North Carolinas' Amendment 1

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So the law passed. Good for North Carolina. Now I guess all those gay people will have to marry the opposite sex, and keep passing on whatever genetic defect makes them gay to begin with. This does not seem like the solution to the gay problem to me. Sounds like it is only going to keep making more of them.

You should stop making straw man arguments, it's dumb and it defeats the purpose of making your point to anyone that might agree. Which is very few people on this site so you are basically just trolling.

Your straw man argument that because gay people can't "marry" they will have to marry opposite sex people is absurd. They can choose to NOT marry anyone as a huge growing segment of the population is doing right now. It's not an either or and never has been. There is virtually zero pressure for any two people to marry, I know a couple that has been together for 10 years and just now decided to get married. (I advised against it).

To respond to your earlier post the fact that you cannot recognize that societies develop customs and habits that help in thier fitness and survival is telling. One man-one woman marriage is the dominant paradigmn of human societies, the fact that you cannot understand that this is obviously a behaviour that has helped with the social evolution of humankind, because of it's success, is unfortunate.

My comment that homosexuality is rare is unquestionable in that is is occurring in less then a tenth of the population. There are probably more schizophrenics and pyschopaths in the population then gay people. Hopefully you don't get on their bandwagon and try to normalize them too.

And finally it is really ridiculous to make an assertion that you "favor gay marriage but not with the tax benefits of straight people" because you know, or should know that no one cares what you think, it's going to be about who has the power to grab what, and with legalization they will have the power. The fact that you made this argument shows that you are either a shallow thinker, intentionally misleading people, or 15 years old.
El Whitey said:
I honestly don't care if gay people get married. Let me assure the people of "faith" here, it will not cause any terrorist attacks or hurricanes if they do. Most terrorist attacks are in fact caused by people of "faith" and hurricanes are caused by atmospheric pressure.

Right, because everyone posting on this thread was undoubtedly suggesting that the legalization of gay “marriage” in North Carolina would “cause” such events. Arguments are always better when articulated using your oppents' direct quotes.

El Whitey said:
But to respond to the accusations, I've been a member of CF for years. I hadn't posted in a long time though, and had to re-register because I forgot my login and pw. I didn't spend much time thinking of a clever new name.

Really, what was your former screen name? If you cared enough to create a positive “first impression” after your alleged hiatus, then your inspiration to pen your maiden series of posts around your defense of (or at least demonstrating your apathy for) gay “marriage” was certainly imprudent. Of course, you decided to suddenly reappear and express said opinions during one of Caste Football’s most pathetic troll infestations ever. Did you not expect to be labeled as such?

El Whitey said:
Here's another question for you. You do know that Jesus wasn't white, right? The only white men in the middle east 2000 years ago were Europeans, probably conquerors. You're taking moral guidance from a middle eastern, dark skinned 2000 year old jew, you know?

Yes, Jesus was certainly born to Jewish parents. His 13-year old mother, Mary of Nazareth/Galilee, was herself born to Jewish parents (Joachim and Anna), supposedly descendants of Aaron, who was of “Levite” descent. The Tribe of Levi, of course, was an ancient ethno-religious Jewish community repeatedly mentioned in the Old Testament. Joseph, the adoptive father of Jesus, was also Jewish, but due to the alleged “immaculate conception,” his genes were not passed on to Jesus. Galilee, the region where Jesus was born and raised, was located on the very northern portion of modern-day Israel, near modern-day Lebanon. This area, including the nearby city of “Sepphoris,” was believed to have been largely “Hellenized” (occupied) by the Greeks several years before the birth of Christ. This, coupled with the natural ethnocentrism of European Christians (whose white predecessors were hellishly tortured by Jewish Christians before eventually denouncing their beautiful, native pagan religions), along with the precious few physical descriptions of God/Jesus, such as this passage from Psalm 45: 2” (written before the birth of Jesus), may be responsible for Jesus constantly being portrayed as a white man with light features…

Psalms 45:2 said:
Thou art fairer than the children of men; Grace is poured into thy lips: Therefore God hath blessed thee for ever.”

