Michael Vick

ESPN Insider Jeremy Green:
I was with Kelly Holcomb in Cleveland, and in the five years we were there, he never stayed healthy when he was asked to come in and play over an extended period of time.

So in other words, no matter how good he plays, Holcomb is eventually traded because of injury.

Yet, out of the 69 games the Falcons have played since Vick arrived, he has played in 47 of those, and started only 40. Michael Vick has started for the Falcons in 57% of their games! Anyone here think HE is in any danger of being traded?
Has anyone noticed how often the phrase "the Vick-less Falcons" has
been used by announcers and analysts? God almighty, I have
not seen one single solitary headline that didn't say Vick-less in
it. You'd think the Falcons didn't even have a back-up
quarterback (God knows they don't have a starter).

I think Southern Knight is right, Vick will get hurt again this season...he is very injury prone.
I can't wait to start using the phrase "Vick- less NFL." I might start rooting for the Falcons again when that happens.
The Falcons are the only team in the nfl without a timeing passing attack. Most Qbs take their drop and throw the ball to the wear the receaver will be before he makes his break. Vick holds the ball to after the recever has made his break and is open then throws a rocketball that cant be caught. The Falcons claiming they have a west cost offence is a joke. The west coast offence is about timeing something vick doesent have. When I watch the falcons i see the same offence my high school team uses. By the way I an a huge falcons fan.
kevin said:
I can't wait to start using the phrase "Vick- less NFL." I
might start rooting for the Falcons again when that happens.

Ufortunately the NFL is waiting like an expectant mother fo
MARCUS in the RUTURN of SUPER VICK, so don't start celebrating
yet. We will have to go through at least six years of brother
VICK as the second " Most dangerous weapon in football."
Latest ESPN news on the Superstar:

Michael Vick said he expects to play Sunday against New Orleans after his sprained right knee held up in Wednesday's practice.

"I heal pretty fast," said the Falcons' quarterback, who missed last week's game against New England.

Not hard to heal fast when you're not all the seriously injured to begin with. Sometimes I think studs like Vick leave games in which they think their team will lose so they won't carry the responsibility of the loss. "If only I hadn't got hurt man, we'da WON that game!"

Though second-year backup Matt Schaub threw three touchdown passes with no interceptions against the Patriots, the Falcons continue to lean on Vick for wins. Coach Jim Mora said he was anxious for Vick's return.

"I've only been here for three games that he hasn't started, and we're 0-3 in them," Mora said.

How long has Mora been there again? Did he start coaching this season?

And finally, this tidbit, which fuels guys like Cowturd and all the other EPSN Vicknuthuggers:

Vick ranks fourth among active quarterbacks in regular-season winning percentage. In Vick's starts, the Falcons are 26-13-1 in regular-season games. It is the best winning percentage of Atlanta quarterbacks with 20 or more starts.

How many Atlanta quarterbacks have 20 or more starts? Is this like coming in first in a contest of one? Anybody know off the top of their head? I'm tired of doing research on this guy.
The Falcons, one of the worst pro franchises ever, are in their 40th NFL season and have yet to have back to back winning seasons, so Vick isn't going to have much competition in the winning percentage category, just as Mora is undoubtedly the winningest head coach in Atlanta history after just one and a third seasons. The Steelers were winning division championships when Kordell Stewart was their quarterback, and he was one of the worst starting QBs in league history with 20 or more starts no matter the team's won-loss percentage. If Vick doesn't improve a lot, his luck in regular season games will run out.

The Vick-lovers must think Atlanta would have beaten New England last week with The One playing instead of Schaub. My opinion is that New England would have won by a healthy margin.
I liked the solid black jerseys and the falcon logo sans red trim better.

I just want to weigh in on this: those mid 1990s black Falcons uniforms (aka Raiders rip-offs) are probably my #2 favorite all time. (#1 being old style Seattle Seahawks) Not only that but they are from the era when the Falcons actually once had some good teams like the one year (1991?) they had Deion Sanders, Andre Rison, Tim Mckyer, and Chris Miller, that was a good team.
From SI.com.

- Falcons QB Matt Schaub has more games with three or more touchdown passes than teammate Michael Vick. Schaub threw three TDs against the Patriots Sunday in his third NFL start. Vick has never thrown three TD passes in a game in 44 NFL starts.
The Vick-lovers must think Atlanta would have beaten New England last week with The One playing instead of Schaub. My opinion is that New England would have won by a healthy margin.

In discussing this game with co-workers, I said the only way that the Falcons would win this game were if Schaub were playing. They almost pulled it off. I feel, as you do Don, that had Vick been in the game it would have been a blow out.

