
Agreed guys.

The biggest sin that can happen to a person these days is being labeled a racist. Doesn't surprise me BSPN chose to demean his lifetime due to one factual comment. Those "girls" on Rutgers Basketball Team did look like nappy headed hoes. Lol truth hurts I guess?

Can't believe it's already been nearly 13years since he made that comment. Even as a teen I thought his comments were funny and on point.
Women Know Your Limits! Harry Enfield BBC comedy ...

https://www.youtube.com › watch
upload_2020-1-23_8-28-32.jpeg▶ 2:25
Sep 3, 2014 - Uploaded by Jeremy Thomas
Women Know Your Limits! Harry Enfield BBC comedy. Jeremy Thomas. Loading... Unsubscribe from Jeremy ...Somehow, I get the impression my wife doesn't think this is funny.
Interesting situation brewing in Miami. A Miami Hispanic cop is self identifying as black. He's been suspended with pay. If the lawyers get involved and get this into court and he wins, the liberals will've unintentionally opened a can of worms. There's always a point when someone goes that one step too far.
Easily one of the most important issues facing the world of sports today. And for the record I have made my voice heard on the local level since I live in Connecticut. And I don't hold back.

These young women are profiles in courage. Especially Glastonbury High School senior Selina Soule who got the ball rolling and was the first one to speak out on this issue. Selina brilliantly and eloquently lays out how allowing transgender athletes not only ruin the party but destroy female opportunities. The damage is deep and wide.

I have discussed transgender athletes in the Track and Field forum a few times previously. There are two things going on that involve international sports as well.

The first is this idea that athletes who are born male but identify as female are allowed to compete against women which is allowed in certain states like Connecticut.

The second is this idea that athletes who are born male but have taken enough hormone therapy and/or transition maneuvers that meet a certain testosterone threshold that would allow them to compete with women.

The greater Track and Field international community isn't really sold on the first premise but they are "open" to the second premise.

For the record I am vehemently opposed to both scenarios. Simply put if you are born male you have no right to compete with girls/ females in athletic events like Track and Wrestling etc.. Under any circumstances.

What is the big deal and what is at stake? Not only the integrity of women's sports but the very notion of female sports would likely be destroyed beyond recognition. This is something for women to come out fighting for and it is important to remember that the transgender athletes are male. They can think of themselves as female divas just like I can dream that I am descended from English royalty but reality has the final say. I don't have an ounce of English blood and they aren't really female.

No need to go over the physical advantages of males again since that has been discussed here before but the conclusion is simple. Those born male have a distinct advantage that goes far beyond simple hormone levels.

To me the "transgender" category is an offshoot of gay so in other words if a gay male athlete wanted to compete against women he wouldn't be allowed to which should equally apply to "transgender" athletes. If they want to compete then they should compete against their own birth sex,males. No ifs and or buts.

You don't have elementary school kids compete against college players and you don't have a featherweight box a heavyweight. There are certain measures taken to ensure that the integrity of sporting events are played on an even field. Allowing male born boys to compete with female born girls in an atrocity and an affront to the time honored notion of fair play in sports, the very foundation of sports competition.

Last years World Cup is a great example. Incredibly popular the victorious female USA team stole headlines and they finished off their victory with a roaring parade. Most of the top figures were white and countless young white suburbanite girls were mesmerized and inspired to turn out just like their heroes.

But imagine for one second if transgender soccer players were on the pitch? It would have ruined everything and caused great consternation. The celebrations would end up being muted and countless people would be pissed off as a result.

I say nip this damn issue in the bud before it cripples women's sports to the point of no return. Listen ladies. The bottom line is the spoilers here are boys and men just remember that.


