South Africa World Cup 2010

Europe said:
For all the depression in England with their loss, Spain or Portugal is going to be out in the final 16 also. Germany or Argentina will only last a few more days and one can be considered a "failure" also, the same with the Dutch or Brazil. It's very difficult at this stage.

So true. I was thinking the exact same thing after watching the matches and post-Lampard blown call analysis.
For legitimate powers like Argentina, Brazil, Netherlands, and Germany, going on at the quarterfinal stage is a failure. Two of these countries will be going home by the end of the week.
Portugal deserves to lose. I've been warning the Spanish fans to expect Portuguese hijinks and baiting...I predict a dirty game on the part of Portugal.

Spain is 100% White a way, they are the last totally 100% White squad left.
Yet, at this stage, almost anyone but Ghana and Brazil.

Uruguay must beat Ghana or expect to see media hype pushing all those terrific African affletes.

One last note on the England-Germany match: yes, a clear blown call at a very key juncture of the match...and yes, being down altered the overall strategy as Capello stated.
However, the better and more stronger character team won.
There is no question on that.

England must finally come to terms with what many people have known for awhile now. England is NOT an elite European team, maybe on a good day part of the 2nd rung of good, solid teams, though no real threat to win trophies (teams like Sweden, Denmark, Croatia, Serbia, Czech)...
and this is being optimistic.

England's biggest problem imho, as cliche as it may be, is one of mental toughness. Mostly a squad of prima donnas with a sense of entitlement.
I think the selling out of the premier league to mercenaries and non-English hurt as well.
This has truly stifled real home grown talent.

England was great in the mid-late 90s...what the hell happened?
I never liked the way the media and fans pushed out Shearer a few years too early.
Brazil are drooled over to an irritating degree. Their style of football certainly has been nothing special since the 70's...yet they are still considered this 'special' team.

What they are is a technically good team with an extremely good defense. Lucio is amazing and would be in my world team, and like it or not Juan looked good yesterday.

Holland for the semis!
Matra1 said:
All my life I've heard nothing but fawning praise for Brazil. In the UK there's an expression "just like watching Brazil" when great skill is shown playing the game or "we're not Brazil, but we're pretty good". Brazil has a reputation for playing "beautiful football" and sometimes they do indeed play that way. (There were glimpses of it today). But for pretty much all of my life they have not played beautiful football very often. When they won the WC in the USA in 1994 and again in 2002 in Japan they did not play much differently from European countries like Germany with many of their goals coming from crosses or penalties. This reputation they have for style and beauty goes back to the 1960s or at the latest the 1970 team. They have always had great teams but they are not well above everybody else as the media would have us believe.

Brazil are the most overrated and "protected" team on the planet, and one of the greatest sporting propagandaweaponsin thevast anti-White arsenal.All of this jogo bonito garbage is rot. Several things are immediately apparent when one watches Brazil:

(a) they are the most cynically dirty team one shall ever see, pulling shirts, kicking opponents, flailing arms around, going down at even the slightest hint of contact, constantly moaning to the referee and attempting to influence decisions. Despite all of this obviously unsportsmanlike behaviour, Brazil are always described as the "cleanest" and "fairest" team. Some of You may recall seeing (the white) Leonardo deliberately elbowing the United States' Uruguayan-born midfielder Tab Ramos in thehead duringasecond round matchat the 1994 World Cup, which resulted in Ramos' skull being fractured. Of course, the Brazilian claimedthat it was unintentional - that's the "beautiful" Brazilian game for You...

(b) they may look great taking apart weaker teams or teams that are intimidated by the "Brazilian mystique", yetalmost invariablyresort to the abovementioned tactics when facingopponents of higher calibre

(c) they are generallyquite boring to watch, given theirpenchant for possession play which often involves knocking the ball around between the backs for extended periods of time in order to frustrate the opposing team

(d) they actually believe that they have a divine right to always be regarded as the real World Champions. Brazilian conceit is staggering - just listen to the likes of Pele brag about himself and his nation's football (but usually about himself...). This is amplified by the excessive media attention Brazil always receive(as they are the natural poster-boys for race-mixing) - when they are eliminated from a tournament, the global media mournfully describes the eventas a lachrymose tragedy and crime against "true" football, lamenting that the "most skillful" team has been put out, with the tournament "being all the poorer for it".

