playoffs 2006

Great article WS.

Once again two terrible calls or non-calls in the final 30 seconds not to mention most of the game; Nowitski getting called for a foul for recieving yet another forearm push-off from Wade, and Terry's Jersey being pulled on the final shot.
I have nothing else to say.It's all been said and we all know how the fouls were called.At least Wade is a good guy who carries himself very well.Sorry about all of the predictions guys but Nowitzki has been my favorite player for around five years and I was just so pumped for the Mavs to win.Maybe I jinxed them.Hell no,the nba and the refs did.I know what I saw!!
Once again tonight the Heat shot more free throws than the Mavs on the Mavs home floor. 37 FT attempts by the Heat and 23 by the Mavs. I believe that makes a difference of 54 FT attempts for the series.
One of the worst called games I've ever seen! Well, at least Pat Riley passed Phil Jackson in a few more coaching categories by winning this title. Hey, I have to hang my hat on something!
About the ridiculous foul call on Dirk at the end of the 4th quarter, the play by play announcer proclaimed, "He was at the wrong place at the wrong time." Huh??!!
Rigged by officiating or not, the result shouldn't be that surprising. Quite a few more Europeans and white Americans are going to have to step it up before the racial dynamics of the NBA change, a change the Caste System will strongly resist. But whites areknocking on the door and there are more good white college players than there has been in a long time. It'ssimilar tothe way March Madness turned out with our favorite teams and players, very disappointing but the glass is far from empty in spite of the way this series turned out. Dirk played a strong game tonight, but with Shaq nearing the end, Wade becomes the new superstar for the media to idolize. He's already been named one of People magazine's "50 Most Beautiful People." Let the shameless worshipping begin! In the meantime Nowitzki will be even better next year.
Poop, I logged on to point out the disparity in free throws, too - 37 v 23. And the Mavs had home court advantage??

I was irritated the last couple of games but once I saw how poorly (deliberately?) Game 5 was called, I actually found humor in the situation. This series was so poorly officiated that even the casual fan will know about it, and it will only drive the NBA ratings further into the toilet. The officiating in this series will draw more notoriety than the refs did in the Seahawks - Steelers Super Bowl.

I don't know what I would do if I were Mark Cuban. Sell the team? Thats what they want. He has to know now that he will never win an NBA title while David Stern is the commissioner.
One of the worst called games I've ever seen! Well, at least Pat Riley passed Phil Jackson in a few more coaching categories by winning this title. Hey, I have to hang my hat on something!

Pat Riley makes me want to puke. I like Avery Johnson alot better.

Wade becomes the new superstar for the media to idolize. He's already been named one of People magazine's "50 Most Beautiful People." Let the shameless worshipping begin!

Well if any player deserve Idolizing its' Wade, Him and the refs beat Dallas without much help from the rest of the heat.

By the way I feel sick
All I know is it was VERY stupid for the Dallas Morning News to publish the parade route in our newspaper after the Mavs went up 2-0.

And for our local ABC affiliate to title their newscasts as "Destination NBA Title"...

And for Cuban to guarantee a series victory on the David Letterman show ...

Yes, it's a lot of "counting your chickens before they hatch" but I have to admit even I was guilty of that euphoria as well. (Up 2-0 and leading by 13 in the 4th quarter in Game 3 I was thinking this was a piece of cake).

What can you say? The Heat made damn sure Dirk wasn't going to beat them in the 4th quarter & it worked like a charm. Shoot, one can argue Riley did a masterful job pretty much the whole series. While I am as depressed as the next guy over how the series turned out, credit the Mavs for a great run & look for things to be even better next year! (Remember the Mavs are young -- the Heat are a veteran team). Lastly, I do have to give credit to Wade. He did get a lot of bogus calls at times, but he's clearly the "real deal". He seems pretty humble & a decent guy -- certainly a much better poster boy for the NBA than A.I, Kobe, Marbury, etc.
Look, Wade may be a great guy and all that, but the refs won this series for the Heat, hands down. You combine the league's hatred of Mark Cuban with the 'star' power of Shaquille O'Neal and their new poster boy, and I'm kinda surprised now that any of us even thought that the Mavs had a chance.

The NBA is worse than a boxing match involving a Don King fighter. At least the other guy has a chance of a KO to win a boxing match and avoid going to a decision. The guys on the basketball court can't do anything to beat the refs.
JD074 said:
KG, what f*cking bandwagon?!? I've liked Dirk for several years. That's why this is so depressing. If the Mavs lose this series, Dirk will go down as one of the biggest choke artists in NBA Finals history. And it's hard to stomach him having such difficulty with mediocre players like Haslem and Posey. Bowen couldn't stop him, Marion couldn't stop him, but Haslem can?!? Nauseating.

I can root for a player and still criticize him. I know you're kidding around, but still, f*ck off.