And a photo of Selina. This chick is not backing down.
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Until ALL the string-pullers and their puppets are absolutely called out and rebuked hard and threatened with consequences absolutely nothing will change except for the worst. The demonic dirtbags in high places need a high place on a rope. NOTHING will change until they are put in their proper place and that won't be pretty. The delusional "athletes" are not the real problem. It's the "enablers" who invented all this as part of their agenda to destroy. They can repent or suffer some serious legal, financial, professional consequences and whatever else we can pin on them. Traitorous, treasonous, seditious actions deserve the death penalty under law. No exceptions.
These alert young women are attacking the problem in the right way. First they filed a federal Title IX lawsuit which of course deals with female athletes. That was filed months ago and is till pending. Now they have filed a federal lawsuit which if successful would require athletes to compete based on their birth sex. If they win their case it would ban ( male born) transgender athletes from competing in sports against girls/women across the entire country.

I suspect this will eventually wind it's way to the Supreme Court and I am optimistic that by a majority decision the highest court in the land will strike down these policies that some states have adopted and will make it illegal here in the USA for male born transgender athletes to compete with female athletes. I think the judgement will be based on blatant discrimination against female athletes.

That however may not happen on the International level which of course runs the Olympics among the other many Track and Field events that are sponsored throughout the world. Again I am leery of all this testosterone/hormone level talk because it could open the door for male born transgender athletes to freely compete against women if they meet certain testing standards. This ignores the overwhelming scientific evidence that proves male born athletes have an inherent edge over female born athletes that goes way beyond "hormone" levels.

My hope is on the international level that reason prevails and they adopt an outright ban on transgender athletes from "crossing over." Also I find it hard to envision that most all Muslim/ Middle Eastern countries and China will trot out transgender athletes. If the USA federal ruling goes as I anticipate then it could influence broader international thinking on the subject. It would mean the USA squads would not have any male born transgender athletes competing as women and since the good ole USA is the biggest kid on the block it could make a positive impression on other countries and the international ruling body as a whole.

Time will tell but these girls in Connecticut have taken the correct steps to address this disturbing matter and I think at the end of the day at least here in the USA they will emerge victorious. Which would be a great day for the female sex in general.
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These alert young women are attacking the problem in the right way. First they filed a federal Title IX lawsuit which of course deals with female athletes. That was filed months ago and is till pending. Now they have filed a federal lawsuit which if successful would require athletes to compete based on their birth sex. If they win their case it would ban ( male born) transgender athletes from competing in sports against girls/women across the entire country.

I suspect this will eventually wind it's way to the Supreme Court and I am optimistic that by a majority decision the highest court in the land will strike down these policies that some states have adopted and will make it illegal here in the USA for male born transgender athletes to compete with female athletes. I think the judgement will be based on blatant discrimination against female athletes.

That however may not happen on the International level which of course runs the Olympics among the other many Track and Field events that are sponsored throughout the world. Again I am leery of all this testosterone/hormone level talk because it could open the door for male born transgender athletes to freely compete against women if they meet certain testing standards. This ignores the overwhelming scientific evidence that proves male born athletes have an inherent edge over female born athletes that goes way beyond "hormone" levels.

My hope is on the international level that reason prevails and they adopt an outright ban on transgender athletes from "crossing over." Also I find it hard to envision that most all Muslim/ Middle Eastern countries and China will trot out transgender athletes. If the USA federal ruling goes as I anticipate then it could influence broader international thinking on the subject. It would mean the USA squads would not have any male born transgender athletes competing as women and since the good ole USA is the biggest kid on the block it could make a positive impression on other countries and the international ruling body as a whole.

Time will tell but these girls in Connecticut have taken the correct steps to address this disturbing matter and I think at the end of the day at least here in the USA they will emerge victorious. Which would be a great day for the female sex in general.
If the SCOTUS rules for the girls, then they're in effect ruling there are at least physical differences between the sexes. This could have significance across the political spectrum in our nation.
To even think that we've come to the point where we need the Supreme Court of the United States to "legally" tell us if there's a freaking difference between males and females is a sign of how the nation-wrecking pieces of scum have ruined our culture on a mass scale.