Thats also why I think Vick "pulled" a hammy. I think guys like him get "hurt" when they think their team has a good chance of losing, in order to avoid any responsibility of the loss.
you guys are over the top by suggesting vick did not want to play the patriots.

but your numbers on schaub and finneran are devastating to vick. i had no idea those were true. you should go more public with the 100 yard receiver and 3 touchdown figures.
I think that Mora may have had something to do with this also. With Atlanta having a realistic shot of going to the Super Bowl, Mora may not have wanted the Patriots to play against Vick and be able to use that experience against them in the Super Bowl if they were to meet.
The only way Vick and the Falcons are going to the Superbowl is with
"help" from the league, period.

It's possible that Vick might have wanted to sit out against the Patriots,
but I'm more inclined to think that he believes his own press clippings.
Then again, the Falcons were facing the true best QB in the league.
you should go more public with the 100 yard receiver and 3 touchdown figures.

Whats with the "you" stuff? Aren't you a member of caste football, too?

Who should go more public, and what does "more public" mean? These figures were pulled from ESPN and SI.com. I don't know how to get more public than that, and secondly, it hardly matters to the powers that be that Vick actually blows as a quarterback anyway.

Do you agree or disagree that Vick is injury prone? Is he like some kinda elite racehorse that can't run unless he is 100%? Well, he at least said as much himself last year. "I'm not going on that field unless I'm 100%." I'm glad Brett Favre doesn't think that way.
Vick ranks fourth among active quarterbacks in regular-season winning percentage. In Vick's starts, the Falcons are 26-13-1 in regular-season games. It is the best winning percentage of Atlanta quarterbacks with 20 or more starts.

quotes like this always crack me up. Jay Fiedler had a high winning percentage too, but that doesn't make him a good quarterback. In fact, he was probably the most PISS POOR starting QB the Dolphins ever had. The Dolphins won IN SPITE of Fiedler, not because of him

But getting back to the subject at hand, Vick is in the same class as Fiedler (the only difference being that Vick has a better arm, but with the same lack of accuracy) If he were white, he would have been benched a long time ago.... wait a minute, scratch that, because he wouldn't have even made it in the NFL (see: Eric Crouch) Typical double standards regarding race. You know, I never cheer for a player to get hurt, but if it has to come down to that in order for white QB's like Matt Schaub and Billy Volek to have their chance to shine, then so be it. I'm tired of watching crappy performances by sub-par black QB's who were only put in that position to begin with because of their athletic ability, not their quarterbacking skills.
Falcons score 31 on the Saints and win. Their QB's contribution to the game:

M. Vick ATT/COM 11/23; YDS 112; AVG 4.9; TD 1; INT 1.

Rushing 8 ATT, 51 YDS 6.4 AVG, 0 TD, 12 Longest

So, in all Vick contributed 163 yards and 1 TD, as well as one turnover. Did the Falcons win because of him or in spite of him? These numbers are quite pedestrian for the most hyped QB in the league.
"Vick ranks fourth among active quarterbacks in regular-season winning
percentage. In Vick's starts, the Falcons are 26-13-1 in regular-season
games. It is the best winning percentage of Atlanta quarterbacks with
20 or more starts."

"Winning percentage" for an individual in a team sport is the most
ridiculous and meaningless statistic. Crediting "wins" and
"losses" to quarterbacks -- as though they are analogous to baseball
pitchers -- seems to be a trend only of the last 10 years or so.
The Falcons' recent success has nothing whatsoever to do with St.
Vick. They have enjoyed some moderate success because of a solid
defense and a competent running game. Dunn and Duckett are
complementary backs (one a slasher, the other a bruiser), and the
'Coons White-friendly defense plays with heart and enthusiasm, and they
can overcome the lousy QB play.

Win-loss percentage is misleading in a baseball context, but it's
positively absurd in a football context. Roger Clemens won only
13 games this regular-season, despite leading the league in ERA,
because Houston's offensive lineup was anemic. The "losses"
weren't really his fault. And the Falcons' "wins" have absolutely
nothing to do with Vick.

