playoffs 2006

This Dirk vs. Nash thing sort of reminds me of the whole Morrison vs. Reddick thing. Man the liberal PC media must be steaming that they have to give so many props to white guys this year.
I watched the game at a country western bar in my area. Out of all the Big Screen TV's in this bar they had smallest TV in the joint tuned into the Mavs/Suns game.
They had the volume muted at that so I had no idea that Dirk scored 50 until I saw it on sport center when I got home. But even watching the game on mute gave me a deeper impression that Dirk strongly shifted the tide of the game. As for Nash, its amazing how no one can stay with him on the court. This guy is SUPER FAST. During the next game notice how much space the defenders give Nash off the dribble. Even with that, he still blows by them with ease to comfortably lay the ball up as if he were doing lay-up drills in his backyard..
(Notice the pic in the above post. He left Jason Terry in his wake as if he were standing still and the rotation help from Josh Howard was woefully late. ).
He would really piss people off if he started dunking the ball with authority the next few times he shakes and bakes the defense. LOLOLOL

With that said, I predict that the Mavs will win the next game and advance to the finals. Even though I am a "Michigander" (or is it "Michiganian" or "Michiganite"), I am rooting for the Heat in the other series over the Detroit Pistons.Why does the Heat give Gary Payton so many of Jason Williams' point guard minutes?Since Jason Williams had earned the starting point guard spot, then why disrupt the offensive flow by playing a player (Payton) that is obviously on the twilight of his career?

The line from the last game was Williams 28 mins, Payton 20 mins.To me, a more logical ratio would've been Williams 38 mins, Payton 10 mins.
Colonel_Reb said:
What happened to their hair?

That buttcut of Dirk's was awful.
scoring 50 in the playoffs is impressive, but much more impressive is the fact that the player who did it was on the winning team. so often, those inflated point totals come at the cost of team and teammate success due to selfishly taking large numbers of bad shots.

Dirk scored his 50 shooting better than 50 percent from the floor, and he only missed one free throw as his his team won in a rout!

scoring 50 for the winning team can't have happened very many times in NBA playoff history. maybe one of you older historians could come up with some numbers of when that happened last and how often it has happened...

additionally, i believe Dirk was only the fifth player since 1970 to score 50 points and grab 10 or more boards in a playoff game. he had 12.
Edited by: Jimmy Chitwood
It's time for my Mavs/Suns prediction.I will predict another Mavs win tonight in a nail bitter.It will be a bitter fight to the last seconds but the Mavericks will win.I will predict a final of around 110-108.Dirk(The other MVP)will have 30 points and 15 rebounds.You heard it here first!
jcolec02 said:
is michiganblkman black???

For the record

My reasons for being here? I have joined other opinionated forums as well, such as;

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I prefer to see peoples opinions from a myriad of perspectives, even if I dont agree with EVERYTHING that is posted.
michiganblkman said:
I have joined other opinionated forums as well, such as;

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I prefer to see peoples opinions from a myriad of perspectives, even if I dont agree with EVERYTHING that is posted.

Professional troll.
finally a story giving Dirk his due: link
but it does have a weird last paragraph...

Time to put Dirk in Pantheon
By Bill Simmons
Page 2

Question No. 1: What has been the unsung story of the playoffs?

Dirk Nowitzki. Although that could change after his torching of Phoenix on Thursday night -- 50 points, 12 rebounds and one of the all-time "we're not gonna lose this game" explosions (scoring 24 of 34 Dallas points in one stretch to put the game away). I know Nash won the MVP, LeBron and Wade have more upside, Duncan is the best all-around player, Kobe is the most explosive ... but if you could count on one franchise guy in a playoff series this spring, would you pick anyone other than the world's most famous Hasselhoff fan?

