NFL News, Rumors and Musings

This news about Cantrell I have mixed emotions about. Going to the Cardinals with Kingsbury is a good move on his part as hopefully his former college HC will remember and use his talents. On the other hand, to have success he would need to have Kyler Murray to have success, which I absolutely don't want to see. It's another conundrum.
Wentz is just virtue signaling now that he's in Filthadelphia. Whatever has to protect his ass and say whatever to appease the masses, I won't hold it against him.

The masses or something else? As far as I can tell, while all young white QBs have to deal with hostile media and fans, Wentz has been targeted from within his own team to an unmatched extant and I've been thinking for a while that his background is the reason why. As he acknowledge himself in his sadly self-flagellating message, he grew up in a black-free environment. Not only that but his football education was also nearly all-white from a white high school in Bismarck to majority white teams at NDSU there's a good chance he simply never learned locker room racial politics until he was dropped in a NFL locker room dominated by the kind of guys who perform black power salutes during the national anthem. He has to protect himself out there because his black teammates are looking and they've already poisoned his career quite a bit so far.
Gotta suck for a guy like Wentz, a true believer in racial equality and all the cucky civnat crap and he gets treated like, a totally clueless dude. If you know about the Caste System at least you can be a cynical opportunist and mumble the correct words and survive it.

I hate to say it but it was mentioned that the CS would go turbo now, I kind of hope a couple of the idiot franchises go totally black and they are mouthy about it.
and the NFL is dead (as opposed to being on life support) - they do a complete 180 and bow to the cultural marxists - a great microcosm of what is going on in society as a whole - systematic and approved discrimination against whites while totally catering to an infantile demographic of the population. I won't be surprised to see the Toucan back in the league asap, a rush of minority coaches and further exclusion of whites from the NFL:
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I have made a decision to never watch the NFL again. I will come here to get filled in our guys. I hope millions of other Americans do the same. I can only dream that happens.
I have made a decision to never watch the NFL again. I will come here to get filled in our guys. I hope millions of other Americans do the same. I can only dream that happens.

Have to wonder if taxpayers are going to regret forking over money for NFL stadiums. I do hope that millions more do stop watching - the NFL is gambling on media optics for the "reality" they are seeing as opposed to the millions of the silent majority. For the past few years my favorite part of the NFL has been going onto breibart and seeing the empty stadium articles so I expect that to happen again.
I'd like to think I'm done with the NFL too. But I keep getting pulled back in, mostly by Fantasy football. I can't see how I could watch it if it's going to be the complete blackfest that has been going on in the last week. I'm thinking maybe this is posturing and they will cut back when the season starts. How can they cater to the anti-cop, anti-America players when they have gone overboard with patriotic displays and celebrations of the military and first responders?

One thing that is going to be big. If they get to play without fans then the players won't have to worry about the boos when they stage their protests.
I have made a decision to never watch the NFL again. I will come here to get filled in our guys. I hope millions of other Americans do the same. I can only dream that happens.

I made that decision years ago, however when Carolina drafted McCaffrey I started watching the Panthers, but just to see CM and occasionally the Patriots. I have relied on CF for information on white players.
This holds true with college football as well.
FTR I'll still watch a game college or pro but it has to have interesting players and I switch channels or mute the commercials but I absolutely spend $0 on all the crap accoutrements such as fan gear or over priced shoes and tv packages.

Now we knew they would come for Bill so here is the first shot. Speaking of BB, Brees and the latest issues BB narrated a D-Day documentary which is quite good, it seems his father was in the airborne that day and he is quite attached to the man's memory.

Here is the first sentence from that piece of "journalism" by Mike Florio: "In this historic moment, there is no middle ground. The choices are to support the notion of equality, liberty, and justice for all, or not to."

