Ron Paul - POTUS 2012

Those of you who are looking for the perfect candidate will always be disappointed because there will never be one. Knowing that, what is the alternative? Don't vote because you don't like something about the candidates? Don't vote because you view the whole thing as a sham and rigged? My view is that if there isn't a man running who is a viable alternative to what we have now, I probably won't vote either. However, Dr. Paul is a viable alternative at this point in time, in my view. He isn't perfect, but I'm smart enough to know that no such candidate is currently running for POTUS and probably never will. Also, I don't see any "Paul-worshipers" or "virulent" supporters of him on CF. Some of y'all are getting bent out of shape for no reason. Considering everything we agree on here and the number of things we are all fighting against, it seems a bit ridiculous to me.
Good post Reb. I am for Ron Paul for two reasons that stand above everything else. He is for cutting the deficit by a trillion dollars while bringing our troops home in to start in the first year. Second and even more important is that everything he does is in support of our constitution. If the other politicians destroy the constitution like most are for doing, our freedom is gone forever. Ron Paul is for a small, limited government and freedom for the people. That is why we should vote for him. You will never see another Ron Paul. It will not be allowed by the powers that be and this might be our last chance to save our country. Just my honest opinion.
The ONLY thing that Dr. Paul is on record saying about Rosa Parks and MLKjr is that he admired them for their peaceful civil disobedience against the unjust Jim Crow laws. Clearly, by his newsletters, he had a great deal of contempt for MLKjr's dirty personal life.

He has been consistent in his opposition to America's War on Drugs. He has spun that to say that blacks would disproportionately benefit from ending the war on drugs. In other words, he is pointing out that his positions on Liberty are good for all Americans. He needs to emphasize that, because he has been attacked for being a racist.

America's Empire will end, sooner or later. Romney might be able to put off the inevitability a little longer than Obama. He might run a 1.5 trillion dollar deficit instead of 2 trillion. He might end Obamacare, but he will start a war with Iran. He might not subsidize "green" corporations, but he will subsidize his corporations of choice. He will continue the Bush/Obama policy of bailing out banks and Wall Street. He will not repeal the Patriot Act or NDAA. He will not eliminate federal government departments. He will keep income taxes low, but so did Bush and Obama. The Federal Reserve will continue operating in secrecy and printing money with impunity - destroying our currency. Whether it's Mitt Obama or Barack Romney, who cares?

Ron Paul is the only answer.
If the media(CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC and New York Times etc.) scrutinized BO 1/4 of what this bimbolina is doing to Ron Paul and tone of her voice, another Clinton would be sitting in the White house and not hosting lavish over the top halloween parties produced by Tim Burton, in stead of the 21st century version of a harlem globe trotter Barry Satero.
An article entitled "CBS Poll: Ron Paul Can Defeat Obama"

A recent CBS poll shows that Ron Paul has as good a chance of beating Obama as Mitt Romney. For the last six months, we’ve been beaten over the head with the dubious claim that Romney stood the best chance. In fact, most people when asked why they were supporting Romney could not think of a single issue that he supported. Instead all they could say was that he could beat Obama.

Romney however is a Republican liberal, and every attempt to run a Republican liberal against a Democrat liberal HAS FAILED. The liberal voters prefer a real Democrat liberal over a Republican, and the conservative voters either stay home or vote for a Third Party candidate. The dismal performance of RINO John McCain versus Obama immediately comes to mind. And then there was the compromising weakling moderate Bob Dole, who couldn’t dislodge Bill Clinton from the presidency.
A person who sounded just like a negress just called me up and said she was calling from the Ron Paul call center and then she played a recording of RP asking for more money, and then she pressured me into donating exactly $150. I told her I donate on his website. It smelled like a scam.
Rick Santorum Crashes Back to Earth

A week after his magical finish at the Iowa caucuses, Santorum crashed back to earth Tuesday night with a disappointing fourth- or fifth-place finish in New Hampshire
The paltry 10 percent he registered here sucks away much of the momentum he earned last week and raises the stakes for his campaign heading into the Palmetto State.

Furthermore, his decision to spend five days campaigning here — instead of bypassing it for South Carolina — is already being second-guessed as he now faces what’s close to a must-win situation in the first southern primary next Saturday.

As expected, Santorum's tie with Romney in Iowa was a complete fraud. The bulk of his votes were possibly Ron Paul votes that were moved into Santorum's column. Or just completely made up.
It's a step by step process. Each primary knocks out one or more competitors to Romney. The GOP picked their candidate a long time ago. Now they're making sure that outcome is achieved, just like Mosbacher said they would.
Congrats to Mitt and Ron. Strong finishes for both. It's obvious there is a secret alliance between them to knock off the others especially that malcontent Newt. And it's working. I believe when Romney is elected, Paul will be his point man at the cabinet level to reform the FED. Which would be great!
I believe when Romney is elected, Paul will be his point man at the cabinet level to reform the F3D. Which would be great!
Romney's operatives ARE The F3D. Paul's anti-F3D stance would live on, but he'd be as dead as a doornail if he was actually in a position to try and "reform" them.
Ron Paul has said he'll put an end to illegal immigration by securing the border- sounds good to me. I believe him much more than Mitt Obama and other establishment candidates.