For example, the Brazilian-worship displayed by the Australian commentary duo of "Les Murray" (whose real name is Laszlo Urge) and now-deceased ex-Socceroo captain Johnny Warren had to be heard to be believed. It's a wonder that Warren was married, given that all of the sexualexcitementhe required seemingly stemmed from contemplating the sublime qualities of his beloved Brazilian players. His fevered, platitude-and-malapropism-ridden eulogies were a sickening thing to behold. I'm sure that the guy's Brazilian football video library must have doubled a porn collection.

Borussia said:
Spain is 100% White a way, they are the last totally 100% White squad left.

Unfortunately (and rather frighteningly), that is correct. No other squad (or, for that matter, starting lineup) is all White. That's how far things have sunk...

Europe said:
Has there ever been a black player who played for Scotland? I doubt many if any.

Nigel Quashie (who was born in England, played for England U-21 and England B) "qualified" to play for Scotland through his grandfather, and made a few appearances last decade. Half-Nigerian Chris Iwelumo, whose claim to fame was his comically ridiculous miss in front of an open goal in the World Cup qualifier against Norway (which cost Scotland the points, as it finished scoreless)received two caps in2008.Have a squiz at this video of Iwelumo's magnificent black skills in action(this miss has become the stuff of "legend" in Scotland - if You ever have the chance, mention the name Iwelumo to a Scottish fan and observe the reaction

What a loser, eh? Another glowing advertisement for black sporting superiority!
Edited by: Rebajlo
Rebajlo said:
Matra1 said:
<div>(d) they actually believe that they have a divine right to always be regarded as the real World Champions. Brazilian conceit is staggering - just listen to the likes of Pele brag about himself and his nation's football (but usually about himself...). This is amplified by the excessive media attention Brazil always receive (as they are the natural poster-boys for race-mixing) - when they are eliminated from a tournament, the global media mournfully describes the event as a lachrymose tragedy and crime against "true" football, lamenting that the "most skillful" team has been put out, with the tournament "being all the poorer for it"

Nice post.

The time-honored media ritual of immediately suggesting that a sporting event is suddenly illegitimate the moment a black squad or black player is eliminated is too cliché. Look no further than the past decade of the PGA Tour play. When absent the darling corporate media archangel, TiGirl, every single shot is meaninglessness (because if Tiger were playing, he would've certainly won).

The Netherlands and Argentina have been perhaps the most solid overall squads remaining in the 2010 World Cup"¦both winning all 3 (and 4 for Holland) of their World Cup games. Brazil, Portugal. Uruguay and Paraguay all had draws, Germany and Spain had a loss, and Ghana has 2 wins, a draw, and a loss. Hopefully the Netherlands can beat Brazil, Spain can beat Portugal, Uruguay can beat Ghana"¦and the best team will win the Germany vs. Argentina match up (although most DWF's likely consider Argentineans to be "Hispanic," so perhaps a German victory would be better).
Edited by: Thrashen
Nice post, Rebajlo. I've enjoyed reading your posts.

I love the video
. How do you miss a wide open net from two yards out? That's worse than what Altidore missed against Algeria. I think Altidore was more like 5 yards out anyway.

It sucks that Germany and Argentina have to play before the Final Four.

