Michael Vick

My opinion of VIck is that he wont last to be 30 in the NFL. I can't believe the hits this guy takes. Every game I watch he gets crushed. Don't mistake this comment as promoting him, just an observation.
I agree KJV1, he is getting up slower and slower from those hits. He'll be lucky if he lasts 5 more years.
It's pretty fair to say at this point that the Falcons win IN SPITE OF
VICK and not because of him. I was just over at NFL.com looking at
the passer rating standings and Vick is next to last with a rating of
63. If it weren't for Bears rookie Kyle Orton breaking his fall
Vick would be dead last in the league in passer rating. I guess
100 million dollars doesn't buy what it used to.
Edited by: Poacher
The H.M.S. Vick is taking on water and I fear she is lost.

Vick-mania is now a national phenomena but not a local one. We
here in Dixie get to watch this train-wreck on a weekly basis and you
can't fool the first-hand observers. Vick's honeymoon is over in

Something you NEVER hear about -- for Vick, the Falcons traded their
most popular player (Tim Dwight) plus the draft picks that became Drew
Brees and LaDanian Tomlinson. Tomlinson is the player that most
people now consider to be the most potent offensive weapon in the
league. And Brees is twice the QB that Vick could ever dream of

As for St. Vick's 2 touchdowns against the Jets, I truly believe that
the 'Coons' coaching staff allowed Vick to run them in from 1-yard out
to make him look better. Without those TDs, Vick's performance
would have been worse than that of a 41 year old Greek fella who had
been out of the league for several years.
The only thing they can say about him, with any accuracy, is that he is a "winner." Of course, it's always ridiculous to call a QB a "winner." Football is a team sport, and no one player is capable of "winning" any games.

So true! Vick can't pass... but he is a winner!

Already in this thread someone has mentioned Trent Dilfer... and he is a winner too!! He has a super-bowl ring! (and I have NOTHING against Trent Dilfer and as a Seahawks Fan really like the guy for the 2-3 years he put in as a back-up... but one must be realistic)

They were both whining about the fans complaining that Vick is a lousy quarterback. The reporter said thats all that they're discussing on local talk radio.

I have thought for awhile that the first few chinks (no offense to our Chinese lurkerers!) in Vicks armor would be heard in Sports Talk. These guys have to fill time for 24/7 so it is very hard for them to contain a slew of callers calling in to complain about Vick. Also, in general, it seems that Sports Talk has gotten much more popular recently, as people disenchanted with the constant Rah Rahing from 'Pills' Limbaugh look out their car window at the local hispanic barrio and proceed to turn the dial to listen to something else during their commute to work.

In fact I think that Tigger Woods 'fall from grace' may have started from Sports Talk callers calling in to complain about him. (or more accurately the hype around him)
I went to play basketball at the gym tonight and some blacks were having a conversation about michael vick. Suprisingly, I heard one mention that he was "overhyped" and "not that good a passer". The argument went back and forth for a few seconds and they asked me what I thought as if it would decide their argument. I simply stated, he's the second lowest rated passer in the league. They were satisfied with the answer but a little surprised. A white teenager was listening in and he was the one who was angered by what I had to say ,as if I had just told him santa claus wasn't real or something. So sad.
There is an interesting dynamic to the local discourse about Vick --
strangely, blacks in Atlanta are FAR more likely to criticize St. Vick
than are whites (who are much more likely to lavish praise upon Him).

It's like living in Bizarro World : on a local sports-talk radio
call-in show this afternoon, a black caller said, essentially, that
Vick sucks, his numbers prove this, and Kerry Collins (!) is a much
better QB. The bootlicking White co-hosts would not stand to
listen to their beloved St. Vick blasphemed in such a manner. (For the record, Kerry Collins is ranked 12th in the league in passer rating; Vick is second-to-last)</span>.

I think the double-shot of political correctness and racial self-hatred
are so ingrained in Whites that many of us can no longer even speak the
truth about blacks when they fail at sports, which is the ONLY thing in which blacks ever excel!</span>

If the bruthas </span>can see that Vick blows, what's wrong with Whitey?
Southern Knight I live in Atlanta to and i noticed the same thing. I was walking into the dome I over heard a group of guys talking about vick not playingvs. the Patriots. The one black guy was the only one who said the Falcons had a chance. White people are scared to criticize any black. Living in Atlanta you have to hear about Vick every day.
Did anyone watch the NFL Today pregame show (CBS) , on Sunday? They had a segment on "Michael Vick-impersonating a quarterback" or something to that effect.Surprisingly the segment was bringing attention to Vicks poor performance mainly his passing ability.When it came time to comment, Shannon Sharpe was first-He couldn't bring himself to say one negative thing aboutSt. Michael, he basically said"the guy knows how to win" and "stats don't matter" just look at the Falcons record when he is playing. Next came Dan Marino- he wanted to say something negative about St. Michael,you could see it in his eyes, but pretty much said Vick needs to be alot better in the pocket in order to be complete. Up next was Phil Simms, I can't remember what he exactly said, it was something to the effect that he totally disagrees with both Sharpe and Marino,and that he was going to be blunt about it. Right after he said that and before he could go any further, that knucklehead Greg Gumbel cut him off and ended the segment. Edited by: KJV1
Well, it's official, I was just over at NFL.com and Vick is now the LOWEST RATED PASSER IN THE LEAGUE.

