mike hass is doomed :(

I agree completely with you, Sark. That was a completely dumb and senseless statement and anyone visiting this site will think of it as a racist site. And being racist(not accusing anyone here, although surely there are some out there) is being a total hypocrite if you're willing to complain about the caste system. And if we honestly want to get this message out there, that whites are discriminated against in sports, well, it's never going to happen if we come across as radical or ignorant ********.

Back to Hass, I won't be surprised if he gets action at the 4th receiver spot. Mark Bradley is bound to get injured at some point and I doubt Hester will be in at WR every down.
Absolute truth by any objective measure? So if sub-Saharan Africa was left to its own means it would never develop technology on par with Europeans? You can theorize that it might have taken longer, or that it would be unlikely, but to claim that it is completely certain they would not have developed is absurd.

Technological development is not unique to whites either. The Middle East and Persia specifically is home to numerous medicinal and mathematical innovations that Europeans admired and adhered to in the Middle Ages. These formed the foundation for many modern technologies and theories.

I only mention my posting because I strongly believe there is discrimination and stereotyping against whites in the NFL. So it would stand to reason that I would post a lot on the only site that acknowledges it, wouldn't it? Instead, I have nearly ceased posting because some of you guys can't keep your racist/radical comments to yourself, much less have an open mind. Great way to grow the site guys!
We went through this a couple of months ago. The site administrator and the moderators are responsible for "policing" this board. In case you haven't noticed, whites are also criticized and insulted on a regular basis here. Caste Football is not and never will be a site forthe many peoplewho believe blacks and all other non-whites should never be criticized.Observations about individuals and groups are made here and many are not flattering.In the lexicon of pc, some are "hurtful" and "insensitive." In other words we will never satisfy "anti-racists" and aren't interested in trying to do so.

We have guidelines. There have been posters who don't think CF is "radical" enough and no longer post here. Maybe now and then a regular poster will "go too far"in a post or two. So what, this place is also a safety valve.Whites are beaten down every single day through the media and the education system, and never once is anything positive about whites allowed to be said or written. Never. Anyone who has even the slightestawareness of what's going onin society should be impressed at the restraint and civility that reigns here.

As I've written before, if you're comfortable here, post here. If not, don't. If you have a complaint with a post or poster the proper procedure is to either pm the poster himself or pm the administrator or a moderator with your complaint or suggestion. I have a hard time believing that someone who is truly interested in "growing the site" also has no qualms about ruining prime threads by trying to push his personal standards on everyone else, with the back and forth, off-the-subject arguing that inevitably follows.
I agree for the most part with Sark, but I have decided to stop trying to police b/c it doesn't do any good.

Everyone has heard my belief already that I believe the differences between the races are smaller than most on this site, although I believe they do exist which means I'm not PC. If there were no differences at all what fun would be the Olympics.

So Olympic fans must be racist like us also right,
(sarcasm). I believe that circumstances, a cultures location (cultural diffusion and resources) and beliefs as well as their desire for change and progress are bigger differences than intelligence.

Japan modernized pretty fast when they decided that they didn't want to get colonized or overtaken by the West and had the government structure in place to do it. As far as sacrificing animals or people to the Gods. Pagans in Europe did this also in pre-civilization days. Religious sacrificing is even in the Bible when God asks Abraham to sacrifice his son and then God stops Abraham's hand...the Old Testament is weird which is why I like the New one better. Being that I'm a Christian I should.Edited by: ToughJ.Riggins
Getting back to Hass...I don't think you are wrong Lumsden at all. Hass's hands may be the best in the league. The only other guy I can think of is maybe Issac Bruce who is a lot like Hass in other ways also. Hines Ward is another active player with real good hands I'm pretty sure.Edited by: ToughJ.Riggins
Harrison is like Hass(ok Marvin is more fast ), they are both great route runner and excellent catcherEdited by: lumsdenpower
Congrats to Mike Hass on making the team. Hopefully Hass can now work his way up the depth chart and have a productive season. Then maybe we can change the title of this thread.
Don Wassall said:
We went through this a couple of months ago. The site administrator and the moderators are responsible for "policing" this board. In case you haven't noticed, whites are also criticized and insulted on a regular basis here. Caste Football is not and never will be a site for the many people who believe blacks and all other non-whites should never be criticized. Observations about individuals and groups are made here and many are not flattering. In the lexicon of pc, some are "hurtful" and "insensitive." In other words we will never satisfy "anti-racists" and aren't interested in trying to do so.

We have guidelines. There have been posters who don't think CF is "radical" enough and no longer post here. Maybe now and then a regular poster will "go too far" in a post or two. So what, this place is also a safety valve. Whites are beaten down every single day through the media and the education system, and never once is anything positive about whites allowed to be said or written. Never. Anyone who has even the slightest awareness of what's going on in society should be impressed at the restraint and civility that reigns here.

As I've written before, if you're comfortable here, post here. If not, don't. If you have a complaint with a post or poster the proper procedure is to either pm the poster himself or pm the administrator or a moderator with your complaint or suggestion. I have a hard time believing that someone who is truly interested in "growing the site" also has no qualms about ruining prime threads by trying to push his personal standards on everyone else, with the back and forth, off-the-subject arguing that inevitably follows.

I was hoping for a positive resolution. Delete my account, I am not comfortable posting here.

Delete your own account.
Sark6354201 said:
Don Wassall said:
We went through this a couple of months ago. The site administrator and the moderators are responsible for "policing" this board. In case you haven't noticed, whites are also criticized and insulted on a regular basis here. Caste Football is not and never will be a site for the many people who believe blacks and all other non-whites should never be criticized. Observations about individuals and groups are made here and many are not flattering. In the lexicon of pc, some are "hurtful" and "insensitive." In other words we will never satisfy "anti-racists" and aren't interested in trying to do so.

