
As far as this shooting in Georgia goes, stand with the White men. At this point, "Right & Wrong" are meaningless terms. There's only we White people and the rest of mankind.
The two astronauts scheduled to lift off tomorrow in Elon Musk's spacecraft must be the two bravest men in America. Check out what happened just today to a prototype: https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/s...art-massive-explosion-day-ahead-manned-launch

There's been so many rocket misfires and explosions in recent years, almost comically so, that it only makes it even more likely that all the moon landings going perfectly with primitive half-century old technology were indeed faked.
The two astronauts scheduled to lift off tomorrow in Elon Musk's spacecraft must be the two bravest men in America. Check out what happened just today to a prototype: https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/s...art-massive-explosion-day-ahead-manned-launch

There's been so many rocket misfires and explosions in recent years, almost comically so, that it only makes it even more likely that all the moon landings going perfectly with primitive half-century old technology were indeed faked.

The Black Community has been saying the moon landings were faked for 50 years.
Youtube will ban any viewpoints, news or even statistics they don't like:

The Black Community has been saying the moon landings were faked for 50 years.

That the moon landings were faked is one of the least convincing conspiracy theories there is. For one the spacecrafts were tracked by astronomers around the world. The Soviet Union certainly tracked them and if it were faked they would have proclaimed it.

Today they can even take pictures of the landing sites and can even see the American flags on the surface.

It sounds like communist propaganda. The communists always try to denigrate the achievements of Western civilization. Also people spread it because they want to make money.
That the moon landings were faked is one of the least convincing conspiracy theories there is. For one the spacecrafts were tracked by astronomers around the world. The Soviet Union certainly tracked them and if it were faked they would have proclaimed it.

Today they can even take pictures of the landing sites and can even see the American flags on the surface.

It sounds like communist propaganda. The communists always try to denigrate the achievements of Western civilization. Also people spread it because they want to make money.
Im sure the (((black community))) has both the intellect and the microphone large enough to say this. What in the world happened to critical thinking? When the **** hits the fan i’m just as scared of the right as the stupid weak left. This will be such a giant shitshow after the Trump rally’s, unlike anything in recent decades.
Interestingly, the removal of the statue of John C. Calhoun in Charleston, SC was done by a White Co. with all White workers from the photos I've seen with many black on lookers present. I guess they couldn't find a black owned company to do the job. The statue is supposed to be re-erected somewhere else I think. I would guess the same outfit would do that as well. What is it blacks can actually do in this day and age?
Walter Football has a feature Jerks of the Week. The 6-22 edition is about the denizens of CHAZ. He's not a fan.

It’s funny that his scathing critique of CHOP (formerly known as CHAZ) sounds like it could be written by a member of this forum. Then when it comes to football, he’s a total cuck. I suppose he could be an “I don’t even see race” conservative.
Wise advice for when, not if, the stuff hits the fan (unless you as a White want to cuck the rest of your life and be miserable):
I saw this the other day I like his attitude!
Yes indeed. He has some good vids on youtube.

I have always been a loner (even when married) and a black sheep but this guy also states the importance of knowing you have to be prepared and you have to live with yourself and your own choices. We can be our own worst enemy sometimes. You have to look at yourself in the mirror and honestly know you stood your ground and didn't cave in. Sometimes we all do but the important thing is to forgive yourself, stay in harmony with God and hit the ground running and learn from where we fail.
Very good short but powerful video posted by FBU for sure. We're very close to where White Americans, "deplorables," however you want to label it, are going to have to leave the comfort zones they've maintained for so long if they want to survive. What he says about networking is spot on. It can no longer be done by renting motel and hotel rooms, but it can be done in other ways, as simply pontificating anonymously on the internet falls way way short of changing what's going on in real life, as has been made abundantly clear the past few years.
Ever notice how in sports other than the NFL/NBA casual fans will call black competitors as "one of a kind athletes" "great athletes" or "physically great/superior" or any other nonsense descriptors even when they are not such as in the case of Deontay Wilder or Francis Ngasoutnnou who are beyond punching power mediocre athletes, it's very annoying. Although Ngannou has had considerable success due to the UFC heavyweight division's relative lack of depth beyond the top 2. It may be inherited from the commentary of people like Joe Rogan...
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One of the most interesting things today is the deterioration of all abilities to do anything - ANYTHING. That means from the simplest thing like tying of shoes to the most complex and everything in between. But most of all I think is the isolation of people from each other. This isolation began quite a few years before this current madness. It's all fascinating to watch by a person such as myself who led/leads his life strictly according to what is logical and what is illogical. If something is logical, then proceed. If it's illogical, then don't. Nothing simpler than that. When I was a boy and played football in HS, our coach said to us, "We're going to find a play that works and keep doing it until they stop it. Then we'll find something else that works." That sounded pretty logical to us so that's the way we all proceeded. Not these days, as soon as something works well for the public, our "leadership" fishes around to replace it with something that doesn't work or at least works against the best interests of the public. Very Fascinating time to live.
When I was a boy and played football in HS, our coach said to us, "We're going to find a play that works and keep doing it until they stop it. Then we'll find something else that works." That sounded pretty logical to us so that's the way we all proceeded. Not these days, as soon as something works well for the public, our "leadership" fishes around to replace it with something that doesn't work or at least works against the best interests of the public.

One of the things the liberals keep talking about is "innovation" in education. We don't need "innovation." What we had was working very well. We should have kept doing it.

But the liberals wanted to change the educational system. They succeeded in destroying it.
I bought a hand crank pencil sharpener made in China. It kept breaking my pencils.

So I bought a vintage 1950s pencil sharpener off the internet. It works like a charm.

Chinese products are worthless junk. American made products from over 60 years ago are still better than what the Chinese are making today.
One of the things the liberals keep talking about is "innovation" in education. We don't need "innovation." What we had was working very well. We should have kept doing it.

But the liberals wanted to change the educational system. They succeeded in destroying it.

Innovation is necessary because of the race gap. What was "working" was only working for White people. So they have to keep tinkering around in the hope that they find something that defies what seems an immutable rule of intelligence.
I just watched the Twilight Zone episode called The Obsolete man. It stars Burgess Meredith as a librarian who who condemned to death because the state regards him as "obsolete."

This is what is in store for white people if they don't start standing up for themselves.
Meredith was also in the classic called "Time Enough At Last" where he plays a bookworm trying to slip in minutes during the day where he can read in peace. His mean spirited bitch of a wife won't have it and tortures him by ripping out pages. But some nuclear event wipes out everyone except the library is left in tact so he has all the time in the world to read to his heart's content. But just as he was settling in being extremely far sighted he accidentally breaks his glasses and can't read without them.

Pretty much sums up life. Like one of those sexy dreams where you are just about to have sex with a gorgeous woman and at the most crucial moment you wake up.
I drove through some neighborhoods today, not an exhaustive search by any means, but saw no parties, no family gatherings, no signs of life anywhere. Reminded me of what a drab, scared, sad place Amerika has become under totalitarian communism, especially in view of the events of the past several months. But starting about 9 pm est and still going as I write this, fireworks are going off all over the place. Not sure what it means but I view it as a hopeful sign. I yelled "freedom" as loud as I could and got a response from those within hearing distance.
American Freedom News