
For those who like Jeopardy -- one of the very very few non-sports and non-politics shows I watch -- there's a great champion on these days named James Holzhauer, who is a 34 year old professional gambler from Las Vegas. Before he was on the all-time single show record for winnings was $77,000; Holzhauer averages nearly that much each game!

He's up close to 20 wins in a row now, which will soon get him into second place in that category. The all-time Jeopardy champ is Ken Jennings, who won an astounding 74 games in a row in 2004.

BTW, Jeopardy host Alex Trebek, 78, was recently diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and the prognosis isn't good. He's been a fixture on the show since 1984.

...has ended.

Yeah, I saw the spoiler earlier in the day on another site and knew his run was over. He hit the daily double on the first clue of the game, which eliminated his usual high bet, and then the opponent who ended up winning hit both the daily doubles in Double Jeopardy and answered both correctly, so his usual path to dominating games was thwarted.

Holzhauer ended up falling just short of Ken Jennings' all-time winnings mark set 15 years ago. He had a helluva run and it was enjoyable to watch.
White-hating lesbian Rachel Maddow, who once bashed this website on her show, has had her ratings drop. Why would anyone want to watch this horribly hateful creature's show anyway?

MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow has lost 500,000 viewers and suffered her worst ratings month since Trump became president, reports Fox News.

This "woman" is just a symptom of what's wrong with society. In a sane world, she would be institutionalized and heavily sedated. But in this society, it has a TV show.
A judgment of 11 million dollars was levied against Oberlin College in Ohio because the college tried to destroy a bakery that had three black shoplifters arrested and prosecuted. Apparently they believed not allowing blacks to steal from your store is "racist." Punitive damages are pending.

Since Oberlin College probably won't be using Gibson's bakery anymore maybe they can hold a bake sale to pay for their judgement. Lol.
Pastor arrested for protesting drag queen story hour in Spokane, Washington. There was a protest against the drag queens and a counter protest. There were forty police present and two police snipers stationed on the library roof.

This is what the liberals have done to this country. They're putting snipers on library roofs.

Pastor arrested for protesting drag queen story hour in Spokane, Washington. There was a protest against the drag queens and a counter protest. There were forty police present and two police snipers stationed on the library roof.

This is what the liberals have done to this country. They're putting snipers on library roofs.

We are a stone’s throw away from the state making it illegal to oppose homosexuality. We’re basically there already as you can lose your job for even the mildest form of wrong speak.
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We are a stone’s throw away from the state making it illegal to oppose homosexuality. We’re basically there already as you can lose you job for even the mildest form of wrong speak.
Yes, we are at or beyond what even Orwell thought of, but on a much more insidious level. I'm in outside sales and have to watch EVERYTHING I say or do with these repercussions in mind. Even something as innocuous as a personal Facebook, Instagram or Twitter remark that is not within the realm of PC can get me fired, so I tread lightly pretty much everywhere. Fortunately 90% of women nowadays are fat cows, so I don't have to worry about saying anything too forward that might be regarded as harassment. Thought doesn't even cross my mind! :D
We are a stone’s throw away from the state making it illegal to oppose homosexuality. We’re basically there already as you can lose you job for even the mildest form of wrong speak.
Good news on the horizon?
“The percentage of non-LGBTQ adults reporting being ‘very’ or ‘somewhat’ comfortable with LGBTQ people across seven scenarios remained stable,” the new results show. (That’s a group just shy of half those surveyed.) However, this year’s survey found that millennials and Gen-Z (adults in the 18-34 age bracket) are becoming increasingly “uncomfortable” with at least some of the hypotheticals — the percentage of those surveyed who were “very or somewhat comfortable” in all the scenario prompts dropped by eight points on average, from 53 to 45 percent. Of the groups surveyed, young people were the only demographic to see such a sharp decline in acceptance. And while allyship was more common for responders identifying themselves as millennial females than millennial males, the percentage of female allies dropped more sharply.
An even bigger drop when you consider that in 2017 the % for 18-34 yr olds was 63%. A drop of 18% in 2 years. The generation that deals the most with homosexuals up close is starting to see why every society in history requires the closet to keep them in check.
Good news on the horizon?
“The percentage of non-LGBTQ adults reporting being ‘very’ or ‘somewhat’ comfortable with LGBTQ people across seven scenarios remained stable,” the new results show. (That’s a group just shy of half those surveyed.) However, this year’s survey found that millennials and Gen-Z (adults in the 18-34 age bracket) are becoming increasingly “uncomfortable” with at least some of the hypotheticals — the percentage of those surveyed who were “very or somewhat comfortable” in all the scenario prompts dropped by eight points on average, from 53 to 45 percent. Of the groups surveyed, young people were the only demographic to see such a sharp decline in acceptance. And while allyship was more common for responders identifying themselves as millennial females than millennial males, the percentage of female allies dropped more sharply.
JLT, that is an encouraging sign.