KJV1 said:
Up next was Phil Simms, I can't remember what he exactly said, it was something to the effect that he totally disagrees with both Sharpe and Marino,and that he was going to be blunt about it. Right after he said that and before he could go any further, that knucklehead Greg Gumbel cut him off and ended the segment.

If Phil Simms is the most "daring" of the Caste System's announcers we're really in trouble! I can't remember him ever deviating from the company linewith his comments during a game.
Interesting analysis of Vick four years ago by Bill Walsh, Phil Simms, Steve Young and James Harris. Guess which one was way off the mark as of this date.


Great article, Bart. James' Harris opinion is so different from the other three that it makes me wonder if he is black.
Michael St. Vick! That is hilarious!

I'm glad he's the lowest rated passer. He can't last much longer if he keeps that up!
Falcons head coach Jim Mora Jr. outdoes himself, even for the Caste System, in waxing poetic in this appraisal of St. Michael, as quoted in the currentSporting News:

"What makes him so spectacular is that he is such a dual threat. When he gets in the open field, he presents such unique problems for defenses. He's a great talent. . . He's ingenious. He's different. He's creating his own mold for greatness as a quarterback. When you watched Michael Jordan play basketball and he pulled up and hit those jumpers to win games, I used to get goose bumps. I made my 5-year-old watch Michael Jordan's last game. I said, 'You're going to watch Michael Jordan's last basketball game because this guy. . . you're never going to see it again.' It's the same with Mike Vick. He does things you'll never see again."
"He's ingenious."! "He's creating his own mold for greatness as a quarterback."! If you tried to come up with a parody of Vick worship you could not do any better than this stuff. Why do I think that when it comes to watching black athletes Mora is getting a little more than just "goose bumps".
Today's post-game press conference had these highlights from Vick:

"People say I can't throw the ball from the pocket. I had to show them," Vick said. "From here on out, I don't want to hear that question -- if I can throw from the pocket." I want people to praise me," Vick said. "If I'm winning games, don't criticize me. That's all I'm saying."

ESPN's notes on the game:

Working primarily from the pocket, Vick went 22-for-31 for a season-high 228 yards. He threw one touchdown pass and had another dropped while directing four drives of more than 70 yards.

The dropped TD pass they refer to was mishandled by Brian Finneran in the corner of the end zone. The DB jumped early and covered the flight of the ball. Finneran had to jump to reach it, and the ball bounced off the ends of his outstretched hands. I know, because I watched this game, which was selected for national television solely because of the media love-fest with Mike Vick.

And finally, Zach Thomas had this to say concerning the Magical Michael Vick:

Dolphins linebacker Zach Thomas said he couldn't understand the knocks on Vick, who had netted a total of 211 yards passing in the past two games.

"Stats are overrated," Thomas said. "All we talked about all week was Michael Vick -- that tells you how good he is. I don't know why they're so hard on him. He's a heck of a quarterback."

Someone should let Vick know that it takes more than one game, one that was in fact average for most NFL quarterbacks, to make one a pocket passer. If he puts together a string of such games I'll eat my words.

If Vick were white, this team's superstar would be Warrick Dunn. He was shut down today but the offense revolves around him, not Vick.
White Shogun said:
If Vick were white, this team's superstar would be Warrick Dunn. He was shut down today but the offense revolves around him, not Vick.

Dunn should be a superstar. This is a guy that performs brilliantly nearly every time hes on the field, but never says boo to anyone. Hes not constantly talking up his worth and is genuinly quite humble. To top it off he runs his own charity and spends considerable time and money working for that cause. A class act.

Vick did play bettertoday but one game passing like a quaterback doesn't maketh a quaterback.
He was actually angry that anyone would question his ability to pass from the pocket. This from the person who has received far more favorable publicity, relative to what he has accomplished, than any athlete ever, which when you consider all the over-hyped black athletes there have been is really saying something.
"I made my 5-year-old watch Michael Jordan's last game. "

Isn't 5 a little young to be watching professional sports??? Why force a kid at that age to watch something like that when they should be watching Transformers instead. I hope that this Mora kid doesn't get forced into stuff by his dad and turn out to be another Todd Marinovich.

When it comes to the 'new pocket passer Vick 2.0' I guess it is an improvement since Finneran caught some balls and had a TD catch. Hopefully this may mean Finneran will be more involved in the offense in the future. Look for the silver linings!
There is simply no limit to the media's worship of St. Michael.

Entering the weekend, Vick was either dead-last or second-to-last in passer ratings, and he is allowed to express his</span> displeasure at his critics. (Note: What is miserable jackass he is!</span>) And
the Atlanta Urinal prints that he has "silenced" those critics!
After one decent game, he has silenced his critics.

22-31, 228 yards, 1TD. Nice game, to be sure.
Unspectacular. And those numbers are subpar for P. Manning or
Brady. Let's not forget that St. Michael will get a paycheck
larger than Brady's this week. Vick is one of the highest
paid players in the league and he's "still developing." Carson
Palmer, on the other hand, is lighting up opposing defenses week after
week. Palmer should be the star that Vick is. But Palmer is
too......uh.....you know....pale.</span>
Did anyone catch the announcer's comment that his 112 passing rating
yesterday was "astronomical" and that it would silence his
critics? In a sane world what would an "astronomical" quarterback
rating be?
Peyton Manning led the league last year with a 121.1 rating which qualifies as "astronomical", Rothlisberger is leading right now with 112.4 in a down year for QB ratings so far. Vicks season rating of 70.8 (26th in the league) is truly dismal.
American Freedom News