Unfortunately, there is no physical description of Jesus (while he was alive, anyway) in any Christian texts. In “Isaiah 53:2,” Jesus’ appearance is described as such…

Isaiah 53:2 said:
“He had no beauty or majesty to attract us to Him, nothing in His appearance that we should desire Him.”

Translation – Jesus actually resembled the other in-bred sand-negroes traditionally found in the region at the time. That is: gaunt, dirty, bearded, jet-black eyes, curly, jet-black hair, a slender skull with a gargantuan nose featuring flared nostrils, and brown to olive skin.

El Whitey said:
So the law passed. Good for North Carolina. Now I guess all those gay people will have to marry the opposite sex, and keep passing on whatever genetic defect makes them gay to begin with. This does not seem like the solution to the gay problem to me. Sounds like it is only going to keep making more of them.

Yeah, right. Due to the mass acceptance (nay, preferment) of homosexuality among the effeminate, ever-inebriated, Negro-jock-sniffing, TV-addicted, tradition-abhorring, Jew-afflicted white populace (not to mention all public institutions and most private institutions) dwelling within the in the concrete colon that has become the Angloshere, very few gays attempt to “fit in” and marry women or sire children. I know that you “don’t care what gays do” and all, but you can at least get with the times.
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It looks like the yes vote for Amendment 1 had broad support from whites and blacks. Somehow I don't think this is what liberals imagine when they think about whites and blacks coming together for the common good. Looks like opposition to amendment one was in college town areas and the research triangle area. No surprises there either. This is another reason why liberals generally aren't in favor of a whole lot of referenda, things tend to be less controllable.
It looks like the yes vote for Amendment 1 had broad support from whites and blacks. Somehow I don't think this is what liberals imagine when they think about whites and blacks coming together for the common good. Looks like opposition to amendment one was in college town areas and the research triangle area. No surprises there either. This is another reason why liberals generally aren't in favor of a whole lot of referenda, things tend to be less controllable.

Right referendum, blacks voted for Amendment 1 by a 2:1 margin, higher than the 61/39 general population! Now the MSM is having trouble with how BO will come out about it, I believe he is quote as saying he was disappointed that the measure passed.
When El Whitey says it ends with him and 2 consenting adults on the issue of homosexuals and gay marriage, he is wrong.

El Whitey, I'm thinking has no children, because if he did he would know that gay agenda ranges into every segment including our schools. The gay agenda is being taught. Many schools from elementary through high school are teaching tolerance for gay children and the gay lifestyle, saying little Johnny has 2 daddys and it's fine and completely normal.

So tell me again El Whitey, where does it end?

On a side note: I'm having trouble pulling individual sentences or paragraphs from larger posts. Can someone explain to me how to do this?

Thank you.
It looks like the yes vote for Amendment 1 had broad support from whites and blacks. Somehow I don't think this is what liberals imagine when they think about whites and blacks coming together for the common good. Looks like opposition to amendment one was in college town areas and the research triangle area. No surprises there either. This is another reason why liberals generally aren't in favor of a whole lot of referenda, things tend to be less controllable.

The same thing happened in California a few years ago when a similar amendment was on the ballot, blacks and Whites both voted against homosexual marriage in large numbers. The Cultural Marxists that run the media were furious and blamed it on the Mormons funnelling lots of money into the state. The Jewish/homosexual/corporate ruling regime doesn't like it when Americans show opposition to one of their pet issues; we're supposed to argue and decide whether the garbage should be picked up on Tuesday or Thursday, but we're not supposed to upset the apple cart when it comes to the important stuff. Expect a "liberal" judge to quickly over-rule the sentiments of the voters of North Carolina.
Expect a challenge financed by the usual culprits citing the equal protection clause of the 14th amendment. Remember that the "right" to murder babies is based off of the 1st amendment. This is far from over.
"You should stop making straw man arguments,.... Which is very few people on this site so you are basically just trolling."

What argument was a straw man? Since you are a moderator, tell me what this website's defintion of trolling is. From what I understand, trolling is unproductive ad homs, picking fights for the sake of picking fights, not staying on topic. Trolling is NOT arguing a position that is unpopular with the current company. That is called debating. We can all agree that we're all here because white athletes are constantly underrated and ignored. But this is another topic brought up by a member, so its fair to comment, and its fair to state my views. That's not trolling.

