
Morgan feeeman has managed to play the wise black oracle in more movies than I can count. I used to like his acting now I just find it patronizing and annoying (to say nothing of completely unrealistic).

Once you open your eyes it’s hard to un-see it all unfolding.
Danger Close (2019) is a very good movie about the Australians first major battle during the Vietnam War.

It was bashed by the critics because it portrayed the Australian soldiers in a positive light, so it was not in line with the Cultural Marxist's anti-White agenda. War movies are supposed to portray other races as heroic and honorable, while portraying white people as heartless monsters or cowardly fools.
I’ve never been huge into boats and sailing myself but find myself always enjoying movies that involve them.

The Perfect Storm, The Finest Hours, Master and Commander to name a few

Another good one I came across was Wind, a 1992 Francis Ford Coppola film which is loosely based on the US at the Americas Cup boat races in the late 80s / early 90s.

while not one of the most compelling films, I found myself more-so enjoying the time capsule-eqsue America 1.0 nature of the film - the lack of forced over sexualization, swearing and POC and a celebration of WASP culture and sport
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An oldie but goodie. Has anyone here ever watched the World War II Movie "The Enemy at the Gate". If not I recomend it. It's from a Russia perspective of a sniper fighting the nazis.
An oldie but goodie. Has anyone here ever watched the World War II Movie "The Enemy at the Gate". If not I recommend it. It's from a Russia perspective of a sniper fighting the Nazis.
I didn't like the portrayal of the German sniper as an evil child murderer.

Most German soldiers were ordinary men, not as evil as they are shown to be in movies like this, although the SS really did have some cold-hearted psychopaths.

However, it is more realistic in it's portrayal of the Soviets. And the cinematography is very good.
I watched "Elvis" and mostly enjoyed it although the first part moved a little too fast. Tom Hanks had a nice turn as Col. Parker, although some critics disagreed. The raw early Elvis hitting it big then fading to out of style then re-inventing himself and triumphant (with and in spite of Parker) as a Las Vegas attraction. And some other stuff most older people are familiar with.

But know for sure that whenever Elvis was down, whenever he felt he'd lost his mojo, his inspiration, he could always go visit his black friends to recharge himself and get his music back by plugging into their mysterious negro magic.

You get the feeling that Elvis had a genuine fondness for black and appreciation for their talents. But being a southerner he would never entrust one with doing the books.

That he left to Col. Parker.
I watched "Elvis" and mostly enjoyed it although the first part moved a little too fast. Tom Hanks had a nice turn as Col. Parker, although some critics disagreed. The raw early Elvis hitting it big then fading to out of style then re-inventing himself and triumphant (with and in spite of Parker) as a Las Vegas attraction. And some other stuff most older people are familiar with.

But know for sure that whenever Elvis was down, whenever he felt he'd lost his mojo, his inspiration, he could always go visit his black friends to recharge himself and get his music back by plugging into their mysterious negro magic.

You get the feeling that Elvis had a genuine fondness for black and appreciation for their talents. But being a southerner he would never entrust one with doing the books.

That he left to Col. Parker.
Hock, I hadn't seen Elvis yet but does the actor who plays Elvis do a good job of acting and performing like Elvis?
I’ve never been huge into boats and sailing myself but find myself always enjoying movies that involve them.

The Perfect Storm, The Finest Hours, Master and Commander to name a few

Another good one I came across was Wind, a 1992 Francis Ford Coppola film which is loosely based on the US at the Americas Cup boat races in the late 80s / early 90s.

while not one of the most compelling films, I found myself more-so enjoying the time capsule-eqsue America 1.0 nature of the film - the lack of forced over sexualization, swearing and POC and a celebration of WASP culture and sport

Try "White Squall" set in the very early 1960s and honestly a very White movie if I remember correctly and as I have said before believe it or not the White men used to run the Left.
A movie everyone on this great message board will love.

The Northman! :)

It was very weird but also very intense and IMO quite deep. I actually broke my 5 year boycott of movie theaters for it but honestly it was a flop box office wise. I think it will become a cult classic though and Ethan Hawke was fantastic as the father.
Hock, I hadn't seen Elvis yet but does the actor who plays Elvis do a good job of acting and performing like Elvis?

Yeah the guy playing Elvis did a good job and the music part was very well done.

One thing he didn't quite project was Elvis's charisma and self confidence. The movie toward the end has some clips of the real Elvis and you could see why so many kids (including lots of Brits) wanted to grow up to be like him.
It was very weird but also very intense and IMO quite deep. I actually broke my 5 year boycott of movie theaters for it but honestly it was a flop box office wise. I think it will become a cult classic though and Ethan Hawke was fantastic as the father.

