Ron Paul - POTUS 2012

Good morning Gentlemen,
Just wanted to say this. For some reason, I've got a real good feeling about Dr. Paul. His time has come and more than that, the time for his ideas has come. He's looking good. After this New Hampshire Primary, if he comes in second, like it looks like he will, a couple of more candidates will drop out and it'll become increasingly harder to hide Dr. Paul as the primaries continue.

Like we all know, life is a crapshoot and nobody knows what's going to happen next, not even the bigshots. I believe something is going to happen to push Dr. Paul and his ideas front and center and once that happens, there's going to be no holding him back.

Tom Iron...
The thing that make me feel good about the future is actually most of Paul's supporters are young people. Under 35years old.
I understand that the CF community wants Dr Paul to win the Repub Nomination. I get it. But he has a couple of strikes against him. His age, those newsletters(which I agree with for the most part, but DWF nation and guilty Whites and moderates will consider it a disqualifer as well as the rancid MSM, funny how they didn't believe that black racist church BO was in for 20 years was not, but alas the different standards for negros).

I believe Romney will be the best chance to over throw the lawless BO adminstration. He has a proven track record on creating private sector jobs. A successful term as a governor in a blue state and the look and composuer of a White electable POTUS. I know some here will disagree but I believe its the truth. I also hope the unemployement stays where it is now, because any more down ticks and the MSM will claim the BO is turning the corner on job creation.

I will take Romney at his word that he will repeal Obummercare which I believe if not repealed either by the SCOTUS or the next congress will make people relieant on the fedgov, thus take more of our freedoms away, by forcing us to buy something we don't want. The gateway of all powerful government.
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Romney is actually the strongest on immigration among the 6 remaining Stupid Party candidates.

Now, he only gets a "C" from NumbersUSA but the other get Ds and Fs.
I understand that the CF community wants Dr Paul to win the Repub Nomination. I get it. But he has a couple of strikes against him. His age, those newsletters(which I agree with for the most part, by DWF nation and guilty Whites and moderates will consider it a disqualifer as well as the rancid MSM, funny how they didn't believe that black racist church BO was in for 20 years was not, but alas the different standards for negros).

I believe Romney will be the best chance to over throw the lawless BO adminstration. He has a proven track record on creating private sector jobs. A successful term as a governor in a blue state and the look and composuer of a White electable POTUS. I know some here will disagree but I believe its the truth. I also hope the unemployement stays where it is now, because any more down ticks and the MSM will claim the BO is turning the corner on job creation.

I will take Romney at his word that he will repeal Obummercare which I believe if not repealed either by the SCOTUS or the next congress will make people relieant on the fedgov, thus take more of our freedoms away, by forcing us to buy something we don't want. The gateway of all powerful government.

The key will be if the electorate feels the same about the administration as in the 2010 off-year election. If so, Romney can win, or maybe I should say Obama can lose.The majority of the voters will have to want Obama gone. Simple as that.
I don't know much about this political stuff, but this economy improving propaganda will certainly help Obama when come election time. All of a sudden the unemployment has gone down in the mid 8 % range. Yeah, sure.
I caught the latest Repub debate last night. Romney has solidified his status as the front runner and eventual Repub nominee, with an outstanding performance. He looked and sounded presidential as well as intelligent.

I suspect him and Ron Paul had a backroom meeting. They agreed that they would "weoponize" Dr. Paul and take out Gingrich and Santrorum for him. During the debate, Paul was asked if he stood by calling Gingrich a chicken hawk. He stood by his remark. Gingrich attempted to explain his numerous deferrments. Then at the end, when he felt no one believed him, stated "I was married and had a child" as the reason in not going to Viet Nam. Dr Paul then sliced Newt's throat by saying "Yes, I too was married and had 2 children and still went to Nam." Gingrich candidacy is over!

He then turned his sights on Santrorum. Telling the former senator, how can you call your self a fiscal conservative when you voted to raise the debt ceiling 5 times when you held office. He also stood by his remark of calling Santorum "corrupt" by getting paid handsomely by being a lobbyist since losing his senator seat.

Never once did he go after Romney. I suspect when Romney is elected, a high cabinet office awaits Mr Paul. Likely one to reform the FED. Just my 2 cents.
Also, to the virulent Paul supporters here. Paul went on a incoherent rant on how blacks were "unfairly" convicted and imprisoned more than Whites for all types of felonious crime. We here at CF, know that not enough blacks are convicted or imprisoned for the high amount of crime caused by them. Blacks make 13% of the population but fill 70% of the prison population. Sounds about right to me. Should be 80%.

