
There's no shortage of opinions out there and it's too early to know which ones are close to being on target. That's why it's so easy to keep the population on edge, as Americans in particular have been kept on edge seemingly forever. We can never relax and have a state of normalcy; things are always in flux (permanent cultural revolution) and there are always crises and bogeymen out there, both domestic and foreign, that we're always supposed to be afraid of. And good old Boobus Americanus never catches on, so why spoil a racket that's worked seemingly forever?

The coronavirus is scary because there is no vaccine for it. The next few weeks should tell the tale as far as whether this is going to be a prolonged event with millions of Americans catching it, or whether it peaks and begins to diminish, as it has in China and South Korea (if government statistics can be believed).

The ratio between gold and silver is now at around 100 to 1 last time I looked. I believe that's the first time it's gone that high. Traditionally it was roughly 16:1, but both metals have been mercilessly hammered along with the stock market since the Zombie Apocalypse hysteria began, which is counter-intuitive to put it mildly. What I've read is that those trying to cover their losses in stocks are selling precious metals at bargain prices to raise money. When the stock market plunges, precious metals were always seen as a safe haven, but even that is no longer the case.

It could well be that the financial predators are going to go all in when they know the stock market has bottomed, and make a ton of money to add to their already obscene riches as it skyrockets back upward if the coronavirus scare turns out to be much ado about not much. Trillions of fiat dollars are being pumped into the system, on top of the trillions of dollars of "quantitative easing" we've seen over the past 12 years. I expect that soon quadrillions will begin to replace trillions as a commonplace number, just as trillions replaced billions, which replaced millions. Who today can even remember much about the SARS scare, and other virus scares that occurred in this century but are now as forgotten as Y2K?
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Unlike the majority of the good sheep out there, I’m pretty sure everyone on this site knew a chaotic event was overdue by the ((( usual suspects))). This day was always going to come. Its just a matter of if this is the real deal or a smaller power grab before the real deal. The weapons and technology in place to prevent an uprising is staggering unlike anytime in history.

If these .01% stick around in the United States, then Im guessing its nothing but a power grab. If they start to disappear, then we might all be toast. I hope you guys keep posting, as the thoughts and information here is much better than the MSM and controlled opposition places.
Brazilian President Bolsonaro has tested positive. Hopefully he recovers.

They are also reporting that the wife of the Canadian Cuckhold, posing as prime minister, has contracted the virus.
Mayor of Champaign IlL. granted Power To Ban Guns & Ammo (by and to herself...)

Declaring a "State of Emergency" can justify anything they want to do to us. This is how they do an end-around the Bill of Rights. Just like since 9/11/2001 the NSA pervs at the airports across America grab our crotches and fondle our wives, girlfriends and daughters and sons. "State of Emergency" my ass. This is a power-grab. This is to take away freedoms. It's a powerplay from beginning to end.

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That commie mayor busted her nose and face a little over a month ago walking her dog supposedly. Not saying there is more but this thing was ready to go at the drop of a hat. It further complicates things that there are 2 towns that border this town. Fun fact:if only whites voted in America there are very few counties that would go Democrat. In a see of red this little turd county splashes blue, thanks to the college and Austin-like clueless hippies.

The amount of quiet or missing big names that usually are attention whores is absolutely troubling. Im so far off the Trump Train its not even funny. These puppet leaders are interchangeable. This is worse planning than a Banana Republic. Tomorrow should be an interesting day.
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Chicago greater metropolitan area not withstanding, is Illinois really that Red of a state?
The whole country is minus a few outliers. Illinois is no different (probably more so) with the lone exception being white union workers outside of the corrupt Chicago area. Many of the whom still voted Trump despite being against there own interest in pay.
Not sure if any of you are familiar with Reid Henrichs but he has some good things to say:
I've started reading Norman Mailer's book Miami and the Siege of Chicago. I never read anything he wrote before. I'm interested in the leftist riots during the 1968 Democratic Convention so I decided to read this book since many praise it.

