Ron Paul - POTUS 2012

An article entitled "Continuing Vote Fraud in New Hampshire"

Shortly after the 2008 New Hampshire primary an alert citizen noticed that screen captures, he had made, of early vote totals that had been broadcast on the local news, suggested that someone had swapped the vote totals from Ron Paul and John McCain. That video can be seen here. Even more damning evidence of vote fraud surfaced a little bit later: People in several small towns where Ron Paul had been given zero votes stepped forward to say that they had voted for Paul. In one case an entire family voted for Paul, but he still got an official zero vote count for that town.

There is no doubt that vote fraud took place in 2008. The only difference this year is that Ron Paul was allowed to receive more votes to try to make the election seem more legitimate. The wholesale massive vote theft of 2008 was a little too obvious to try again.

The 2012 vote thievery appeared to accelerate as the New Hampshire primary election progressed. When 25 percent of the vote was in, Ron Paul had closed the gap on Romney to 10 percent. Was that a real result with no vote thievery? Could Romney and Paul have been tied? A mere 10 percent lead for Romney would have been an embarrassingly weak finish so the puppeteers running the Republican party had the Diebold programmers create some more votes for Romney so that he would finish with a 16 point “leadâ€￾ over Ron Paul. They also made sure that the vote totals for Gingrich and Santorum dropped below 10 percent.
With Paul racking up the delegates he's positioning himself to have a lot of leverage at the RNC. The GOP will be forced to co-opt some of Paul's ideas and give him a prime time speech at the convention. If they ignore RP or demean him or his voters they'll have a ZERO chance at beating BO.

Paul as VP or getting another high profile position in a Romney cabinet will help to make RP's views more mainstream.
Don't know where you got that information.

This is from his website:
"Our campaign is already planning ahead for South Carolina, Florida, and beyond. Soon Ron Paul will head to South Carolina to begin a feverish round of campaigning.
Ron Paul is in this race for the long haul. And he is ready to fight.
See you on the campaign trail.â€￾
I heard it from Paul himself. He was being interviewed shortly after his great showing in NH. He said he would focus his efforts on caucus states. Last time I checked FL is a big time primary state.
Florida is a winner take all for it's delegates and Paul is polling 3rd behind Romney and Newt. Since Paul has almost no chance at picking up delegates in FLA it's a waste of time and money campaigning here. It's better for Paul to put extra time and money in states that he can pick up delegates according to you're % of the vote.
Congrats to Mitt and Ron. Strong finishes for both. It's obvious there is a secret alliance between them to knock off the others especially that malcontent Newt. And it's working. I believe when Romney is elected, Paul will be his point man at the cabinet level to reform the FED. Which would be great!

Romney and Paul do not have any sort of alliance. Ron Paul is simply trying to force Republican voters to choose between him and Romney. Romney has considered by mainstream "conservatives" as the weakest "conservative" so that is who Paul wants his final opponent to be. The Tea Party types generally dislike Romney and view him as the ultimate establishment guy. Thus far, they have been throwing their allegiance to a number of other candidates like Perry, Cain, Gingrich, and now Santorum. Paul is simply trying to knock off the Tea Party's favorite-of-the-month to force a showdown between him and the establishment candidate. The irony is that all of the other candidates are every bit as much part of the establishment as Romney. Paul is fighting off the candidates that are most likely to suck votes away from him. The disadvantage is that it allows Romney to remain rather bland and non-threatening to "conservatives" who may now be thinking that he may not be all that bad. Once Perry and Santorum are out of the race I expect Paul to go after Romney a bit more.
Secret alliance between Ron Paul and Mitt Romney??? That is a secret so well kept that even Ron Paul himself doesn't know about it. I find it hard to believe the extrememly principled Paul is going to get into some sort of an agreement with the big government Romney. It is obvious that things are playing out like they are due to the difficulty of navigating between an irrational Republican voter base and a hostile media.

There is a reason they call it a 'campaign'. It's long and arduous and can take many twists and turns.
Well, Huntsman is gone. Little by little, the establishment is coming closer to their day of decision between Dr. Paul and Mitt Romney. That will be something to see.

It's getting much harder for the Republican heirarchy to quash Dr. Paul in the MSM. Especially with the internet burning up with Paul supporters. We're watching something of epic historical proportions here. The end of the MSM being able to influence overall thinking. I never thought I'd see this day. But here it is.

Tom Iron...
The internet has awakened people like nothing else. Look at the comments section anyplace. Nobody with any intelligence believes their lies any more.
The debate last night was disastrous. RP stumbled and bumbled on the Osama assassination question like he was totally unprepared for the attack. Who the heck prepares him for these debates anyway? He could have justified not killing Osama and instead working to capture him in a much much smoother way.

The other question he continues to bomb on is anything to do with race and the criminal justice system. I don't what idiot in his campaign has told him to pander to blacks but it's disgusting. Claiming the criminal justice system is unfair to blacks not just on drugs but on violent death penalty type crimes is suicide. I'm incredibly disappointed. Blacks commit 60% of felony murders. In second place is Latinos. Yet, 56% of all executions are of white people and only 35% of blacks. Why he keep repeating a lie is beyond me. It's out of character and I have to believe for my own sanity that it is coming from idiots talking points in his campaign debate team. He needs to fire everyone that helps him prepare for these debates.
Good morning Kaptain,

Don't worry about Dr. Paul. He'll be fine. They'll iron out that mess about the Bin Laden answer. Just a little blip. You're not always going to get smooth sailing.

