NON-Whites in White Roles

Those comic-book movies are silly and nor really worth watching anyway.
While that may be true, the "comic-book movies" are the highest-grossing (read: more people see them) movies that there are. They are the ultimate brainwashing vehicles for Hollywood. The Human Torch will no longer be white. Does that mean his sister will also be non-white? That's half of the team.

Then we have a movie like Captain America, Winter Soldier, where the hero is antithetical to most cult-marx values, so team him up with a Bruva! That way all the goys will see that black folks are nice and heroic, too! After seeing that, I think I'll go hang out in East Kansas City late at night with all of those heroic black folks.
While that may be true, the "comic-book movies" are the highest-grossing (read: more people see them) movies that there are. They are the ultimate brainwashing vehicles for Hollywood. The Human Torch will no longer be white. Does that mean his sister will also be non-white? That's half of the team.
Seems like Sue Storm will still be White. I think the writers wanted to put a "modern" twist on the Storm family. Here's my guess.

The Storms are a bleeding-heart liberal family who catch a troubled "youth" breaking into their home one night. They discover that the teen, Johnny, is a crack baby who's mama isn't fit to raise him and his father ran off so he now lives at a halfway house. Instead of pressing charges against Johnny, the Storms decide to adopt him as clearly their White Privilege has in some way led to his disadvantaged life. Of course, Johnny is really just a "good kid", misunderstood really, and he and Sue become best buds. Truly brother and sister. A perfect modern family. :afro:

Remember the returns from The Blind Side were huge....
The Storms are a bleeding-heart liberal family who catch a troubled "youth" breaking into their home one night. They discover that the teen, Johnny, is a crack baby who's mama isn't fit to raise him and his father ran off so he now lives at a halfway house. Instead of pressing charges against Johnny, the Storms decide to adopt him as clearly their White Privilege has in some way led to his disadvantaged life. Of course, Johnny is really just a "good kid", misunderstood really, and he and Sue become best buds. Truly brother and sister. A perfect modern family. :afro:

You're out-of-date.
The narrative has changed. The new message is that negroes are the stable, All-American family and whites are the lower class. Here is the actor they have cast as Sue and Johnny's father:

You're out-of-date.
The narrative has changed. The new message is that negroes are the stable, All-American family and whites are the lower class. Here is the actor they have cast as Sue and Johnny's father:

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LOL. So we're supposed to believe that Kate Mara is the daughter of this negro? Hahaha, the Cultural Marxists are loonier than I thought. This movie will probably blow like the previous Fantastic 4 films anyway...

Now they use half samoan/half black actors for Hercules :frusty:

i was also amazed at the number of blacks in the movie "pompei"
hercules was white and blond
A few years ago PBS had a dramatisation of the exchange of correspondence during the lives of Thomas Jefferson and John Adams. I think there were only three or four characters in it. The wife of either Jefferson or Adams (I don't remember which) was played by a light skinned black person. It's bad enough when they gratuitously put black characters in movies but when they take a real life person and change their race that's just farcical.
For some reason, Hollywood has decided to do yet another remake of a classic film, this one being Ben-Hur. In order to make it properly PC, they created a new character "Ildarin", who is a Roman Chariot Master that teaches Judah Ben-Hur the ropes. I'm sure that the Roman Chariot Masters were all negroes who happened to look like Morgan Freeman.

Morgan Freeman to play a chariot racing master in 'Ben-Hur'
For some reason, Hollywood has decided to do yet another remake of a classic film, this one being Ben-Hur. In order to make it properly PC, they created a new character "Ildarin", who is a Roman Chariot Master that teaches Judah Ben-Hur the ropes. I'm sure that the Roman Chariot Masters were all negroes who happened to look like Morgan Freeman.

Morgan Freeman to play a chariot racing master in 'Ben-Hur'

They love hyping and (grossly) over-utilizing that boy. He's the quintessential "magical negro". No surprise about the standard cultmarx move by das juden von "Hellyweird".
They did a remake of the 80s TV show the Equalizer, with Denzel Washington in the lead. The original starred white English actor Edward Woodward.
I don't know if it's been mentioned (I'll bet it has), but what about that ****** Will Smith's son in the remake of Karate Kid?

Granted, the original was pure cheese, but the new one is simply unwatchable.

Thankfully, most of the time the remake to a classic/well-known movie is soon forgotten, just as, most of the time, when these stupid-assed rap "songs" butcher a sample from a hook or bassline or other major element of a popular song from a White artist, the remake is also soon forgotten, and rightfully so.

