
Another Sean Connery as James Bond movie, Diamonds Are Forever. Check out Natalie Wood's sister Lana Wood who appears at 37:00.

Another Sean Connery as James Bond movie, Diamonds Are Forever. Check out Natalie Wood's sister Lana Wood who appears at 37:00.

I always liked the scene from that movie with the girls who could do back flips, Bambi and Thumper. Of course they had to make one of them a token black as it was the beginning of the PC movement, but overall it was a very memorable scene that inspired a lot of copycats where the scriptwriters would have an actress who was athletic enough to do back flips do them in a fight scene, like Angelina Jolie in Tomb Raider, Krista Allen in the X-Files, Nadine Velazquez in her action movies.
A movie to miss is Midnight Sky with Clooney as lead and as director. I should have known better, slow and ponderous with a woke subplot destined for genetic fail.
A movie to miss is Midnight Sky with Clooney as lead and as director. I should have known better, slow and ponderous with a woke subplot destined for genetic fail.

when I saw Ad Astra a year or so ago I thought to myself that nothing could top it as far as big budget space duds.

this movie did. It was absolutely awful. No good plots subplots music themes special effects or acting.
Hey guys. Why even waste your time with modern movies? There are decades of good movies to choose from without race mixing, anti-white male bigotry and heavy handed leftist propaganda. Go to the past.

Some people don't like black and white movies. You'll get used to it and an entire world of movies will be opened to you. Some movies are better in black and white. Film noir is better in black and white.
"The Stanford Experience" is based on an experiment conducted at Stanford University. It's about a group of people who volunteer for an experiment and were divided up into 2 groups, prisoners and guards and, how power corrupts and lack of any authority will break you mentally.
Hey guys. Why even waste your time with modern movies? There are decades of good movies to choose from without race mixing, anti-white male bigotry and heavy handed leftist propaganda. Go to the past.

Some people don't like black and white movies. You'll get used to it and an entire world of movies will be opened to you. Some movies are better in black and white. Film noir is better in black and white.

Very true.
Black and White Movies are still made by the Nation Wreckers, though I'm sure they were more subtle back then.
Hey guys. Why even waste your time with modern movies? There are decades of good movies to choose from without race mixing, anti-white male bigotry and heavy handed leftist propaganda. Go to the past.

Some people don't like black and white movies. You'll get used to it and an entire world of movies will be opened to you. Some movies are better in black and white. Film noir is better in black and white.
Very true. There are a lot of very good black and white movies from the 1930s, 40s and 50s.

And there were a lot of great epics made in color back in those days too.

Great video on how (((they))) won't even let us have good villains in movies anymore. (The YouTuber in question is not "Jew-wise" himself, but still insightful and entertaining).
Has anyone seen the new Top Gun movie yet? I wanted to see if it was full of forced diversity lgbt nonsense before going.
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Another pathetic week at the box office (last week):

The Predator $24.6M
The Nun $18.2M
A Simple Favor $16.0M
White Boy Rick $8.9M
Crazy Rich Asians $8.7M

I was perusing some local and some not local primary (not the cheap secondary) theaters last week and some were playing old movies like "The Sound of Music" and the "Lord of the Rings" movies from over a decade ago. They are getting desperate.

At some point, these brick-and-mortar monstrosities are going to go belly-up. It's just like the NFL, they could make a product that could pack the seats (and the stands...saw quite a few empty seats in the top level at Heinz field during the Steelers game) by having a more White-friendly or traditional product, but they won't, because it doesn't fit their long-term agenda of White dispossession and displacement.
Where I live they are just getting more exclusive. Higher prices and less people in the theater but better service. Mitch Marner was attending one of these theaters to see a movie with his girlfriend and was held up at gun point. The tickets are about 20 to 25 dollars and you get food served to you. When the government allowed theaters to be open again these were the only type of theaters that were financially viable with the burdensome spacing rules for social distancing.
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The Last Duel (2021)

I watched this one yesterday. It's better than nearly all of the historical movies that came out the past few years.

It was mostly historically accurate, the casting was perfect and the cinematography was very good.
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Top Gun 2 trailer.

I got stuck watching this the other night because another couple wanted to see it.

it was one of the dumbest movies I’ve ever seen.
The characters were all paper thin and I’m general it was like seeing an old girlfriend that used to be hot and who hasn’t aged well.

