Ron Paul has said he'll put an end to illegal immigration by securing the border- sounds good to me. I believe him much more than Mitt Obama and other establishment candidates.
He mentions that a higher rate of blacks are in prison for drug offenses. Is this not hard to believe? The median black incomes are the lowest out of all races in the U.S, so they have less access to good lawyers. Maybe these stats come from liberal think tanks, but I saw these stats printed in the NJ Star Ledger and it's the same stats all the candidates are looking at. Is Ron Paul responsible for these statistics?
Would you rather have police arresting people for possession of Marijuana when probably about half of them smoked it themselves in H.S or college? I was wrongfully arrested for "being high" in NJ when I don't even smoke weed for sleeping in my car after an argument between my aunt and uncle kept me up all night. I had a panic attack when I faced the government meathead's bullying along with 2 other cops sent there. This Brian Urlacher sized pig threw me against my car when he patted me down. I knew who this cowboy was from a friend's story/ encounter with him- so of course I was nervous. He assumed I was high, sent me to the E.R to take a drug test and lied that he "smelled a strong sent of Marijuana coming from the vehicle" to validate the arrest. Got hit with an impound fee, repairs to my car that was ransacked, and an ambulance fee.
Would you rather have a judge send a young man who had social anxiety and was caught with possession of Marijuana a third time to jail for 5 years because he was taking a payoff from the private jail? Yes, this happened and amazingly got reported by Neo Con Central Fox News. The young man killed himself in prison.
Would you rather have a situation where a broken person like my cousin (he has Aspergers) gets arrested when his "friends" encouraged him to call an escort service on his 21st birthday in Atlantic City. They did this after busting his balls for being a virgin and surprising him by bringing him to a porn star autograph signing. All this while two people being paid for sex and even role play rapes are legal IF ONLY A VIDEO CAMERA IS THERE" to further perpetuate lonely men's addictions. American culture does every thing to encourage broken people's additions, but doesn't arrest the dealer's of obscenity. It's like making cocaine dealing legal, but arresting the addict with a gram of coke instead. The double standard is sickening! An undercover cop arrested my cousin in a PRIVATE hotel room after his "friends" left him there. This was not a dangerous place like a dark corner.
Double standards with how whites, Christians and men are treated compared to their counter parts, skyrocketing debt, a dollar that may soon completely crash, war mongering, illegal immigration and their entitlements given sucking the system dry, a corrupt power structure, Zionism and billions of aid to Israel which is used as a recruiting tool for Wahabi Muslims, NDAA, Patriot Act, big government, surveillance state, police state, the highest incarceration rate by far for any industrialized country.
You think Mitt Obama is going to drastically shake things up and fix what's left of the United States? Sure just vote for the lesser of two evils again! Rant over.