NON-Whites in White Roles

Making modern motion pictures takes a lot of technical work.I wonder how many of the hundreds of engineers,technicians,set designers and craftsmen working on these sets are black?Probably very few.
one about video games

the gears of war series is very famous in the US
the main characters are a white man, an hispanic, a black, and blond guy


but originally the hispanic guy was actually white, microsoft asked to have a minority character
and they also asked to change another thing

originally the blond guy was inspired by david beckham
he was a former professional sportman
but they asked to swap with the black guy, so that the former professional sportsman is now a black guy and the blond guy is now no longer inspired by david beckham

Between the original reveal trailer and the game appearing on shelves, Marcus’s character model and voice actor were both changed entirely. Cole and Baird’s roles were entirely reversed at one point – with Baird’s original sports star persona partly inspired by David Beckham. Look at the haircut, and it all makes sense. Eventually the team decided to swap the two, using Jamie Foxx’s character from the film Any Given Sunday as their archetype for Cole.
I hate what PC has done to comic books some of us grew up reading.

Now I can no longer watch a show based on a comic character without some bantu in it or signs of mudsharking/coal drilling in it.
Star Wars looks to be doing the same thing with the new movie - it's a woman and black lead character. Apparently even in a galaxy far far away diversity and Marxism have been able to ruin a good movie series.
Disney-owned Marvel is changing the racial make up of the Hulk:

Marvel Reveals New 'Totally Awesome Hulk' Is Korean-American

Not sure which (if any) of the Marvel characters are still White men. Not many if any.

Haha a Korean Hulk! I can hear him now: ugh Hulk hungry for cat! Is the Hulk going to turn yellow now? Too bad they didn't make Hulk a homo, that would make for some interesting plots.

Marvel Comics is also coming out with a TV show called Jessica Jones about some chick that has super strength (even more then they usually give to actor chicks). The show is "dark" as she is some kind of private eye, tortured bitch, alcoholic, angry. They are going to throw in some lez stuff and she won't need a man because you know she's strong. In the comic world she was married to some character named Fury a black guy and had a kid with him. So this show can be sure to hit all the points of cultural marxist bingo. I hope she has a couple of cats to add some realism to the show.
Marvel Comics is also coming out with a TV show called Jessica Jones about some chick that has super strength (even more then they usually give to actor chicks). The show is "dark" as she is some kind of private eye, tortured bitch, alcoholic, angry.They are going to throw in some lez stuff and she won't need a man because you know she's strong.
Well, at least they are going for the "realism" angle as opposed to fantasy (virginal, sweet, charming, loving, gracious, respectful, humble, soft-spoken and demure, genuine, God-fearing, and supportive of her (White) man. Also, respectful of her ancestral lineage and grateful of what they went through to put her in the pedestalized position she's in now) in contemporary Amerika.

In the comic world she was married to some character named Fury a black guy and had a kid with him. So this show can be sure to hit all the points of cultural marxist bingo. I hope she has a couple of cats to add some realism to the show.
Fury used to be a White man, in the pre-Caste Amerika Marvel World: Nick Fury
Korean Hulk want Kim Chi!
This just in from Gayhoo news, in an upcoming stage play continuation of the Harry Potter saga, Hermione (you know, the attractive, smart white girl) is now "Anglo-African". It is a British theater production and has the casting blessing of the insufferable liberal J.K. Rowling.

Star Wars looks to be doing the same thing with the new movie - it's a woman and black lead character. Apparently even in a galaxy far far away diversity and Marxism have been able to ruin a good movie series.

Did you know that the Chinese removed him and Chewie from promotional posters. SJW's cried racism.
I doubt the Chinese care.
It's nice to see that the new Fantastic Four movie with its newly diverse cast is apparently an abysmal mess. It's got a 9% approval rating from Rotten Tomatoes. From what I can see, the new Johnny Storm is the least of the film's problems, but I'm sure that plenty of people are put-off by the key change in a long-running and beloved (to comic book geeks) comic book staple.


Ironically another comic character with Fire abilities named Firestorm got turned into a negro.
Jews are at it again. This time portraying Sir Lancelot as a negro in ABCs fairy tale bull**** show "Once upon a time."
Islander hybrid / mongrel Jason Momoa shall play Aquaman in a film slated for release in 2018.

You may all recall that Momoa was cast as Conan back in 2011. You may also recall that the said casting sent me into a foaming rage as I am quite possibly one of the world's most ultra-hard-core Robert E. Howard fans. Now Momoa serves as an agent of debasement of one of my two favourite DC comic book heroes: Aquaman.

Here is the current comic book version of the White, blond character:



Here is the 1990s version of the White, blond character:


And here we have the "new" Aquaman:




...says I :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

What a (sick) joke! A ***** wasn't good enough to shine Hannibal's armor, much less be such a great commander. They always dilute modern programming with (not so) 'token' untermenschen that do NOT fit the role of any character.

This is how the people who control our media of news and entertainment "relieve" us of our racial identity, and "uplift" Blacks and increase their collective confidence. The media does this occasionally. Everything they do is slow and incremental. But I suspect that they will be ramping up their conditioning agenda now with recent events like the Trump campaign. About 10 or 12 years ago there was a Broadway Play starring Denzel Washington (as Marcus Brutus?) if I'm not mistaken. Naturally White people (Italians) didn't utter a peep that a Black man played a White man, a Roman. I remember it distinctly. I was angry, as any White man should be when his heritage is being misrepresented like this by a Black portraying an historical figure who was White. Can you imagine if there was a Broadway Play with a White man playing someone like George Washington Carver or MLK or any Black for that matter? Carried on for a long enough period of time, combined with all the other methods that "They" are using as weapons against us, and one day if and when there are no Whites, they'll have Blacks believing that it was they who invented the radio, television, computer, sent men to the moon, etc. I don't know who said this, but this sums up "their" attitude perfectly, "When there are no more White people, no one will care anymore". This is their ultimate long range goal, and unless people wake up and smell the coffee, "they"'re going to be unstoppable at some point. We can't let this happen.
History channel has gone full cultural Marxist like everyone else it seems. I was watching a bit of a new episode regarding barbarians and the Romans. Idiots at "History" channel had Rev. Jesse Jackson talking about social unrest and oppression. It's pathetic they gave the black racist any air time.
The Chosen Ones' comic books and Marvel movies are just a waste of childrens' brain power anyway. Children should focus on their schoolwork.

This will get more Negroes reading comics, which is okay with me.

You mean these kind of comics :




New Magnificent7 is full of Diversity.. Denzel is main character, a Mexican, a Native , and an Asian round out this disgraceful remake of a classic.
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