Go rent hot shots and get a laugh at least. Thumbs down
Wasn't sure where to post this. I apologize if I ramble here.
I don't hate Steven Spielberg. The man is incredibly talented for what he does. To the best of my knowledge I don't hear much from him ever doing Hollyweird's liberal bidding. My favorite movie will always be Jaws. Long story.
I saw Saving Private Ryan back in October of 1999. I have always been an avid WW 2 fan and probably have read about 600 books over the course of my 45 years. And I noticed something I have never discussed with anyone nor have I ever heard anyone bringing this up.
There is a riveting scene where the Jewish American soldier gets into a life and death struggle with what turns out to be the German soldier Tom Hanks lets go instead of executing him. To be honest the first time I saw this it was pretty gut wrenching even though I knew its just a movie.
There is Corporal Upham who is getting called for help and he is to much of a coward to climb the stairs and help his comrade and the Jewish guy gets stabbed in the heart with his own bayonet.
I always thought Spielberg was making a political statement saying that the US knew what Nazi Germany was doing to the Jews and did nothing about it. I have no idea if S.S. is a Zionist but I really thought he was tugging at the goyim heart strings trying to drum up sorrow for the alleged Holocaust.
Also in Schindler's List at the end the Schindler Jews are rescued by a Russian teenager on a donkey. They ask if there are any Jews left in Poland. No answer. Ben Kingsley's character asks " where should we go ? " The Russian replies " don't go East they don't like you there and don't go West they don't like you either." Man I just took this as such pandering for the creation of the new Israeli state. What so many Jews don't seem to get through their heads is most people don't like them because of their mass control of the media and the world's financial institutions among just a few things and they are such a minority in the total world population.
I was lucky to grow up in southern NY in a lower to middle- class area ( Newburgh NY ) and I would have to say most of my Jewish classmates and friends families were not poor but clearly hard working people. My best man at my wedding was Jewish and his mom owned a bar in Highland Falls NY and his dad owned a small electronics store that did not do so well.
I'm not sure where I'm going with this but I'm not a big fan of the Jewish control in this world but their not all evil greedy non-assimilating blood suckers. I was just wondering if anyone saw what I saw in those two movies and what they think? Thanks.
I liked some of Spielberg's movies, including Jaws and Duel. Never thought much of ET or Close Encounters. Couldn't even sit through ET. It may be just BS, but there are stories on the net regarding how Heather O'Rourke of Poltergeist fame passed, and the stories deal with Hollywood pedophilia. Here again, they may just be stories, but you can google (gargle) them up and decide for yourself.
Just wanted to bring this up maybe for discussion. Its not in my top 50 but Terminator 2 has some interesting things going for it as well as a huge hypocrisy I tried to point to a college friend back in 1992.
The movie came out to great expectations in the summer of 1991. It was lauded for having beyond the state of the art CGI for its time. It wasn;t the graphics that made me like the movie but Arnold's charisma and I have to admit, Linda Hamilton nails every narrative she gives in the movie.
One scene kills me is when they are fixing their car after the mental ward escape 2 kids come up and are fighting over which one killed each other with their toy guns. John Connor remarks " were not going to make it....humans that is. " Arnold repsonds " it's in your nature to destroy yourselves. " Talk talk about deep philisophical stuff. This movie is choc full of that.
The part that always killed me is seeing James Cameron high fiving all his CGI buddies after the film came out to rave reviews. He was seen bragging how they made the most complete technological movie for its time.
The whole point of the original " Terminator " was that technology was so rampant and developed by humans that it became smart or " self aware " and sees all humans as the enemy which creates a nuclear holocaust. Talk about hypocrisy. You blame technology and its advances in the first movie for the destruction of humans and then go out and make a second film based on new advanced technology. I love Cameron as a director ( Aliens especially ) but he dropped the ball on that one.
I long for the day when our future generations can get off twitter and put the Iphones down and see the world as we used to see it. Advancements for human beings are not always a good thing.
One scene kills me is when they are fixing their car after the mental ward escape 2 kids come up and are fighting over which one killed each other with their toy guns. John Connor remarks " were not going to make it....humans that is. " Arnold responds " it's in your nature to destroy yourselves. " Talk talk about deep philosophical stuff. This movie is choc full of that.
The part that always killed me is seeing James Cameron high fiving all his CGI buddies after the film came out to rave reviews. He was seen bragging how they made the most complete technological movie for its time.
The whole point of the original " Terminator " was that technology was so rampant and developed by humans that it became smart or " self aware " and sees all humans as the enemy which creates a nuclear holocaust. Talk about hypocrisy. You blame technology and its advances in the first movie for the destruction of humans and then go out and make a second film based on new advanced technology. I love Cameron as a director ( Aliens especially ) but he dropped the ball on that one.
I long for the day when our future generations can get off twitter and put the Iphones down and see the world as we used to see it. Advancements for human beings are not always a good thing.
That movie was a bit too far-fetched.

I mean I could buy the idea of terminators from the future and all that, but a Negro (Miles Dyson) being the brilliant inventor of the microprocessor which would lead to the development of Skynet - that was too implausible for me.
That movie was a bit too far-fetched.

I mean I could buy the idea of terminators from the future and all that, but a Negro (Miles Dyson) being the brilliant inventor of the microprocessor which would lead to the development of Skynet - that was too implausible for me.

Yeah but he didn’t invent it. I’m sure some white guy did. He just got it when they salvaged it from the terminator in the first movie. Dyson was a complete AA phoney. Although he did show some balls at the end holding off on the explosive until he died.
That movie was a bit too far-fetched.

I mean I could buy the idea of terminators from the future and all that, but a Negro (Miles Dyson) being the brilliant inventor of the microprocessor which would lead to the development of Skynet - that was too implausible for me.
I guess that was around the time that the “black scientist meme” really started to take off. It was insidious as I didn’t think much of it when watching as an impressionable teenager.

Now you can barely find a movie or show which isn't littered with black scientists, doctors, lawyers and judges. I think one of the only shows I’ve seen that was created in the last 30 years that portrayed blacks in any sort of realistic way was The Wire. And even that wasn’t perfect as it had a few “magic negro” characters, like Stringer Bell and the wise old cop (Lester?). Either way, I can’t imagine it would be made today, as the black inner-city underclass can’t be portrayed as anything other than plucky underdogs who’ve been disadvantaged and oppressed by a “White supremest” society.
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