sure it is because they are majority black.
Yes, I am sick of Brazil. Poster child for the multi-culti fantasy dream world. I hope someone beats them. Perhaps Netherlands has what it takes, although they started to sleep walk a bit mid way through the 2nd half vs Slovakia.
Brazil would've put those chances away easily.

Chile finds themselves in quite a hole already. Will have to re-group and try to claw their way back. Will be tough to do vs Brazil.
All my life I've heard nothing but fawning praise for Brazil. In the UK there's an expression "just like watching Brazil" when great skill is shown playing the game or "we're not Brazil, but we're pretty good". Brazil has a reputation for playing "beautiful football" and sometimes they do indeed play that way. (There were glimpses of it today). But for pretty much all of my life they have not played beautiful football very often. When they won the WC in the USA in 1994 and again in 2002 in Japan they did not play much differently from European countries like Germany with many of their goals coming from crosses or penalties. This reputation they have for style and beauty goes back to the 1960s or at the latest the 1970 team. They have always had great teams but they are not well above everybody else as the media would have us believe. In my lifetime they've won the WC twice and been beaten finalists once. In that same time Argentina and Italy have also won it twice and each has also been a beaten finalist once. Germany (including West Germany) has also won it twice and been a runner up three times! Edited by: Matra1
Matra1 said:
All my life I've heard nothing but fawning praise for Brazil. In the UK there's an expression "just like watching Brazil" when great skill is shown playing the game or "we're not Brazil, but we're pretty good". Brazil has a reputation for playing "beautiful football" and sometimes they do indeed play that way. (There were glimpses of it today). But for pretty much all of my life they have not played beautiful football very often. When they won the WC in the USA in 1994 and again in 2002 in Japan they did not play much differently from European countries like Germany with many of their goals coming from crosses or penalties. This reputation they have for style and beauty goes back to the 1960s or at the latest the 1970 team. They have always had great teams but they are not well above everybody else as the media would have us believe. In my lifetime they've won the WC twice and been beaten finalists once. In that same time Argentina and Italy have also won it twice and each has also been a beaten finalist once. Germany (including West Germany) has also won it twice and been a runner up three times!

Brazil is the most overrated team. They are good,but not any better than other top teams as you said. I remember when Man City signed Robinho and the papers said just what the fans have always dreamed of, a Brazilian on their team. That's pathetic. What about your own people? There seems so be a love for Argentina in England too. There a good team,but not much better than England over the long haul. They have gotten lucky in 86 and in 98 against England. I am really tired of all the Brazilians on all the teams all over the world, including national teams. Robihno wasn't even playing much at Man city,was he? But,he starts for Brazil.
Matra1 said:
Europe said:
"Also, I think I saw a post up there where someone questioned the fact that there are 3 Germans of Polish descent on the German team. I think it would be simply insane to even bring this up."

The reason is that these same Polish players could have easily decided to play for Poland if they wanted. If they weren't good enough for Germany , they probably would have. They have to only make people eligible for 1 team, period. Some people can pick and choose between 3 or 4 countries. It doesn't take sense. Spain wanted Messi to play for them. He chose ARgentina because he could start on the team, but if he coudn't , he may have chosen Spain. Plus,you get all these Africans who go back and play for their African homeland of their parents when they can't make the European team. Algeria is a perfect example.

According to Wikpedia Miroslav Klose's father is ethnically German. I've met a couple of these ethnic Germans from Poland. Usually they don't speak German but don't feel completely Polish. Remember Silesia, where he was born, used to be part of Germany. Podolski got to move to Germany at age 2 thanks to his paternal grandparents being German citizens prior to WW2. I don't know if he's ethnically German but there are close enough ties to Germany for both of them to represent that country. Historically Germany has defined citizenship ethnically, unlike the stupid Anglo-Saxon countries and France where 'citizenism' reigns.

Had I been a talented footballer I'd have been eligible to play for 4 countries - Northern Ireland, Rep of Ireland, New Zealand, and Canada - and depending on the details of the so-called gentlemen's agreement between the 4 British 'home nations' possibly Scotland and England too.

I think I read that an African immigrant can play for any of the home countries, but someone born in England with no ties to the other home countries can't.

Do you think it's time for a UK team since the "English" team is hardly all English anymore? NI will probably never qualify for the WC and certainly not win it, the same with Wales, but they might have some great players like Bale and Ramsey who are young and look good. Imgagine Giggs on the left wing for England in the 90's.What about Hughes also? Giggs is no caste player and is one of the all time great wingers.

