RB - Sam McGuffie

white lightning said:
I have now watched the film arond five times.I'm in awe everytime.This kid has moves that remind me of guys like L.Tomlinson,and B.Sanders.Sam is flat out incredible.His speed,jumping,juking,and cutting ability are among the best that I have ever seen! The sad thing is that there are probably other white running backs with similar talent that have been screwed over for the past 20-30 years.Thank God for sites like Youtube.com so that the average person can see kids like this playing the game of football at such a high level.Sam McGuffie has the total package.I can't wait to see where he goes to school.His senior year will be incredible!

I couldn't agree more. Even the most die hard caste supporters such as Bobby Bowden would have to give this kid a shot at RB. Not even a question about it his moves are that good. He can cut on a dime and excellerate like none other. Although I really hope Sam is aware of all the coaches out there who would move him to DB or WR in a second just because they don't want to risk whitey running the pigskin. He must choose his college carefully and get a guarantee that he'll be a HB.
5' 11" and wins the high jump!!?!!!

That says somethings about his athletic ability. Plus he ran the 800 Meters! That's a hell of a long way for a Runing Back. Sounds an excellent all round athlete.
Wow look at all the interest he's getting. Supposed interest from Ohio State also although not listed. Here are his choices. Can't believe Florida St. is on the list. MEMO: DO NOT PICK FLORIDA STATE AND RACIST "BLACK POWER" BOWDEN. You'll be amongst lots of black trouble makers there who not like a white guy running the ball.

Florida State
Iowa State
Notre Dame
Oklahoma State
Texas A&M
Texas Tech

This kid is obviously the best HB in the 2008 H.S class. It's proof since he was allowed on the Rivals 100. I think they only allowed him because of all the YOUTUBE views. You can't deny his Ladamian Tomlinson like talent after seeing it. Question, was it a caste football member who put him on YOUTUBE?
Look at all this blurb from Rivals.com

Sam McGuffie Audibles

"I'm an all-purpose guy. I'll play offense, defense, it doesn't matter. Since we don't have an abundance of athletes, I stay at running back. But when I go to college, I'll play anything - DB. I can kick. I can do punt return or kick return. I can do a little of everything." â€â€￾ Cy-Fair running back Sam McGuffie.


Edited by: ToughJ.Riggins
I dont like teh sound of this, sounds like teh kid is setting himself up to be moved to anotehr position....why dont white RB's shut their mouths or just say i wanna play RB.

Sam McGuffie Audibles

"I'm an all-purpose guy. I'll play offense, defense, it doesn't matter. Since we don't have an abundance of athletes, I stay at running back. But when I go to college, I'll play anything - DB. I can kick. I can do punt return or kick return. I can do a little of everything." â€â€￾ Cy-Fair running back Sam McGuffie.
Its pretty simple, he heard things from a Big time school like " I can't let a white boy run the ball on my team, I'll try you out at other positions but not RB" and " you wont be able to survive at 185 pounds, how about Safety or WR?" and he just adopted the mind set, I'm not throwing any name here but,you know, the second winningest coach un ncaa history must know one thing or two about football.........NOT.
Tough J Riggins could you post the link were McGuffie said he would play anywere. because i allways heard he wants to play RB and Michgan has told him they wouldn't recruit another if came on board.
a-train said:
Tough J Riggins could you post the link were McGuffie said he would play anywere. because i allways heard he wants to play RB and Michgan has told him they wouldn't recruit another if came on board.

that would be huge! is there a link anywhere that Wolverines actually went on a record saying that?
Yeah these idiot coaches heap bullsh*t upon bullsh*t to these naive 17 year old kids. I can already hear what the coaches are telling him: "Sam you look great on film. In fact so good we think you can be a breakout WIDE RECEIVER in our spread offense"..."Sam your instincts are incredible from what I've seen on video highlights. I think your just the type of impact SAFETY we've been looking for. Kind of a cross between Ed Reed and John Lynch"...these coaches will pull out these great sounding lines but if you read between the lines, as we do here at caste football, all the quotes have something to deal with switching positions in a subliminal manner. These coaches will give you all the reasons in the world why whitey should play another position beside RB.
From a story about the U of Michigan's spring game:

As starting tailback Mike Hart - out with a shoulder injury - and reserve Kevin Grady - out with a knee injury - watched from the sideline, freshman fullback Vince Helmuth logged multiple carries.

"You'll never see him get that many carries during the game,'' Hart said afterward, chuckling. "Because, you know, he's a white guy and all."

(OK I added the last sentence but isn't that what he was basically saying)

Sam, avoid the Wolverines like the plague!
Tough J Riggins the youtube vids (atleast the mixtape) were made and uploaded by one of Sam's friends. Sam has a few vids on his myspace page of himself running up a wall and doing a backflip.
Of all the schools that have a chance at landing Sam here are the schools he should go to and shouldn't go to based on whether or not they'll let him play HB:

THE GOOD: Iowa State, Kansas, NOTRE DAME, Texas A&M, Kansas St, Baylor, Cal,

THE QUESTIONABLE: Ohio St, Minnesota, Oklahoma St, Texas Tech, Arizona, Boston College

THE UGLY(Must Avoid at ALL COSTS): All Florida schools, Alabama, Michigan, Oklahoma, Texas, Georgia Tech, North Carolina, Penn St(Tim Shaw II waiting to happen)

Tell me what you guys think. I think Sam should definitely consider the GOOD schools first as they to me would give Sam a fair and legitimate shot at HB. The questionable schools are ones I wouldn't completely rule out. It's just that I'm not sure if they'd let Sam play HB or perhaps move him to CB or WR. The Ugly schools would have Sam beef up and play LB or FB(no kidding). Also I'm ranking the schools by what type of talent is on the team. Schools such as Baylor and Kansas would be terrific places for Sam to go because there is no one on their team who has his skill level. Therefore making it impossible for the coaches to move him from RB. At schools such as Michigan and USC, schools where Sam has said he would go to, they do indeed have a lot of talent at RB so it would be too easy for these teams to have a reason to switch Sam's position. I really hope Sam is aware of all of this and doesn't buy into these recruiters' bulls&it who in turn just want him as a WR or DB.Edited by: whiteCB
and Penn State recruited Tim Shaw to play runningback as well, look where it got him
If he goes to a BCS or especially a Big 10 school he will be screwed.
C Darwin said:
If he goes to a BCS or especially a Big 10 school he will be screwed.