I suspect Paul was trying to change the subject of his old newletters. To me he lost some credibility and integrity. He knows the truth but uttered a falsehood to provide cover.
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What was your analysis of the debate overall? Who did the best? Who did the worst?

As younger men, do referances to the Vietnam war (Paul - Gingrich) resonate with you?

This'll be an interesting debate this morning. I think more people will watch this today. I also think Dr. Paul is in an excellent position now. He can just sit and pick off the others at his leasure now. He has the floor finally. It seems the MSM has given up their efforts to marginalize him (unbelievable internet victory). Now it all has to do with the ideas and no one can stand up against his ideas and if they try to coopt those ideas, they'll be seen as flipfloppers

. Tom Iron...
Romney appeared to be the most polite and presidential. His reputation was hardly impugned at all, while Paul destroyed Gingrich and Santorum. Romney emerged as the clear winner and had to do very little to achieve this result.
"What if they're lying to you about Ron Paul?"

Watch it.


I didn't see the debate, but from what you said, it seems Romney's handlers have him in a "Home Run trot" already. It's a normal debating tactic - I'm above the fray sort of thing. But in this case, very premature and a bad move by his advisers. He's got to get down and dirty, but because of the nature of his rivals ideas, he dares not. But when the field is culled of all the others (one, possibly two more will leave the field after Tues.), Romney will be red meat to Dr. Paul. Right now, the others are shielding Romney from Dr. Paul's entire focus. No for long though.

Tom Iron...
Ron Paul sounding more and more like Jesse Jackson:

"Paul also claimed Martin Luther King was one of his personal heroes, and insisted that he was “the only one up here … that understands true racism in this country is in the judicial system. And it has to do with enforcing the drug laws.â€￾

“Look at the percentages,â€￾ he continued. “The percentage of people who use drugs are about the same with blacks and whites. And yet the blacks are arrested way disproportionately. They’re prosecuted and imprisoned way disproportionately … How many times have you seen a white rich person get the electric chair or get, you know, execution?â€￾
Also, to the virulent Paul supporters here. Paul went on a incoherent rant on how blacks were "unfairly" convicted and imprisoned more than Whites for all types of felonious crime. We here at CF, know that not enough blacks are convicted or imprisoned for the high amount of crime caused by them. Blacks make 13% of the population but fill 70% of the prison population. Sounds about right to me. Should be 80%.

I suspect Paul was trying to change the subject of his old newletters. To me he lost some credibility and integrity. He knows the truth but uttered a falsehood to provide cover.

Yes, that blacks "are treated unfairly by the justice system" is a standard libertarian trope, one that Paul supports all the way. Do the Paul-worshippers at CF agree with him?
Also, to the virulent Paul supporters here. Paul went on a incoherent rant on how blacks were "unfairly" convicted and imprisoned more than Whites for all types of felonious crime. We here at CF, know that not enough blacks are convicted or imprisoned for the high amount of crime caused by them. Blacks make 13% of the population but fill 70% of the prison population. Sounds about right to me. Should be 80%.

I suspect Paul was trying to change the subject of his old newletters. To me he lost some credibility and integrity. He knows the truth but uttered a falsehood to provide cover.

Westside, where did you get the 70 percent incarceration rate for blacks? Sources I have seen have the rate at 50 % of total prison inmates. Anyway, If Paul is pushing this type or crap then he is certainly no friend of ours.
Ron Paul sounding more and more like Jesse Jackson:

"Paul also claimed Martin Luther King was one of his personal heroes, and insisted that he was “the only one up here … that understands true racism in this country is in the judicial system. And it has to do with enforcing the drug laws.â€￾

“Look at the percentages,â€￾ he continued. “The percentage of people who use drugs are about the same with blacks and whites. And yet the blacks are arrested way disproportionately. They’re prosecuted and imprisoned way disproportionately … How many times have you seen a white rich person get the electric chair or get, you know, execution?â€￾

Those are standard libertarian positions and no one here has ever denied that Ron Paul espouses those views. I guess if you want someone with the same views as most CF members you can save your vote for the David Duke candidacy (how did he do in the debate??). It's always been about the lesser of evils. That is the way the system works. If you can't see how Paul is going to be better for white people and our way of life then go ahead and drink the Romney kool aid, get 4 more years of more war, more debt, more immigration. None of that will change with a Obama-Romney administration. But at least you can say you voted for the "winner", yea for you!!!!
Paul is worse on immigration than Romney and wants more legal immigration.

