Ron Paul - POTUS 2012

The most encouraging thing about this circus is that the gangsters running things can't find an acceptable alternative to Ron Paul. They've dangled every other Republican out there as the sudden "leader" over the past half year, and even Republicans have gagged at each of them in turn.

Santorum is as bad as any of them, a lightweight Christian Zionist nutjob whose main asset is that he isn't as obviously sleazy as Gingrich & Friends, that and being the most eager of all the Zionist sock-puppets to start a war against Iran. The whole process is a badly scripted and acted reality show directed by a degenerate and rapidly declining empire.
I have a hard time beliving the results. I also cannot belive that Ron Paul wasn't more disturbed to be in third place. I don't buy it. Romney should have been his only competition. Oh well. I don't think there is much else that can be said. It's sad that he couldn't even win a state that he was predicted to win by a huge magin. Things that make you go hmmmm. New Hampshire might just be the last straw for him before he decides to run as an independent.
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Hey, I'm not the kinda guy to say I told you so but I told you so.

"It's not who votes that matters. It's who counts the votes"... Joseph Stalin.

An Israeli company, Elron-Voxeo, counts the votes, in secret. Nuff said.

Can you find even one single person online who supports the maniac Santorum who says the first thing he'd do will be start WW3? The Israelis must have thought it would be a funny joke to give him a lot of votes.


Honestly, I would prefer a conspiracy because the alternative is that mainstream "conservatives" really are that stupid. The way I see it is that Santorum, perhaps at the urging of the national GOP leadership, dumped his entire war chest into Iowa simply to block Ron Paul. Added to that was the thinly veiled threat to revoke Iowa's first state status if Ron Paul won. Now Santorum is broke and will soon be safely out of the way so the eventual nominee will be Romney or Gingrich. The GOP elite doesn't want Santorum to win. They just want him to dupe enough social conservatives into voting for him so that Ron Paul cannot gain any momentum.
Gentlemen, I don't think things are that bad. As a matter of fact, I think things are looking up. I don't think the bigshots who are behind this malarkey are at all happy with the results of what they did. They wanted to destroy Dr. Paul and utterly failed. I predict his fund raising will continue on pace and even increase. I gave today and I hope you can do the same. It's a long way to go and anything can happen. Remember, it's not Dr. Paul himself. It's all about the idea. What he's saying is correct and it's time has come. The big boys can try to suppress this movement if they want (of course they do), but it isn't going to work this time. I think the more astute among them understand this. They're just buying time until they can come up with an idea they think might work. But the people are awakening. Slowly right now, but it's definitely picking up steam.

I certainly hope Dr. Paul has adequate security. I wouldn't put it past these people to try and kill him. But they are at a disadvantage right now. If they tried something like that now, people would definitely smell a rat.

Tom Iron...
Honestly, I would prefer a conspiracy because the alternative is that mainstream "conservatives" really are that stupid. The way I see it is that Santorum, perhaps at the urging of the national GOP leadership, dumped his entire war chest into Iowa simply to block Ron Paul. Added to that was the thinly veiled threat to revoke Iowa's first state status if Ron Paul won. Now Santorum is broke and will soon be safely out of the way so the eventual nominee will be Romney or Gingrich. The GOP elite doesn't want Santorum to win. They just want him to dupe enough social conservatives into voting for him so that Ron Paul cannot gain any momentum.

I'm not saying that mainstream conservatives aren't that stupid but from what I've read it was an influx of evengelicals and other religious minded folk that pushed Sanitorium to the top. Of course Rush was taking credit for the win since he jumped on the bandwagon at the last minute, you know Rush, the super religious hypocrite, married five times and childless, perfect example of the phoney baloney Christians that pollute this country.

Also Sanitorium supposedly did not spend any money in Iowa on ads, it was all face to face, at least that's the jews media take on it. They are saying he has a chance in New Hampshire plus Romney got the kiss of death, an endorsement from the cheif RINO-John McLame.