Talk about extreme bias. Anyone who doesn't support this far-left, anti-White movement is against equality, liberty and justice for all and must therefore be a White supremacist or nazi. To them it's not possible to have legitimate opposition to the BLM/antifa/fake news media offensive. That's the kind of language, and thinking, that supports and justifies ever harsher measures against anyone and everyone who won't fall in line, who won't publicly submit and take a knee before their new masters.
Here is the first sentence from that piece of "journalism" by Mike Florio: "In this historic moment, there is no middle ground. The choices are to support the notion of equality, liberty, and justice for all, or not to."

Talk about extreme bias. Anyone who doesn't support this far-left, anti-White movement is against equality, liberty and justice for all and must therefore be a White supremacist or nazi. To them it's not possible to have legitimate opposition to the BLM/antifa/fake news media offensive. That's the kind of language, and thinking, that supports and justifies ever harsher measures against anyone and everyone who won't fall in line, who won't publicly submit and take a knee before their new masters.

I appreciate that kind of extremist language from people in opposition to me, but then again I am not a conservative. A conservative is wrapped up in the lib/con game and that is rigged in the lib favor, they make charges you defend yourself. I'd rather flip the script. Anyway here we are today pondering if the NFL should just be destroyed instead of praising the hard work and dedication of athletes, thank you Clown World.
Some ten or twenty percent of Whites actively working for the extinction of Whites doesn't mean the rest of American Whites are falling in line. Intimidation and certain punishment for not submitting isn't changing hearts; more likely it's hardening positions. As always the bulk of American Whites have no spokesmen, no organizations representing them. As I've lamented many times, Whites are their own worst enemy in many ways when it comes to this, but the system itself will no longer allow White representation and at this point every White American who isn't brain-dead should be realizing just what Whites are facing not to be rapidly replaced and all markers and traditions of U.S. history rapidly destroyed and deposited in the Memory Hole.

The grassroots rebellion against the non-scientific and totalitarian Covid-1984 quarantines of healthy people while their livelihoods were destroyed was promising. It may well be that this Saint George Floyd era we've entered is a direct response to the failure of the Covid-1984 scam. As always, be open-minded and alert to the non-stop misinformation and disinformation we're being bombarded with from all directions.
Some ten or twenty percent of Whites actively working for the extinction of Whites doesn't mean the rest of American Whites are falling in line. Intimidation and certain punishment for not submitting isn't changing hearts; more likely it's hardening positions. As always the bulk of American Whites have no spokesmen, no organizations representing them. As I've lamented many times, Whites are their own worst enemy in many ways when it comes to this, but the system itself will no longer allow White representation and at this point every White American who isn't brain-dead should be realizing just what Whites are facing not to be rapidly replaced and all markers and traditions of U.S. history rapidly destroyed and deposited in the Memory Hole.

The grassroots rebellion against the non-scientific and totalitarian Covid-1984 quarantines of healthy people while their livelihoods were destroyed was promising. It may well be that this Saint George Floyd era we've entered is a direct response to the failure of the Covid-1984 scam. As always, be open-minded and alert to the non-stop misinformation and disinformation we're being bombarded with from all directions.[/QUOTE

Great post, Don Wassall.
NFL is walking a fine line right now. It seems they are content with falling in line with the globalist commie party and virtue signaling with the best of them. They better watch it though because many normies are still pissed about the Krapernick crap a few years ago and with Covid scamdemic threatening empty stadiums you'd think the NFL would be more worried about losing $ paying customers. Makes me think someone has promised them more $$ on the side..

Also found it interesting and others mentioned as well. Will this be the NFLs end with Faux Patriotism and Military Industrial Complex?! No more flyovers or field long flags?
NFL is walking a fine line right now. It seems they are content with falling in line with the globalist commie party and virtue signaling with the best of them. They better watch it though because many normies are still pissed about the Krapernick crap a few years ago and with Covid scamdemic threatening empty stadiums you'd think the NFL would be more worried about losing $ paying customers. Makes me think someone has promised them more $$ on the side..

