
I've noticed that men everywhere are starting to hug each other in public. It seems as if they even do it more than women do.

When did this start? It needs to stop. A handshake is good enough.
I've noticed that men everywhere are starting to hug each other in public. It seems as if they even do it more than women do.

When did this start? It needs to stop. A handshake is good enough.

Great point.

Athletes are the ones publicly doing this the most. Lately, I've been watching old (60's and 70's) NFL games on youtube. It's eye-opening as to how far the game has gone into reflecting our sunk culture compared to back then. Even the Blacks weren't the same as they act and talk today. All the players nowadays from opposing teams hug each other, laugh, and even exchange uniforms even after meaningless regular season games. I might see it's alright for a quick handshake and very slight, quick chest-high embrace at the end of a hard-fought championship at the end of the season or something. But the games of yesteryear had players whose mentality was seemingly like, "That guy wearing the other uniform is an enemy" and yet without personal hatred or animus to some extent. In today's divided atmosphere and culture, I almost wonder if there is also an anti-White and deliberate racist aspect of Blacks to show fawning preference for each other this way and diss Whitey to some extent, knowing the whole time the cameras are rolling.

Don't get me wrong. I'm a Bible-believing Christian and loving God and one another are the top commands. However, since football has become more entertainment than a competition everything is seemingly la-tee-da now. Thus, all the hugging and "brutha luv". And that also reminds me of the totally obnoxious mannerisms of today's athletes compared to those I have been watching from the aforementioned era. What's with the dumbass "rapper hand gestures" and crap? I despise that to no end. Men of the past who were athletes behaved like MEN, especially, and even the Black ones on the field of play. Yes, I know, Billie "White Shoes" Johnson started the endzone circus crap in the latter 70's and it's gone downhill ever since, but the sport has changed more than just that and not for the better. The game, the fans, the marketing, et al is a "lesser" product now. I firmly believe that.
Fashion models falling down. The second one, at 4 seconds, is particularly funny.

The Gun Girl vs Antifa. The Gun Girl is funny.

This is big news. I wonder why the media is sitting on this story. This is the beginning of the end of amateur sports.

NCAA approves some changes for college players to accept ...

https://www.wsbtv.com › sports › college › university-of-georgia › should...
  1. Cached
17 hours ago - ... in college sports – whether athletes should be able to accept money for endorsements ... Make clear the distinction between collegiate and professional opportunities. ... Just got this from the NCAA about student athletes.
This is big news. I wonder why the media is sitting on this story. This is the beginning of the end of amateur sports.

NCAA approves some changes for college players to accept ...

https://www.wsbtv.com › sports › college › university-of-georgia › should...
  1. Cached
17 hours ago - ... in college sports – whether athletes should be able to accept money for endorsements ... Make clear the distinction between collegiate and professional opportunities. ... Just got this from the NCAA about student athletes.
I was going to post about this yesterday. Amazing. The beginning of the end. And there's always the sure fire underbelly of "legalized" gambling and the role it will play in these "amature" athletes and how compensation comes about and who profits. One more inroad and tool for the string-pullers.

I've been posting here so long you guys know who I'm talking about without even saying it. To think that an anti-White group could ruin something like sports, something I've loved my whole life, is sickening beyond belief. Sports has always been a great "getaway" from my 9 to 5 or day to day nonsense of loons in my world. Nowadays, the responsible wreckers have extended their claws even into sports.

Goodbye to the getaway...
It's just more reparations. The vast majority of this new cash influx will go to heavily-promoted affletes in the high-profile sports of football and basketball. They will now have a more "open" way to profit and buy cars, jewelry and gold teef. How will the mudsharks be able to resist? More ******* men on the way!
Funny! Is it me or do people seem to get more scared when they're really cold?! Seems like if people are cold, nervous, etc, they jump out of their skin more easily. Totally funny to see!
Breaking: Roger Stone found guilty on all 7 counts against him and facing 20 years in prison. Most to do with "Russian Collusion". I am not familiar with his case but heard the jury was all Dems. A real example of a jury of his peers...
I saw a sign outside a Starbucks that said "Merry Coffee," which doesn't even make sense. Starbucks would never say Merry Christmas. As far as I'm concerned we're being mocked.

I already boycott Starbucks. I hope everyone else is too.
I saw a sign outside a Starbucks that said "Merry Coffee," which doesn't even make sense. Starbucks would never say Merry Christmas. As far as I'm concerned we're being mocked.

