NON-Whites in White Roles

There is a new Spider-Man movie coming out next summer, and they've just released a trailer for it. Fortunately, Marvel resisted the urge they had to make Spidey a bruvah, as you could see if you saw Captain America - Cival War. But, you know, multi-culty-marxyness must rule, so Spidey's love interest is not Mary Jane Watson or Gwen Stacy. Well, at least not a lovely WHITE Mary Jane or Gwen. Gotta have the white guy going for the black chick! You can see her at the 45 second mark. Also his friends have to be strange mystery-meat types. Other than all of that cultural brainwashing, the movie looks like it will be entertaining. o_O
There is a new Spider-Man movie coming out next summer, and they've just released a trailer for it. Fortunately, Marvel resisted the urge they had to make Spidey a bruvah, as you could see if you saw Captain America - Cival War. But, you know, multi-culty-marxyness must rule, so Spidey's love interest is not Mary Jane Watson or Gwen Stacy. Well, at least not a lovely WHITE Mary Jane or Gwen. Gotta have the white guy going for the black chick! You can see her at the 45 second mark. Also his friends have to be strange mystery-meat types. Other than all of that cultural brainwashing, the movie looks like it will be entertaining. o_O

Good spot. I hear the young, white, comic readers complaining about the deviance from original story lines all the time. The comic reader is onto the film makers and is wise to them. We all know its social engineering.
There is a new Spider-Man movie coming out next summer, and they've just released a trailer for it. Fortunately, Marvel resisted the urge they had to make Spidey a bruvah, as you could see if you saw Captain America - Cival War. But, you know, multi-culty-marxyness must rule, so Spidey's love interest is not Mary Jane Watson or Gwen Stacy. Well, at least not a lovely WHITE Mary Jane or Gwen. Gotta have the white guy going for the black chick! You can see her at the 45 second mark. Also his friends have to be strange mystery-meat types. Other than all of that cultural brainwashing, the movie looks like it will be entertaining. o_O

If it wasn't for taking my (younger) boys to a kiddie movie (once in a blue moon), I couldn't be paid to sit through a modern "Hellyweird" picture...especially in a movie house.
If it wasn't for taking my (younger) boys to a kiddie movie (once in a blue moon), I couldn't be paid to sit through a modern "Hellyweird" picture...especially in a movie house.
For folks like us though these Hollywood travesties are excellent teachable moments to help inoculate our young'uns. Once taught, they can spot this foolishness themselves, good prep for the real world.
For folks like us though these Hollywood travesties are excellent teachable moments to help inoculate our young'uns. Once taught, they can spot this foolishness themselves, good prep for the real world.

Duly noted FD. Case in point, I've taught/teach all my kids about cultural Marxism and it's many avenues (Hellyweird, sports, lamestream media, ads, government schools & the hellivision).
They made Mr. Clean black
Hollyweird puts its spin on the now-racially-appropriately named "Dark Tower," casting the famous Gunslinger character from the best-selling series by Stephen King as a black man. strangely enough, though, the villain remains a White man. "weird," huh?

(((They))) did the same thing with the universally panned remake of "Annie," making the heroes black but keeping the villains White.
I saw a commercial for the new King Arthur movie as well and 3 of the knights were black - what a joke

Maybe those were armor shine boys? ;)
**** (((Hollywood ))) !
I guess that this really isn't on-topic, but there is a new super-hero show that is being picked up by the CW network starring a black superhero. It's kind of refreshing that instead of "converting" a white hero to black, they actually are using a genre-correct always-been black hero, Black Lightning. It remains to be seen how everything else plays out. The producer, Greg Berlanti also produces the other four super-hero shows on the CW, Arrow, The Flash, Legends of Tomorrow and Supergirl. They are pretty good at staying close to the spirit of the original source material with the exception of heavy-handed left-wing bias.

Although I watch the rest of the lineup so that I can keep up with my kid's viewing and use aspects as teachable moments (very effective), I'm not sure this one will work for me.
I saw a commercial for the new King Arthur movie as well and 3 of the knights were black - what a joke
Then I won't be watching that one. There were no Negroes in old Britain.

Even when the Vikings brought a few slaves from northern Africa to Ireland, they would have been Berbers or Moors, not sub-Saharan, jaw-protruding primitive Negroes from sub-Saharan tropical Africa.
Then I won't be watching that one. There were no Negroes in old Britain.

Even when the Vikings brought a few slaves from northern Africa to Ireland, they would have been Berbers or Moors, not sub-Saharan, jaw-protruding primitive Negroes from sub-Saharan tropical Africa.
Good news, as though it looks like it will "b0mb". A black Merlin? What a joke; he's probably a practicioner of voodoo. Stick to 1981's "Excalbur" if you want an authentic version of the King Arthur Legend, or 1998's "Merlin". Both are fantastic.
while Star Trek has obviously been a pro-socialism, pro-diversity cultural indoctrination program from way back when, the latest installment is clearly setting the bar where no (White man) one has gone ... at all.

meet Star Trek: Discovery, or more correctly titled, "Star Trek: No Place in Space for White Men." at least the comments section is worth a read, but i'll not be catching a single second of the propaganda.
while Star Trek has obviously been a pro-socialism, pro-diversity cultural indoctrination program from way back when, the latest installment is clearly setting the bar where no (White man) one has gone ... at all.

meet Star Trek: Discovery, or more correctly titled, "Star Trek: No Place in Space for White Men." at least the comments section is worth a read, but i'll not be catching a single second of the propaganda.

That looks horrible! By no means a Trekkie but thought previous 2 recent films were decent action wise. But this looks like Star Trek goes Al Sharpton version of Ancient Aliens "We Wuz Kangs!". I won't be watching this one either. Hope it bombs out In the boxoffice.
Been a while since this one's been updated, not that there is any lack of material. This one is particularly laughable. Fortunately it won't get many views since it's a DC comics direct-to-consumer digital production that is just being lauched. Starfire is a relatively obscure heroine in the Titans superhero team. Always drawn or portrayed as a striking redhead (partially where her nickname is taken from). Well, that must not be "diverse" enough, changes had to be made:

A black woman played a medieval Queen of England, Margaret of Anjou.

In "The Hollow Crown" 15-year-old Margaret of Anjou, France, who married king Henry VI, was played by a 47-year-old actress — Sophie Okonedo, who was born in London of a Nigerian father and a Jewish mother.

A Broadway play that depicts the rise and fall of early 1400s heroine Joan of Arc will have a sub-Saharan African as the French woman’s character.

31-year-old Condola Rashad will be playing the role of the teen-aged Roman Catholic icon Joan of Arc, who was famous for inspiring the French in the Hundred Years War and was canonized as a Saint.
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In the TV series The Bastard Executioner, they have a sub-Saharan African playing a Moor.

It is unlikely there would be any Moors living as Welshmen in small villages in early 1300s Wales, and certainly no full-blooded Negroes.
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