NFL News, Rumors and Musings

Indeed. I'm beyond done with the Felons League. I heard a news clip yesterday with Goodall and then talk of Black NFL players whining on and on and then the clip ended with the summation of...get this...wait for it...DIRECT QUOTE>>>... "the plight of Black players in the NFL".

"Plight"??!!! Plight??!! "Plight" of multi-freaking millionares playing a game for an undeserved living and being worshipped and coddled constantly??!!
These whiners can F### OFF. I hope the season goes in the tank. Highly doubtful but we can hope...

Don't forget that they are beneficiaries of the caste system which systematically discriminates against whites! Talk about systemic discrimination.
Don't forget that they are beneficiaries of the caste system which systematically discriminates against whites! Talk about systemic discrimination.

Amen to the max, Leonardfan. The false narrative and double standards are off the charts preposterous!
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Wigger Pete supporting a player charged with armed robbery as well as rumors of signing the Toucan but blacks are oppressed right:

Speaking Thursday, Seahawks coach Pete Carroll hinted at positive developments in CB Quinton Dunbar's armed robbery case.
“It seems like things are taking a, you know– I shouldn’t even say– I don’t even know,” Carroll said. “We are following along with him. He is back and participating with us and focusing real well. We’ll see what happens with that.” Deandre Baker's lawyer suggested last week that he expected all charges against his client to be dropped. The radio silence coming out of the Miramar, Fla. police department has been hinting at the same thing.

Seahawks coach Pete Carroll said he was contacted Thursday by a team inquiring about Colin Kaepernick's 2017 workout with the Seahawks.
Carroll also claimed he regretted not signing Kaepernick in 2017, and that the only reason he didn't was that he "felt (Kap) was a starter, and that he was certain Kap would be starting somewhere that season." Carroll can say that now, but ESPN's Adam Schefter reported at the time that the Seahawks ultimately did not make the move because Kap would not commit to stop kneeling for the national anthem. Profootballtalk reported in 2017 that Kap was willing to accept backup money behind Russell Wilson. The league can express all the Kap regrets it wants, but the reality is, he was deliberately iced out for three years and no one can credibly deny it.
Also never visiting BSPN on line nor watching their sh*t show on TV. F them to hell! The same goes for the NFL Network. Burn in hell.
I hope we can all keep that passion through to the season.
It's not going be hard especially after Goodell has proven to be beyond despicable, and the Blacks running the locker rooms are all on board with rioting and kill Whitey. Their own social media posts tell the tale.
Yes, that flag protesting stuff is going to be strong. If it keeps up and and all signs are that it will, that will be enough for me and a few million others to boycott the sport. I'm not a big flag waver, and there is a lot about this country I don't like but everybody knows this is about young blacks saying to whites: we hate you and everything you stand for. And they now expect to be rewarded for it.
Yes, that flag protesting stuff is going to be strong. If it keeps up and and all signs are that it will, that will be enough for me and a few million others to boycott the sport. I'm not a big flag waver, and there is a lot about this country I don't like but everybody knows this is about young blacks saying to whites: we hate you and everything you stand for. And they now expect to be rewarded for it.
Spot on. They have been more open about their all out hatred for Whites for years and now the ruling elite Jews have not only given them the green light, but encouraged them to spew, display, and irreverently and violently do their part to destroy us. To hell with them and anyone that goes along with it. We are talking about the destruction of our people and sports is just a tool for it to be accomplished.
Spot on. They have been more open about their all out hatred for Whites for years and now the ruling elite Jews have not only given them the green light, but encouraged them to spew, display, and irreverently and violently do their part to destroy us. To hell with them and anyone that goes along with it. We are talking about the destruction of our people and sports is just a tool for it to be accomplished.

The situation is a lot more complex than that. There is an idealism involved that is being used to hammer away at anyone who opposes the radicalism of the BLM movement. There are blacks who genuinely want to see justice and equality, misguided as they are by those that manipulate them on behalf of a different agenda. Inner city black communities are mostly hellholes; I certainly wouldn't want to live in one and most denizens of them have been indoctrinated to lash out at the wrong targets. Branding an entire race as filled with hate and wanting to do nothing but destroy Whites is easy to write but doesn't help our side at all, to the contrary it makes it even easier to censor and dismiss us.