I won't vote for any anti-white racist. Paul has been the most anti-white in this campaign. But if it makes you happy to vote for someone who supports amnesty and blames whites for the problems of blacks then go ahead.
By the way, how is it a standard libertarian position to blame whites for the problems of blacks?

The standard libertarian position is to end the drug war. I would be fine with this but Paul goes further and lies about the justice system being racist to blacks.
"you can save your vote for the David Duke candidacy (how did he do in the debate??)."

He didn't praise MLK and didn't blame white racism for the problems of blacks.

Sir, I respectfully think you're not understanding Dr. Paul on this. He's just using blacks to point out that there are more blacks in jail because of these stupid drug laws we have. His real point is the fedgov shouldn't be involved in drug enforcement. That should be left up to the individual sovereign states to legislate and enforce, or not. In no way is he for blacks as a group, nor is for any group affiliations other than the one group, known as American.

Tom Iron...
" you can save your vote for the David Duke candidacy (how did he do in the debate??)"

Dr David Duke would chew the lot of them up in a debate and spit out their bones. He's the best debater there is. But of course they'll never let him play in their phony election shell game with their hand selected talking head puppets.

As for Dr Paul, he's just playing the politics game, but once he's elected he'll send all the negroes back to Africa like old Abe Lincoln was planning to do before they shot him down, and Bush and Cheney and Silverstein and Zelikow and Zakheim and Chertoff and all the rest - all those perpetrators of the 911 hoax and the mass murdering warswithoutend that ensued from that false flag jewish lightning operation - will be given nice stout neckties and put on a big platform with a removable floor!


Pipe dreams.

"you can save your vote for the David Duke candidacy (how did he do in the debate??)."

He didn't praise MLK and didn't blame white racism for the problems of blacks.

Yes and I'm sure your beloved Romney is a race realist. Romney's C grade on immigration is nothing to brag about. I remember Romney saying he "cried" when he heard the Mormon church changed it's position on blacks. We should add Romney to the list of weeping wussies.

Do you think Romney is any less of a MLK worshipper? And are you one of the guys that thinks the creater of Obama-care is going to repeal his brainchild when elected? I understand that you want to back the "winner" when election time comes so don't worry, Romney or Obama will be a win for the same philosophy.
So Paul mentioned something he admired about MLK. So what? And he probably had his percentages off between black and White conviction rates for minor drug-related offenses. Again, so what? If he didn't say something like that then the Cult Marx media would forever hound him about "those newsletters".

The bigger picture here is the overall vision of Dr. Paul. Who could argue that his vision of decentralization of power is not good for us? Abolish the Department of Education? Sounds good to me. Then maybe states and local communities could decide the curriculum for themselves instead of having to regurgitate anti-White and pro-Feminist dictates from a central Cult Marx bureaucracy. Case in point from last year when the Omaha Public School district received new "training manuals" that stated teachers should teach about "White privilege" and other anti-White curriculum in their school system. I believe the manuals cost around $200,000 (of your tax payer dollars.) If it were left up to Omahans, I seriously doubt the locals there would spend $200,000 of their own tax dollars to support this.

That's just one example of many. His overall message of decentralization of power, personal freedom, privacy, monetary policy, as well as strictly adhering to the Constitution contrasts greatly with all of the other Globalist, New World Order, anti-Constitutional shrills that are running for President on both sides of the isle.
Yes and I'm sure your beloved Romney is a race realist. Romney's C grade on immigration is nothing to brag about. I remember Romney saying he "cried" when he heard the Mormon church changed it's position on blacks. We should add Romney to the list of weeping wussies.

Do you think Romney is any less of a MLK worshipper? And are you one of the guys that thinks the creater of Obama-care is going to repeal his brainchild when elected? I understand that you want to back the "winner" when election time comes so don't worry, Romney or Obama will be a win for the same philosophy.

When, exactly, did I say I was voting for Romney?

All three (Obama, Paul and Romney) are bad on race and I would never back either of these gladhanding politicians.
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