North Carolinas' Amendment 1

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Carolina Speed

Hall of Famer
Feb 13, 2011
Today voters in North Carolina will vote in the primary and the marriage amendment that defines marriage as between one man and one woman. I hope all here on CF will keep North Carolina in your thoughts and or prayers if you are of faith.

North Carolina is the only southern state that doesn't have a defined ban on same sex marriage. Same-sex marriage is already illegal here. The proposed measure, however, would add the ban to the state constitution.

I never thought in all my years we would be trying to define what marriage is. We are truly living in dire times when we have to make this kind of a stand against same sex marriage.

When my grandfather was asked if he was going to vote for the amendment about marriage, he replied," what has changed"? He couldn't understand why we had to vote on something such as keeping marriage between a man and woman.

I should have posted something about this earlier and I apologize for not doing so and being complacent.

Again, please keep the people of North Carolina in your thoughts this evening.

Thank you.
I honestly don't care if gay people get married. Let me assure the people of "faith" here, it will not cause any terrorist attacks or hurricanes if they do. Most terrorist attacks are in fact caused by people of "faith" and hurricanes are caused by atmospheric pressure.

But, gay people should they get married should NOT get any of the tax breaks heterosexual couples get. The reason being that the tax breaks are there to give a break to 2 people who have committed to each other for the purposes of starting a family, and the government recognizes that raising children is expensive.
I honestly don't care if gay people get married. Let me assure the people of "faith" here, it will not cause any terrorist attacks or hurricanes if they do. Most terrorist attacks are in fact caused by people of "faith" and hurricanes are caused by atmospheric pressure.

But, gay people should they get married should NOT get any of the tax breaks heterosexual couples get. The reason being that the tax breaks are there to give a break to 2 people who have committed to each other for the purposes of starting a family, and the government recognizes that raising children is expensive.

I guess this is what CF calls a troll.

El Whitey you may not care, but I do!

El Whitey, I guess you approve of Jerry Sandusky marrying that 10 year old boy he sodomized in that Penn State shower also?????

Where does it end?
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"I guess this is what CF calls a troll."

You started the thread. I'm giving my opinion on the issue. That's not trolling.

"El Whitey you may not care, but I do!"

I can see that.

"El Whitey, I guess you approve of Jerry Sandusky marrying that 10 year old boy he sodomized in that Penn State shower also?????"

Uh, I think he molested the boy, not married him.

"Where does it end?"

Where does what end? The relentless intrusion of the church into people's bedrooms? I don't know. The pope (speaking of child molestors) says we can't jerk off. Perhaps we need a Constitutional amendment for that too?

No, seriously, "Where does it end" is a question often asked by people of your position and it is a fair one. Most of the time it seems like a rhetorical one, but guess what? I have an answer. It ends when there are not consenting adults involved.
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I guess this is what CF calls a troll.

El Whitey you may not care, but I do!

El Whitey, I guess you approve of Jerry Sandusky marrying that 10 year old boy he sodomized in that Penn State shower also?????

Where does it end?

El Whitey is next in line among the endless amount of trolls in the past few weeks. He should take his boy Racist Roy with him.
El Whitey is next in line among the endless amount of trolls in the past few weeks. He should take his boy Racist Roy with him.

Not too original with the names are they?
"I guess this is what CF calls a troll."

You started the thread. I'm giving my opinion on the issue. That's not trolling.

"El Whitey you may not care, but I do!"

I can see that.

"El Whitey, I guess you approve of Jerry Sandusky marrying that 10 year old boy he sodomized in that Penn State shower also?????"

Uh, I think he molested the boy, not married him.

"Where does it end?"

Where does what end? The relentless intrusion of the church into people's bedrooms? I don't know. The pope (speaking of child molestors) says we can't jerk off. Perhaps we need a Constitutional amendment for that too?

No, seriously, "Where does it end" is a question often asked by people of your position and it is a fair one. Most of the time it seems like a rhetorical one, but guess what? I have an answer. It ends when there are not consenting adults involved.

Are you sure it ends there? Would you bet your life on that?