I knew Mailer was a liberal but I figured he was at least a good writer. He isn't. Mailer is an awful writer and this book is terrible. I'll finish it because I'm interested in the subject but I don't recommend it. It's filled with very stupid thoughts and "observations." For example he claims that working men vote against the interests of mothers with children because they remind them of the schoolteachers they used to hate. Huh? (Page 80 of the softcover version). Mailer's an idiot.
I just watched a documentary called Hillary's America by Dinesh D'Souza. It is the best documentary I have ever seen on the Clintons and the Democratic Party. I hope everyone who posts on this site watches it for it was a real learning experience for me.
Thanks EP and Booth for the info in each of your posts. It's great when we educate ourselves and use God-given discernment because we aren't getting objective journalism from just about any mainstream news source, if at all. This is why being self taught albeit with the aid of others is what many are being enlightened by. I try to gather the truth from different sources but be extra careful and discerning of truth from error. I take the good and discard the bad. Eat the fruit and spit out the seeds. Sounds like you guys are right on target.
Thanks EP and Booth for the info in each of your posts. It's great when we educate ourselves and use God-given discernment because we aren't getting objective journalism from just about any mainstream news source, if at all. This is why being self taught albeit with the aid of others is what many are being enlightened by. I try to gather the truth from different sources but be extra careful and discerning of truth from error. I take the good and discard the bad. Eat the fruit and spit out the seeds. Sounds like you guys are right on target.

Thanks BeyondFedUp. I, also, appreciate the facts and ideas that you and others post on this site!
You're quite welcome for the limited posts and contributions I make here, bro! However, I must say that it's important to stay positive in this time. I'm hoping and praying people will turn off or at least limit their tv watching. I think most of the hair-on-fire mindsets are from listening to the nonstop recycling of fearmongering from the talking heads. Stay brave and be wise in all things as much as possible.
I listen music, news (in short doses - usually 4-5 mins., no more) and some sports (WFAN 660AM - also in short doses). But the Fan is struggling mightily. I think it's possible the station might even fail. The hosts are boring and it's turning into just a lot of gibberish.
For some reason I was banned for one month from editing on Wikipedia. I have never attempted to edit anything on Wikipedia. Naturally I'm confused as to why I was banned.
Now its confirmed that pushing diversity in institutions and work has legitimate motives beyond trying to appear virtuous and inclusive.

Diversity Decreases Risk of Unionization


"Here are some examples of “store risks”:

Store-risk metrics include average store compensation, average total store sales, and a “diversity index” that represents the racial and ethnic diversity of every store. Stores at higher risk of unionizing have lower diversity and lower employee compensation, as well as higher total store sales and higher rates of workers’ compensation claims, according to the documents."

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Now its confirmed that pushing diversity in institutions and work has legitimate motives beyond trying to appear virtuous and inclusive.

Diversity Decreases Risk of Unionization


"Here are some examples of “store risks”:

Store-risk metrics include average store compensation, average total store sales, and a “diversity index” that represents the racial and ethnic diversity of every store. Stores at higher risk of unionizing have lower diversity and lower employee compensation, as well as higher total store sales and higher rates of workers’ compensation claims, according to the documents."


Nice, Recently just saw this! Explains The Great White Replacement. Those feisty Whites and their uh Unionization.
I'm so old, I was around when the government pushed blacks on us. They had to circumvent out apprentice program to do it because the blacks couldn't pas our test. the Indians could but not the blacks. So they just forced us by court order to accept blacks. Even I was shocked at how all the blacks failed the first test they took (a lot of them failed the physical fitness part of the test). Even though it was overseen by NY state officials, they all failed. The subject is a real sore spot wioth me. it was the beginning of the end of all standards in the trades. Now, everything is a black quarterback.
CC Sabathia said in an article in Bleacher Report that Shohei Ohtaki was the best player he had seen play in his baseball career. He said it was because of the rare combination of his pitching ability and hitting prowess. Along with his speed and fielding ability.
Just think, for over 200 years the USA manged to keep these things out of the country. Now, with the liberals in charge, we have all sorts of problems such as this. This kind of thing wasn't happening in the 1950s.
American Freedom News