Also found it interesting and others mentioned as well. Will this be the NFLs end with Faux Patriotism and Military Industrial Complex?! No more flyovers or field long flags?

The NFL was not at the forefront of this - they waited until other big corporations did their virtue signaling before dipping their toes in the water - it's a calculated decision that came over a week since this nonsense has started. They are hedging their bets on riding this wave of "protests" and riots. They probably think that the fans that already left were the only ones fed up and the ones remaining are akin to the cucks seen joining in the aforementioned "protests" and riots so they do not think they will be alienating a sizable portion of their fan base (hopefully they are wrong). If I recall the NFL slowly gained viewership last year although many stadiums had thousands of empty seats. The NFL is also hoping that this initial announcement (to be followed up with both subversive and obvious pandering to blacks) and negative reaction to it will mostly be a healed wound once the league returns in September. I personally hope the pandering and grandstanding does carry on through the season by the NFL, teams and players (we all know the media will be pushing it hard anyways). This made lead to a 2nd purge of white fans. The pandering may also further push white people who are getting further marginalized to question why the NFL has so many blacks in the first place (probably a pipe dream but I'm trying to be a little optimistic).

I believe the cuck Goodell stated something along the lines of their would be no league without black players - I am paraphrasing. We all know that is a flat out lie - I am sure a majority white NFL would be just as popular but when the NFL/NCAA essentially filter out white players based on proven systemic discrimination then of course he is correct about their not being a league without blacks.

It is aggravating seeing white players go along with this whole agenda - granted they are at the behest of the mob and I feel many are just stating support to keep their jobs and the heat off of them. They have no support structure or backing so they are painted between a rock and a hard place. They face the same circumstances many of us normal whites face - having to keep quiet - dare not say a negative word or even question what is going on without being ostracized. As a collective they are all at least partly to blame because they could band together and speak about the toxic culture in the locker rooms, the discrimination they face as white athletes in the NFL and plenty of stories about their experiences with the caste system. Personally, I am questioning why I even bother trying to point out the caste system because none of them care (outwardly anyways) so why should I? I do feel for high school kids who are getting the caste treatment because that's where it all starts.
The pandering will continue. AP said they plan on kneeling every game lol. At this point it's getting easier and easier to disengage from sports.

*White dudes 0-2 in caste matchups in UFC Fights tonight.

Aljiman wins and he said he supports the rioters fighting the good fight.
Political correctness and favoritism for blacks are nothing new - I remember a story my mother told me from the early 1980s, before I was born. She was applying for a job as a secretary and ended up being one of the two finalists, the other being a black woman. While they were waiting for the final interview, the black woman told my mother, "You may as well just go home now." My mother, being quite naïve about racial issues at the time, asked, "Why?" And the black lady stated simply, "They have to give the position to me, because I'm black." And sho nuff, that's exactly what ended up happening.

Same thing with the NFL at the time - White players were still fairly represented at most positions, but the early beginnings of the Caste system were starting to come into play. The running back position was similar to the way linebacker is now - there were White stars like John Riggins, but it was already seen as a mostly "black" position.

The decision that every White fan has to make is at what point do political correctness and blackworship reach the point where they become completely intolerable? For many racially aware Whites, it came long ago, back when the NFL became majority black. For me, I've continued watching the league up until this point, but no longer. This is that point for me. Up until now, the various forms of political correctness associated with the NFL - the biased announcing, the anti-White commercials, the pink feminism, the faux patriotism, and even the anthem-kneeling - though they were all there and often in your face, at least they weren't bigger than the game itself. But now, the NFL, just like so many other mega-corporations and government organizations, has essentially handed BLM and Antifa the keys to the asylum and is saying, "We will bow and cuck to whatever you want, nothing is too extreme now."