He mentions that a higher rate of blacks are in prison for drug offenses. Is this not hard to believe? The median black incomes are the lowest out of all races in the U.S, so they have less access to good lawyers. Maybe these stats come from liberal think tanks, but I saw these stats printed in the NJ Star Ledger and it's the same stats all the candidates are looking at. Is Ron Paul responsible for these statistics?

Would you rather have police arresting people for possession of Marijuana when probably about half of them smoked it themselves in H.S or college? I was wrongfully arrested for "being high" in NJ when I don't even smoke weed for sleeping in my car after an argument between my aunt and uncle kept me up all night. I had a panic attack when I faced the government meathead's bullying along with 2 other cops sent there. This Brian Urlacher sized pig threw me against my car when he patted me down. I knew who this cowboy was from a friend's story/ encounter with him- so of course I was nervous. He assumed I was high, sent me to the E.R to take a drug test and lied that he "smelled a strong sent of Marijuana coming from the vehicle" to validate the arrest. Got hit with an impound fee, repairs to my car that was ransacked, and an ambulance fee.

Would you rather have a judge send a young man who had social anxiety and was caught with possession of Marijuana a third time to jail for 5 years because he was taking a payoff from the private jail? Yes, this happened and amazingly got reported by Neo Con Central Fox News. The young man killed himself in prison.

Would you rather have a situation where a broken person like my cousin (he has Aspergers) gets arrested when his "friends" encouraged him to call an escort service on his 21st birthday in Atlantic City. They did this after busting his balls for being a virgin and surprising him by bringing him to a porn star autograph signing. All this while two people being paid for sex and even role play rapes are legal IF ONLY A VIDEO CAMERA IS THERE" to further perpetuate lonely men's addictions. American culture does every thing to encourage broken people's additions, but doesn't arrest the dealer's of obscenity. It's like making cocaine dealing legal, but arresting the addict with a gram of coke instead. The double standard is sickening! An undercover cop arrested my cousin in a PRIVATE hotel room after his "friends" left him there. This was not a dangerous place like a dark corner.

Double standards with how whites, Christians and men are treated compared to their counter parts, skyrocketing debt, a dollar that may soon completely crash, war mongering, illegal immigration and their entitlements given sucking the system dry, a corrupt power structure, Zionism and billions of aid to Israel which is used as a recruiting tool for Wahabi Muslims, NDAA, Patriot Act, big government, surveillance state, police state, the highest incarceration rate by far for any industrialized country.

You think Mitt Obama is going to drastically shake things up and fix what's left of the United States? Sure just vote for the lesser of two evils again! Rant over.
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95% of the people online are for the only non-shill candidate, Ron Paul, so how come the shill candidates win? Answer: Diebold no paper trail voting machines.
Ron Paul has said he'll put an end to illegal immigration by securing the border- sounds good to me. I believe him much more than Mitt Obama and other establishment candidates.

He mentions that a higher rate of blacks are in prison for drug offenses. Is this not hard to believe? The median black incomes are the lowest out of all races in the U.S, so they have less access to good lawyers. Maybe these stats come from liberal think tanks, but I saw these stats printed in the NJ Star Ledger and it's the same stats all the candidates are looking at. Is Ron Paul responsible for these statistics?

Would you rather have police arresting people for possession of Marijuana when probably about half of them smoked it themselves in H.S or college? I was wrongfully arrested for "being high" in NJ when I don't even smoke weed for sleeping in my car after an argument between my aunt and uncle kept me up all night. I had a panic attack when I faced the government meathead's bullying along with 2 other cops sent there. This Brian Urlacher sized pig threw me against my car when he patted me down. I knew who this cowboy was from a friend's story/ encounter with him- so of course I was nervous. He assumed I was high, sent me to the E.R to take a drug test and lied that he "smelled a strong sent of Marijuana coming from the vehicle" to validate the arrest. Got hit with an impound fee, repairs to my car that was ransacked, and an ambulance fee.

Would you rather have a judge send a young man who had social anxiety and was caught with possession of Marijuana a third time to jail for 5 years because he was taking a payoff from the private jail? Yes, this happened and amazingly got reported by Neo Con Central Fox News. The young man killed himself in prison.