As I said earlier, we are reaching a point of absurdity in this country. People have to be getting homofatigue as our global corporate overlords ram this down our throat at an absurd pace. For example, walking down 5th Avenue (a major shopping area) in Manhattan you will see every single retailer with pride campaigns in their windows. The conformity is so rigid that even banks and grocery stores are getting in on the homo agenda. I’m sure if any of these national brands chose to ignore this entire month dedicated to perverse sexual preferences, they’d be attached by cultural communists for not being allies to the cause. In affect, the enemy.

Btw, welcome to the board.
JLT, that is an encouraging sign.

As I said earlier, we are reaching a point of absurdity in this country. People have to be getting homofatigue as our global corporate overlords ram this down our throat at an absurd pace. For example, walking down 5th Avenue (a major shopping area) in Manhattan you will see every single retailer with pride campaigns in their windows. The conformity is so rigid that even banks and grocery stores are getting in on the homo agenda. I’m sure if any of these national brands chose to ignore this entire month dedicated to perverse sexual preferences, they’d be attached by cultural communists for not being allies to the cause. In affect, the enemy.

Btw, welcome to the board.
The black pill in the poll is that the % who supported "gay rights" hasn't budged. Young people are just less personally comfortable around them. It may be that gays are starting to be viewed more like blacks, in that everyone supports "civil rights" but most people are wary of the excesses that come with being surrounded by too many blacks. The change in personal opinion doesn't really matter for the greater society if a change in political opinion doesn't follow.
The 2019 Hot Dog Eating Contest | Nathan's Famous

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How fast can you eat hot dogs? Find out more about the Nathan's Famous 2019 Hot Dog Eating Contest, starring Joey Chestnut and Nathan's Famous hot dogs! ... 2019 Nathan's Famous International Hot Dog Eating Contest returns July 4, 2019 ... The five-time Mustard Belt winner is the favorite going into this year's event.
One of judge Stevens's opinions was that governments had the right to take private property and give it to private corporations, through eminent domain. This took away more rights from American citizens.

Ownership of private property has been one of the hallmarks of America from it's beginning. Because of that ruling governments, or more precisely, the people who run the governments, can basically steal your land and give it to their buddies. They can also target the property of their political enemies, and you can bet the liberals will do this.

The Communist Manifesto advocated the elimination of private property. Judge Stevens did his bit to try to make that happen.
Chuck] Yeager Bombed, by Paul Kersey - The Unz Review
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In some alternate version of history, Dwight was the first black man to walk on the moon. ... In Yeager: An Autobiography by General Chuck Yeager and Leo Janos, we ... The first class of pilots selected to undergo astronaut training (this was after ... I was informed that the White House wanted a black pilot in the space course ...
An interesting read.
Cover-up of Townsville mutiny: black GIs turned on officers

https://www.theaustralian.com.au › nation › defence
Feb 10, 2012 - BLACK US troops mutinied in Townsville in 1942 and turned ... for nearly 70 years after being described in a report given to and apparently kept by Johnson ... by US journalist Robert Sherrod, tells how 600 African-American GIs seized ... north Queensland town in one of the bleakest periods of World War II.
Interesting read. Just more suppression of news. Fake news didn't just start with Trump. It's been with us for many years.
16-year-old Fortnite world champ wins $3 million | Boston.com

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10 hours ago - The tournament offered $30 million in cash prizes. In second place, 24-year-old Harrison Chang, of the United States, won $1.8 million. The duo competition was won by 17-year-old David Wang, of Austria, and 16-year-old Emil Pedersen, of Norway. They'll split the $3 million prize.
I saw a Youtube ad for an upcoming movie, 1917. It looks as if they tried to recreate actual conditions in WWI.

The USA had no reason to be in the war. It was against American interests to get involved. The only result is it prolonged the war and caused death, maiming and destruction. It created widows and left children fatherless.

America should never have gotten involved.
The EXACT thing could be said of WWII.
Google employee describes ‘burden of being black’ at tech giant
This was a story in the NYPost. Are any of you guys in the Tech Industry? What's the scoop on blacks? Probably the same as anywhere else, but I'm interested in what you guys have to say. Not some liberal writer.
American Freedom News