NON-Whites in White Roles

watched a trailer for some movie about shakespeare and there were blacks - in 1600 England, at least according to this movie!

Did you watch the BBC series about Homer's Iliad? This is how they portrayed Achilles...

Also, many, many other Greeks were portrayed as black. In a very rare moment of national and racial pride (even the majority of the leftist local anti-Greek scumbags took offense with this show) every major channel banned (unofficially) the show. There was major controversy when the American Netflix pushed hard for its Greek version to air the show (in a cooperation with BBC) and the Greek Netflix declined by stating, "The Greeks loved Brad Pitt's portrayal too much and I think they won't welcome this version of the Greek hero." They really said that in public. I don't even remember when was the last time I felt so proud for the majority of Greeks (even the leftists). Usually, it's the few good patriots who fight against such shameful acts.

On another note, I made huge research on this show's producers, director, writers blah blah. NOT EVEN ONE JEW. All of them entitled to their opinion white Brits (a couple of Irish too). I mean, I am not OK with the anti-white whites in the US and UK harassing global historical facts or even their own white history, but those pricks harass my history too? Who gave them the right? And again, it wasn't Jews, Negroes or Arabs who did this. It was WHITES who hate our kind more than anything. The biggest enemy of the good white man is the evil white man. I think as soon as more good white brothers realize that on a global scale, the better results we will have on a social and cultural level!
the live-action remake of Disney’s “Little Mermaid” has been cast with “diversity” being the primary focus, as some black singer girl has been tagged to play the main role of Ariel (and various black boy actors have been rumored to play the role of the prince). unsurprisingly, any and every online commenter that doesn’t like the move has been denounced as a “racist.” oy vey!

political and social commentator (and hilarious YouTuber) Mark Dice posted a vlog today that discusses a handful of other tv shows along a similar, diverse-agenda-driven vein. fortunately, i don’t watch tv, so i haven’t been forced to observe that trash.

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Clown World 2.0

The insanity is off the charts. If anyone in the past ever wondered about Jews' tendencies to be mentally unstable and dangerous to every society they are in the curtain has been thrown open. They are no longer hiding their all out loathing for the very existence of themselves and humanity. No normal humans would propagate this array of nefarious activity day after day, year after year, decade after decade further into shameless debauchery except Jews. The next Bond will be a trans child molester.
It's especially dumb for jews as this crazy direction means less profits. Movie attendance and box office are way down and it's no secret why. Lack of creativity and persuit of an unpopular agenda.

Really do guys want to go see all those battling babies? Does any one want to watch gays, interracial couples, and liberal values?

This James Bond thing? An unattractive black woman! That's got bomb written all over it. Unfortunately they no longer worry about making money. As long as the narrative moves forward.
Clown World 2.0

The insanity is off the charts. If anyone in the past ever wondered about Jews' tendencies to be mentally unstable and dangerous to every society they are in the curtain has been thrown open. They are no longer hiding their all out loathing for the very existence of themselves and humanity. No normal humans would propagate this array of nefarious activity day after day, year after year, decade after decade further into shameless debauchery except Jews. The next Bond will be a trans child molester.
Look into the "Frankfurt School of thought." Some heavy duty stuff there but what you/we're seeing is the result of all that BS started by a bunch of Jewish thinkers back in 1923 in Weimar Germany.
Look into the "Frankfurt School of thought." Some heavy duty stuff there but what you/we're seeing is the result of all that BS started by a bunch of Jewish thinkers back in 1923 in Weimar Germany.
Good thoughts from you guys. I've been wanting to look into the Frankfurt stuff for a while, and might check out "Culture of Critique" by Kevin McDonald as it does go into that.
Bond 25 ‘will see actress Lashana Lynch take over from Daniel Craig to become first female 007’

This is slow and calculated button pushing, she is 007 but not Bond, but we know the agenda. First Bond was a raging randy bachelor, then he got his balls clipped by a frumpy Jaguar boss, now this and next Bond will be a Mulatto orphan who only thwarts Nordic looking villians.
It's especially dumb for jews as this crazy direction means less profits. Movie attendance and box office are way down and it's no secret why. Lack of creativity and persuit of an unpopular agenda.