And I agree with White Tornado: White Lightning, no more predictions!!!

Well, Dirk is getting plenty of criticism from our enemies. I don't think he needs more from us. I think a little loyalty is in order. And I don't think he choked at all. He played very well. The whole defense was geared to stop him and he only had one bad game. Everyone blames him over one missed free throw. He could have just missed it with no choke involved. He made several clutch plays throughout this series and the rest of the playoffs - enough to absolve him of all of these "choke artist" claims.
The writing was on the wall, the wailing wall, before this series began. Dallas was too dominant the first two games for anything to be done. It's kinda like fighting a Don King fighter, you have to win by knockout.
The call with no time left was whacky, Wade ran into Dirk. Dirk gets the block, when will the foreign object get pulled out of the refs pants and Wade can smash it across Dirk's head.........
. Either that or the NBA applies for a sports entertainment license........
Come on, don't tell me you think Phil Jackson is as good a coach as Red Aurbach. The only reason he won championships is because he usually had 2-3 of the best current players on his teams. Pat Riley can coach circles around Jackson.
While neither team was very attractive to me, it should have been obvious to everyone here that no team coached by Pat Riley, with players like Shaq, Wade, Payton and Mourning was going to be allowed to lose to a team with a white superstar like Dirk. Even after Mark Cuban did his ethnic cleansing of the roster a few years back, keeping a white star was still too much. Larry Bird was the last white superstar to be permitted to lead his team to an NBA title. Steve Nash, Dirk, Andrew Bogut, Adam Morrison, etc., will just not be allowed to do that in Don King's America. These games are as fixed as pro wrestling "matches." How do you give one player (Wade) so many free throws? All he had to do was throw up any kind of ridiculous shot, or just attempt to drive to the basket, and the referees would blow the whistle and give him two more free throws. It was like watching Iverson play. On a side note, where was Keith Van Horn during this series? Why do they keep shuffling this very talented guy around from team to team, only to play him less at each new stop? Imagine how he feels, sitting on the bench and knowing he can play circles around most of the derelict blacks ahead of him.
Other missed calls: Gary Payton switching his pivot foot late in the game. He took a step, then another step.......... it was the most obvious travel I've seen since I watched my son's 3rd grade league game. Mourning slamming into the guy after the block. It wouldn't have been a foul for 99% of the players in the league but if the recipient of the blow had been Wade he'd have been on the line.

Wade was real obvious on his technique for drawing fouls in this last game. He jumps in the air like he's shooting, jerks his body spasmodically like he was hit with an electric shock, and then flops on the ground like a fish. There were a couple of times where the defender was far enough away to where they didn't call it and it was quite comical to watch. The sad part is that it worked WAY too often.
Even though I actively root against the NBA because it's a culture that's been permeating our society for 20 years, I still watched the game and rooted for Miami last night for the sole reason of hoping it didn't go 7. When Dallas was up 2-0 I rooted for them to sweep. Anything to get the NBA from ascending even more.

But the facts are that Dallas couldn't hit their shots. I agree the NBA is definetly a rigged league, but you can only rig it so much. If Dallas hits even a few more shots, they win going away.

I was listening to ESPN radio this morning and of course, they are now officially giving Dirk the choke tag. These from the same clowns who just last freakin' week were saying Miami couldn't compete and Shaq was done.

Of course, no word about Wade choking on the last two free throws that would have sealed it.

ESPEN sucks. That is all there is to it.
This playoff run was my first opportunity to see Dirk in action. I don't watch any NBA until the playoffs and only became interested this year because of Nash and Dirk. The thing I really like about Dirk is that he is instinctively a team player. If there is a teamate with a better shot he will automatically pass it without thinking. Most of the superstars in the league take several questionable shots or in the case of guys like Iverson take a LOT of questionable shots but Dirk will pass in those situations.

I think the series came down to Wade's treatment by the refs. If the game was called correctly Wade would have made about 10 trips to the line per game instead of 20. The Dallas defenders wouldn't have played him so tentatively and they could have been tighter on Haslem and Walker. Essentially Wade's star treatment left Haslem open all night and he made his shots, end of story. Another factor was Dirk's lack of star treatment, he may have been on the receiving end of a call or two but it seemed like Haslem mugged him the entire series.

Wade shot 48 free throws in 6 games in the first round of the playoffs, 53 in 5 games in the 2nd round, 52 ins 6 games in the 3rd round and NINETY SEVEN in 6 games in the finals? Does anyone really believe that Dallas played that much worse defense than Chicago, New Jersey, and Detroit?
I've been talking to a few people who are happy the Mavs lost because of Mark Cuban, and believe it or not - Dirk's temper! I'm not kidding! There are people out there who wanted the Heat to win because Dirk lost his cool!