I heard Dr. Paul is going to get the endorsement of 3 more SC state senators today.

Interesting that many of the commenters after the political stories on the MSM websites have taken to taunting the media about their continued ignoring of Dr. Paul. Ultimately, that'll work. No one can put up with dirisive laughter. One guy I read today on Fox said the editor might lose his job for allowing a picture Dr. Paul to appear on a story heading.

Tom Iron...
Good corrective to Jesse Jackson's ... oops ... I mean Ron Paul's delusions on the death penalty being "racist" against blacks:

"According to the Death Penalty Information Center, an anti-death-penalty organization, between 1976 and January 2012, 441 blacks (35 percent of the total of convicted murderers) and 717 whites (55 percent of the total) were executed. Given that blacks committed more than half the murders during that time (52 percent vs. 46 percent by whites), if we are to assess racial bias based on proportionality of murderers executed, the system is biased against whites, not blacks."
Death penalty and blacks is a non-issue and totally irrelevant to any presidential debate. The only two issues are the economy and the obscene military empire. Ron Paul is the only candidate who is committed to the basic principles which will solve these problems.
"Death penalty and blacks is a non-issue and totally irrelevant to any presidential debate."

Then why has Paul brought it up in two straight debates?
"Death penalty and blacks is a non-issue and totally irrelevant to any presidential debate."

Then why has Paul brought it up in two straight debates?

Exactly. Does anyone think Paul does it only because of his "handlers?" If Paul is that weak, why do his supporters think he'll stand firm on anything else?
Exactly. Does anyone think Paul does it only because of his "handlers?" If Paul is that weak, why do his supporters think he'll stand firm on anything else?

Before I read the post, I knew it would be something negative like that.

Divide and conquer, right?

Interestingly, I never see you post anything negative like that about Barack Obama!
Paul's answer to the 0sama question should be simple and concise. The moderator and the media keep mentioning that 0sama "was planning something even bigger than 9/11" or something to that effect. Paul should just say something like "...then why kill him, we should've captured him and then tried to extract that information from him and get information on his associates...we could've gained a lot more information by doing that, including the potential of saving thousands of lives of other innocent people rather than sending him to his grave with those answers...and we'd be better of from a National Security aspect as well...". End of statement. No further expansion or clarification of his position on that subject.

He should understand that he's dealing with the Matrix Media and answer these questions accordingly. The South Carolina debate(s) will be his toughest because he's dealing with the cream-of-the-crop of NeoCons. The audience is probably loaded with defense contractor executives whose only concerns are how much money they can make off of the death and destruction of millions on this planet into perpetuity and beyond the bounds of our atmosphere and into the solar system and the stars beyond. These are also the same folks that probably sell out South Carolina football games to root "their" team on to victory in full DWF regalia.
Yea Dr. Paul stumbled but he still obviously dominated the debate. Romney looked weak defending his record and said he WOULD have signed NDAA as well. He's truly a traitor.

The most sickening moment was when the "conservative, Christian" crowd booed Ron for saying we should follow the Golden Rule. Isn't that a bedrock of Christian teaching? How about turn the other cheek? Apparently, the modern "Christian" neo-con prefers an eye for an eye. Lastly, these folks support blindly going to war with any country who is a "threat", death and destruction be damned. This philosophy is clearly incompatible with Christian doctrine. They might want to reevaluate their religious affiliations.....

[video=youtube;KfDJfvYH6CY][/video]Caption: Dr. Paul dominates latest debate
"Death penalty and blacks is a non-issue and totally irrelevant to any presidential debate."

Then why has Paul brought it up in two straight debates?

My point is that it is a political statement by Ron Paul and not a substantive issue. People are accusing Ron Paul of being racist and he is using this point as a response. It's politics. Barack Obama opposed gay marriage in the last campaign and we all know he is pro-gay president. Does anybody really believe that if Ron Paul were president he would waste his time pursuing the abolition of the Federal death penalty? Even if he did, who would care? It's not an issue that effects the average person's life, such as the impending collapse of the dollar, inflation, federal assaults on civil liberties, and endless foreign wars.
The debate last night was disastrous. RP stumbled and bumbled on the Osama assassination question like he was totally unprepared for the attack. Who the heck prepares him for these debates anyway? He could have justified not killing Osama and instead working to capture him in a much much smoother way.

The other question he continues to bomb on is anything to do with race and the criminal justice system. I don't what idiot in his campaign has told him to pander to blacks but it's disgusting. Claiming the criminal justice system is unfair to blacks not just on drugs but on violent death penalty type crimes is suicide. I'm incredibly disappointed. Blacks commit 60% of felony murders. In second place is Latinos. Yet, 56% of all executions are of white people and only 35% of blacks. Why he keep repeating a lie is beyond me. It's out of character and I have to believe for my own sanity that it is coming from idiots talking points in his campaign debate team. He needs to fire everyone that helps him prepare for these debates.