Really do guys want to go see all those battling babies? Does any one want to watch gays, interracial couples, and liberal values?

This James Bond thing? An unattractive black woman! That's got bomb written all over it. Unfortunately they no longer worry about making money. As long as the narrative moves forward.

Nailed it.
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How many White upscale young married couples would go seek a financial advisor to design a life time wealth building portfolio with an advisor who is a lean tall model built Black Woman?

In reality how often would that occur? On TV ads it's at least 50% of the time....and the other 50% of the time its often a clean cut Black male as the advisor.

Do you know where I see most Blacks in society when it comes to investments and behavior?................At the overdue/late pay window at cell phone stores full of cornrows and baggies.......or with Black overweight sheboons displaying their EBIT card at grocery stores or just fighting over each other at McDonalds or Chuck e Cheese.

How many people have Super Bowl parties, picnics, family holiday gatherings where you have White, Black, Brown and Asians all present at the same time in a laughing love fest of company?

On TV ads its always the case.

So......... who produces all these TV ads?

80% of them are done by the 4 largest advertising/marketing firms in the US.............which are owned by..........

Wait.......don't say it.........ugh!!! (every single time) you know who the father of marketing is?......................ever hear of Edwin Bernay's (the nephew of Freud)..........he designed the program and processes around manipulation of public opinion in the US.......a consent by design...............would you care to guess his ethnicity?

Are any of you old enough to remember the coverage by media of crowds reacting to the OJ verdict? That verdict took place during lunch time on a work day........and all the crowds gathered around a TV set.......what did those crowds look like?..............

I remember them being either all White in a business office break room setting.......or all Black in a government office room where there was a TV set...........I didn't see one video of any mixed race crowd ready to watch the verdict.

and do you remember the reactions of the all White and all Black crowds to the OJ verdict?

That was my wake up call................until then I was a White cuck liberal and though everyone was the same with just different paint jobs.

That moment told me the angst expressed by Whites came from a desire to wanting a society of cooperation/justice with law and order that was destroyed in front of their faces on national tv.............while the Blacks crowds could care less about any of long as they end up getting over on the system (aka law and justice in a White society) and they weren't bashful about demonstrating that as they expressed a chimp out celebration like they all had won the power ball lottery.

"We dun get back a Whitey for all dat slabery when OJ walked".......that's the mentality of a race with a mean IQ of 85 in this country........and Talmud Vision Ads try to tell us different.
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I fully concur because like you the OJ Simpson verdict for me was an absolute wake-up call in my life. Before then I was just like you except I was a Conservative and not a liberal. But I had no idea of the absolute hatred and no sense of justice on the part of blacks. I thought OJ would certainly without a doubt be convicted and go to prison for murder. I was gullible and naive to what Blacks collectively were like and their hatred of Whites.

At the time, arguably the two greatest players in the NFL where Troy Aikman and Steve Young (both White of course). I thought to myself, being a Cowboy fan and a White guy, if Troy Aikman (or Steve Young) had done this to his ex-wife and another person I would want to see him hanged in public! I thought surely everyone would want justice the same way when OJ was obviously guilty.

I was actually shocked to see blacks totally revelling in OJ getting off knowing in their hearts that he did it and they were basically dancing on the graves of Nicole Simpson and Ron Goldman. It was THE wake-up call for me and it's been a steady Awakening ever since to the agenda put forth by those who control the media and the advertising you mentioned earlier.
How many White upscale young married couples would go seek a financial advisor to design a life time wealth building portfolio with an advisor who is a lean tall model built Black Woman?

In reality how often would that occur? On TV ads it's at least 50% of the time....and the other 50% of the time its often a clean cut Black male as the advisor.

Do you know where I see most Blacks in society when it comes to investments and behavior?................At the overdue/late pay window at cell phone stores full of cornrows and baggies.......or with Black overweight sheboons displaying their EBIT card at grocery stores or just fighting over each other at McDonalds or Chuck e Cheese.