I'm not going to argue with you about this much more. What you do in your bedroom with your boyfriend is your business and if you don't care as you stated, that's your right, but I have the right to oppose and I will oppose gay-marriage as long as I live. If I'm wrong so be it, but if homosexuality is wrong, there's going to be alot of pain for them.

They, homosexuals are gambling with their eternity. What if they are indeed wrong? There's no in between if you believe in absolutes. It's either Ok or it's not Ok. I fall on the side of it's not OK. I have that right, just as you have the right to believe it's OK.

So again, I ask, are you sure it ends there, because if it's Ok that men prefer to be with men and women to be with women. Why everyone do whatever they want. Let's just do whatever. Be with sisters, brothers, dogs, cats, cows, etc. I think you understand.

I believe there are absolutes, there is a right and wrong. That's what I believe. If you don't, and that's what you are saying, you have that right.

Oh yeah, there are many children being sodomized around the world as we speak and there's nothing being done about it!

Are you sure it ends there?
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If you aren't talking about the subject, you're trolling.

But to respond to the accusations, I've been a member of CF for years. I hadn't posted in a long time though, and had to re-register because I forgot my login and pw. I didn't spend much time thinking of a clever new name.

Speaking of originial names, whiteathlete33. Good one.
If you aren't talking about the subject, you're trolling.

But to respond to the accusations, I've been a member of CF for years. I hadn't posted in a long time though, and had to re-register because I forgot my login and pw. I didn't spend much time thinking of a clever new name.

Speaking of originial names, whiteathlete33. Good one.

Oh yes, I'm the biggest troll on here idiot! The 33 is at the end for good reason clown! Now get back to your wigger buddies at ESB!
"Are you sure it ends there? Would you bet your life on that?"

It ends there as far as I'm concerned. I'm not betting anything. Got nothing to do with me. Thats my point.

"What you do in your bedroom with your boyfriend is your business and if you don't care as you stated, that's your right, but I have the right to oppose and I will oppose gay-marriage as long as I live."

You absolutely do have the right to oppose, I agree. I respect your opinion, bro. It's just agreeing to disagree. It doesn't mean we have to war with each other. I'm straight by the way. I just don't concern myself with what gays do.

"If I'm wrong so be it, but if homosexuality is wrong, there's going to be alot of pain for them."

You mean like in hell? Ok, it's more than obvious you're christian. Listen to me white brother, the only reason you're a christian today is because our European ancestors were forced into it when the Roman Empire adopted christianity as the official state religion. This idea of christianity, heaven and hell and is bronzed aged middle east nonsense that came from ignorant illiterate sheperds. Europe had far better thinkers and moral philosophers, Socrates for example.
But if you insist, Jesus never said a word about homosexuality. The anti-gay scriptures come from the old testament (the jewish book).

"So again, I ask, are you sure it ends there, because if it's Ok that men prefer to be with men and women to be with women. Why everyone do whatever they want. Let's just do whatever. Be with sisters, brothers, dogs, cats, cows, etc. I think you understand."

Is the bible only thing stopping you from sleeping with a man, or a pig, or your sister? Because it's not a problem for me to not do those things without biblical guidance. Do you really need a law forbidding gay marriage? You already have god's law right? Let your god sort it out then.

"Oh yeah, there are many children being sodomized around the world as we speak and there's nothing being done about it!"

Certainly not anything being done about it by the catholic church. They wouldn't even investigate their own preists for it. The pope helped cover it up even.
My prayers are with North Carolina. Any early results yet?

Thank you so much white lightning, WA33, menelik, and others who come to the support of this thread here at CF. I don't always say the most intellectual things, but I always get alot support. I really appreciate it!

Early results 55% support amendment, 45% oppose, good news, but I can't believe it's this close, but only 3% reporting.

My county went 75% support, 25% oppose.
"Oh yes, I'm the biggest troll on here idiot!"

Well, you have yet to discuss the topic. Troll.

"The 33 is at the end for good reason clown!"

Ok bro. Whatever you say. I said it was an original name, didn't I?

"Now get back to your wigger buddies at ESB!"

