South Africa World Cup 2010

Here is the video of the two goals...the 2nd goal is simply incredible. by: Thrashen
"Van Bronckhorst(Indonesian) is still there and the 2 backups(Boularouz -arab and de Zeeuw -mulatto) will be non white too."

Didn't know van Bronkorst was part Indonesian. It will still be nice to have the two blacks out and hopefully at least one real Dutch takes another starting position. I can deal with one Arab and one part Asian player as they will more or less blend in.
in every recap of the match, the ESPN "experts" repeatedly talk about how "very lucky" the Dutch were over the "terrible own goal."

i know that the first Netherlands goal was "officially" an own goal, but i didn't see any Brazilian contact at all until about the fifth replay angle. and it showed only the slightest of touches by Brazil.i still firmly feel that Sneijder should've been credited witht the goal.

the constant excuses for black failure continues. little inconveniences like "facts" will not allow this practice to abate.
ToughJ.Riggins said:
Mestizos are good people (and usually Catholic like myself) ...

here's an example of how "good" Mestizos can be for a community that was reported just today. 21 killed in Mexican gang shootout near Arizona border.

HERMOSILLO, Mexico-A massive gun battle between rival drug and migrant trafficking gangs near the U.S. border Thursday left 21 people dead and at least six others wounded, prosecutors said.

The fire fight occurred in a sparsely populated area about 12 miles (20 kilometers) from the Arizona border, near the city of Nogales, that is considered a prime corridor for immigrant and drug smuggling ...

In a city on another part of the U.S. border, gunmen killed an assistant attorney general for Chihuahua state and one of her bodyguards ...

Drug violence has killed more than 4,300 people in recent years in Ciudad Juarez, which borders El Paso, Texas.

More than 23,000 people have been killed by drug violence since late 2006, when President Felipe Calderon began deploying thousands of troops and federal police to drug hot spots.
now back to the World Cup ...

the "expert analyst" Alexi Lalas justexplained why the Netherlands won. according to his "brilliant" insight, one of the main reasons for the win was ... wait for it ... the field. "It wasn't a great field," Lalas said,"and I think that benefited the Dutch." yep. it hadnothing to do with their superior play.

theBrazil defeatwas all due to the playing surface, because apparently only the Brazilians had to play on the bad parts.
well, Lalas just one-upped himself. he picked Ghana to win, because of "their athleticism and their speed, they have an opportunity to put Uruguay and this defense under pressure that they haven't seen before."

he is talking aboutthe same Ghana team that has only scored one goal in open play, right?

and this is the same Uruguay team who ran circles around supah affletic teams France andSouth Africa, right?

this guy is a complete fraud when it comes to honest analysis, andhe is a complete sell-out to the afrocentric agenda. *puke*
here's hopingUruguay destroys Ghana, 4-0!

and now, the requisite "fight racism" propaganda.
Edited by: Jimmy Chitwood
Nice goal by Uruguay and one of the funniest moments in the whole World Cup when the camera panned on the Ghana goalie who literally looked like the black janitor in an old Our Gang comedy who just saw a ghost.
It's hard not to notice what dirty players the blacks are - especially when they get behind or are being outplayed.
well, i need to eat some crow as Ghana actually managed to score a non-penalty goal. i'd give them a bit more credit, but "the world is glowing" from the african't score enough without me adding to it.

Uruguay owned the first 30 minutes of the match, then they let up and let Ghana get back in it over the duration of the first half, culminating in a long, powerful strike in added time at the end of the half to put up the african'ts, 1-0.

in the second half, it was all Uruguay. their only goal came from another beautiful Forlan free kick, but they had numerous shots that just couldn't find the back of the net.the Ghanian keeper was clearly rattled. aside from a couple of mental errors by Uruguay's defense, Ghana didn't manage a credible attack in the second half.

now it is on to 30 minutes of extra time. here's hoping Uruguay has more left in their tank.
From what I've seen Ghana is the dirtiest team around yet they seem to get all the calls. And now we have the disgrace of the tired Ghanian team falling down and faking injuries to get a call or a blow.
Ghana certainly do look fatigued ... meanwhile, the blonde-haired, blue-eyed Forlan is still running like the game just started.

the first period of extra time ends still withthe score at1-1.
whoa! Uruguay gets away with one there. yikes!
oh no! a red card to Suarez!

i was thinking that Uruguay was playing far too passively, and it has cost them. now a penalty kick for Ghana ...

AND HE'S MISSED IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Very good game.

A Ghana player pretended to be hurt, was carried out on a stretcher, then came back into the game.

Tied 1-1.
Ha ha. What a BS free kick call that appeared to cost uraquay the game. A red card that was well worth it for Suarez.
the excuses are already spewing forth from the ESPN-approved commentator, but in all honesty Uruguay has escaped from almost-certain disaster.

now it's off to a penalty kick shoot-out. oh, my. what a crazy last few minutes!
Incredible stuff! I thought Forlan was a bit greedy a couple of times when he had players in the middle but opted for shots. Although given some of the long distance goals he's scored I can't be too critical. Uruguay will be without Suarez for the penalties but Ghana now have two players who have missed vital penalties. The one that just happened and 'Prince' what's-his-name who missed in the FA cup final.
Forlan makes it look easy. 1-0.
Ghana evens it up.
Victorino puts Uruguay up 2-1.
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