Today's NFL is geared toward passing, and any competent QB should be
able to "autopilot" to 200 yards pasing. The fact that Vick
routinely fails to reach 200 yards suggests that he is every bit the
BUST that more and more people are saying he is. (I'm talking
about street-level fans, of course; the media still worship the
jockstraps he sweats through).
One wonders how good a team the Falcons might be without Vick running the offense, if they're this "good" with him.
I think Matt Schaubs stellar performance proves once and for all that the falcons have succeeded IN SPITE of Vick, not because of him. In one game Schaub performed better and ran the west coast offense better than Vick has in his entire 3 year tenure as a starter. That speaks volumes about who truly is the better quarterback. I wish there were something I could do to start to inspire my fellow Georgians who attend atlanta falcons games to boo mercilessly every time St Vick makes a poor play. If we as fans can somehow speak our voice, it will let the NFL know that we will not be forcefed crap anymore by the social engineers that control all of the major league sports here in America. I dont know how far this would go, but I think its a step in the right direction
I don't know that we need reduce to grande conspiracy theories of social engineering in the cases of VICK and others like him. I haven't been to ATL recently, but I seem to recall there being a lot of Black people there...as is much the case with Philadelphia. In the case of JAX, Florida is becoming increasingly "minority" (so to speak), so it's not so surprising that one might quantify a "minority" QB as a viable promotional element in attempting to get Hispanic and Black asses into seats. Of course WAS will be ushering in a Black QB soon enough I'm sure. Been to a Wizards or 76ers or Heat game recently? Ever notice the UTAH JAZZ keep upwards of 6+ Whites on their 12-man roster? Ever watch 'Friends' episodes on syndication and notice all the commercials feature whiter-than-white shiny people? Not even the odd 'soul-flava' KFC advert? That's just demographic profiling people, not some 'zoroastrian occupational government'.... Edited by: JerveyGotGypped
Hey Jerve, you need to check out the threads in Happy Hour and Media Racism and Stereotyping, if you think these comments had anything to say about the 'zoroastrian occupational government.'
I'm no dunce...I've read enough threads on this boardto know where this argument ultimately reduces...let's do the math:

anti-white racism::corporate sport media::social engineering::eek:ccupational de-facto government

You can throw in Mk-Ultra and Alien Lizards and ARYAN yadda yadda yadda where you see fit...

How come I don't see a thread hagiography for Dat NGUYEN? I, for one,like NGUYEN because he is, as much as THOMAS or URLACHER, very much an icon of American ideals. I'm not Asian, and have no vested 'racial pride' in the guy, but how can you not love a little dude with brains and toughness who's no doubt faced more racially-motivated discrimination than just about any Whitewho's recently competedin the NFL? With the exception of JERVEY, of course, who got a raw-ass deal.
JerveyGotGypped said:
I don't know that we need reduce to grande conspiracy theories of social engineering in the cases of VICK and others like him. I haven't been to ATL recently, but I seem to recall there being a lot of Black people there...as is much the case with Philadelphia. In the case of JAX, Florida is becoming increasingly "minority" (so to speak), so it's not so surprising that one might quantify a "minority" QB as a viable promotional element in attempting to get Hispanic and Black asses into seats. Of course WAS will be ushering in a Black QB soon enough I'm sure. Been to a Wizards or 76ers or Heat game recently? Ever notice the UTAH JAZZ keep upwards of 6+ Whites on their 12-man roster? Ever watch 'Friends' episodes on syndication and notice all the commercials feature whiter-than-white shiny people? Not even the odd 'soul-flava' KFC advert? That's just demographic profiling people, not some 'zoroastrian occupational government'....

The NFL wasn't having any trouble filling stadiums long before the Caste System took effect. And since the advent of it, whites remain about 99% of those attending sports events, whether in Utah or Atlanta and Jacksonville. If the NFL marketed its product based on the demographics of its fan base it would be as white as the NHL.

BTW, those "soul flava" and integrated commercials are ubiquitous no matter what the show. Black supremacy in sports and multiculturalism in everything else is forced down Americans' throats 24/7, whether it's a football game, the local news, or just about any movie or television. It's not some wild conspiracy theory, it's done because it's in the economic and ideological interests of the coalition which runs things.
Jerve, what say you of all the black players for the the Minnesota Vikings and Green Bay Packers? I don't think anyone here was implying that there was an organized conspiracy. But it's also not simple demographic profiling. In addition, it is also inaccurate to say that Atlanta has a black QB because Atlanta is mostly black. Even in Atlanta the fans in the stands are overwhelmingly white just like in Minnesota.
The stereotyping of whites as unathletic is just a lie that the PC media has been telling (no conspiracy) for so long that people treat it as fact and woe to those who will say anything differently.
And what difference does it make if it is a conspiracy we are here because we want to cheer white people, not over achieving asians, let them get their own website. Nothing wrong with cheering your own on, if you don't want to fine with me but don't rain on my parade!
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