You don't EVER call another white man a wigger unless you are ready to throw down, dude. Since you're behind a keyboard somewhere else in the world, it doesn't really sound tough coming from you. Why not debate the discussion. What do you say, friend?
You don't have to be religious to oppose gay marriage. Besides the argument that it's another step on the slippery slope to group marriages and probably animal-human marriage there are many other good reasons to oppose it.

Marriage is a tradition amongst nearly all of the people of the earth, it signifies the special relationship between a man and a woman. For almost all of human history it has been the basis for civilization in its many forms. Such a long history means that it is a proven survival ethic for species homo sapien. To suddenly on the whim of (mostly) cultural marxists who want to wreck traditional societal norms, adopt a manner of social relationships that is unproven and certainly extremely rare, is dangerous for any society.

Furthermore in the world of welfare statism (the only place such an idea is ever floated) to add another level of dependency upon the state, which will certainly occur (and has occurred) by allowing same sex relationships to have the same benefits as normal marriage, will further bankrupt the state. Does any one seriously think that once same sex marriage is established that people won't just "marry" to allow friends, and paid acquaintenances, to access guarenteed by law benefits?

Normal marriage between men and women carries with it centuries if not eons of cultural development. Nothing of the sort can be said about same-sex marriage which is a completely new concept born amidst the same dysfunction that is currently wrecking our culture.

Certainly a society that adopts one maladaptive behaviour after another will eventually fail. I guess the cynical view is that our society is so far along the collapse that this is just another push--so why fight it, however we can be sure that in North Carolina as well as across white western society, referendums be damned, eventually same sex marriages will be "blessed" by the state of North Carolina just as interracial marriages were once considered something that will NEVER happen in 'ole Carolina.

Marriage was coopted by the state from the church to help make a decent society and to provide a stable atmosphere and simple legal protection for children. But that was in a world that wanted to survive and thrive. In a society where every perversion is celebrated, abortion is on demand, white birth rates are in a steep decline, it is clear that we are in a downward spiral toward irrelavence if not extinction. The states blessing the sterile relationship of same sex couples is just another sign that one day we will be speaking arab or chinese to our yellow-brown grand children.
"Are you sure it ends there? Would you bet your life on that?"

It ends there as far as I'm concerned. I'm not betting anything. Got nothing to do with me. Thats my point.

"What you do in your bedroom with your boyfriend is your business and if you don't care as you stated, that's your right, but I have the right to oppose and I will oppose gay-marriage as long as I live."

You absolutely do have the right to oppose, I agree. I respect your opinion, bro. It's just agreeing to disagree. It doesn't mean we have to war with each other. I'm straight by the way. I just don't concern myself with what gays do.

"If I'm wrong so be it, but if homosexuality is wrong, there's going to be alot of pain for them."

You mean like in hell? Ok, it's more than obvious you're christian. Listen to me white brother, the only reason you're a christian today is because our European ancestors were forced into it when the Roman Empire adopted christianity as the official state religion. This idea of christianity, heaven and hell and is bronzed aged middle east nonsense that came from ignorant illiterate sheperds. Europe had far better thinkers and moral philosophers, Socrates for example.
But if you insist, Jesus never said a word about homosexuality. The anti-gay scriptures come from the old testament (the jewish book).

"So again, I ask, are you sure it ends there, because if it's Ok that men prefer to be with men and women to be with women. Why everyone do whatever they want. Let's just do whatever. Be with sisters, brothers, dogs, cats, cows, etc. I think you understand."

Is the bible only thing stopping you from sleeping with a man, or a pig, or your sister? Because it's not a problem for me to not do those things without biblical guidance. Do you really need a law forbidding gay marriage? You already have god's law right? Let your god sort it out then.

"Oh yeah, there are many children being sodomized around the world as we speak and there's nothing being done about it!"

Certainly not anything being done about it by the catholic church. They wouldn't even investigate their own preists for it. The pope helped cover it up even.

Yes, we can agree to disagree, but answer the question? What if you're wrong? What then?

I believe there's something wrong in a homosexual's mind, just like any other mental problem, it goes against nature and common sense, so to say it doesn't affect you, you are wrong! If we let certain wrongs be wrong, then it can open up to other excuses for people being whatever they want. Think about it!