We need to start posting as if our real names are attached to what we write and I'm going to scrutinize posts more closely than before. The days of mindless lashing out at entire groups of people behind the anonymity of a screen name are over, at least on this site. Reason number one is that it never accomplishes anything positive and turns off people who are open-minded, inquisitive, and of good will.
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The situation is a lot more complex than that. There is an idealism involved that is being used to hammer away at anyone who opposes the radicalism of the BLM movement. There are blacks who genuinely want to see justice and equality, misguided as they are by those that manipulate them on behalf of a different agenda. Inner city black communities are mostly hellholes; I certainly wouldn't want to live in one and most denizens of them have been indoctrinated to lash out at the wrong targets. Branding an entire race as filled with hate and wanting to do nothing but destroy Whites is easy to write but doesn't help our side at all, to the contrary it makes it even easier to censor and dismiss us.

We need to start posting as if our real names are attached to what we write and I'm going to scrutinize posts more closely than before. The days of mindless lashing out at entire groups of people behind the anonymity of a screen name are over, at least on this site. Reason number one is that it never accomplishes anything positive and turns off people who are open-minded, inquisitive, and of good will.
I was less specific than I could have been but I did state that the ones that not only are the ones protesting the flag but also making social media posts, which are obviously public, are the ones openly against us or at least what we stand for as our norms in society. I wasn't labeling a whole group or race in my post. I was specifically talking about the NFL players. I even stated that they pretty much run the locker rooms. I think it was fairly obvious I was pointing out their tactics as rich, spoiled, coddled, ungrateful athletes with anti-White sentiments and actions, which they themselves made public.
I don't care how you try to spin it now, your post that I quoted is a great example of what I'm referring to. In fact if I could condense all your 3,000 posts into one, it would read almost exactly like that one. You've also written a number of posts over the years in which you claim to be ready to go ballistic. Never has a positive course of action ever been recommended.

The posting guidelines from day one have said this: "No racial or ethnic slurs or attacks on White nationalities, and no religious slurs. An honest dialogue about sports and race by definition will include negative observations about an individual or race, but if your objective is simply to attack a group of people go elsewhere." The guidelines are titled "Keep Posts Productive."

I've tried to enforce that over the years, but have been too lax at times, especially with a few veteran posters, just as I have with those who ignore the rule about not using profanity by coming up with endless cute ways around it by using asterisks, blank spaces, etc.

My main interest, not just in this site but in general, has been to try to help create positive and fair outcomes, for everybody. One reason I don't go to "right wing" forums is because they're filled with macho bluff and bluster attacking blacks and Jews, 99.9% of the time by people who have never helped a pro-White organization financially in their life or otherwise lifted a finger and never will. I know this because actually trying to do something positive in real life entails pragmatism and working with all kinds of people. Those types of posts make me cringe, and there's been some on CF over the years that have also made me cringe. The sites that I like to go to have real people writing thoughtful articles, albeit often under pen names. But there's a far higher sense of responsibility and maturity.

If anyone wants to post here, respect the site and post like your name is attached to what you write. Post about sports, which are finally coming back to life. We're in a new era now, like it or not.
I am a healthy middle-aged man, who can briskly run 3 miles in 100 degrees heat. My time away from the NFL or college ball will be most productive. I guess I will rely on Don and other posters to inform us of our guys' exploits. If not, that is ok too. The days of watching ingrate blacks and submissive white NFL players is over. I'll admit I will be tempted to see C-Mac's exploits, but I will stay true and not watch BSPN or NFL Network to see him. I will be as the blacks did in the 30s listen to the exploits of Joe Louis, through CF or radio, internet or TV program I happened to hear or watch. Whites need to WTF up. It is right in front of their eyes, the discrimination against them. We have 1000s Whites asking BLM and Antifa for forgiveness. Me, never, I will be on the wall watching it all play out. Believe it or not, I had a dream that Brees called a press conference to retract his two bitch ass apologizes and asked his teammates who were with him. Then suddenly I awoke. Interesting times ahead indeed. I am proud of America, its history and abolition of slavery and its success, and my success. I wish all people goodwill. But I will never give quarter to preferential treatment of any group. Sadly, the blacks due to their failure as a group have never succeeded. It is time for them to stop asking for preferential treatment on all fronts and look within. However, I believe they are incapable as a group. I am locked and loaded if civil war comes. Also, the rotten Antifa, the communists' agitators are looking at this as a moment to expand their reach. They need to be crushed. The Dem mayors and Govoners are either stupid or wondering their fate if they act. So be it. I have hope America will be with Trump in November 2020.
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I'll give you a positive course of action. I read about it on another site.

Drive by activism. During the summer if you're driving around with your windows open, when you stop at a red light, there are people next to you in other cars, waiting for a bus or in outdoor cafes. They can't get away from you and if you say something loud enough they can't avoid hearing you.