I already boycott Starbucks. I hope everyone else is too.
Yes EP, I already do. I haven't bought from them in decades, literally. Late 90's was the last time.
Blacks and white liberals like to accuse white people of "stealing" rock music from blacks. Chuck Berry based his first hit Maybellene on the country song Ida Red. You won't see them accuse Berry of stealing from whites because they're racist hypocrites.

Not only did Chuck Berry appropriate white music he was a criminal and a huge pervert.

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going through my local Mcdonalds drive trough yesterday to get a coffee and I was absolutely shocked to see what was at the cash window when I drove up to pay. A 20ish dark haired male with heavy 5oclock shadow wearing tons of makeup, filed and painted red nails, bracelets and necklace all matched with the gayest sounding male voice I have ever heard. If it wasn't cold out and I really wanted a coffee I would have cancelled my order at the window and drove 4 miles to another coffee joint.
going through my local Mcdonalds drive trough yesterday to get a coffee and I was absolutely shocked to see what was at the cash window when I drove up to pay. A 20ish dark haired male with heavy 5oclock shadow wearing tons of makeup, filed and painted red nails, bracelets and necklace all matched with the gayest sounding male voice I have ever heard. If it wasn't cold out and I really wanted a coffee I would have cancelled my order at the window and drove 4 miles to another coffee joint.
The horror we get viewing some these fatherless society victims is off the charts. Also goes to show how desperate places are to hire. Employment is at an all time high and yet a lady who totally strikes me as a Study Hall teacher (Warren) is running for Prez. Welcome to Crazy World.
In the 1980s a band called Toto had a big hit with a song entitled "Africa." Today the song is still popular. It has over 500 million views on Youtube. Musically it's a very good song.

The thing is the writers of the song and the musicians who performed it are all white men. Why are they singing about Africa, a place to which they have no connection? Africa has the same number of syllables as America so why didn't they make the song about America instead?

Many whites are brainwashed to love blacks and hate whites. They hate America and love Africa. That's why they sang about Africa and not America. It's pathetic.

I Just want to give my heartfelt thanks to the remaining WWII veterans who are still living. My father could not bring himself to talk about WWII most of the time he was asked about it. I appreciate your sacrifice and love of country. God bless you and your families.
Some of you may be interested in this. We know the media skewed and lied about the Trayvon Martin death and totally ran with a false narrative. It also led to more media-created racial animosity. It continues to this day in large part going back to this trial and media circus and this is worth checking out:

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More evidence we are living in a weird "Convent Like" society. A coach takes his high school team to Hooters for motivation. Sounds like a good idea to me. Until the hell patrol gets involved.

Sure if he set up his boys with prostitutes I could understand the concern but this? Why allow any semblance of enjoyment? Life should be nothing but dreary gray lines like the Dark Ages but hell maybe they even had more fun than people today. See below.

Wehrmacht in combat - Rare footage in colour - YouTube

https://www.youtube.com › watch
upload_2019-12-21_15-31-58.jpeg▶ 5:42
May 19, 2019 - Uploaded by allumettedotcom
Only for historical purpose, i've cut the footage that could have had the video striked. /!\ This is NOT my work ...
Look at the men our people were duped into fighting. Look at their faces closely. They are us for the most part. Listen to the music.
Don Imus died today - I was never a fan of his and do not know much about him. However I have seen two different headlines - one was on the ESPN Bottom Line sports ticker and all they mentioned was his comment about the Rutgers basketball team over a decade ago and the Huffington Post had a headline along the lines of Racist Radio Personality Don Imus dies.

I did some research about him and it looks like he was a philanthropist of sorts - tried to help kids with cancer by opening a ranch, helped military veterans etc. Amazing how the communist/anti-white media can use a short headline or blurb on TV to pick and choose what they want to convey about someone (this would never happen to a non-white).
Don Imus died today - I was never a fan of his and do not know much about him. However I have seen two different headlines - one was on the ESPN Bottom Line sports ticker and all they mentioned was his comment about the Rutgers basketball team over a decade ago and the Huffington Post had a headline along the lines of Racist Radio Personality Don Imus dies.

I did some research about him and it looks like he was a philanthropist of sorts - tried to help kids with cancer by opening a ranch, helped military veterans etc. Amazing how the communist/anti-white media can use a short headline or blurb on TV to pick and choose what they want to convey about someone (this would never happen to a non-white).

I had the same reaction. Absolutely classless bul lshit by ESPN to announce his death and then trivialize his life and career by only mentioning his “controversial comment about the Rutgers women’s basketball team in 2007.” A “shock jock” who spent 50 years on air, and one phrase defines his entire legacy. ESPN is plagued by mental disease.
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