No, The Bible is not keeping me from being with another man. I have never had that desire, it's sick and disgusting to me, but the Bible is there for men who may have those tendancies, for guidance to show him that it's wrong and he should not be involved in such a vile thing.

I never mentioned being a Christian, but since you mentioned it first, I will discuss.

Jesus said in Mark 10:5-9, God made them male and female....For this reason, man shall leave his father and mother and unite to his wife and the two will become flesh, so they no longer are two, but one, therefore what GOD has joined together, let MAN not separate.

I realize there's alot in that scripture, but I will break it down, so your big intellectual mind can understand.

Male and Female, not Male and whatever, man and wife, 2 become 1. It's not physcially or naturally possible for 2 males or 2 females to become 1 if you know what I mean?

Common sense says he(Jesus) didn't have to speak about homosexuality, it's pretty clear, male and female!

Don't you understand white brother, MAN is trying break or separate what GOD joined together?

Christianity came from ignorant shepherds? Apparently you don't know much about the men who wrote the New Testament.

Luke was doctor, the Apostle Paul was considered highly intellectual by his peers, Barnabas was a teacher, etc.

You sound like a secular humanist. I don't put my faith in humans. Mine is in God. Humans like Socrates, no matter how intelligent you think they were will not save you when you die.

Please brother read Romans chapter 1, I'll give you a quote Romans 1:22 says, professing themselves wise they became fools, think about that for just a second.

Romans:1;25, who changed the truth into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature instead of the creator.... you brother are worshipping the creature(man) instead of God.

Think about those quotes, they are powerful and so true.

About The Catholic Church, I don't worship the church. My faith is in Jesus not a church, or Socrates, etc., and I'm not Catholic, I'm Christian, so I'm not sure why you brought up The Catholic Church.

You answered my question, if we keep letting people like yourself not caring about what people do, then you get exactly what we have now, no one doing anything about child porn., child molestation, etc.

There are consequences to our apathy, my white brother, whether you believe it or not!
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Thanks jaxvid for the making a sound, relevant argument.

"You don't have to be religious to oppose gay marriage."


"Such a long history means that it is a proven survival ethic for species homo sapien."

Not true. Procreation is why the homosapien specie survived. Procreation long predates the concept of marriage.

"To suddenly on the whim of (mostly) cultural marxists"

You don't have to be a marxist to tolerate homosexual marriage.

"adopt a manner of social relationships that is unproven and certainly extremely rare"

There is nothing rare about homosexuals. They've existed since recorded history. Maybe if it weren't for the social pressure on gays to marry the opposite sex is why they pass on the gay gene. If it weren't for that, they might just go extinct when you think about it.

"Furthermore in the world of welfare statism (the only place such an idea is ever floated) to add another level of dependency upon the state,"

I did say that married homosexuals should not be entitled to any tax breaks associated with tradition marriage. They can be recognized as married. I think it's also fair that maybe the word "marriage" can be preserved for man/woman. They can call them civil unions for all I care. It's nothing more than ink on paper. They're already cohabitating.

"Nothing of the sort can be said about same-sex marriage which is a completely new concept born amidst the same dysfunction that is currently wrecking our culture."

None of this means straight men are going to become gay just because they can get married to other gays. You're either gay or straight. Ink on paper doesn't cause more homosexuality.

"In a society where every perversion is celebrated, abortion is on demand, white birth rates are in a steep decline, it is clear that we are in a downward spiral toward irrelavence if not extinction."

So the solution is to force gay men to marry straight women so they procreate and keep the race alive? Just asking.

"The states blessing the sterile relationship of same sex couples is just another sign that one day we will be speaking arab or chinese to our yellow-brown grand children."

Don't fall in love with vocal communication known as English, my friend. There will soon come a day when making vocal sounds to communicate will be archaic and obsolete.
Thank you so much white lightning, WA33, menelik, and others who come to the support of this thread here at CF. I don't always say the most intellectual things, but I always get alot support. I really appreciate it!

Early results 55% support amendment, 45% oppose, good news, but I can't believe it's this close, but only 3% reporting.

My county went 75% support, 25% oppose.[/QUOTE

With 68% reporting, 60% support, 40% oppose, things are looking better, but hard to believe 40% want gay-marriage rights.

