
I started watching the movie 1917 but a couple of minutes in when it shows half the British soldiers as Negroes, I turned it off.
I started watching the movie 1917 but a couple of minutes in when it shows half the British soldiers as Negroes, I turned it off.

It was made in 2019, Hard to find acceptable historical depictions these days. No one who is cognizant right now will fall for this and actually think half the British soldiers are black but if this trend continues young kids who knew nothing else, of course, may think so... There was a video game a few years back that had a similar depiction with 3/4s of the soldiers being sikhs/africans and it caused a big stink below the media level.
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I just watched another great movie,

The Last Full Measure (2019)

Despite all the garbage coming out, it's nice to know there are still some good movies like this one and Midway being made.
I just watched another great movie,

The Last Full Measure (2019)

Despite all the garbage coming out, it's nice to know there are still some good movies like this one and Midway being made.

I saw The Last Full Measure over the weekend. It did good box office, which (hopefully) means similar films to come.

Offhand I believe it is the first movie about a Vietnam War Medal of Honor recipient aside from a 1987 TV movie about James Stockdale's POW experience.
I started watching the movie 1917 but a couple of minutes in when it shows half the British soldiers as Negroes, I turned it off.
That’s disappointing to hear. From the trailers it looked like a historically accurate all-White affair. I guess they snuck in all the dieversity in the form of lots of extras?

I recall watching Dunkirk a few years ago and that portrayed the WWII British army as all White. I do think towards the end there was a negro or two in the French forces. But I assume that by WWII, they were exploiting their African colonies for infantrymen??
Here's a comedy from 1939, Blondie Meets the Boss. It's based on the Blondie comic strip and stars Penny Singleton as Blondie and Arthur Lake as Dagwood. It's light comedy. There were eventually 28 Blondie movies made they were so popular. They're funny.

The first time I ever saw jitterbugging was in this movie. It puts the lie to the racist stereotype that white people can't dance.

So if you're tired of watching anti-white propaganda in movies or seeing violent, criminal, rapist, basketball players lionized in the media put this movie on and laugh.

On the weekend, I watched another very good movie about the Vietnam War:

Danger Close (2019)

It's a mostly historically-accurate account of a real battle. The main character, a real-life hero, is played by the same Australian actor Travis Fimmel who played Ragnar Lothbrok in Vikings.

Some (((critics))) have complained, in as many words, that it's not anti-American enough, and doesn't show enough sympathy for the Viet Cong.

That’s disappointing to hear. From the trailers it looked like a historically accurate all-White affair. I guess they snuck in all the dieversity in the form of lots of extras?

I recall watching Dunkirk a few years ago and that portrayed the WWII British army as all White. I do think towards the end there was a negro or two in the French forces. But I assume that by WWII, they were exploiting their African colonies for infantrymen??
The director and writer of 1917 is a Jew, Sam Mendes.

He's the one responsible for placing Negroes as British and French historical people in his Shakespearean TV movie series The Hollow Crown.

His movie American Beauty was very anti-White in different ways (middle-aged WASP couple degraded, wife unfaithful, high-ranking military man made out to be neo-Nazi, family dysfunctional, teens nihilistic and have psychological problems)

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His movie
American Beauty was very anti-White in different ways (middle-aged WASP couple degraded, wife unfaithful, high-ranking military man made out to be neo-Nazi, family dysfunctional, teens nihilistic and have psychological problems)

The only "normal" people in that movie were a homosexual couple. Kevin Spacey's character was pretty funny though; there are some MGTOW advocates who claim American Beauty was a harbinger of MGTOW and the men's rights movement, such as it is.
Never seen the movie and had to research what MGTOW meant. Now that I have Don's comment makes sense. lol
Everybody has different takes on movies. For instance I have no desire to see a one take World War 1 flick. And as for Clint Eastwood his films are decent but a tad boring. That baseball movie he made lacked any sense of excitement.

To me the movie of the year is "Once Upon A Time In Hollywood." Which is odd because I do not like the director QT. I find the sadistic gratuitous violence in his movies obscene.

That said this is his best movie. Full disclosure I am a Charles Manson history buff and I don't want to go into details about what went on because it is beyond this site if you ask me but safe to say don't believe all of the standard lines on the subject.

In this movie you will find a man that every man secretly wishes he was like in Brad Pitt who has garnered rave reviews and awards. Pitt, much like say Shane ( classic western movie) is a man with a possibly scary past, which is unnerving but we don't see that side per say so one goes with the flow. Handsome with an easy masculinity Pitt isn't some boss man. He is actually subservient as he plays a stunt double to nervous Nellie Westerns actor played by Leo DiCaprio but remains his loyal friend. Laconic and stoic like a Hemingway character Pitt is a real man who doesn't scare easily.

