
Just recently watched Killshot and was very pleasantly surprised.

Almost anything written by Elmore Leonard has a chance to be good but this was really well. Done in particular. Of course I think it got released on screen over 10 years ago but I don’t watch much in theaters anymore

It is however free on Amazon prime and a really good watch

Also, the movie Arkansas w John Malkovich and Vince Vaughan was really good too (Dixie Mafia type of flick).
Caddyshack one of the greatest movies of all time. Animal House very good. I felt a cold rage when, during the Super Bowl, they had Serena and a host of other darker actors spoofing the movie.

There are times when it occurs to me I don't like living in a world where Serena Williams is considered a good way to sell products to people.
Well we may disagree on the relative position of the two National lampoon flocks but completely agree with you on the Serena Williams front.

So annoying
Since i skipped the Super Bowl, I’m unaware of the Serena Williams Animal House spoof. I’m definitely partial to Caddyshack…still own the DVD and can watch it anytime.
I saw the "controversial" Sound of Freedom last night. I could not see anything controversial about the film, not a thing. A short article that gives a few details about the film and why it causes a stir can be found here (Trump screening Sound of Freedom). It's a small budget film by Angel Studios that is outperforming big studio productions. I'm withholding judgement on Angel studios for the moment until further releases. Sound of Freedom exposes the insidious nature of child trafficking. I happen to think pedophilia is a about as evil a crime as there is. The ruling oligarchs prefer to focus their priorities on "climate change", 'White supremacy', and other manufactured crises.

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The movie “Vengeance” by Bj Novak (Ryan from the office series) was pretty entertaining. Neat thing about it was it lampooned both hipster life and country life evenly I think. Really quite entertaining and a surprise twist or two in it. Don’t rash judge it. Check it out on Amazon
John Wick 4, has just incredible fight scenes. The best one yet.
I saw the "controversial" Sound of Freedom last night. I could not see anything controversial about the film, not a thing. A short article that gives a few details about the film and why it causes a stir can be found here (Trump screening Sound of Freedom). It's a small budget film by Angel Studios that is outperforming big studio productions. I'm withholding judgement on Angel studios for the moment until further releases. Sound of Freedom exposes the insidious nature of child trafficking. I happen to think pedophilia is a about as evil a crime as there is. The ruling oligarchs prefer to focus their priorities on "climate change", 'White supremacy', and other manufactured crises.

The only thing “controversial “ is that the jewish hollywood pedis are upset a spotlight is being shined on them. And I don’t know if this movie has been mentioned but 13 Lives is awesome. It’s about those Thailand kids being trapped and the rescue attempt. I can see why Hollywood barely promoted it, despite being a Ron Howard film. Since it is a true story, there can be no diminishing of the white heroes in the film. It’s three strong white men displaying virtue, intelligence and courage
I’ve yet to see Sound of Freedom but the reason Hollywood and Democrats are vehemently opposed to it is because it shines a light on how widespread these big child trafficking rings are… and how embedded they are in Hollywood and Washington (Epstein Island, for example, was constantly visited by Hollywood and Washington people).

I saw an interview wi the subject of the film, Tim Ballard on the Tim Pool podcast and I must encourage all to watch it. A lot of the even more evil things were not included in the film.

I also hear Mel Gibson is creating a documentary exposing Hollywood’s predilection for child trafficking. Sick and evil place it is.
Not really a movie but a documentary here. Has anyone seen "Untold Johnny Football" ? It looks good. Gonna try to watch it
in the next few days? I was a big fan of Manziel and it still sucks that it didn't work out as he was one of the best running qb's
I have seen. Steve Young was the best but there are so many good ones and Johnny Football was very exciting to watch!
Not really a movie but a documentary here. Has anyone seen "Untold Johnny Football" ? It looks good. Gonna try to watch it
in the next few days? I was a big fan of Manziel and it still sucks that it didn't work out as he was one of the best running qb's
I have seen. Steve Young was the best but there are so many good ones and Johnny Football was very exciting to watch!
I have yet to see it but it looks interesting, and sad. One excerpt that I saw was in regards to watching film. Johnny had an iPad that the coaching staff would monitor to see how much film he watched. Sadly it was less than even Kyler Murray watches, zero. One of the worst wastes of talent I have ever seen is the story of Johnny Football.
Not really a movie but a documentary here. Has anyone seen "Untold Johnny Football" ? It looks good. Gonna try to watch it
in the next few days? I was a big fan of Manziel and it still sucks that it didn't work out as he was one of the best running qb's
I have seen. Steve Young was the best but there are so many good ones and Johnny Football was very exciting to watch!