It must be those highly intelligent, non-religious, progressive, relevant, people who are part of the 40%?

The other 60% are us dumb, redneck, back woods, Christians.
Well the law passed. North Carolina has made their statement loud and clear. I think there will be alot of people moving from there as a result of this law being passed. I am happy that christians are fighting back at the voting booth. We have been quiet for far too long. Marriage is supposed to be between a man and a woman period. A good day for North Carolina and the country.
"but answer the question? What if you're wrong? What then?"

If I'm wrong, I won't go to hell for getting married to a man because thats not going to happen. Again, it's gays that want to get married, not me.

"I believe there's something wrong in a homosexual's mind, just like any other mental problem, it goes against nature and common sense, so to say it doesn't affect you, you are wrong! If we let certain wrongs be wrong, then it can open up to other excuses for people being whatever they want. Think about it!"

Gayness occurs in nature, and not just in humans. It appears to be somewhat of a natural phenomenon. Bro, I'm not saying that I don't cringe at the idea of watching to men kiss, I'm just saying it's been going on forever.

"Jesus said in Mark 10:5-9,..."

Ok, in other words Mark said that Jesus said, etc etc. What did Luke, Matthew and John say about it? Jesus also said, in Luke I believe, that eunuchs don't have to marry. Do I even need to talk about the immoral disgusting act of making a young boy into a eunuch in the first place? A common cultural practice at that time, btw, that didn't exactly contribute to the birth rates. See, that is why I give little credit to the moral teachings of Jesus.

"I realize there's alot in that scripture, but I will break it down, so your big intellectual mind can understand." Ok, thanks.

"Common sense says he(Jesus) didn't have to speak about homosexuality, it's pretty clear, male and female!"

Ok, what about masturbation. Thats having sex with oneself, not a woman. Are you going to say you've never rubbed one out?

"MAN is trying break or separate what GOD joined together?"

Not me. I'll let god sort them out if they're in error.

"Christianity came from ignorant shepherds? Apparently you don't know much about the men who wrote the New Testament."

I was referring to all the ancient profits, actually. But their occupations aren't relevent, I admit. I'm just saying, these teachings come from the bronze age middle east where most people were illiterate and uneducated. These teachings were FORCED upon your ancestors, just like islam was forced upon the ancestors of todays muslims. Where are YOUR ancestors from?

"You sound like a secular humanist. I don't put my faith in humans."

I don't put "faith" in anything. I think morality should constantly be challenged and debated with logic and reason. Not dictated to us from a guy that claims god talks just to him so he can tell us what to do.

"Please brother read Romans chapter 1, I'll give you a quote Romans 1:22 says, professing themselves wise they became fools, think about that for just a second."

Yes, and Socrates once said "I know that I know nothing" and basically to be skeptical of anyone claiming to be wise.

"About The Catholic Church, I don't worship the church. My faith is in Jesus not a church, or Socrates, etc., and I'm not Catholic, I'm Christian, so I'm not sure why you brought up The Catholic Church."

Well because the catholic church is anti-gay marriage, and yet it's administrators are guilty of running a pedophile ring. But ok.

"You answered my question, if we keep letting people like yourself not caring about what people do, then you get exactly what we have now, no one doing anything about child porn., child molestation, etc."

Ah no, brother. You don't have to believe in Jesus to see the immorality of child exploitation. I very much believe there should be laws against child exploitation. This is apples and oranges.
So the law passed. Good for North Carolina. Now I guess all those gay people will have to marry the opposite sex, and keep passing on whatever genetic defect makes them gay to begin with. This does not seem like the solution to the gay problem to me. Sounds like it is only going to keep making more of them.
Carolina Speed

Here's another question for you. You do know that Jesus wasn't white, right? The only white men in the middle east 2000 years ago were Europeans, probably conquerors. You're taking moral guidance from a middle eastern, dark skinned 2000 year old jew, you know?

Why don't we have a Casteprophet website so we can talk about how overlooked all the great white men thoughout history that don't get enough credit for the moral teachings and philosophies they gave humanity.

I'm serious. Do any of you not have at least 1 white historical figure you can say that brought you most of your spiritual or ethical guidance?
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