playoffs 2006

The talking heads sure did enjoy ripping on Dirk for his sub par (but not that bad) performance. One guy on ESPNews said something like, "the Mavs win despite the remarkable lack of offense from Dirk Nowitzki." Remarkable? Below average, sure, but not remarkable. Shaq going 1-9 from the free throw line, now that's remarkable!
Dirk showed how far he has come in the past few years. He had a horrible game shooting but his all around play was very good. I knew after his first few shots he was going to have a bad day from the feild. When Dirk is at his worst he still is one of the best players on the court.
Game two was a blast to watch.The over the hill over hyped Shaq got held to 5 points.Ha.ha.ha.Dirk was the main man again scoring 26 points and pulling down an amazing 16 rebounds.Can we say MVP?The Mavs are up 2-0 and headed to Miami for two games.All they need to do is just get a split down there.Who knows,maybe if they win game 3,it could be a sweep but I doubt it.I just want a Mavs World Championship with a MVP for Dirk.So far so good!
One trick pony Shaq has been the goat of the series so far, but the announcers seem a lot more interested in putting the blame elsewhere -- on his teammates, the Dallas defense, the Mavs' game plan -- than putting the blame where it belongs.
Dirk led his team quietly too, allowing Wade and Stackhouse to get some points. Keith Van Horn had 5 points in 10 minutes. Dirk still leads his team without really trying. Clearly he is what the Mavs radio men and his teammates say, the team MVP. I hope he wins league MVP next year!
How many points could Dirk average if he gunned like some of the other superstars in the league? What a lot of people don't understand about guys like Nash and Dirk are is that they do what they do in the context of a team game. He passed up a lot of potential shots to get the ball to his teammates. Of course his unselfish play is one of the reasons the Mavs are where they are but the talking heads don't give him credit for that.
Very true, Realistic. Stackhouse got hyped a lot after the game for his "10-0 run" in the first half, but what they didn't point out was Dirk's two assists that led to seven of those points.
the only NBA analyst i like to listen to is former coach Hubie Brown. he really knows the game, and points out good play, regardless of color, hype, etc. of the player.

anyway, if you listen to him, he almost always points out that Dirk puts up huge numbers despite a very limited number of shots taken. he doesn't mention any names, but it's obvious who he's talking about (iverson, kobe, carter, mcgrady, etc.) when he talks about the top scorers in the league other than Dirk taking at least 8-10 more shots per game than he does.

he points out that Dirk cares more about winning than individual stats, and he goes on to say that those other guys hurt their teams more often than they help them because they put up too many bad shots and take a lot of shot opportunities away from their teammates.

furthermore, he adds that Dirk does his damage shooting 50% from the floor, better than 40% from 3-point range, and 90% from the line. amazing! none of those other guys are even close!

the team-first attitude is just one of the important things that Nash and Dirk have in common...
Dirk won't win a NBA tital he's to soft. Dirk dosent play defense, Dirk is not a leader.
Coach Brown is about the best there is right now. I wish he was still coaching the Grizzlies.
Shaq better get that tatoo removed off his bicep, it's bad advertising for DC comics.........
Roger Clemens and Brett Favre have been hounded for years by reporters about when they were going to retire, even though they were still at the top of their game. Are reporters asking Shaq if he's going to retire after the Finals? Seems like a perfectly legitimate question to me.
What a close game.I'm bummed that the Mavs lost after leading by 13 points on the road in the 2nd half.Dirk had 30 points but the team just fell apart down the stretch.It was unbeliveable that Paytons only shot the whole game went in for the game winner.He is so far past his prime,it's not even funny.The Mavericks will bounce back in game four.I 100% guarantee it.Man,that game hurt but at least it makes the series more interesting.
Dirk will bounce back. He's been a clutch player all playoffs like when he made that three point play against the spurs to save the mavs season. As long as he remains healthy rhe mavs will win this series.
He's the reason this team has gotten to this point, and he did have 30 points. But that is a free throw that he absolutely had to make, period. It was the biggest mistake of his career. Total choke fest.

(For the record, I'm giving him a hard time because I'm disappointed, not because I don't like him.)
JD074 said:
He's the reason this team has gotten to this point, and he did have 30 points. But that is a free throw that he absolutely had to make, period. It was the biggest mistake of his career. Total choke fest.

(For the record, I'm giving him a hard time because I'm disappointed, not because I don't like him.)

And you know damn well, that blacks will have a field day with that one .

Why do I have the fatalistic feeling that the Heat will now bounce back, and win the whole thing?
I'm pissed off right now but the Mavs will win in game five.There is no way that this team will lose three consecutive games.You guys can give me crap all year if they do.Dirk will bounce back and the Mavs will win a close one on Sunday.Then they will go back to Dallas and win the world championship that they deserve.
Wow one shot changed the whole series. If the Mavericks win on Sunday, they will close it out at home. If not anything is possible. I'm praying the bounces go there way on Sunday.......
I sure thought the Mavericks would do more than go 0-2 over the last 2 games. I think they will find their rhythm Sunday though and win the series.
Grrr!! Dirk choked again!!!

I'm waiting for that "bounce back"... it better come soon....

Also, I find it so strange how a team can be so awful one game, and so great the next, and vice versa. I now understand why some of us talk about sporting events being like of a WWE match. It's really quite amazing. Edited by: JD074
That bounce back game will happen tonight.Count on it.Dirk has to go back to being agressive throughout the whole game.That is when he is unstoppable.He needs to continue to drive to the hole and get to the line.Eventually,that will open up his outside game more and give him some open looks.It's put up or shut up time and Dirk will be up to the challenge.My prediction is a 40 point game tonight on the road in hostile conditions.This is what superstars do.He will respond in a huge way.Go Mavs!!
JD074 said:
Grrr!! Dirk choked again!!!

I'm waiting for that "bounce back"... it better come soon....

Also, I find it so strange how a team can be so awful one game, and so great the next, and vice versa.

I also find it amazing how quickly fans can jump off bandwagons after 2 games.
Yikes how could Dallas crack up like that. As much as the home crowd is a huge boost. They have to run the table over the next two, and Dirk needs to step up if they want to win. The supporting cast(aside from Terry) can't do it.......
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