This caught me totally off guard also, I'm as confused and puzzled as you are! But what's troubling to me is that blaming his campaign team is ludicrous! Do you believe that someone as intelligent as Dr. Paul would fall for these lies? There's something amiss here! I'm no brain surgeon, but like you I knew the second he started to pander to the plight of blacks, I almost vomitted. What the crap is he saying?
I was at a loss for words. Someone help me here. I don't get it? He (RP) did stumble.
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Yea Dr. Paul stumbled but he still obviously dominated the debate. Romney looked weak defending his record and said he WOULD have signed NDAA as well. He's truly a traitor.

The most sickening moment was when the "conservative, Christian" crowd booed Ron for saying we should follow the Golden Rule. Isn't that a bedrock of Christian teaching? How about turn the other cheek? Apparently, the modern "Christian" neo-con prefers an eye for an eye. Lastly, these folks support blindly going to war with any country who is, a "threat", death and destruction be damned. This philosophy is clearly incompatible with Christian doctrine. They might want to reevaluate their religious affiliations.....

[video=youtube;KfDJfvYH6CY][/video]Caption: Dr. Paul dominates latest debate

Freethinker, I agree Romney looked weak and with his uh and uh type speaking sounded as if he were hiding something.

I disagree with you though as a Christian from the Carolinas, the bedrock of Christianity is to,"Love each other as I have loved you." John: 15;12

Greater love has no other than this, that he lay down his life for his friends. John: 15;13.

Now that was Jesus speaking for himself as he would later go to the cross for you and me.

I being a Marine am from the George S. Patton school of thought regarding war, "Now I want you to remember no bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his."

All Christians do not believe in going blindly into wars and I don't claim to know why our troops are in some of the places they are in, but again as a Marine and someone who served, I believe I have a right to comment on this subject. Did you volunteer to serve in the armed forces? Can you tell me why we are occupying some of the countries we are in?

I can show you many instances in the Bible where the followers of God took no prisoners!

I didn't boo Dr. Paul when he made the golden rule statement, I just wasn't sure where he was coming from like I'm sure others on CF were maybe thinking the same thing.
First let me state emphatically, that I would with confidence vote for a can of orange juice rather than see BO in the White House for another 4 years.

That being said, I believe Ronmey is the best choice in beating BO. He has a proven successful record on running a state, a blue state no less, with a 2.5 billion surplus when he left office.

He has a proven record in creating private industry. He was also in charge of running a successful Winter Olympics that created a profit.

I will take him at his word that he will assist in repealing Obummercare.

I like his stance on illegal immigration. Also he has the look and composure of a president(last night's performance notwithstanding).

Interesting how some here are providing cover for Paul for sounding like Rev Al "not so sharp" Sharpton, regarding the injustice negros face in paying for their crimes. But, alas, I will vote and give money to Paul if he becomes the nominee. He is no doubt infinitely better than the closet marxist BO.
First let me state emphatically, that I would with confidence vote for a can of orange juice rather than see BO in the White House for another 4 years.

That being said, I believe Ronmey is the best choice in beating BO. He has a proven successful record on running a state, a blue state no less, with a 2.5 billion surplus when he left office.

He has a proven record in creating private industry.
He was also in charge of running a successful Winter Olympics that created a profit.

I will take him at his word that he will assist in repealing Obummercare.

I like his stance on illegal immigration. Also he has the look and composure of a president
(last night's performance notwithstanding).

Interesting how some here are providing cover for Paul for sounding like Rev Al "not so sharp" Sharpton, regarding the injustice negros face in paying for their crimes. But, alas, I will vote and give money to Paul if he becomes the nominee. He is no doubt infinitely better than the closet marxist BO.

for anyone else who might feel this way, these positions are quite easily refuted with simple facts and Romney's own words/actions. for example, Romney basically invented Obamacare when he was governor. what exactly is Romney's stance on illegal immigration? it's changed so frequently, i've lost track. i could go on, but in my opinion Romney (like Gingrich, Santorum, Obongo, etc.) is a vivid embodiment of all that is wrong with Washington politics. i mean, just take a look at where Romney's funding comes from and all the flip flopping he's done ...


i wouldn't trust Romney at his word if he told me that gravity pulls things down.

and while Ron Paul is certainly an imperfect candidate from a pro-White perspective, he is without a doubt head and shoulders above anyone else who will be on the national ticket. if nothing else provides this distinction, his sole position as a candidate with proven character, integrity, and consistent voting record makes him beyond reproach, in my view. and i can say that without hesitation.

even Ron Paul's neo-con enemies admit as much:

Jimmy C

As you have stated no current candidate is perfect. Our country is going down the sh***er. I reason Ronmey is the best candidate primary for his business acumen and record. One could find a 1000 reasons not to vote for him. I get that.

A White man once said "The business of America is business" I see no other man with this experience to steer America toward business prosperity of the current field. Just my opinion. Not meaning to get in a epic flame war with any CFer during this important time in our history.
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