You can use that opportunity to give your views. Under the guise of talking to someone else, whether through a device or someone next to you, you can tell them the ideas or facts you want them to know. If they say something you can say "I wasn't talking to you. "

I've done it and I can see that people can hear me. Some of them look quite shocked with some things I say. For example I would talk about the Channon Christian - Christopher Newsome murders. Most whites have never heard of it. When I describe what was done and how the mainstream media covered it up they are shocked.

One of the problems is we can't even get people to listen to us. With drive by activism they can't help but hear us. You can talk about any subject you want.
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I don't care how you try to spin it now, your post that I quoted is a great example of what I'm referring to. In fact if I could condense all your 3,000 posts into one, it would read almost exactly like that one. You've also written a number of posts over the years in which you claim to be ready to go ballistic. Never has a positive course of action ever been recommended.

The posting guidelines from day one have said this: "No racial or ethnic slurs or attacks on White nationalities, and no religious slurs. An honest dialogue about sports and race by definition will include negative observations about an individual or race, but if your objective is simply to attack a group of people go elsewhere." The guidelines are titled "Keep Posts Productive."

I've tried to enforce that over the years, but have been too lax at times, especially with a few veteran posters, just as I have with those who ignore the rule about not using profanity by coming up with endless cute ways around it by using asterisks, blank spaces, etc.

My main interest, not just in this site but in general, has been to try to help create positive and fair outcomes, for everybody. One reason I don't go to "right wing" forums is because they're filled with macho bluff and bluster attacking blacks and Jews, 99.9% of the time by people who have never helped a pro-White organization financially in their life or otherwise lifted a finger and never will. I know this because actually trying to do something positive in real life entails pragmatism and working with all kinds of people. Those types of posts make me cringe, and there's been some on CF over the years that have also made me cringe. The sites that I like to go to have real people writing thoughtful articles, albeit often under pen names. But there's a far higher sense of responsibility and maturity.

If anyone wants to post here, respect the site and post like your name is attached to what you write. Post about sports, which are finally coming back to life. We're in a new era now, like it or not.

I'm willing to admit where I'm wrong and many times I am wrong. And I'll give you credit Don, for calling me out on the times I crossed the line. My apologies to you and all the posters here for that.

However, I don't believe I cast all people in any particular race or groups of people into one stereotype. I don't believe I've ever actually done that. I believe that is done on here and other sites but I don't think that is legitimate to accuse me of that. My post up above was specifically about the black NFL players kneeling during the anthem in protesting the flag and also posting derisive things in social media about Whites and our nation's history and common respect for our ways and customs.

I do think however, you have oversimplified my position. If you disagree, that's okay. We can agree to disagree. I'm more than happy to abide by the rules of this site.
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Antonio Brown was given a sweetheart deal for his Federal assault charges. 1 oo hrs community service and anger management classes. Talk about black privilege.

If you cannot trust TMZ you cannot trust anyone. We will see if Snyder has jew privilege, my money has 3-2 on changing it, not blood bank positive but the winds are not in Snyder's favor.

The people who are offended by the name "Redskins" are almost all white liberals. Actual Indians don't care.

Then you have the blacktivist intersectionality fools who want to "join" Indians in their grand nationalist anti-Christopher Columbus crusade - a crusade that basically doesn't exist, at least among the actual Indian people. The Columbus bashing, again, is coming from white liberals and Jews.

Snyder's Jewish privilege has already been shown by the fact that he hasn't been raked over the coals for the Redskins name. If an Aryan (White, non-Semitic) person owned the Redskins, he would have already been crucified by the media, forced to change the team's name, and then probably forced to resign anyway even if he did change the name.
Looks like Baker Mayfield is getting in on the kneeling act. Says he will kneel this upcoming season. LOL. I hope the NFL burns.
The people who are offended by the name "Redskins" are almost all white liberals. Actual Indians don't care.

Then you have the blacktivist intersectionality fools who want to "join" Indians in their grand nationalist anti-Christopher Columbus crusade - a crusade that basically doesn't exist, at least among the actual Indian people. The Columbus bashing, again, is coming from white liberals and Jews.

Snyder's Jewish privilege has already been shown by the fact that he hasn't been raked over the coals for the Redskins name. If an Aryan (White, non-Semitic) person owned the Redskins, he would have already been crucified by the media, forced to change the team's name, and then probably forced to resign anyway even if he did change the name.
100% true from my personal experience and research as well.
Make this all end, blow it up its only a game. Need to focus back on HS sports only, even then must avoid the cuck coaches who recruit. Everything sucks.
I'm not going to waste energy getting upset at individual white players who feel the need to virtue signal by kneeling. I'm just not going to watch anymore. If the NFL wants to subordinate itself to Antifa, let them. See how far it gets them.
American Freedom News