We have guidelines. There have been posters who don't think CF is "radical" enough and no longer post here. Maybe now and then a regular poster will "go too far" in a post or two. So what, this place is also a safety valve. Whites are beaten down every single day through the media and the education system, and never once is anything positive about whites allowed to be said or written. Never. Anyone who has even the slightest awareness of what's going on in society should be impressed at the restraint and civility that reigns here.

As I've written before, if you're comfortable here, post here. If not, don't. If you have a complaint with a post or poster the proper procedure is to either pm the poster himself or pm the administrator or a moderator with your complaint or suggestion. I have a hard time believing that someone who is truly interested in "growing the site" also has no qualms about ruining prime threads by trying to push his personal standards on everyone else, with the back and forth, off-the-subject arguing that inevitably follows.

I was hoping for a positive resolution. Delete my account, I am not comfortable posting here.

Sark6354201 said:
I was hoping for a positive resolution. Delete my account, I am not comfortable posting here.


Unless your name is Sark6354201, why are you uncomfortable posting here? No one knows who you are anyway. Just stop posting.
As far as I can tell, I can't delete my own account.

It's more symbolic of my disgust more than anything. I know its easy to delete accounts. If you don't want to, it's not a big deal, heck, what am I supposed to do, force you?

@jaxvid Frankly, I'm surprised you even responded to my post. You ignored my other post pointing out your idiocy. I guess it's easy to live in your own world when you ignore the real one.
Stop being a drama queen. Just stop posting or post once in a while. If I see a topic I don't feel comfortable with I don't post on it. A few times I felt like throwing up my hands on some outrageous comments here, but this isn't my site, so it's up to Don or whomever is the moderator to police these site. I have a feeling some posters take themselves way too seriously.......
Sark6354201 said:
As far as I can tell, I can't delete my own account.

It's more symbolic of my disgust more than anything. I know its easy to delete accounts. If you don't want to, it's not a big deal, heck, what am I supposed to do, force you?

@jaxvid Frankly, I'm surprised you even responded to my post. You ignored my other post pointing out your idiocy. I guess it's easy to live in your own world when you ignore the real one.

If you can't delete your own account then too bad. You're stuck here. When the PC police come for us all they'll get you too Sark6354201! Unless they mistake you for Sark6354202.

As for why I did not reply to your post the reason is simple, as Don mentioned we have gone over this a few times and I did not want to drag this thread away from the subject matter. However, since you have decided to revisit it I will answer you, but not here, but in the Happy Hour thread.
jaxvid said:
When the PC police come for us all they'll get you too Sark6354201!

I don't think so.He's one of them.Edited by: Bart
crap article on how Mike is "slow" and an overachiever.... cmon the guy try to support and root for mike but just can't seem to not down his abilities, he also fail to says this the guy was a biletnikof winner, strange since this is one of the only positive thing the media are capable of saying about mike.

Glad to see that Mike is very confident in himself though.
This was supposed to be a forum discussing the blatant reverse-racism and double-standards against Hass...and it's been turned into a pity-party for Sark.

If your feelings have been hurt by some comments made by a poster at CF concerning racial slandering, just know that my feelings have been hurt tremendously as well. Why? Athletics have always been a mirror of the society in which it's played. Every time I watch the news, sports, and TV, I see a country that is slipping away from those who've earned the right to possess it...and for what reason? All because of white guilt for a crime we never committed in the first place.

If you ask me, it's idiotic, apathetic white people who are the real enemy here. WE could take this country, and the world, back in our deserving hands in a matter of a few short years. Is that statement "radical" or "extreme" enough for all of you? But then again, you didn't ask me!

Mike Hass will definitely see the field this season, mostly on special teams. I KNOW for sure he'll get at least 5-10 receptions. I can't believe we're having this discussion; he should be a legitimate #2 somewhere in this increasingly mediocre league. Good luck Mike, keep fighting!
As a Bears fan I will make a bold prediction here. Mike Hass will be the teams 4th WR by the end of the season. Why? because he has talent and the Bears WR corps is truly not all that it is cracked up to be besides Berrian, who I am still not convinced is a number 1 reciever in the NFL (even by the caste speedy black straight line runner with hands of stone classification). Berrian is a good reciever, Moose is old and hasn't looked anything like he was in Carolina, Bradley has no guts and Davis is a miniscule 5-9 who is not overly fast and who has a tendency to disappear during games. By attrition alone Hass should see some game time when the corps doesn't produce like they should. There were times last year when Rex Grossman looked desperate for anyone to step up when teams concentrated their efforts on Berrian. Nobody really did much to take off the pressure including Moose. If they get Hass in a game he will go to him.
In a perfect and fair world, hass would be a STARTER on the bears, berrian the speed guy, hester in the slot and hass as the sure handed #2. I think he would be just as effective as TJ whatever the fu*k his name is on the bengles..lol
The Bears WRs were pretty much invisible yesterday other than Berrian. Muhammad had 1 catch for 7 yards. Maybe he's washed up. The fans were booing Rex Grossman again (big surprise there). Willdesperation force the Bearstostart usingone of the best receivers in college football history?
Bears | Ball re-signed to practice squad
Fri, 21 Sep 2007 10:25:30 -0700

The Sports Network reports the Chicago Bears re-signed WR David Ball to the practice squad.

so he's back on a practice squad... obvously he's wasting his time, Bears still didn't activate Hass, let alone throw to him and there's no way they would have two white receivers on the same team, not this season nor next.
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