It's been refreshing to watch a great player refine his game and make the necessary fundamental/philosophical changes to become a dominant force -- like realizing that it's not OK to bitch out teammates on national TV, or finding a consistent way to punish smaller defenders on isolation plays. Even before Thursday, I thought Dirk took a Bob Beamon-level leap from "Franchise Guy" to "Potential Pantheon Guy" over the past six weeks, capped off by his incredible seven-game stretch from Game 3 of the Spurs series through Game 3 of the Suns series where he averaged 29 points and 15 rebounds a game and made the single biggest play of the playoffs: the three-point play in Game 7 against the Spurs.

Considering the circumstances, didn't that play rank with Magic's sky hook against the '87 Celtics, Bird's steal-and-pass against the '87 Pistons, MJ's basket-steal-basket sequence to end the '98 Finals, Jerry West's half-court bomb to save Game 2 of the '70 Finals and every other I-need-to-come-up-big-RIGHT-NOW clutch play in NBA history? Think about the context: Dallas was 20 seconds away from blowing a 3-games-to-1 lead, trailing by three with 20 seconds left, reeling from a blown 20-point lead and a gut-wrenching, go-ahead bomb from Ginobili, and they were playing on the road to boot. So they call the play for Nowitzki, who would have settled for a fallaway jumper as recently as last spring. Not this year. He takes Bruce Bowen into the paint with that herky-jerky, back-you-down move he developed over the summer, sneaks by him, gets to the rim, absorbs the contact from Ginobili, finishes the shot, draws the foul AND buries the free throw.

Ask yourself this one: How many superstars have singlehandedly altered the course of the playoffs with one play?

One more: Is there anyone who can guard Nowitzki right now? Opponents don't bother sticking the taller Duncan/Garnett types on him (Dirk beats them off the dribble whenever he wants). The Bowen/Bell types don't have a chance because of his creative post-guys-up-at-the-foul-line game, which has become unstoppable now that he mastered his fallaway turnaround. So who's left? Lanky forwards like Shawn Marion or Tim Thomas would seem to have the best chance -- they haven't come close to stopping Nowitzki but at least made him work for his points -- but even when Dirk's shot isn't falling, he's adopted the Larry Bird trick of crashing the offensive boards and making up those points on putbacks and foul shots. And we haven't even mentioned his 3-point shooting yet. I just don't think there's any way to fully shut him down.

Which brings me to my point: Dirk is playing at a higher level than any forward since Bird. Everyone else from the past 25 years was flawed in some way. Garnett and Malone had trouble taking over games. Barkley was better suited as a second banana; teams could handle him in the final minutes because of his shaky shot selection. Duncan is the best all-around power forward ever, but his poor free-throw shooting makes him a dicey option down the stretch. (Just look at what happened at the end of regulation in Game 7: the Spurs ran the final play for Ginobili.) But Nowitzki doesn't have any holes -- he scores against anyone, makes his free throws, grabs big rebounds in traffic, protects the rim, even doles out the right amount of sneers and chest bumps. He's been a killer all spring, a true assassin, and I certainly never imagined writing that about Dirk Nowitzki.

One more note on this: we get carried away with basketball statistics nowadays, as evidenced by the new book that rated Allen Iverson as the 90th best player in the league during his MVP season. Why make it so complicated? Just add up the point, rebound and assist averages for franchise guys during the playoffs: If the number tops 42, you're probably talking about a pantheon guy. You could even call it the 42 Club, just as exclusive as the Five-Timer Club on SNL, only without the NBA equivalent of Elliott Gould.

Since it's my idea, I only allowed guys who played 13 or more playoff games in one postseason to be eligible, since that's a legitimate sampling (more than a month of basketball at the highest level). Here's what the 42 Club looks like since the ABA/NBA merger in 1976:

Michael Jordan (six times) -- 49.4 ('89); 50.7 ('90); 45.9 ('91); 46.5 ('92); 47.8 ('93); 43.8 ('97)
Shaquille O'Neal (four times) -- 43.6 ('98); 49.2 ('00); 49.0 ('01); 43.9 ('02)
Larry Bird (four times) -- 42.0 ('81); 44.4 ('84); 43.4 ('86); 44.2 ('87)
Moses Malone (twice) -- 43.0 ('81), 43.3 ('83)
Magic Johnson (twice) -- 43.8 ('86), 42.5 ('91)
Karl Malone (twice) -- 43.0 ('92), 42.9 ('94)
Hakeem Olajuwon (twice) -- 44.2 ('94), 47.8 ('95)
Tim Duncan (twice) -- 42.7 ('01), 45.4 ('03)
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar -- 47.1 ('80)
Charles Barkley -- 44.5 ('93)
Kobe Bryant -- 42.8 ('01)
Allen Iverson -- 43.7 ('01)
Kevin Garnett -- 44.0 ('04)
LeBron James -- 44.7 ('06)
Dirk Nowitzki -- 45.1 ('06, ongoing)

Here's why I love the 42 Club: There isn't a single fraud on that list, with the possible exception of the Mailman (that's a whole other column). Every memorable spring from the past three decades is represented except for three: Bill Walton in '77 (didn't score enough); Bernard King in '84 (played only 12 games); and Magic in '87 and '88 (he just missed). Just like in real life, the best seasons of Patrick Ewing, David Robinson and Clyde Drexler fell short. Those career year/MVP seasons for KG, Barkley and Iverson all qualified, as did Kobe's ridiculous 2001 season (when he peaked as an all-around player). MJ leads the list with six appearances, which seems logical because he was the most dominant player of that era. And LeBron cracked the list at age 21, which was fitting because we'll be electing him lifetime president of the 42 Club within the next 12 years.

Did I ever believe that Nowitzki would crack the 42 Club? No way. Just two summers ago, I skewered the Mavs for refusing to part with him in a Shaq trade; by my logic, they were passing up two or three guaranteed championships to keep someone who wasn't quite a franchise player. Well, I was wrong. (Although not completely wrong -- would you rather have Nash and Shaq or Nowitzki and Dampier?) Regardless, he's the most unstoppable player in basketball, a true franchise guy, and I think he's headed for his first championship in about two weeks.

(The only catch: Does it scare anyone else that the NBA's alpha dog could end up being a German guy? Remember, this is the same country that started two World Wars last century and deliberately crippled Pele in "Victory." We need to be careful here -- we don't want to give them their confidence back. I'm willing to accept Dirk's reign, but only if he accepts the championship trophy by re-enacting Rocky Balboa's speech from Christmas Day, 1986 -- "If I can change, and you can change, EVERY VUN can change!" -- as a sobbing Mark Cuban hugs David Stern in the background.)
That was a good article on my favorite player.I will be wearing my Dirk Jersey everywhere even more now.I said all year long that the finals would be Dallas vs Miami.It turned out to be true.If only I would have laid down some money in Vegas.Ha.ha.Anyways,I think the last paragraph was mostly tongue in cheek humor.Germany is in no position to start any more world wars and they have contributed to many great hi-tech things due to their intelligence.
Also, concerning Germany starting two world wars, World War One was begun by Austria-Hungary declaring war on Serbia in the aftermath of the assasination of Archduke Ferdinand. Germany was backing its key ally, which they had to do once it was clear that Russia would (foolishly)intervene on Serbia's behalf.
White Shogun said:
michiganblkman said:
I have joined other opinionated forums as well, such as;

Pro Life forums
Pro Choice forums
Right wing forums
Left wing forums
Islamic forums
Pro Black forums
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I prefer to see peoples opinions from a myriad of perspectives, even if I dont agree with EVERYTHING that is posted.

Professional troll.

LOL@White Shogun.

This comment prompted me to lookup this definition online. I didn't find "professional troll" but I did find "internet troll" on wikipedia.

"In Internet terminology, a troll is someone who comes into an established community such as an online discussion forum, and posts inflammatory, rude or offensive messages designed intentionally to annoy and antagonize the existing members or disrupt the flow of discussion (see Anonymous Internet posting)."