EVERYONE knows there's differences between males and females that CANNOT BE CHANGED even with surgery and hormones and everyone also knows in their heart there's no such thing as a "transgender" person.

We need, no, we MUST stop using the terminology of the leftist pukes. When we adopt their terminology and "Leftist speak" we by default acknowledge some kind of validity to their stupidass opinions and when we do that they win.

No one can change their gender! A man is a man even if he is castrated having his balls and prick cut off and a hole carved up and reamed out into his pelvis and silicone implants shoved and sewed into his sliced open chest and a wig donned upon his pathetic bald dome. He's a man. And he'll die as a man. Most importantly, he'll stand before almighty God as a man.

We must stop using "Leftist speak" and crap terminology from these nation-wrecking, logic-rejecting, society-overturning human vermin in high places.

Whites seem to only compromise. They never seem to stand up against the other side. Look at the Republican Party for a perfect example. They'll always go left again and again and again. This is how we lose a nation and it's pretty much already lost.
To even think that we've come to the point where we need the Supreme Court of the United States to "legally" tell us if there's a freaking difference between males and females is a sign of how the nation-wrecking pieces of scum have ruined our culture on a mass scale.

EVERYONE knows there's differences between males and females that CANNOT BE CHANGED even with surgery and hormones and everyone also knows in their heart there's no such thing as a "transgender" person.

We need, no, we MUST stop using the terminology of the leftist pukes. When we adopt their terminology and "Leftist speak" we by default acknowledge some kind of validity to their stupidass opinions and when we do that they win.

No one can change their gender! A man is a man even if he is castrated having his balls and prick cut off and a hole carved up and reamed out into his pelvis and silicone implants shoved and sewed into his sliced open chest and a wig donned upon his pathetic bald dome. He's a man. And he'll die as a man. Most importantly, he'll stand before almighty God as a man.

We must stop using "Leftist speak" and crap terminology from these nation-wrecking, logic-rejecting, society-overturning human vermin in high places.

Whites seem to only compromise. They never seem to stand up against the other side. Look at the Republican Party for a perfect example. They'll always go left again and again and again. This is how we lose a nation and it's pretty much already lost.

Great post. It dismays me how virtually all aware Whites unthinkingly use the terms and vocabulary of the left, never thinking of how the communists have distorted the English language to great effect to herd the masses into saying and thinking the "proper" things.

And the endless leftward drift of the GOP has been consistent and obvious since the days of Goldwater, but sadly most conservatives will once again rally behind it as the "lesser of two evils." It's the system and the politicians who front for it that must be changed, yet the lesser of two evils argument never fails to persuade conservatives to continue supporting the slow but inevitable death of the Historic American Nation (which is actually taking place at lightning speed when viewed from a broader historical perspective).
Tyson Fury: 'I'm going to slap him around the ring, no problem

Another boorish question from an interviewer starting at 4:21, referring to Tyson Fury as the "great white hope" in the first fight, antiquated term to say the least, it's not the 1970s anymore? Didn't the Klitschkos dominate for a decade? But Fury expertly shut it down to the applauding of the crowd, though partly with some cliche "We're all human" talk, with the interviewer reneging on his statement.
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I don't give a rat's butt about any Jewish guy but that "conviction" of Harvey Weinstein (He's Jewish, therefore a lousy person in my book) is a bunch of baloney. My cat could have come up with the right decision if he sat on that jury that convicted Weinstein. We are proceeding quickly from derangement to total insanity. What kind of people could have convicted the bum according to the evidence? He might be a slob but he's entitled to a straight deal in our country. He's been lynched.
This 6 hour documentary on Germany and their side of World War II used to be on youtube.com Then youtube banned it over and over and now it's not allowed. Youtube.com which could go by a different name censors everything now. From 9/11 to mass shootings to anything that goes against the main stream narrative. You have to be a good global citizen and believe what your told. No independent thinking allowed. We need to support sites like bitchute.com and help them to grow just like here at castefootball.us The censorship these days from youtube.com to google to twitter and facebook is communist like.