"Your straw man argument that because gay people can't "marry" they will have to marry opposite sex people is absurd."

Oh, that strawman. I was talking to Carolina Speed. He argued Jesus told men to marry women and vice versa. I was responsing to that statement. Therefore not a strawman.

"One man-one woman marriage is the dominant paradigmn of human societies, the fact that you cannot understand that this is obviously a behaviour that has helped with the social evolution of humankind, because of it's success, is unfortunate."

What are you talking about, bro? Yes, most people are straight. Straight people get married and reproduce. What did I say that indicated disagreement there?

"My comment that homosexuality is rare is unquestionable in that is is occurring in less then a tenth of the population."

Why don't we agree that "rare" is a subjective word. Homosexuals are a small minority. When you say rare, I think albinism.

"There are probably more schizophrenics and pyschopaths in the population then gay people."

I doubt that.

"Hopefully you don't get on their bandwagon and try to normalize them too."

You think that a psychopathic ax murderer is the moral equivalent as a gay person? I do not.

"And finally it is really ridiculous to make an assertion that you "favor gay marriage but not with the tax benefits of straight people"

Strawman. I don't favor gay marriage. I favor heterosexual marriage. I don't care if gay people enter social contracts with each other, whether you call it marriage or whatever. Favor would mean that I have a pro-active preference for gay marriage.

"because you know, or should know that no one cares what you think,"

A lot of people in here look like they do care what I think judging by the numerous posts conversing with me on the issue.
"Right, because everyone posting on this thread was undoubtedly suggesting that the legalization of gay “marriageâ€￾ in North Carolina would “causeâ€￾ such events. Arguments are always better when articulated using your oppents' direct quotes."

You're right bro. That was a strawman. Nobody in HERE said that. But the evangelical leaders in the US often attributure terrorist attacks and natural disasters to god's anger. Just like they did the great floods, and the locust swarms, and all those events mention in the bible.

It was cutty. As of today, the server finally emailed me my old login and pw. But I already have this one now, so...
"Did you not expect to be labeled as such?"

I didn't know everyone in here was obligated to have the same opinion on everything, or else they were a troll. I'm here first and foremost because discrimination against white athletes is real and it should be discussed. But this is happy hour. It's supposed to be off topic ****.

"Translation – Jesus actually resembled the other in-bred sand-negroes traditionally found in the region at the time. That is: gaunt, dirty, bearded, jet-black eyes, curly, jet-black hair, a slender skull with a gargantuan nose featuring flared nostrils, and brown to olive skin."

Yeah. Like I was saying. Not only was he not white, there isn't exactly any evidence of divinity in his teachings either. I guess nobody wants to touch the whole issue of Jesus freeing eunuchs from traditional marriage obligations. Forget gays, how about the practice of making a young boy a eunuch to being with there, Jesus??? Where was he on that one?
"When El Whitey says it ends with him and 2 consenting adults on the issue of homosexuals and gay marriage, he is wrong."

You're asking me what I think and telling me I'm wrong about my own opinion.

"El Whitey, I'm thinking has no children, because if he did he would know that gay agenda ranges into every segment including our schools."

I have a child.

"The gay agenda is being taught. Many schools from elementary through high school are teaching tolerance for gay children and the gay lifestyle, saying little Johnny has 2 daddys and it's fine and completely normal."

Sexual lifestyles of any have no place in public schools.

"So tell me again El Whitey, where does it end?"

What do you want from me, dude? I answered your question. It ends with two consenting adults, in the privacy of their bedrooms. Certainly no place in public schools. How much clearer can I be?
The same thing happened in California a few years ago when a similar amendment was on the ballot, blacks and Whites both voted against homosexual marriage in large numbers. The Cultural Marxists that run the media were furious and blamed it on the Mormons funnelling lots of money into the state. The Jewish/homosexual/corporate ruling regime doesn't like it when Americans show opposition to one of their pet issues; we're supposed to argue and decide whether the garbage should be picked up on Tuesday or Thursday, but we're not supposed to upset the apple cart when it comes to the important stuff. Expect a "liberal" judge to quickly over-rule the sentiments of the voters of North Carolina.
California also has a strong ethnic Mexican vote who are Catholics and they won't vote for this either. Really if you allowed a free vote I can't see any state (or province in Canada) passing this agenda. Even in Canada when this was going to be parliamentry vote governments have seen rural back benchers refuse to vote for this. Legislation like this can only happen through the courts where the justices have no fear of a political backlash.
I'm serious. Do any of you not have at least 1 white historical figure you can say that brought you most of your spiritual or ethical guidance?