It sucks that Spain has the only 100% white starting lineup left. But if Germany starts Badstuber over Boateng, I'd bet you the DWFs will think of Kideria and Ozil as white guys.
I think Portugal is starting 10 whites today, but I'm not sure, against Spain's all-white lineup.
congratulations to all-White Spain for advancing, 1-0.

the level of skill, agility, unselfishness, and speed in the match between mostly-White Portugal (i counted 8 White starters, but i could be wrong) and Spain was fun to watch. if onlythese two teams had some talent and some affleticism!

trust Alexi Lalas to point out that goal-scorer David Villa "doesn't look athletic walking down the street." i guess Villa has been the top scorer in every league he's played in by accident. i wonder what he'd be capable of accomplishing if he "looked like a player."

conversely, Ronaldo did not play well in this tournament at all.

as an aside, i thought the referee did a very good job in this match, with the possible exception of the straight red for the high elbow late in the match against Portugal(but even that didn't really affect the outcome of the game). he didn't go card crazy, he didn't buy any of the flops, and i thought he did a really good job of controlling the physically aggressive play (especially late) without interfering with the flow of the contest. in a tourney fraught with officiating errors, it was well done today, in my opinion.
Jimmy Chitwood said:
trust Alexi Lalas to point out that goal-scorer David Villa "doesn't look athletic walking down the street."

Before this WC I had respect for him as the first, and probably still the only, American to play in Serie A. But Lalas has disgraced himself during this World Cup.

The constant references to 'athleticism' in the US media are astonishing. I'm afraid to say that it wasn't until I started reading this site that I noticed it. While the European media almost always refers to a player's 'skills' the US media have an 'athleticism' and speed fixation. (Dan Dierdoff just came to mind!) Since I've started paying attention to these things I've been particularly struck by how much Americans admire the speed and leaping ability of basketball players yet diminish skills like the hand-eye co-ordination and stick-handling of hockey players or the ball control skills of soccer players. Even at a hockey forum I sometimes read of the awe these hockey fans have for the leaping ability of basketball players. It reminds me of when I first visited North America as a child and was told that soccer was a sissy sport unlike basketball.
I mean if they said it was a soft sport compared to football, rugby, or hockey I'd have understood, but basketball? It's practically non-contact. It has to be brainwashing by the media. I can't see any other explanation.
Jimmy Chitwood said:
<div>congratulations to all-White Spain for advancing, 1-0.
<div> </div>
<div>the level of skill, agility, unselfishness, and speed in the match between mostly-White Portugal (i counted 8 White starters, but i could be wrong) and Spain was fun to watch. if only these two teams had some talent and some affleticism!
<div> </div>
<div>trust Alexi Lalas to point out that goal-scorer David Villa "doesn't look athletic walking down the street." i guess Villa has been the top scorer in every league he's played in by accident. i wonder what he'd be capable of accomplishing if he "looked like a player."
<div> </div>
<div>conversely, Ronaldo did not play well in this tournament at all.</div>
<div> </div>
<div>as an aside, i thought the referee did a very good job in this match, with the possible exception of the straight red for the high elbow late in the match against Portugal (but even that didn't really affect the outcome of the game). he didn't go card crazy, he didn't buy any of the flops, and i thought he did a really good job of controlling the physically aggressive play (especially late) without interfering with the flow of the contest. in a tourney fraught with officiating errors, it was well done today, in my opinion.</div>

I heard Colin Cowherd say he doesn't want to be lectured about soccer from 5 foot 7 guys named Nick and Sean who weren't good enough to play high school football. He never said white, but we know what he meant. I guess he thinks all the fat 350 pound black lineman are great athletes.

You would think a guy like Lalas who played soccer wouldn't make stupid statements like that.