Would you rather have a situation where a broken person like my cousin (he has Aspergers) gets arrested when his "friends" encouraged him to call an escort service on his 21st birthday in Atlantic City. They did this after busting his balls for being a virgin and surprising him by bringing him to a porn star autograph signing. All this while two people being paid for sex and even role play rapes are legal IF ONLY A VIDEO CAMERA IS THERE" to further perpetuate lonely men's addictions. American culture does every thing to encourage broken people's additions, but doesn't arrest the dealer's of obscenity. It's like making cocaine dealing legal, but arresting the addict with a gram of coke instead. The double standard is sickening! An undercover cop arrested my cousin in a PRIVATE hotel room after his "friends" left him there. This was not a dangerous place like a dark corner.

Double standards with how whites, Christians and men are treated compared to their counter parts, skyrocketing debt, a dollar that may soon completely crash, war mongering, illegal immigration and their entitlements given sucking the system dry, a corrupt power structure, Zionism and billions of aid to Israel which is used as a recruiting tool for Wahabi Muslims, NDAA, Patriot Act, big government, surveillance state, police state, the highest incarceration rate by far for any industrialized country.

You think Mitt Obama is going to drastically shake things up and fix what's left of the United States? Sure just vote for the lesser of two evils again! Rant over.

good rant! :thumb:
Pretty good showing for Dr. Paul. I firmly believe he's going to win somehow. Something's going to happen to make him the nominee. The stars are aligning and there's no stopping him. A guy like Romney isn't going to win this thing. Paul will wipe the floor with Obama.

I even liked Dr. Paul more (if that's possible) for coming to Romney's aid about that stupid out of context stuff about firing people. No matter what, Dr. Paul always does the right thing. I think it's in his blood stream. There is no other way for him.

Tom Iron...
Pretty good showing for Dr. Paul. I firmly believe he's going to win somehow. Something's going to happen to make him the nominee. The stars are aligning and there's no stopping him. A guy like Romney isn't going to win this thing. Paul will wipe the floor with Obama.

I even liked Dr. Paul more (if that's possible) for coming to Romney's aid about that stupid out of context stuff about firing people. No matter what, Dr. Paul always does the right thing. I think it's in his blood stream. There is no other way for him.

Tom Iron...
Mr Iron you would be correct....if most White people thought and lived our lives like most CFers, but unfortuneatly they do not. I suspect a bit less than 50% do right now. Once the repugnant BO / Dem machine gets running, a large chunk of esmasculed and guilty White people fortified with DWF nation will turn on Dr Paul and cite his newletters as evidence that he can not be elected. Yet BO can sit in a filthy pew of that negro racist church, where he was married and his children baptized!

Like I have said, Romney and Paul are in a secret alliance, as evidence by no verbal bitter attacks or add attacks against each other. There is alot of joking with each other, respect and defending of each other. The road to the White House leads through Romney with Paul as a ally and a important position in the Romney adminstration. Don't forget that Paul's son Rand is a near future star in the party.
I appreciate that my rant was appreciated.

I was tired last night...I should have made my 2nd paragraph more clear though...Ron Paul has stated that blacks go to prison at a significantly higher rate than whites for possession of drugs when whites and blacks use drugs at basically the same rate. He got this info from common reported statistics. These stats have been printed in newspapers, including the NJ Star Ledger, when I lived in Jersey. If these stats are skewed by liberal think tanks, this does not make Dr. Paul responsible for it! Dr. Paul may not be "pro white" like many of you want, but he isn't anti-white like every other Republican out there. Hopefully Dr. Paul's high level of support from young Republicans is showing a shift in the American political landscape. This is greatly needed.

Secondly, the pig who wrongfully arrested me for sleeping in the driver's seat of my parked car (after I pulled over to a parking lot on the way home from work to be safe) and lied on the police report...(read story above) arrested me for BOTH a DUI and reckless driving. Luckily a lawyer who works with my uncle defended me for free and I was cleared of the charges. My lawyer basically said that this cop was a piece of sh*t, but he didn't have the time (and I didn't have the resources) to sue him for wrongful arrest. Basically good luck trying to sue an oppressive government.
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Last night the coverage of Paul's second place showing was fairly respectable on NPR, and their correspondent at Pauls New Hampshire headquarters seemed to be having a good time and enjoying himself meeting with Paul's supporters. Meanwhile, on neo-con Salem network, "conservative" host Hugh Hewitt continued to basically ignore Paul and not even acknowledge his results as relevant.
I think some liberals in the media are giving Paul decent treatment because Paul, unlike Buchanan in his 96 and 2000 runs, doesn't stress immigration or social cultural matters, focusing instead on Freedom and Anti-war.
Concerning Romney and Paul, I do wonder if Paul is hopeful that underneath all that pro-war propaganda that Romney talks about like the other GOP candidates, there lies a pragmatic, pro-business Mormon politician who would rather be making deals with Iranians than bombing them. I do recall that one neo-con was disparaging about Romney in the 2008 campaign because he only made one pro-Iraq war speech in his whole 2008 campaign, unlike Mccain who was stridently pro-war. In other words, at that time Romney's heart and passion just wasn't in it. Hopefully, if Romney wins out, he is less pro-war than the Gingriches and Santorums.
I'm not sure which I enjoyed more, Ron Paul's strong 2nd place finish or TJR's synopsis of what ails Amerika. Great to see you back posting man.
Like I have said, Romney and Paul are in a secret alliance, as evidence by no verbal bitter attacks or add attacks against each other. There is alot of joking with each other, respect and defending of each other. The road to the White House leads through Romney with Paul as a ally and a important position in the Romney adminstration. Don't forget that Paul's son Rand is a near future star in the party.
Romney is in the lead so there's no reason for him to be in attack mode. Paul's attacks have mostly been uniform and reserved for all of the other candidates, but will reciprocate if attacked from someone else, like when he called Gingrich a "chickenhawk".