Remember Red Dawn?

"Gee, I think we can make a better movie than one starring Patrick F***ING Swayze and Charlie Sheen, and let's make it multi-culti!"

LOL. Of course it flopped.
They only called it Karate Kid as a money grab. The movie is set in China and the kid doesn't even learn Karate. Karate is an Okinawan martial art, no relation to China.
They only called it Karate Kid as a money grab. The movie is set in China and the kid doesn't even learn Karate. Karate is an Okinawan martial art, no relation to China.

They couldn't even come up with a clean cut negro. No it had to be one with dreadlocks channeling his inner hoodlum. What a disgrace.
this is the preview for CBS' new "bad ass grrl power" show, Supergirl the series. at any rate, the relevant point for this thread is the pointless changing of Jimmy Olson from a White photographer to a "super sexy" black dude.

this is the preview for CBS' new "bad ass grrl power" show, Supergirl the series. at any rate, the relevant point for this thread is the pointless changing of Jimmy Olson from a White photographer to a "super sexy" black dude.


A mere photographer? I think it is good to shatter stereotypes. I mean, we can't let Hollywood burden African-Americans by expecting them all to be the inventors, scientists, doctors, presidents, and NHL expert analysts that we've come to rely on.:tongue:
A mere photographer? I think it is good to shatter stereotypes. I mean, we can't let Hollywood burden African-Americans by expecting them all to be the inventors, scientists, doctors, presidents, and NHL expert analysts that we've come to rely on.:tongue:
From the trailer, he's not merely a photog. He's a GENIUS photog who looks like he can solve any problem. And he makes all white women swoon. The rest of the trailer isn't horrendous. The Supergirl story has been a DC item for a long time in comics, and the portrayal in the trailer shows a humble girl with self-doubt. The ultra-bitchy super CEO woman is annoying. I can't ascertain whether the white guy is a total dweeb or a helpful, smart dweeb. But the new, black Jimmy Olson is a dealbreaker. Not that I ever watch new/old network television anyway.
From the trailer, he's not merely a photog. He's a GENIUS photog who looks like he can solve any problem. And he makes all white women swoon. The rest of the trailer isn't horrendous. The Supergirl story has been a DC item for a long time in comics, and the portrayal in the trailer shows a humble girl with self-doubt. The ultra-bitchy super CEO woman is annoying. I can't ascertain whether the white guy is a total dweeb or a helpful, smart dweeb. But the new, black Jimmy Olson is a dealbreaker. Not that I ever watch new/old network television anyway.

I am going to be brutally honest, and if this is a racial slur thats gets me banned then so be it.

But if that "jimmy olsen" guy is the best looking black person they can find, then the Liberals are either terrible at finding what should be a guy that would make white women swoon or black people are horrendous looking. I only say that IF he actually is considered "good looking" for the black race...if he is i would hate to be black.
Marvel Reveals Inside Look at Diverse New Avengers Lineup

Marvel Comics fans are used to the Avengers lineup changing every so often. In the fall, an “all-new, all-differentâ€￾ Avengers will debut, this time with a new wrinkle that marks the company’s latest push for more diversity within its pages.

"I like the fact that we ended up with an Avengers team with one white guy on it," said Mark Waid, who will be writing the new Avengers series.


Marvel is looking to capitalize on the breakout success of Ms. Marvel, a Pakistani-Muslim teenager from Jersey City named Kamala Khan, whose comics were the company’s top digital sellers last year. Another new member, Nova (Sam Alexander, who has a Latino background), is also enjoying mainstream exposure as a key character.

The team will also feature Spider-Man, but not the classic Peter Parker incarnation of the character.
Marvel made waves a few days ago when it announced that Miles Morales, a young man of black and Hispanic descent, would be the main Spider-Man in the Marvel universe. Now Morales will also be an Avenger.

It's nice to see that the new Fantastic Four movie with its newly diverse cast is apparently an abysmal mess. It's got a 9% approval rating from Rotten Tomatoes. From what I can see, the new Johnny Storm is the least of the film's problems, but I'm sure that plenty of people are put-off by the key change in a long-running and beloved (to comic book geeks) comic book staple.

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It's nice to see that the new Fantastic Four movie with its newly diverse cast is apparently an abysmal mess. It's got a 9% approval rating from Rotten Tomatoes. From what I can see, the new Johnny Storm is the least of the film's problems, but I'm sure that plenty of people are put-off by the key change in a long-running and beloved (to comic book geeks) comic book staple.


Looks more like "Leroy" Storm. ;-)
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