I still didn't see the elbow.
Europe said:
Jimmy Chitwood said:
<div>congratulations to all-White Spain for advancing, 1-0.
<div> </div>
<div>the level of skill, agility, unselfishness, and speed in the match between mostly-White Portugal (i counted 8 White starters, but i could be wrong) and Spain was fun to watch. if only these two teams had some talent and some affleticism!
<div> </div>
<div>trust Alexi Lalas to point out that goal-scorer David Villa "doesn't look athletic walking down the street." i guess Villa has been the top scorer in every league he's played in by accident. i wonder what he'd be capable of accomplishing if he "looked like a player."
<div> </div>
<div>conversely, Ronaldo did not play well in this tournament at all.</div>
<div> </div>
<div>as an aside, i thought the referee did a very good job in this match, with the possible exception of the straight red for the high elbow late in the match against Portugal (but even that didn't really affect the outcome of the game). he didn't go card crazy, he didn't buy any of the flops, and i thought he did a really good job of controlling the physically aggressive play (especially late) without interfering with the flow of the contest. in a tourney fraught with officiating errors, it was well done today, in my opinion.</div>

I heard Colin Cowherd say he doesn't want to be lectured about soccer from 5 foot 7 guys named Nick and Sean who weren't good enough to play high school football. He never said white, but we know what he meant. I guess he thinks all the fat 350 pound black lineman are great athletes.

You would think a guy like Lalas who played soccer wouldn't make stupid statements like that.

I still didn't see the elbow.

If that's the case, I'm going to call into Cowherd's show and tell him I don't want to be lectured about football and basketball from some twerp jock-sniffing radio host named Colin because he wasn't good enough to play any type of sports in High School.Edited by: Jack Lambert
"England must finally come to terms with what many people have known for awhile now. England is NOT an elite European team, maybe on a good day part of the 2nd rung of good, solid teams, though no real threat to win trophies (teams like Sweden, Denmark, Croatia, Serbia, Czech)...
and this is being optimistic."

I disagree with that. They can win the European Championship in 2 years, but many teams can. These tournaments are so difficult to win because there are many good teams and a weaker team can beat a clearly better team,especially in Cups.Look at Greece.But England shouldn't get so upset like the world is caving in if they are knocked out a little earlier than expected.Are Portugal and Italy going to overhaul everything? England finished 2nd in the u20 tourney last year. They just won the u17 Euro title.So, they are a good team and if they can win some penalities they can win the Euros or the WC.From 1990 to 2006 they were the 6th best team in the WC. If you are ranked 6th for a couple of decades in college football, you are an elite team.
I think they are being too hard on themselves because there are 10-15 teams that are very good, so it's not terrible that they don't win it.
Look at the teams from large countries that didn't make the WC, Russia,Turkey.Ireland should have made it instead of France. You mentioned some others.If you make it to the final 8 of the Wc, you have done very well.

Look at Russia who was trying to qualify a couple of years ago for the Euros . They had to win their last qualifier against Andorra to make sure they qualified. Andorra has about 40,000 people and Russia won 1-0.
It's too bad for England that Owen Hargreaves wasn't ready to play in the Wc. He is one of the best all around players in the world. He can play left or right back, holding midfielder or right winger. He's very fast and has great skills. If he was playing against Germany, there is no way the Germans would have had that break away goal where Barry was out run on the sidelines.He would have easily run the German down.

Here is Owen Burning Ronaldo and a black guy

Hargreaves burning RonaldoEdited by: Europe
I just finally watched the U.S/Ghana match last night. I taped it and didn't know the outcome, so had avoided this thread until late last night. Too bad the U.S lost. The U.S probably had more quality chances than Ghana, but simply couldn't put the ball in the net. Altidore and the other black U.S striker however you spell his name (Buddle?) are not natural goal scorers. They simply lack the killer instinct and ability to consistently capitalize on quality chances. Landon Donovan is an amazing player, but even he couldn't do quite enough to make up for the lack of ability to put the ball in the net with ample opportunities.