This is kind of a silly question. Of course Christians will get their spiritual and ethical guidance from Scripture or from commentaries on Scripture. However, plenty of major theologians have been white (Aquinas, Luther, Calvin, etc.). Other than some of the early church fathers (like Augustine), most notable theologians have been white. Christianity and Western Civilization have been pretty much synonymous for well over a thousand years.

There are a number of non-Christian white thinkers worth reading such as: Plato, Aristotle, Marcus Aurelius, and Cicero.
A lot of people in here look like they do care what I think judging by the numerous posts conversing with me on the issue.

A normal reaction to "someone" who shows up on ANY blog and argues a position opposite of the website's mores and values. Surely you've heard the phrase, "don't feed the trolls?" You mentioned that you were a former member who forgot their password. I've been here since 2007, what's your "former" screen name? It's also more than coincidental that you showed up during an outbreak of "brothers" trolling the site. I hope this clears things up for you. Don't worry about me conversing with you anymore; I'm about to press ignore...:icon_mrgreen:

My old name here was cutty. And I think it's been at least since 2008 since I posted.

You all should be ashamed of yourselves. I can see your paranoid of brothers trolling, but back the f--- off on that. Just because I don't give a flying s--- what gay people do as long as I don't have to see it should not rouse suspicion of me being black, or gay, or a wigger or any of the rest of the names I've been called so far in this thread alone.

Next time someone insinuates I'm violating the integrity of the forum, or am a race other than white, then have some friggin evidence or keep your pie hole shut.
"This is kind of a silly question. Of course Christians will get their spiritual and ethical guidance from Scripture or from commentaries on Scripture."

Yeah, scripture based on the teachings of a non white, non European man.

"However, plenty of major theologians have been white (Aquinas, Luther, Calvin, etc.)."

All Christians. Christianity is middle eastern garbage.

"Christianity and Western Civilization have been pretty much synonymous for well over a thousand years."

And what was the cause of that? The sheer indisputable truth of it? Or was it because the Roman Empire adopted it as the official state religion some 400 years (time?) after Jesus was dead.

"There are a number of non-Christian white thinkers worth reading such as: Plato, Aristotle, Marcus Aurelius, and Cicero."

They aren't just worth reading. Their morals and intellect far surpassed that of Jesus, or Moses or any of those dirtheads.
I know this subject has kind of forked into christianity somewhat because of the topic. But I just think it's funny that some people in here's source of spirituality and morality comes from the teachings of a 2000 year old, dark skinned, wooly haired non European, whose teachings were forced on our ancestors by a corrupt Roman Empire that thought that the dogmatic christian teachings would better control the failing society that it was at the time.

And guess what? They were wrong. Rome fell. Wake up, white man. Wake the f up.
I know this subject has kind of forked into christianity somewhat because of the topic. But I just think it's funny that some people in here's source of spirituality and morality comes from the teachings of a 2000 year old, dark skinned, wooly haired non European, whose teachings were forced on our ancestors by a corrupt Roman Empire that thought that the dogmatic christian teachings would better control the failing society that it was at the time.

And guess what? They were wrong. Rome fell. Wake up, white man. Wake the f up.

This is historically inaccurate. Clovis and Charlemagne are the biggest reason that Christianity spread to northern and Western Europe.

There were pagan emperors after Constantine(Julian the Apostate), and the Roman senators hated Christianity and persecuted them for centuries before Constantine. They thought the Bible was puerile with poor language. It was the lower elements of Roman society that spread Christianity because it was inclusive and promised a blissful afterlife.

My old name here was cutty. And I think it's been at least since 2008 since I posted.

You all should be ashamed of yourselves. I can see your paranoid of brothers trolling, but back the f--- off on that. Just because I don't give a flying s--- what gay people do as long as I don't have to see it should not rouse suspicion of me being black, or gay, or a wigger or any of the rest of the names I've been called so far in this thread alone.