Here's a letter I found. Some of you may have seen it. But I think the writer was a Ron Paul supporter, though he doesn't say it in the letter.

Norther Wyoming Daily News, Worland Wyo., Friday, April 2, 2011

Readers Views

To the Editor,
I object, and take exception to everyone saying that Obama and Congress are spending money like a drunken sailor. As a former drunken sailor, I quit when I ran out of money.

Bruce L Hargrove
USN Retired

Tom Iron...
Also Sanitorium supposedly did not spend any money in Iowa on ads, it was all face to face,

That is because he didn't have any money to begin with.

I certainly hope Dr. Paul has adequate security. I wouldn't put it past these people to try and kill him. But they are at a disadvantage right now. If they tried something like that now, people would definitely smell a rat.

Tom Iron...

Anytime someone has presented a real threat to them - Abe Lincoln, JFK, JFK Jr., Huey Long, George Wallace - they've murdered them or tried to.

I think some of Ron Paul's missing votes got accidentally moved over to the Santorum and Romney columns in the secret place where that israeli company counts the votes.
Anytime someone has presented a real threat to them - Abe Lincoln, JFK, JFK Jr., Huey Long, George Wallace - they've murdered them or tried to.

I think some of Ron Paul's missing votes got accidentally moved over to the Santorum and Romney columns in the secret place where that israeli company counts the votes.

Who is the "THEM" that had a common goal of killing Lincoln and JFK Jr.? And what burning issue was the playboy son of a long deceased president killed for. Why would the (once) anti black Wallace be killed by the same people that wanted the (supposedly) pro black JFK?

Note that the voting for a Party caucus is not done on the notorious Diebold machines but by the party hacks so any "problem" with the voting is not the evil jews but party leaders.
"Who is the "THEM"..."

The shadow government. The real government. The behind the scenes puppetmasters that install the idiot figureheads like Dubya and Soetoro-Obama and orchestrate these sham elections.

Governer George Walace, right before they shot him down: "Democrats and Republicans, there's not a dime's worth of difference."

As for JFK Jr. he was going to run against Hillary Clinton for the NY State senate and he was a shoo in winner (google the list of victims left behind by Bill & Hillary's Arkansas Murder Inc.). He was also going to run further exposes about the Mossad involvement in the assassination of Rabin, as well as exposing the assassination of his father in his George magazine.

JFK demanded that Israel open up their nuclear facility at Dimona to international inspection. Three months later he was dead. He was the last president to stand up to the Jews. The CIA also hated him as he wanted to disband that outlaw outfit. Bobby Kennedy was another one they didn't like. It was like the Mafia. The Kennedy faction got whacked.

You're pretty naive, Jaxvid.

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Dr David Duke threatened the establishment too. So they set him up and sent him to jail.
"Who is the "THEM"..."

Governer George Walace, right before they shot him down: "Democrats and Republicans, there's not a dime's worth of difference."

So right before equals 4 years in your mind?
Wallace said that in '68 and was shot in '72.

What about Lincoln and Long?
"Who is the "THEM"..."

The shadow government. The real government. The behind the scenes puppetmasters that install the idiot figureheads like Dubya and Soetoro-Obama and orchestrate these sham elections.

Governer George Walace, right before they shot him down: "Democrats and Republicans, there's not a dime's worth of difference."

As for JFK Jr. he was going to run against Hillary Clinton for the NY State senate and he was a shoo in winner (google the list of victims left behind by Bill & Hillary's Arkansas Murder Inc.). He was also going to run further exposes about the Mossad involvement in the assassination of Rabin, as well as exposing the assassination of his father in his George magazine.

JFK demanded that Israel open up their nuclear facility at Dimona to international inspection. Three months later he was dead. He was the last president to stand up to the Jews. The CIA also hated him as he wanted to disband that outlaw outfit. Bobby Kennedy was another one they didn't like. It was like the Mafia. The Kennedy faction got whacked.