I watched it the other day and highly recommend it. He made it to the nfl on raw talent alone. The damn kid would show up to huge games still drunk from the night before and shine.
I also watched In Bruges and really enjoyed it. Zero vibrancy.
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Not really a movie but a documentary here. Has anyone seen "Untold Johnny Football" ? It looks good. Gonna try to watch it
in the next few days? I was a big fan of Manziel and it still sucks that it didn't work out as he was one of the best running qb's
I have seen. Steve Young was the best but there are so many good ones and Johnny Football was very exciting to watch!

I watched it. It was good. Despite being sad because of his excessive alcohol and drug use along with chasing women every night.
For the hilights and the behind the scenes insight it is well worth a watch. It's easy to see how a Frat Boy or any college guy can become
obsessed with going to partys, clubs and chasing ladies. I've been guilty of way too much clubbing too along with womanizing when
I was younger. It's even easier to understand when your the main man on campus. Then the money, fame, etc can ruin most people.

I must say his ability to juke, cut and making people miss is ever better than Cmac. The guy had Barry Sanders type moves and he was
almost impossible to bring down. What a pure athletic freak of nature despite only being 5'10. He dominated the SEC in 2012 and I'm
very happy he was the first freshman ever to win the Heisman Trophy! Go watch it guys. You will be glad you did!
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I watched it the other day and highly recommend it. He made it to the nfl on raw talent alone. The damn kid would show up to huge games still drunk from the night before and shine.
I also watched In Bruges the other day and really enjoyed it. Zero vibrancy.

In Bruges is pretty funny flick, totally agree
Evil, White Supremacists get busted by a fictional Black, Female, FBI lady?! But based on a true story… Am I missing something here? Pass on the order for me.
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Evil White Supremacists get busted by a fictional Black, Female, FBI lady?! But based on a true story… Am I missing something here? Pass on the order for me.
And 3 black women did all the math for the moon landing. C’mon, these movies are real documentaries.
Evil, White Supremacists get busted by a fictional Black, Female, FBI lady?! But based on a true story… Am I missing something here? Pass on the order for me.
Exactly, there were no black female FBI agents let alone a synagogue to be bombed in Idaho back in the day.
LOL and the smart, black, FBI agent is played by a Smollett! The sister of the famous race hoaxer! Another win for hollyweird.
I know they had black male agents for a long time before the 80s, but I don't know about black females or white female agents at that time.
Robert Matthews had the same hopes and dreams many of us had at that time. A White Homeland in the West. He helped the group I was associated with. I am sure the movie is mostly bullshite. I am sure he went out the way he wanted to.
I’m sure there were black agents, but there weren’t any in Idaho. I’m pretty sure about that. She would’ve stuck out like a sore thumb. I grew up in Idaho through the 80s and 90s and didn’t even see a black person until I was about 12 years old when my parents took us to Disneyland. Unfortunately times have changed. Boise is going to be Portland here before too long.
I’m sure there were black agents, but there weren’t any in Idaho. I’m pretty sure about that. She would’ve stuck out like a sore thumb. I grew up in Idaho through the 80s and 90s and didn’t even see a black person until I was about 12 years old when my parents took us to Disneyland. Unfortunately times have changed. Boise is going to be Portland here before too long.
I was in Boise a couple years back and I saw so many obnoxious, self-righteous left-wing bumper stickers on cars there. Boise is a lot like Salt Lake City - a woke "safe space" for fragile libtards to congregate in an otherwise red state. Downtown SLC is a sh*thole - rainbow flags, homeless bums, and antifa graffiti everywhere.

Sore thumb is right! Even the dumbest FBI bureaucrat knows you can't "infiltrate" da wicked badwhites with a mythical black female super-agent.
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