My final words of wisdom: Go Argentina! (or Spain), actually I'd be fine if any team other than Ghana or Brazil wins, because if one of those two teams wins (or even makes the finals), it will be more pro-black "superhuman" propaganda from the caste masters. I don't mind a team of mostly Mestizos like Paraguay doing well (because they are victims of caste propaganda too), but my number one option would be Argentina or Spain winning!
ToughJ.Riggins said:
I just finally watched the U.S/Ghana match last night. I taped it and didn't know the outcome, so had avoided this thread until late last night. Too bad the U.S lost. The U.S probably had more quality chances than Ghana, but simply couldn't put the ball in the net. Altidore and the other black U.S striker however you spell his name (Buddle?) are not natural goal scorers. They simply lack the killer instinct and ability to consistently capitalize on quality chances. Landon Donovan is an amazing player, but even he couldn't do quite enough to make up for the lack of ability to put the ball in the net with ample opportunities.

My final words of wisdom: Go Argentina! (or Spain), actually I'd be fine if any team other than Ghana or Brazil wins, because if one of those two teams wins (or even makes the finals), it will be more pro-black "superhuman" propaganda from the caste masters. I don't mind a team of mostly Mestizos like Paraguay doing well (because they are victims of caste propaganda too), but my number one option would be Argentina or Spain winning!

Manchester City is supposedly interested in signed Donavon.
I think he'd make more money in England and of course get more fan support for his games. I know he played over in Europe already and did well the second time. The first time having the stereotype of being an American player (the land of NFL "football" not MLS football) may have contributed to him having road blocks over there.
Now that the quarterfinals are set, it looks like things are pretty decent from a caste perspective. Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but these are my calculations as far as starters are concerned:

Uruguay - 9 whites
Ghana - 0 whites
Brazil - 4 whites
Netherlands - 9 whites
Germany - 9 whites
Argentina - 9 whites
Paraguay - 0 whites
Spain = 11 whites

This makes a total of 51 out of the possible 88 starters white. I'm counting a total of 20 black starters, 11 of which are of course from Ghana. I guess we can classify the remaining 17 players strictly as mestizo/mixed. So, the percentages work-out to:

White: 58%
Black: 23%
Mestizo/Mixed: 19%

These numbers aren't bad at all. The way the draw is setup, we're virtually guaranteed to have at least one nearly all-white team in the final (out of Spain/Argentina/Germany). If the Netherlands and Uruguay can come thru on the other side, then it'll be perfect.
accesscrimea, I agree with your assessment and initially, I figured Paraguay would not be a whole lot different than their neighbors Uruguay and Argentina. But having watched the game against Japan, and then looking at this team picture, I'm not so sure. Perhaps we can count or 1 or 2 whites here?

One of the Paraguayan penalty-takers was white. He came on as a sub against Japan and the commentator said he scored the goal that led to their qualification to the tournament. I didn't catch his name.
From what I recall, I believe his name is Barnetto. Clearly 100% Italian. He was almost as white as casper the ghost.
Regardless, I'll never get into the 'whiter then thou' argument.
Paraguay has at least 3 Whites that I recalled on the field against Japan.
Besides, as someone mentioned, I don't get all worked up about mestizos doing well in International football. The castophiles and anti-Whites promote all things black and mulatto as the standard bearer of elite athleticism. I found myself actually pulling for Japan in that game anyway because Japan fields a 100% ethnically pure Japanese team and do not seem to want immigrants, passport mercenaries and foreigners in their team. Hence, the shirt says 'Japan', not UN feel good, rainbow nation country. Say sadly like the USA, England, France and Brazil.

Paraguay has been a very solid team since '98. They lost to France that year in sudden death as a victim of the golden goal (short lived FIFA experiment).
The Caste system is primarily one of pro-black and pro-mixing propaganda imho.
Mestizos do good in soccer and boxing. That's fine. I would pull for a mestizo to knock out a superior afflete in the ring anytime.