I liked the no diversity and the vikings warrior type men of the past. I did not like all the esoteric satanic crap that seems to be in every show and movie these days. Why I refuse to watch much of their programming luciferian propaganda films.
Yeah the guy playing Elvis did a good job and the music part was very well done.

One thing he didn't quite project was Elvis's charisma and self confidence. The movie toward the end has some clips of the real Elvis and you could see why so many kids (including lots of Brits) wanted to grow up to be like him.
Thanks, Hock I haven't talked to anybody that has seen it. I don't like reading professional reviews on movies because the movies are never like they say are . Appreciate it.
Anyone seen Arkansas on Amazon prime? Vince Vaughan was solid in it. It was a good but not great movie, def worth the time to watch it
I plan on checking out The Northman and Arkansas soon. Thanks for the recommendations, fellas. .

Danger Close sounds like an interesting one as well.

Lately I've been binging old X Files.
I plan on checking out The Northman and Arkansas soon. Thanks for the recommendations, fellas. .

Danger Close sounds like an interesting one as well.

Lately I've been binging old X Files.

Our Evil Masters reveal most of their secrets in music, shows, movies, video games and even cartoons. If you know what to look for you can see what's coming both now and in the future.
The X Files is a treasure chest of info for the red pilled crowd. Very good show and the normies would be better off if they watched it. Of course they will just say that's a conspiracy theory.
Our Evil Masters reveal most of their secrets in music, shows, movies, video games and even cartoons. If you know what to look for you can see what's coming both now and in the future.
The X Files is a treasure chest of info for the red pilled crowd. Very good show and the normies would be better off if they watched it. Of course they will just say that's a conspiracy theory.

Tons of predictive programming in it! Also depressing to see the makeup of the shows characters. They had their mandatory Dieversity, nowhere near the clown World we're now in. A lot has changed since the 90's.
I just watched a rare current sports movie about a white basketball player from Europe trying to make the NBA. Not the greatest movie
as Adam Sandler is his agent/coach who is married to Queen Latifah and they have a mixed daughter. If you can ignore that which isn't
easy, it's a movie celebrating white athletecism. Very rare to see from Hollywood. It's called "Hustle". So for any basketball fans it's
a look at how hard it is for a poor european kid to make it in the nba. So if you watch it, ignore the other racial propaganda crap.

Audiences have been clamoring for a movie about an impoverished black child who beats all odds and untold racism to become the best American fighter pilot in the Korean War. “Devotion” is the “true” story of Jesse LeRoy Brown. Can’t wait.
Audiences have been clamoring for a movie about an impoverished black child who beats all odds and untold racism to become the best American fighter pilot in the Korean War. “Devotion” is the “true” story of Jesse LeRoy Brown. Can’t wait.
LOL. I guess (((they))) think they've successfully brainwashed America into thinking the Tuskegee Airmen (AKA the Magical Flying Negroes) won WWII all on their own, so now they've moved on to the story of another magical flying negro "winning" the Korean War all on his own (even though no one won the Korean War). Maybe "Lee-Roy" saved South Korea from communism? But (((they))) don't ever want to portray their precious Bolshevik communism in a bad light. My guess is that in the movie "Lee-Roy" will find some opportunity to chat with some communist North Korean POW and they'll bond over hating White people, hating right-wingers, and sucking Bolshevik ****.
Leroy Brown was a bad man, heard it in a crappy 60s song once.
Baddest man in the whole damn town. Badder than old King Kong, meaner than a junkyard dog….

I can’t wait for Hollywood to tell the true story of the Manhattan project. How many people here know it was named that because the idea was the brainchild of impoverished but brilliant ghetto youth in New York City public housing?

Shame on you if you didn’t know…

It stars Morgan Freeman as a wise old high school physics teacher with a knack for uncovering future scientific talent….
Why 8s " The Godfather " one of the top 10 movies of all time ? I mean with the necropolis comments in the movie. I mean come on. Luka Brasi sleeps with fish. That's sick. I mean how do you even get a solid hold on one ? Lol
The godfather hasn’t aged as well as one would hope. It has its moments but overall I’m not in love with it nearly as much as I used to be
One really good movie that I think stands the test of time is Fright Night. Chris Sarandon can act. Weird how 3 out of the four good characters are gay in real life.
3 worst movies I have ever seen. Highlander 2, Caddyshack 2 and A Dungeon Siege WIth Ray Liotta among some really good actors. Saw 2 of these in the theater and both audiences were just absolutely silent during both films.
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