For the first time in history, things have reached the point where the only "acceptable" opinion to express in public is the most extreme left-wing one possible. Guys like Drew Brees, who tried to be a voice of moderation and unity, and even Bill Belichick, who was attacked just because he said nothing at all, are being viciously and hatefully targeted in a matter reminiscent of Stalin's Great Purges. Unless the league does a complete turnaround, apologizes to men like Brees and Belichick for attacking them, and tells Antifa and BLM where they can go (and it's extremely unlikely any of this will happen), I won't be watching or participating in this clown show.
Some ten or twenty percent of Whites actively working for the extinction of Whites doesn't mean the rest of American Whites are falling in line. Intimidation and certain punishment for not submitting isn't changing hearts; more likely it's hardening positions. As always the bulk of American Whites have no spokesmen, no organizations representing them. As I've lamented many times, Whites are their own worst enemy in many ways when it comes to this, but the system itself will no longer allow White representation and at this point every White American who isn't brain-dead should be realizing just what Whites are facing not to be rapidly replaced and all markers and traditions of U.S. history rapidly destroyed and deposited in the Memory Hole.

The grassroots rebellion against the non-scientific and totalitarian Covid-1984 quarantines of healthy people while their livelihoods were destroyed was promising. It may well be that this Saint George Floyd era we've entered is a direct response to the failure of the Covid-1984 scam. As always, be open-minded and alert to the non-stop misinformation and disinformation we're being bombarded with from all directions.

Great post, although I would say that 20% of Whites actively working for the destruction of their own race is far too high. 10% - maybe. My personal estimate would be about 7%.

The ones who do want to destroy their own race will always get unending, fawning, drooling, hyper-positive coverage by the fake news media to make them seem stronger than they really are.
Great post, although I would say that 20% of Whites actively working for the destruction of their own race is far too high. 10% - maybe. My personal estimate would be about 7%.

The ones who do want to destroy their own race will always get unending, fawning, drooling, hyper-positive coverage by the fake news media to make them seem stronger than they really are.

Yeah that caught me off guard, I think very few are knowingly working towards their destruction or want to, but more are contributing unknowingly to it/are made to in some way.
Great post, although I would say that 20% of Whites actively working for the destruction of their own race is far too high. 10% - maybe. My personal estimate would be about 7%.

The ones who do want to destroy their own race will always get unending, fawning, drooling, hyper-positive coverage by the fake news media to make them seem stronger than they really are.

What makes the situation so inexplicable and difficult to understand for so many is that there is a segment of Whites who mostly don't regard themselves as White and are in fact intensely hostile to Whites. It is taboo to mention that uncomfortable reality and most self-hating Whites seem to be unaware of it and the endless hypocrisy and double standards involved in maintaining the facade. But it does seem to be known to a significant, intelligent portion of the population in spite of the never-ending hysteria to squelch knowledge of it. That, far more than the endless kowtowing to black extremism, is the key as to whether there can or will be positive change for mankind.
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What makes the situation so inexplicable and difficult to understand for so many is that there is a segment of Whites who mostly don't regard themselves as White and are in fact intensely hostile to Whites. It is taboo to mention that uncomfortable reality and most self-hating Whites seem to be unaware of it and the endless hypocrisy and double standards involved in maintaining the facade. But it does seem to be known to a significant, intelligent portion of the population in spite of the never-ending hysteria to squelch knowledge of it. That, far more than the endless kowtowing to black extremism, is the key as to whether there can or will be positive change for mankind.

I first noticed "white people who hate white people" around 1970 when I was a college student.
Yup and try to boycott the 278 communist corporations werewolf mentioned best you can.

Indeed. I'm beyond done with the Felons League. I heard a news clip yesterday with Goodall and then talk of Black NFL players whining on and on and then the clip ended with the summation of...get this...wait for it...DIRECT QUOTE>>>... "the plight of Black players in the NFL".

"Plight"??!!! Plight??!! "Plight" of multi-freaking millionares playing a game for an undeserved living and being worshipped and coddled constantly??!!
These whiners can F### OFF. I hope the season goes in the tank. Highly doubtful but we can hope...
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