Please everyone here watch this great documentary. There is just too much truth in it and the powers that be cannot allow the citizens to wake up.

I will leave another documentary on this same subject. Again free and independent thought is not allowed anymore. Please support this site and all websites where you can have your own thoughts
and views. They use psychological sublimnal programming on all of us like rats. Fight for your freedom gentlemen.

I don't give a rat's butt about any Jewish guy but that "conviction" of Harvey Weinstein (He's Jewish, therefore a lousy person in my book) is a bunch of baloney. My cat could have come up with the right decision if he sat on that jury that convicted Weinstein. We are proceeding quickly from derangement to total insanity. What kind of people could have convicted the bum according to the evidence? He might be a slob but he's entitled to a straight deal in our country. He's been lynched.
Weinstein's been dead for a while now. A known pedo ring leader. I don't understand the point of your post.
Weinstein's been dead for a while now. A known pedo ring leader. I don't understand the point of your post.
My only point is he wasn't given a real trial based on reasonable, logical evidence. The evidence pointed to the two women just going after money. how does a woman get raped by a guy and then keep up social and sexual relationship with him afterward? After that came out, the judge should have thrown out the rape charge right there. It should never have never even gone to the morons on the jury. Same with the other charge against him. Our judicial system is run by people who are actually insane.
Once Hitler figured out the Jewish malarkey/stock market/central banks/media monopoly/etc., the jews had to declare war on him/Germany. All of Europe was looking towards German and wondering what he did. The Jews couldn't allow that. Actually, what he did was go back to the old ways of the Hanseatic League/barter (which the Jews destroyed of course). Thus the Jewish declaration of war on Germany in 1934. The actual fighting war in Europe of course being fought by 99% White Christians against White Christians
Once Hitler figured out the Jewish malarkey/stock market/central banks/media monopoly/etc., the jews had to declare war on him/Germany. All of Europe was looking towards German and wondering what he did. The Jews couldn't allow that. Actually, what he did was go back to the old ways of the Hanseatic League/barter (which the Jews destroyed of course). Thus the Jewish declaration of war on Germany in 1934. The actual fighting war in Europe of course being fought by 99% White Christians against White Christians

There was no disparaging of the White race then, nothing about "hate" and "racism" and "prejudice" and "white privilege" and "white supremacy" back then, no advertisements and movies starring negroes, back then when the White man was fighting their so-called "good war" for them, destroying Europe for them.
I think this entire coronavirus thing is just a new strain of flu and the whole hysteria thing is orchestrated and when it's run it's course in a few weeks there's going to be big changes which this is all about anyway. The workforce is going to change drastically. There's going to be a lot fewer people going to a place of employment and infrastructural concepts like mass transit are going to suffer big time. Millions of people are going to work from home. The entire school system will change. I believe this has been the plan all along - we'll see.
I think this entire coronavirus thing is just a new strain of flu and the whole hysteria thing is orchestrated and when it's run it's course in a few weeks there's going to be big changes which this is all about anyway. The workforce is going to change drastically. There's going to be a lot fewer people going to a place of employment and infrastructural concepts like mass transit are going to suffer big time. Millions of people are going to work from home. The entire school system will change. I believe this has been the plan all along - we'll see.
All along is right. This has been a total concocted hoax. There is something behind all this and it's probably by The Usual Suspects. They've created the hysteria for purposes that benefits them and no one else. They don't care about the mass public and the health of individuals. These godless pukes hate white Gentiles and pretty much the rest of Gentiles anyways. This is not about protecting the health and well-being of the public like the demonic mass media spews all to hell 24/7. These ruling elites are just itching and rubbing their hands together to see mass deaths of the general public and especially White people. It's all totally overblown and they want people in fear. That's one of their goals and their tactics of intimidation.
American Freedom News