Next time someone insinuates I'm violating the integrity of the forum, or am a race other than white, then have some friggin evidence or keep your pie hole shut.

Registering on a sports site and immediately going to the political section and criticizing a valued poster is a good way to not receive a warm greeting. It's just not very diplomatic, especially when it happens in the midst of an organized troll infestation from a hostile site.

That said, this thread's just about run its course. I recall the member named cutty and don't remember any previous controversies, so why don't we get back to the main purpose of CF, which is to support White athletes?
Registering on a sports site and immediately going to the political section and criticizing a valued poster is a good way to not receive a warm greeting. It's just not very diplomatic, especially when it happens in the midst of an organized troll infestation from a hostile site.

That said, this thread's just about run its course. I recall the member named cutty and don't remember any previous controversies, so why don't we get back to the main purpose of CF, which is to support White athletes?

Right Don, I started this thread to make CF aware of the measure being voted on in North Carolina, which I would say 99% of CF agrees on. I never brought up Christianity, but I did say If, I repeat If, you are of faith pray for N.C. If not keep N.C, in your thoughts.

El Whitey brought up Christianity and when he made false statements about Jesus, I called him on it.

When I asked where does it end? He said it ends with him and consenting adults. Yet, El Whitey doesn't seem to understand this issue is way past him. It has infiltrated our schools. Why doesn't he get that?

He, El Whitey doesn't seem to understand, this issue has past him by. It doesn't end with him and consenting adults. Most adults I know would not allow gay acceptance and gay marriage to be taught in schools, but yet it is being taught as we speak. This is my point. It doesn't end with you, El Whitey!

You have a right to your opinion, but in this case your opinion is wrong. Homosexuality is being taught to CHILDREN whether you understand that or not. I repeat this is went past consenting adults. How many times do I need to repeat this.

Finally, El Whitey it's not the debate that aggravates CF, it's the way you come across. It doesn't bother me that you think Christianity is bull, but it seems to bother you that some here have faith bigger than something you and I can fully understand. I can't fully explain to you my faith and I will never convence you, but if I could explain how the Sun and Moon were put here, I would be as equal as the Creator and obviously none of us are, hence another reason to believe in a higher power.

You're right Don, the purpose here is to support white athletes. I didn't realize one's faith in Jesus Christ would cause this much attention.

No matter what we believe I will always appreciate CF and what it does to bring forth the accomplishments of white athletes, but also for the informed posters we have here. I have learned many things I didn't realize because of CF.

"Registering on a sports site and immediately going to the political section and criticizing a valued poster is a good way to not receive a warm greeting."

With all due respect Don, and your position as administrator, I don't recall critisizing any poster in this forum. I specifically said that I respect Carolina's right to his opinion and he's entitled to argue it and I deserve the same respect without being called a troll by members. This is the place to discuss Happy Hour issues per the description of the topic realm, its for "off topic" ie non caste sports related stuff, which I'll be participating in as well.
I have no problem with anyone disagreeing with me and debating the issue in a dignified intelligent manner, which some have. But some clearly have not. Nobody has to agree with me on everything, but if I feel the need to, I'm going to challenge assumptions and attack the arguments people make and if it hurts their feelings, then I'd avise them as fellow white men to toughen up and smarten up if they want their ideas to prevail not just in here, but in the real world as well.

So unless anyone has anything else for me on the issue, then fine. Lets get to sports.
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"Finally, El Whitey it's not the debate that aggravates CF, it's the way you come across. It doesn't bother me that you think Christianity is bull, but it seems to bother you that some here have faith bigger than something you and I can fully understand. I can't fully explain to you my faith and I will never convence you, but if I could explain how the Sun and Moon were put here, I would be as equal as the Creator and obviously none of us are, hence another reason to believe in a higher power."

Again, with all due respect to Don's advice to end this topic, if need be we can start a new thread about Christianity and its influence on the marriage issue, then let it be said and we'll move it.