The movie is spiced up with numerous humorous sequences. The Bruce Lee scene is hilarious even if it pissed off the Bruce Lee fans. And there is a precocious young girl actress who nearly steals the entire move.

Also on hand is the gorgeous ( good grief) Margot Robbie who plays Sharon Stone. Talk about eye candy!

Pitt isn't some dick less dude either who only hangs out with his buddy as he becomes attracted to one of the cute Manson girls and he handles the whole thing with coolness and aplomb. The authenticity in the movie is pretty good as you see some under arm hair on a Manson chick but QT like so many modern day directors bails out during a scene at the Playboy Mansion. This is the 1960's and there was nudity galore there but QT decides to gloss over that and tames the whole thing down to appease the Puritanical crowd. Meanwhile we have a cinema with over the top violence in horror films that is fine for the kiddies to watch. Give me a break. A nude tit isn't going to stop the universe for crying out loud.

The ending is shocking. You have been warned. But Pitt plays the closest thing we think of as the male stud in recent times. A bravura performance by Pitt and most of the cast. I was impressed throughout.
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Full disclosure I am a Charles Manson history buff and I don't want to go into details about what went on because it is beyond this site if you ask me but safe to say don't believe all of the standard lines on the subject.

I just finished reading a new book called "Chaos: Charles Manson, the CIA, and the Secret History of the Sixties." I recommend it if you haven't read it yet.
As I had mentioned above I didn't much like QT movies but I went to "Once Upon ..." because of the Manson subject matter so I took a chance. I figured even if I didn't like the movie the soundtrack might be good since I love music from that late 1960's era.

I read "Chaos: Charles Manson..." this past summer. I have read several Manson books but "Chaos.." takes the cake. The most fascinating book I read last year and I wolfed through quite a few last year. Good call Don. Great book with incredibly scary implications. And it still leaves many key questions unanswered.
Oliver Stone is a left-populist whose movies have taken on the JFK assassination and the Vietnam War from an anti-establishment point of view. I'm a right-populist and agree with most of what he says here. Of course he's dead wrong when he calls it "right wing fighting right wing," when both wings of the permanent one-party system have been working to implement cultural communism and replace White Americans and all traditional values and moorings for over half a century.

And there's more than a little irony that it's Russia Today that allows Stone to speak his mind and criticize the PTB in the U.S., thus validating what he's saying, not the American "mainstream" media, which now operates as the system's Ministry of Truth and is working toward criminalizing anyone who doesn't follow the Party line.

Hollywood has been more heavily censored since 2001, films bashing US army & CIA can’t go public – Oliver Stone to RT

The American film industry changed beyond recognition after the milestone year of 2001, director Oliver Stone told RT, with producers using financial restraints to censor movies challenging the US military or the CIA.

“Maybe in the 1980s, when I did ‘Platoon’, ‘Born on the Fourth of July’ and ‘Heaven & Earth’, I could do that, because it was a slightly more relaxed system,”
said the award-winning filmmaker, mentioning his famed movies while making his case during former Ecuadorean President Rafael Correa’s show on RT Spanish.

When the Iron Curtain fell and the Cold War ended, things didn’t change for the better, Stone believes. “My film career has suffered, because sometimes I’ve said things that American producers hate to hear,” he revealed, adding that those sponsoring film productions sometimes resort to “economic censorship.”

Hollywood has changed since 2001. It has become more censored. The military, the CIA, the depictions of these organizations has been very favorable.

“You can take the budgets down... let’s say you want to make a film criticizing the American military, taking an Iraq war story or a horror story that recently happened in Iraq... You do those kinds of stories, it’s not going to happen,” he explained.

Stone, who scored a number of Academy, BAFTA and Golden Globe awards, has been widely criticized for his anti-war dramas and, most recently, for a series of films questioning the widespread Western narrative on the Ukrainian turmoil, as well as exclusive interviews with Vladimir Putin.

“Now, censorship isn’t something that exclusively affects the American film industry,” Stone lamented, “I can read the American media but they all say the same things ... And you don’t hear from Iran and China, you don’t hear from [North] Korea, you don’t hear from Venezuela, you don’t get their point of view.”

The CIA realized – after World War II, basically – they [went into] the business, the news business, they put their people, their agents at newspapers, at magazines and television.

‘It’s all right-wings fighting with right-wings’
The famed film director sounded pessimistic when asked if there is hope for change – or, at least, if the system allows for that change. He said that both parties – be it Democrats or Republicans – act by the same playbook when dealing with issues of war and peace.

