KG2422 said:
That's exactly the problem our race is facing. We are too individualistic. Most of us don't care about the group.
I care about the group, I just don't equate loyalty to an athlete with loyalty towards the group. Don't confuse me with a typical sports fan or talking head who hates white athletes. I don't hate them, but I will criticize them if they disappoint me.
Having said that, it's perfectly fine to be biased (not completely honest) about white athletes. You can sugarcoat what happened in the Finals if you'd like. I'm not being sarcastic either. I don't believe in fairness or objectivity. I criticize white athletes because it pisses me off to see them fail, not because I'm trying to be objective or honest.
KG2422 said:
I presumed that the reason anyone would post regularly here would be out of loyalty to your race. That includes loyalty to "some jock".
Actually, I don't think the issue is loyalty to the white race. White people are our biggest enemy. The issue, in my mind, is changing the culture of the West so that white people can openly and freely pursue their best interests. If anything, we need to resist the white race because it's committing suicide. We need to rail against the white race in order to save it. Call it "tough love."
KG2422 said:
And you say it's "just sports" but you have a lot of posts for someone with that attitude.
A lot of those aren't about sports. Sports are okay.
KG2422 said:
Sports is a major part of how a people view themselves. They have a major influence on our youth, especially males. I believe that is important, and I hope you're not suggesting that I'm "some loser sports fan that pins all of his hopes and dreams on some stupid game".
No, I wasn't talking about you, sorry if it looked that way.
KG2422 said:
You say that Dirk is not your favorite because you have an avatar of AK.
No, AK is my avatar because he's my favorite player.
Edited by: JD074