I like the idea of ethnic nationality. I think Greece has it.It's harder to have it in the US though, but the '24 immigration act only let in people from Europe in proportion to their current population in the country which was a good idea. Now, it's too late. We can never limit it to Europeans. But,Germany is allowing Turks and Nigerians to become citizens also.
Europe said:
Do you think it's time for a UK team since the "English" team is hardly all English anymore? NI will probably never qualify for the WC and certainly not win it, the same with Wales, but they might have some great players like Bale and Ramsey who are young and look good. Imgagine Giggs on the left wing for England in the 90's.What about Hughes also? Giggs is no caste player and is one of the all time great wingers.

An all UK team would be better because at almost every period of the past 40 years the three smaller home nations have produced a couple of players who could've improved any England team. In the 60s and 70s obviously George Best, then Dalglish and a couple of other Scottish players, then Ian Rush of Wales and, as you mentioned, Ryan Giggs. But there would be political problems. Not only would fans not accept it but there would be constant accusations of bias and conscious attempts by coaches to have representation of each nation, especially from Scotland. Scots would not cheer for a team with only two Scots on it.

Unlike in cricket where all British Isles players (including southern Irish) can play for England as it is the only pro team in Europe, and rugby union where the Irish team has always represented both Irelands, it is too late in soccer. The four current nations of the UK have too much history for their fans to accept it being discarded.
"Scots would not cheer for a team with only two Scots on it."

Has there ever been a black player who played for Scotland? I doubt many if any. There aren't too many blacks living in Scotland. There might be a few more now, but now enough to make an impact on the team.The few Indians and Pakis probably aren't good enough to play pro football. I wonder what would happen if Scotland started to get several black players on the team. Scots seem to be very cognizant of their ethnicity.Would the Scottish like it?
But aren't there Irish people in Scotland? Or do the view themselves as all Celtic?
Roger Federer of all people had a better analysis of the officiating fiasco yesterday than Alexi Lalas. Lalas said the better team won in both cases, but even if you wanted those teams to win, you never know what would happen if those calls had been different. It's almost impossible to come back from being a goal down. I think in the WC it's 32 wins 2 loses and 8 ties for the team who scores first. So you are almost giving the team the game with those bad calls.

Federer said,
One forehand down the line doesn't change the outcome of the match; whereas one goal changes the entire mindset of a team, of a strategy."Â￾

Thrashen said:
Kaptain Poop said:
It does suck that the German team is multi-cultural than ever before, but it still beats the pants off of rooting for 1/2 black England team. Also, I have no problem with the "3 poles" since Poles are white and two of the Poles (Klose and Pod) are of pure German blood.

The black England goal-keeper absolutely sucked.

Well, Klose's mother was pure Polish, and his father was pure German. Podolski is debatable. Regardless, they are all brothers, merely separated by arbitrary borders.

I have no clue why Holger Badstuber didn't start (as he did against Australia and Serbia) over Jerome Boateng in this match. If he were to start in future contests, Germany would be all-white, with the exception of Khedira and Ozil (a Tunisian and a Turk, both of whom are relatively light skinned).

Non-whites played little role in today's England-Germany match"¦with all 5 goals being scored and assisted by German / Polish / English players (Klose, Podolski, Muller x 2, and Upson). Ozil assisted on one of Muller's goals. Non-white players were barely even mentioned in this match, with the exception of England's midget Afro-striker, Defoe, who produced nothing.

Germany may be the "whitest"Â￾ squad remaining, along with Slovakia, the Netherlands, Argentina, and Uruguay.
Klose was half Silesian I have in laws that were from that region that was Germany until the end of WWII. Even Podolski is half Prussian(Germanacized Slavics)or Silesian. Edited by: white is right
white is right said:
Irish people are in England too. They are called "Scousers". John Lennon was a Scouser.

A scouser is somebody from Liverpool,not necessarily Irish.
I'm hoping Badstuber starts for the Germans against Argentina. Boateng has no business starting. One thing I noticed about the Germany-England match was the amount of praise being heaped on Jermaine Defoe of England. Not sure, but I think it was Lalas that said when Defoe is starting, you're pretty much guaranteed a goal from him. He's like Altidore, he gets praise for doing absolutly nothing.

I'm hoping diversity country Brazil loses to the Dutch when they play. They along with Ghana, are pretty much the last hope for the castophile reporters. Brazil winning against the Dutch would be bad for us, but not nearly as bad it would be if nearly all white Uruguay lost to Ghana.

Does it matter that Klose and Pod were born in Poland? From what I've read on here, they both have heavy German ancestry (I think both are at the very least half German) and are 100% white. I think they both live in Germany too. As Thrashen said, they are all brothers anyway.

I'm also looking forward to Spain and Portugal tommorow afternoon. It should be a good game.
For all the depression in England with their loss, Spain or Portugal is going to be out in the final 16 also. Germany or Argentina will only last a few more days and one can be considered a "failure" also, the same with the Dutch or Brazil. It's very difficult at this stage.
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