Mute anyway, Spain and likely Argentina are gonna be in the finals and kick someone's ass I think.
Borussia said:
From what I recall, I believe his name is Barnetto. Clearly 100% Italian. He was almost as white as casper the ghost.
Regardless, I'll never get into the 'whiter then thou' argument.
Paraguay has at least 3 Whites that I recalled on the field against Japan.
Besides, as someone mentioned, I don't get all worked up about mestizos doing well in International football. The castophiles and anti-Whites promote all things black and mulatto as the standard bearer of elite athleticism. I found myself actually pulling for Japan in that game anyway because Japan fields a 100% ethnically pure Japanese team and do not seem to want immigrants, passport mercenaries and foreigners in their team. Hence, the shirt says 'Japan', not UN feel good, rainbow nation country. Say sadly like the USA, England, France and Brazil.

Paraguay has been a very solid team since '98. They lost to France that year in sudden death as a victim of the golden goal (short lived FIFA experiment).
The Caste system is primarily one of pro-black and pro-mixing propaganda imho.
Mestizos do good in soccer and boxing. That's fine. I would pull for a mestizo to knock out a superior afflete in the ring anytime.

Mute anyway, Spain and likely Argentina are gonna be in the finals and kick someone's ass I think.

I agree. I like Japan for ther reasons you state. I think they have had a Brazilian on the national team once,but overall they are good. They limit the amount of foreigners in their league also. There is some demographic pressure in Japan. I hope they don't start opening up their borders to Africans and Muslims. Immigration is not the answer to pension pressure.
Europe said:
Borussia said:
From what I recall, I believe his name is Barnetto. Clearly 100% Italian. He was almost as white as casper the ghost.
Regardless, I'll never get into the 'whiter then thou' argument.
Paraguay has at least 3 Whites that I recalled on the field against Japan.
Besides, as someone mentioned, I don't get all worked up about mestizos doing well in International football. The castophiles and anti-Whites promote all things black and mulatto as the standard bearer of elite athleticism. I found myself actually pulling for Japan in that game anyway because Japan fields a 100% ethnically pure Japanese team and do not seem to want immigrants, passport mercenaries and foreigners in their team. Hence, the shirt says 'Japan', not UN feel good, rainbow nation country. Say sadly like the USA, England, France and Brazil.

Paraguay has been a very solid team since '98. They lost to France that year in sudden death as a victim of the golden goal (short lived FIFA experiment).
The Caste system is primarily one of pro-black and pro-mixing propaganda imho.
Mestizos do good in soccer and boxing. That's fine. I would pull for a mestizo to knock out a superior afflete in the ring anytime.

Mute anyway, Spain and likely Argentina are gonna be in the finals and kick someone's ass I think.

I agree. I like Japan for ther reasons you state. I think they have had a Brazilian on the national team once,but overall they are good. They limit the amount of foreigners in their league also. There is some demographic pressure in Japan. I hope they don't start opening up their borders to Africans and Muslims. Immigration is not the answer to pension pressure.
Japan doesn't have the "JEW" problem that many western countries have, thus issues like race mixing and immigration don't seem to be a problem there.
foobar75 said:
accesscrimea, I agree with your assessment and initially, I figured Paraguay would not be a whole lot different than their neighbors Uruguay and Argentina. But having watched the game against Japan, and then looking at this team picture, I'm not so sure. Perhaps we can count or 1 or 2 whites here?


Everyone in this picture looks to have some Caucasian ancestry except maybe the player at the top right. I would not be unhappy if this team wins the World Cup. Mestizos are good people (and usually Catholic like myself) and are underrated/underrespected as athletes just like whites are anyway (in fact they are probably even more casteified than whites when attempting to make it to the NFL). Like I said, I pull for Celtic athletes first b/c I'm one (unless they're a horrible person) and Sam McGuffie is probably my 20th cousin or something. Next I pull for any underdog athlete (and that includes Mestizos over Slavic athletes at times for an example).Edited by: ToughJ.Riggins
I should add: the guys third most left at top, third most left at bottom and 4th most left at bottom "might" be more Amero-Indian than white, but it's hard to know for sure from a distance. The rest of them (probably even the guy at our bottom left) look to be majority Caucasian.Edited by: ToughJ.Riggins
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