Edited by: White Shogun
I agree that the number of calls that went the Heat's way was suspicious, but Wade did play great and deserves credit.

What is NOT true however, is that Dirk choked. Ridiculous. He played like the top 5 player he is, despite the fact that he was double or triple teamed every time he got the ball. The Mavs missed a large # of open 3's yesterday.....if even 1 or 2 of those were made, we would be going to a 7th game.
After the bogus officiating I have witnessed in this series,The NBA is fixed big time."The Powers That Be" wanted Miami to win and they got their wish.I hardly watch basketball nowadays anyway but after what I've seen I am done with all it completely.
One thing you have to wonder is how good could have the Mavs been if they still had Steve Nash. At times during the games the Mavs looked like they didn't have a clue of what to do offensively. Nash certainly would have been able to get something going offensively during those offensive lags. In the end it may not have made a difference as I am pretty sure the refs would have just blown the whistle even more and sent Wade to the 40 times a game instead of just 20.

Dirk was the only player who seemed to know how to pass the ball. While the rest of the Mavs showed a complete inability to get Dirk the ball in a timely fashion.
Devon Harris (Nash's replacement) was particularily horrible; Missing easy lay-ups and wide open jumpers. With nobody playing him out on the three point line (because he has no shot), Miami was allowed an extra defender to close up the lane.

The basketball was equally as ugly on Miami's side; Saved only by chicken sh*t referees bailing out Wade as he plays 1 on 5 basketball. But no surprises here. That's the way the NBA finals have looked at least during and since the Jordan ERA.
pt.guard2 said:
I agree that the number of calls that went the Heat's way was suspicious, but Wade did play great and deserves credit.

What is NOT true however, is that Dirk choked. Ridiculous. He played like the top 5 player he is, despite the fact that he was double or triple teamed every time he got the ball. The Mavs missed a large # of open 3's yesterday.....if even 1 or 2 of those were made, we would be going to a 7th game.
The Mavericks supporting cast underperformed in the losing games. Aside from Terry they should all hide their faces. Also if they have Nash they win as he would have gotten Dirk easier looks by penetrating and dishing it out, but ifs and buts were candies and nuts we all would have a merry christmas...
Phil Jackson was on Dan Patrick show this afternoon, and even HE commented about the favoritism shown to Wade. He and Patrick discussed the way the game is played today, versus in Jordan's day, and Jackson said that Jordan never went to the line as many times as did Wade in this series. Phil said that he would like to see how good Wade is when he isn't getting the calls, when the calls are going the other way, and then you will get a better feel for how good Wade may really be.

They discussed the way the game is played today, how it affects the draft, coaching strategy, e.g. Jackson said that if the refs called the game the way they do today back in the Jordan era, his strategy would have been to have the other four players stand around and let Jordan make every play. Phil said he can't imagine how much greater Jordan might have been if he had received as many calls as Wade did in this series, shooting 20+ free throws per game.

All in all I was kind of shocked to hear comments like this from an NBA coach and talking head like Dan Patrick. Just goes to show how blatant and obvious was the favoritism shown by the refs to Wade and the Heat.
KG2422 said:
Well, Dirk is getting plenty of criticism from our enemies.

A broken clock is right twice a day.

KG2422 said:
I don't think he needs more from us. I think a little loyalty is in order.

Loyalty towards some jock? Come on. I'm not a typical loser sports fan who pins all his hopes and dreams on some stupid game. It's just sports. And he's not even my favorite player, as you can see from my avatar.
But if I'm disappointed in a white player, I'll rip on him, simple as that. It's about reality, not loyalty.

KG2422 said:
And I don't think he choked at all. He played very well.

In game Six? I didn't even watch it. I knew they'd lose. Nobody will remember that he played well in game six. They'll remember the missed free throw, 2-for-16, and getting beat by Haslem. Not the stuff that legends are made of.

Edited by: JD074
JD074 said:
Loyalty towards some jock? Come on. I'm not a typical loser sports fan who pins all his hopes and dreams on some stupid game. It's just sports. And he's not even my favorite player, as you can see from my avatar.
But if I'm disappointed in a white player, I'll rip on him, simple as that. It's about reality, not loyalty.

That's exactly the problem our race is facing. We are too individualistic. Most of us don't care about the group. I presumed that the reason anyone would post regularly here would be out of loyalty to your race. That includes loyalty to "some jock". And you say it's "just sports" but you have a lot of posts for someone with that attitude. Sports is a major part of how a people view themselves. They have a major influence on our youth, especially males. I believe that is important, and I hope you're not suggesting that I'm "some loser sports fan that pins all of his hopes and dreams on some stupid game". You say that Dirk is not your favorite because you have an avatar of AK. That's great, but my avatar is of me. I'm the only one that is responsible for my hopes and dreams.Edited by: KG2422
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