Either Romney has been told by the PTB that represent and fund him "Don't worry about Paul. We'll make sure he never gets a sniff of the Presidency." or they will have him do as you say and offer Paul a significant but "safe" position in his administration where he can do no real damage to them or make any significant changes. I'd be surprised if Paul would actually accept a position like that, however, as I don't think he can be so easily bought and probably wouldn't fit well enough anyway.
It's interesting to hear the so called conservative talk show hosts going crazy about Dr. Paul. They're in an absolute frenzy about him. They want to ignore him, but know now that doesn't work anymore. That they're being laughed at when they talk about polls and say all the candidates names while omiting mention of Dr. Paul, even though he may have won or come in second in the poll they're talking about. When they mention him, it's always negatively. They're still in the "He can't win" phase of talking about him, but in the not too distant future that'll change. He can win and I firmly believe everything is lining up for a Paul victory. His message is more and more becoming a tidal wave. It's very hard to ignore tidal waves. Lastly, the great thing about Dr. Paul is he always uses the word "We" in his speeches. He knows completely that's it's all about We/Us. Not him.

Tom Iron...
It's interesting to hear the so called conservative talk show hosts going crazy about Dr. Paul. They're in an absolute frenzy about him. They want to ignore him, but know now that doesn't work anymore. That they're being laughed at when they talk about polls and say all the candidates names while omiting mention of Dr. Paul, even though he may have won or come in second in the poll they're talking about. When they mention him, it's always negatively. They're still in the "He can't win" phase of talking about him, but in the not too distant future that'll change. He can win and I firmly believe everything is lining up for a Paul victory. His message is more and more becoming a tidal wave. It's very hard to ignore tidal waves. Lastly, the great thing about Dr. Paul is he always uses the word "We" in his speeches. He knows completely that's it's all about We/Us. Not him.

Mr Iron, what is happening now is that Dr Paul realizes that he will never be the man to go against BO. That role is reserved for Mr. Romney. What Mr Paul is doing is leveraging his energized support to push his ideas in reforming the Fed Reserve and stopping the oversees wars where our White boys are/or will be dying. I suspect Mr Romney agrees with this. Mr Romney's only favor that Dr. Paul destroys faux conservitives Gingrich and Santorum. He will! This will play out in the next several weeks. Regardless of WW's diobold machines mantra( no offense Werewolf).

As I post this Dr Paul has stated that he will not campaigne in Florida. No person will win the Republican Nomination without winning Florida. Simply stated Mr Romeny will be the Repub candidate to go head to head with Obummer. Pray that Dr Paul and Mr Romney form a holy alliance as I believe they have formed.
As I post this Dr Paul has stated that he will not campaigne in Florida. No person will win the Republican Nomination without winning Florida. Simply stated Mr Romeny will be the Repub candidate to go head to head with Obummer. Pray that Dr Paul and Mr Romney form a holy alliance as I believe they have formed.
If Romney wins the Republican Primary, he could guarantee victory against 0bama by making Paul his VP (assuming Paul would even consider it.) 0bama would probably have to counter by replacing Biden with Hillary to have a chance, especially in the Electoral College.

If Romney doesn't offer it to Paul or Paul doesn't accept it, Romney would have to offer it to a minority or female. I'm hoping Paul can somehow, against all odds, still pull out the victory, but I'm expecting a Romney/Rubio, Romney/Palin, or Romney/Bachmann that order.
As I post this Dr Paul has stated that he will not campaigne in Florida. No person will win the Republican Nomination without winning Florida.

Don't know where you got that information.

This is from his website:
"Our campaign is already planning ahead for South Carolina, Florida, and beyond. Soon Ron Paul will head to South Carolina to begin a feverish round of campaigning.
Ron Paul is in this race for the long haul. And he is ready to fight.
See you on the campaign trail.â€￾
American Freedom News