I dont think I have ever posted any inflammatory or rude messages since I became a member of this forum (I did monitor the board for a few months BEFORE I registered as a member however), but I will leave that open for debate.
I will tell you this Dallas is going to run right over the miami heat. expect this to be a short series.

dallas 4-1 maybe 2
michiganblkman said:
I dont think I have ever posted any inflammatory or rude messages since I became a member of this forum (I did monitor the board for a few months BEFORE I registered as a member however), but I will leave that open for debate.

michiganblkman is not a troll. he has posted politely and within guidelines. it's hard to think that he is actually black since other black posters have been so hostile but there is no reason to doubt his word. I see nothing wrong with blacks that want to help celebrate white athletes as there are plenty of whites that celebrate black athletes.
onewarrior5 said:
I will tell you this Dallas is going to run right over the miami heat. expect this to be a short series.

dallas 4-1 maybe 2

I'll go with Dallas in 6 but maybe 7 which is fine with me cause that would be awesome for Dallas to win it on their home court.
I'll take the Mavs in 7 as well.Wade and Shaq will make this a difficult but winnable series.I want Dirk to get the MVP of the Nba Finals!

EVERY black person that I have discussed this series with (typical workplace watercooler discussion) has predicted the MAVS in six games. (some have even said 5 games)

A common comment?

"Dirk is going to score fifty (or is it fitty?) every game. There is NO ONE on the Heat that can stop him."

They dont mention Cuban, Johnson, Terry, or Howard. They only talk about Dirk.

Are most of them sore because the Pistons lost or are they really fans of Dirk?

BTW, I am rooting for the HEAT. Not because I dont like Dirk, but because I HATE Kobe, Phil Jackson, and the current Laker regime.Edited by: michiganblkman
Welcome to the board Michiganblkman.

It's nice to be able to communicate about racial matters that we feel are important with a black man that actually responds with clear and intellegent responses. By the way, I'm pulling for Dallas(of course), but totally agree about the Laker situation. I used to dislike Shaq tremendously but have reversed my opinion and feel he is alright. He handled the Kobe problem with grace and seems to have more to his character than just another ballplayer. I admire his desire to join the police force when his playing days are through. Heck, maybe he can even lock up the whining rapist Kobe one day. One can only hope!
In the finals the two key whites are Nowitzki and Williams. With a little Van Horn on the side. Shaq? Kind of a big lug so hard to work up negative feelings about him-unlike say Iverson who I don't like at all.
Dirk has been huge and while he is not as exciting as Larry Bird he has been pretty darn productive out there. Of course Bird may have been the most exciting player ever.
I have been a big fan of Jason Williams since his Florida days. The media has hated him from the get go and even some members of this group don't like him--for whatever reason--he listens to rap? He has been underrated his entire career. He was part of the Kings resurgence and was a guiding light as the Grizzlies finally started winning. So here he is now in the latter stages of his career, gamely battling injuries and years of bruises and running pg for the Heat . Yeh he is in and out of games but he is still capable and in the deciding game against the Pistons he was superb. He cut through them like a knife and shot the ball real well. In fact the biggest liability for Jason has been his shooting. If he was a better all around shooter he would have been a superstar. As it is he is still fun and don't underestimate him in this series.
For a guy that so many people despise he has always been a team player and has never been a ball hog hence Riley plucked him away from Memphis. Should be a fun series.
You don't like AI ... but are a fan of Jason Williams, who I'm sure wishes
he were AI?
Saying that he simply "listens to rap" is a huge understatement. He's very "whiggerish." That makes me uncomfortable. But he's a good player and I wish him well. I'm rooting for the Mavs, but I'm not rooting against him.
Mavs win game one by 10 points.It was quite impressive because Dirk only had 16 points but he did have 10 rebounds,3 steals and 4 assits!Way to go Mavs.
That was an unreal second quarter! I hope they can do it 3 more times in a row. It's great to see this series.
Expect Dirk to bounce back with a 30 point game.It is almost impossible to stop Nowitzki two games in a row!It would make the Mavs Championship so sweet if Dirk can win the MVP.It will open alot of eyes just like his 50 point 12 rebound game did!Kick some ass Dirk!
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