You're pretty naive, Jaxvid.


Name a member of the Shadow Government and give us his biography. How does this group sustain itself over the decades and presumably century? Who decides who gets in and how are they selected? Where do they meet? Why doesn't a member leave and write a bestseller for millions of dollars? Why do the losers in these "sham elections" go along with the result?

And since this is primarily a Sports Forum, why hasn't the Shadow Government arranged for the Klitschkos to be defeated by black fighters? Compared to killing presidents and prominent politicians whenever they want to, fixing a fight should be easy.
So right before equals 4 years in your mind?
Wallace said that in '68 and was shot in '72.

What about Lincoln and Long?

Could be that Wallace said that in '68 and "right before" was an exaggeration, but he presented a threat to the establishment as did the others. As for the rest, I'm not here to give you an education in Reality 101. You can believe everything the talking heads on your telavivavision set and call in radio station tell you, and the tooth fairy too, for all I care.

You're pretty naive, Jaxvid.


Don't pay much attention to Jaxvid, he likes to play devil's advocate.

An article entitled " Iowa Caucus: The Vote Stealing Has Begun"

It makes a lot of sense to steal votes from Ron Paul, who was just recently emerging as a viable candidate and transfer those votes to Santorum, who is seen as a “flukeâ€￾ candidate. This accomplishes three things: It prevents Paul from running away with the Iowa caucus; it discredits the Iowa caucus by giving a good finish to a completely marginal candidate, Santorum, and since Romney and Santorum are allegedly at the top of the vote count, it gives a big boost to Romney.

While it may sound outrageous to suggest that votes might be stolen from one candidate and given to another, that was the case in the 2008 New Hampshire Republican primary.

As if it is any surprise that the PTB would steal an election? Many years ago my grandmother, who passed away in 1991, worked at the polling places, they would send the results in and the official results were not what they sent in. It is likely that many of our people who don't vote, don't vote for they know that the elections are rigged! Do we really think that powers that be would give up trillions of dollars and the ability to enslave and commit genocide over an honest election.

The PTB crimes are so many and so hideous that too lose power would mean to face earthly justice. While Ron Paul would not likely be the one to bring them to justice, if he was elected, the crack would soon bring exposure to the corruption of the PTB and allow a real opposition to rise to power.
Michael - The late Collier brothers' made a film called, I think,"Votescam". They managed to sneak into the place where the votes were being counted and videoed the nice ladies from the League of Women Voters actually punching holes in the votecards before security rushed them and threw them out. It is way easier now with the computerized no paper trail voting gag.

"What about Lincoln and Long? "

Both wanted an honest monetary system for this country, free from the manipulation and machinations of the international bankers (as in the Federal Reserve Bank). JFK too. That was Hitler's big crime too.