Ok, CS, you don't like the way I come across. So I hit hard. I challenge what I don't agree with. You have to expect your faith to be mocked if it is the source of your position. Your faith deserves no immunity from challenge. We all argue white athletes get short ended all the time, but we do it with solid evidence, not faith. Christianity makes some enormous claims for itself, and I say extraordinary claims require enormous evidence. Do you not demand solid evidence every time a black person claims he's the victim of racism? Well, it works all ways for me. If you want to say a god put the sun and moon where it is etc, then show some evidence.

I don't care what gays are doing in their houses and I don't care what Christians are doing in their houses and churches. If you want your religion to dicate the laws more, then I suggest your church, like all churches to start paying taxes. But once you put those things in the public arena, then stand by for critisizm. Gay lifestyle taught in school, no way. I've already said it doesn't belong there. THAT is an intrusion, CS. Thats where my tolerance of it ends. I've answered that question numerous times now.
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So unless anyone has anything else for me on the issue, then fine. Lets get to sports.

No, you get to sports.

Nearly every member of this forum has made some form of contribution to the cause. If you want anyone to pay attention to you in the future, I suggest you bury your head in some data for the next week and come up with a post that in some way helps to point out the anti-white bigotry in American (or international) sports.
"Registering on a sports site and immediately going to the political section and criticizing a valued poster is a good way to not receive a warm greeting."

With all due respect Don, and your position as administrator, I don't recall critisizing any poster in this forum. I specifically said that I respect Carolina's right to his opinion and he's entitled to argue it and I deserve the same respect without being called a troll by members. This is the place to discuss Happy Hour issues per the description of the topic realm, its for "off topic" ie non caste sports related stuff, which I'll be participating in as well.
I have no problem with anyone disagreeing with me and debating the issue in a dignified intelligent manner, which some have. But some clearly have not. Nobody has to agree with me on everything, but if I feel the need to, I'm going to challenge assumptions and attack the arguments people make and if it hurts their feelings, then I'd avise them as fellow white men to toughen up and smarten up if they want their ideas to prevail not just in here, but in the real world as well.

So unless anyone has anything else for me on the issue, then fine. Lets get to sports.

Again, El Whitey it's the way you say things. No ones feelings are hurt and I for one don't need to toughen up for you. PM me and I'll gladly discuss toughening up.

Smarten up? Once again it's your arrogant attitude that aggravates. It sounds as though you think your opinion is right all the time or why else would you insist on smartening up as you put it.

Ideas to prevail? Again, the arrogance to think of ideas prevailing. I don't expect my ideas to prevail. I just state my beliefs based on absolutes. I don't consider my ideas are for everyone and they're not my ideas in the first place.

Think about what you are saying. It's all I, me, my, you're basing everything you say, on YOU. It's not all about you brother.
As a 23 year old, STRAIGHT white male who works in fashion, let me say the following:

Because I work in fashion, many of my coworkers and colleagues, and friends are gay guys. They are great friends and its strictly friendship. They are people like anyone else who have feelings/thoughts.

No one is born perfect. Gays are not perfect. I am not perfect. Neither are you.

Personally I believe people are largely born gay or straight. So I don't feel that someone should be rewarded for being straight, or someone punished for being gay. I also believe that some people are more open to same sex experimentation than others, this has to do with both innate and environmental factors. This is "bisexual".

However, in saying all of the above I don't support gay marriage.

Marriage is both a biological and social function by which reproduction, growth, and stability is rooted. This marriage can only be between a man and a woman.

When society begins attacking the institution of heterosexual marriage, that society is attacking its innate core.

Gay culture and gay community is something that will always exist. But it should be done privately, and should never be encouraged by society and the law as it is today.

I would never persecute a gay person. But at the same time we need to be honest in saying that they are abnormal and stray from biological functions.

There will come a time when North American Society will literally die out. We're not having enough kids and quite frankly feminism, gay marriage, leftist agendas are largely to blame for that.

In the short term gay marriage makes sense. In the long term its quite literally destroying society by encouraging gay behaviour and declining reproduction.

What I really respect, as a straight person, is a gay guy who will admit he's gay, but at the same time also admit that gay marriage is incorrect and abnormal.

Being gay is fine. It happens, its natural to an extent. But society encouraging and trying to normalize homosexual lifestyle is the problem that I take issue with.

Don or Jax, what say y'all lock this thread down? Between profane heathenism & s0d0m1te apologetics, I think it's ran it course. ;-)
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