How many people have Super Bowl parties, picnics, family holiday gatherings where you have White, Black, Brown and Asians all present at the same time in a laughing love fest of company?

On TV ads its always the case.

So......... who produces all these TV ads?

80% of them are done by the 4 largest advertising/marketing firms in the US.............which are owned by..........

Wait.......don't say it.........ugh!!! (every single time) you know who the father of marketing is?......................ever hear of Edwin Bernay's (the nephew of Freud)..........he designed the program and processes around manipulation of public opinion in the US.......a consent by design...............would you care to guess his ethnicity?

Are any of you old enough to remember the coverage by media of crowds reacting to the OJ verdict? That verdict took place during lunch time on a work day........and all the crowds gathered around a TV set.......what did those crowds look like?..............

I remember them being either all White in a business office break room setting.......or all Black in a government office room where there was a TV set...........I didn't see one video of any mixed race crowd ready to watch the verdict.

and do you remember the reactions of the all White and all Black crowds to the OJ verdict?

That was my wake up call................until then I was a White cuck liberal and though everyone was the same with just different paint jobs.

That moment told me the angst expressed by Whites came from a desire to wanting a society of cooperation/justice with law and order that was destroyed in front of their faces on national tv.............while the Blacks crowds could care less about any of long as they end up getting over on the system (aka law and justice in a White society) and they weren't bashful about demonstrating that as they expressed a chimp out celebration like they all had won the power ball lottery.

"We dun get back a Whitey for all dat slabery when OJ walked".......that's the mentality of a race with a mean IQ of 85 in this country........and Talmud Vision Ads try to tell us different.

The whole OJ fiasco was a Freemasonic Zionist operation of divide and conquer:
Maybe they where a good organization at one time but to say they have no power just isn't true. A great deal of Law enforcement, judges, politicians and CEOs etc belong to the masonic order or some other secret society. And those organisations have been compromised satanic jews, the same ones who infiltrated our government, banks, MSM and schools telling our kids its ok for gays to marry. The OJ Simpson hoax was orchestrated by the father of the supposedly slain jew who was a big Hollywood director and everyone in the courtroom were jews and or actors. Just like the Trayon Martin hoax was financed by jew George Soros who started BLM right after. All we heard about since BLM was how cops were supposedly killing innocent blacks.. All these hoaxes are a form a mind control to play on our emotions, like the gentleman said in an earlier post here, his perception changed after the OJ case.
The Wonder Years has been rebooted, and Fred Savage et al have been replaced by an all-black cast.

Denzel Washington will play Macbeth in the upcoming movie The Tragedy of Macbeth.


Denzel is much too old for the role. In real history, Macbeth and his wife were actually young people in their late 20s when Macbeth became king. Duncan I was also in his 20s and his son Malcolm was a small boy.

Corey Hawkins will be MacDuff.

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Denzel Washington will play Macbeth in the upcoming movie The Tragedy of Macbeth.

View attachment 3315

Denzel is much too old for the role. In real history, Macbeth and his wife were actually young people in their late 20s when Macbeth became king. Duncan I was also in his 20s and his son Malcolm was a small boy.

Corey Hawkins will be MacDuff.

The film, of course, is directed by (((Joel Coen))). I would actually be shocked if once, just once, it wasn’t a member of the tribe pushing this degeneracy.
You'd think that a race that claims to be kangz could find some kangz of their own to play instead of having to steal whitey's kings.
the coolest anime/cartoon i’ve ever seen is now being re-tooled as a live action series on Netflix (which i have boycotted). Cowboy Bebop, a favorite of mine in the long ago before adult responsibilities took over, is being re-booted on the streaming service. the original series had incredible music and a fun/original storyline (that was partially copied by another favorite, albeit short-lived, series of mine: Firefly).

a notable problem with this new version? the lead character, Spike Stegal (sp?) is being played by an Asian dude. nothing new, erase the White leading man character and put in something, anything else.
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