“There is no party in the United States, no democratic voice except third parties that are small, that would say ‘Why are we fighting wars?’” Stone exclaimed, adding, “it’s all right-wings fighting with right-wings.” Democrats are no better than Republicans, he says: “Hillary Clinton and her group, and Joe Biden, are just as pro-war as any Republican Dick Cheney.”

Stone thinks Donald Trump who has done “horrible things” by pulling out of the Paris climate accords and the hard-earned 2015 Iran nuclear deal. But, argued Stone, at least Trump was asking why the US needs to fight the Russians, which alarmed the mainstream so much that the media was attacking him from day one.

Stone lamented that politics is transiting from the art of the possible to the art of raising money.

“So much money is spent in politics, it’s impossible for my vote to make any difference... Candidates in America now have to raise billions of dollars to be considered serious,” Stone said.

Empires fall. Let’s pray that this empire, these evil things... because we are the evil empire. What Reagan said about Russia is true about us.
Pretty interesting breakdown of the Leftist propaganda piece In "Pleasantville"

Pretty interesting breakdown of the Leftist propaganda piece In "Pleasantville"

Thank you for posting this Bucky. Best video I've seen in years and it is so true. If we could only go back or make things like they use to be!
There is a pretty good comedy on Svengoolie tonight. It's a Don Knotts movie, The Ghost and Mr. Chicken.
Jerry & Tom (1998) - Chainsaw scene - YouTube › watch
upload_2020-2-15_17-43-14.jpeg▶ 4:30
Oct 30, 2017 - Uploaded by J S
I own nothing I have the rights to nothing.I hope this scene comes through. It's a 1998 movie. I really liked it.
Watching Hacksaw Ridge once again. Great Movie playing now on the History Channel.

Tonight they're premiering a 3 part series on George Washington. Amazing the History Channel has decided to actually show some History today.
I watched 1917 and I was quite disappointed in this film. Aside for the bogus Negroes in the British Army, it also portrays a sikh soldier as being highly intelligent and friendly to whites. The two main characters are made out to be not so intelligent. The German pilot is made out to be a killer only...It makes the British military look like a bunch of mindless guys who just want to kill germans at any human expense. jewish propaganda.
Here's a comedy that touches in a small way on our current predicament. Little green men from Mars invade the earth on Halloween and end up going trick or treating...

I see no one wants to admit to watching the “Tiger King” on here. I don’t pay for Netflix, please put away the pitchfork fella’s.

* Spoiler Alert* Everyone in this film is a complete scumbag. It follows the Netflix bible of LGTBQ characters, excessive degeneracy, etc.

My theory is that this guy was promoted by the usual suspects all through out. Thats how he repeatedly made commie shows like John Oliver. He is a pedo dirt-bag that was playing a well orchestrated fake feud with another grade A pyscho in the PETA lady from Florida. Basically he was talking crap to an FBI informant about the hit job and then the puppet masters threw him in jail to make this an even more interesting story. What are the odds that film-maker hung around for that long with out this story getting crazy. The Oklahoma Queer is surely guilty however of killing the big cats to avoid feeding them though. Most certainly touched little boys with all his Tigers and kids crap as well.
Watch the movie Bombshell yesterday. Full of beautiful women which was the best part. Typical man- hating movie. If this was really based on true events all I can say, Roger Ailes was one horny dude. Bill O'Reilly too. I found out after watching the movie that two of the women characters were made up of a host of different women and their scenes never happen. The best makeup job on the actors I have seen. They looked just the real people. Megan Kelly, Bill O'Reilly, and Roger Ailes was spot on. As for the movie, it was better than I expected.
I see no one wants to admit to watching the “Tiger King” on here. I don’t pay for Netflix, please put away the pitchfork fella’s.

* Spoiler Alert* Everyone in this film is a complete scumbag. It follows the Netflix bible of LGTBQ characters, excessive degeneracy, etc.

My theory is that this guy was promoted by the usual suspects all through out. Thats how he repeatedly made commie shows like John Oliver. He is a pedo dirt-bag that was playing a well orchestrated fake feud with another grade A pyscho in the PETA lady from Florida. Basically he was talking crap to an FBI informant about the hit job and then the puppet masters threw him in jail to make this an even more interesting story. What are the odds that film-maker hung around for that long with out this story getting crazy. The Oklahoma Queer is surely guilty however of killing the big cats to avoid feeding them though. Most certainly touched little boys with all his Tigers and kids crap as well.
I binge watched the Tiger King. Excellent entertainment for anyone with nothing better to do.
I watched Once Upon A Time In Hollywood yesterday. Definitely entertaining. Not an all time classic. But much better than most of the bile that Hollywood puts out these days. I would recommend it. Will probably watch it again in the near future. The scene where Brad Pitt's character smacks Bruce Li around is highly amusing.
American Freedom News