How would he get screwed if he went to a Big 10 school? The Big 10 has a white guys playing CB and he has just a good of chance in the Big 10 then say the PAC 10 or Big 12.
whiteCB said:
How would he get screwed if he went to a Big 10
school? The Big 10 has a white guys playing CB and he has just a
good of chance in the Big 10 then say the PAC 10 or Big 12.

Reason 1: Tim Shaw

Reason 2: Not too many white male gentiles serve as university
presidents in the Big 10.Edited by: C Darwin
Gi-15 said:
new stuff on sammy :




he seem determined to get a starting gig as a RB.... but why in hell would he wants to go to USC??!?! havent they recruited like 4 4- or 5-star RB just this year? He think he can beat them all maybe? Confidence is a good thing, but don't become an another Tre Smith boy.

"Coach (Fred) Jackson texts me every single day. He says that they see me starting and I could be the first white freshman All-American running back"

I wonder if coaches remind black QB's of their skin color when they recruit them?

"I went up there to the (LSU)spring game and I was shocked at how slow their running backs were. I know I could go in there and really help the offense out. They really need speed."

I'm suprised Sam didn't get ridiculed for his 'racist' comment. Doesn't he know how much faster black people are. He should feel lucky to have his 'deceptive speed'.
The first white freshman all american running back.It has a nice ring to it.Is it too good to be true?I sure hope not.This kid needs to go where he will start and be able to produce right away.I love his confidence.He will not let them move him to another position.I guarantee that.We need more white running backs with his type of assertivness,confidence,and a little bit of a bad ass.He knows how good he is.This is what it will take to break through the Caste System.
love the kids confidence

also looking at the picture from that last article on him he has room to do a bunch of filling out which boads well for his nfl prospects (not that he could ever be big enough to play fullback but he looks like he could easily get up from 190 to 205-210)
C Darwin said:
whiteCB said:
How would he get screwed if he went to a Big 10
school? The Big 10 has a white guys playing CB and he has just a
good of chance in the Big 10 then say the PAC 10 or Big 12.

Reason 1: Tim Shaw

Reason 2: Not too many white male gentiles serve as university
presidents in the Big 10.

Yeah but that was Penn St and Penn St isn't going after him. Ohio St has used white WRs and CBs the past few years so who's to say that tressel's staff wouldn't give him a shot. Also Minnesota got what's his name another white RB from JUCO like last year. Just stay away from Michigan that's all I'm saying.
Where McGuffie will not go and why....

SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA - He's already stated that "early playing time is important". Considering USC's depth at the RB position it becomes unrealistic that he would see the field much until his junior or senior year. If at all.

LSU - McGuffie has already made ememies at LSU by insulting the RB's who are already there. His statement was "I couldn't believe how slow LSU's running backs are". I think that if Sam was serious about LSU then he'd have kept his mough shut.

OHIO STATE - This school could have a legitimate shot at landing McGuffie but they have yet to offer him a scholarship.

TEXAS A&M - Sam has a big ego and would want to play on a big stage. A&M falls just short of that. No offense to anyone who went there.

OKLAHOMA - It's in Oklahoma. Haha jk. This school has lots of depth at every position. At least according to Rivals.com. Yet for some reason the program appears to be sliding a bit. It seems a bit unrealistic that the Sooners will be winning a national championship anytime soon.

UCLA - Commuter school. No parties. 50% Asian school. A boring and very serious enviorment. The student section does not stand during games, they remain seated. Quiet crowd. The Bruins play at the Rose bowl witch is 45 minutes from campus. Won't win a championship. Not a high profile program.

BERKLEY - Not a very high profile program. No other negatives. He would definatly get playing time here.

FLORDIA - Look at that depth chart. Oh my. Won't get early playing time here. McGuffie will sense that Bobby Bowen doesn't believe in his tallent.

So it comes down to......

MICHIGAN - Deep at the running back position but they are not extrodinary. Nice atmosphere. Good academics but this is not a boring campus. Still a party/football school. Michigan's coaching staff seems to really believe in McGuffie. The coaches even promised not to recruit anymore RB's if he commits.

NOTRE DAME - With a last name like McGuffie the Irish already seem right for him. Weiss thinks that white kids can play the skill positions, this goes without saying, Weiss won't even have to bring it up with Sam. High profile program. Lack of depth at RB. Weiss already went down to visit McGuffie. When Weiss called Sam his hands were shaking and Charlie explained that to Sam that "he was speechless when viewing the tapes, had never seen anything like it". Notre Dame was one of the first schools to offer the kid. Big annoying, crazy, drunken, wierd, crowed that doesn't know how to shut the f**k up. This program is comming up, just look at who is comming into the program. Gonna have a good offensive line. The best QB in the country.

Edited by: OC football
He should go to Notre Dame.What could possibly be better?Sam would get to be on national tv every week showcasing his many talents.He would also have an outstanding chance to win the Heisman at a high profile school.To me it's a no brainer.Please let him go to the Fighting Irish!
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