Concerning Paul and his racial views. I remember hearing him say a few years ago that he would try to get the Supreme Court to issue a ruling on so called "birthright citizenship" whereby everyone born on US soil is a citizen. He was clearly against it. He voted against the Dream Act in 2010. I believe he voted for reduction of legal immigration in 1995 when it reached the House floor (most Republicans, including those who are strongly pro-Zionist, voted for less legal immigration on that vote in 1995).
Concerning the "Santorum Surge" in Iowa, there was poll evidence, FWIW, by last week showing a Santorum surge. I personally was typing Santorum Surge a week ago on google to see what came up. The last Des Moines Register poll had Santorum pulling up to a near tie by late last week (he was down in the poll as a whole, but of those respondents asked toward the end of last week, it was a four day poll, he was pulling nearly even). What may be happening is that run of the mill Republican voters are looking for a non-Romney person, and Santorum is the latest beneficiary of this dynamic, just as Bachman, Gingrich, Cain and Perry were earlier. Santorum is just benefiting from good timing. GOP voters are so brainwashed to be pro-war, that Paul is getting a big chunk of his support from non-Republicans.
I'm now a Paul supportor after supporting McCain in the 2008 election when I still lived in Jersey. I drive with a Ron Paul bumper sticker on my car up here in Canada and sometimes get weird looks. Although Paul isn't the perfect candidate to me, he is the only man who will shake things up in America and change some of the disastorous things like the lack of liberties, police state, lock up state, zionism, war mongering and escalating trillions of dollar debt. My cousin has convinced 3 of his friends and father to vote for Paul, so you can all make a difference with people you are close to if you have persuasive abilities.
Yay, ToughJ is back! I agree that getting as many folks on the Paul bandwagon as possible is the right strategy. But then again, after reading everything that werewolf has posted here, why bother? What is the point of this thread? The next POTUS (or current re-elected POTUS, either way) has already been decided in the secret back rooms, so we should just focus on whatever "opiate for the masses" that we like and forget about it.:kev:
Good morning Gentlemen,
Just wanted to say this. For some reason, I've got a real good feeling about Dr. Paul. His time has come and more than that, the time for his ideas has come. He's looking good. After this New Hampshire Primary, if he comes in second, like it looks like he will, a couple of more candidates will drop out and it'll become increasingly harder to hide Dr. Paul as the primaries continue.

Like we all know, life is a crapshoot and nobody knows what's going to happen next, not even the bigshots. I believe something is going to happen to push Dr. Paul and his ideas front and center and once that happens, there's going to be no holding him back.

Tom Iron...
Good morning Gentlemen,
Just wanted to say this. For some reason, I've got a real good feeling about Dr. Paul. His time has come and more than that, the time for his ideas has come. He's looking good. After this New Hampshire Primary, if he comes in second, like it looks like he will, a couple of more candidates will drop out and it'll become increasingly harder to hide Dr. Paul as the primaries continue.

Like we all know, life is a crapshoot and nobody knows what's going to happen next, not even the bigshots. I believe something is going to happen to push Dr. Paul and his ideas front and center and once that happens, there's going to be no holding him back.

Tom Iron...

I hope you are right, Tom Iron. Just turned on the radio and heard Glenn (the anti-raysissum zio-crybaby) Beck raking Dr. Paul over the coals for his "racist newsletters" and then said he was more concerned with his ability to be a good multi-tasker than the comments in his newsletters. So he gives the other GOP candied-dates a pass on their horrible positions and/or hypocrisy and puts down the only decent man running. The same man who is largely responsible for creating Beck's beloved Tea Party. A lot of recent Tea Party converts, who are part of the GOP co-opting, don't even realize the fact that if it weren't for Dr. Paul, there probably wouldn't be a Tea Party. Ugh! :thumbdown:
Yay, ToughJ is back! I agree that getting as many folks on the Paul bandwagon as possible is the right strategy. But then again, after reading everything that werewolf has posted here, why bother? What is the point of this thread? The next POTUS (or current re-elected POTUS, either way) has already been decided in the secret back rooms, so we should just focus on whatever "opiate for the masses" that we like and forget about it.:kev:

Because the best laid plans of mice and men - and zionists and wall street oligarchs and reptilian politicians - gang aft agley (that's Yiddish) - and they've been eventually kicked out of almost every country on earth they've ever infested. They get drunk with their own power - hubris, chutzpah - until even the stupidest of the stupid goy canon fodder suckers can't help but notice, and then it's, "Hurry hurry! Peck up all the gelt in the suitcase already, Rachel, I can hear duh boots coming up duh stairs already!" Hubris, It's the defense mechanism of the human race against the world parasite.

Ozymandias by Percy Bysshe Shelley

I met a traveller from an antique land
Who said: "Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert. Near them on the sand,
Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown
And wrinkled lip and sneer of cold command
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them and the heart that fed.
And on the pedestal these words appear:
`My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings:
Look on my works, ye mighty, and despair!'
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare,
The lone and level sands stretch far away".

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